Jessica A. Maisano
University of Texas at Austin
Jackson School of Geosciences
1 University Station, C-1100
Austin, TX 78712-0254
Jessica A. Maisano is a Research Associate at the
High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility at The University of Texas at Austin. She
received her Ph.D. from Yale in 2000, working with J. Gauthier on postnatal
skeletal development in squamates (lizards, snakes, amphisbaenians). Jessie came
to UT Austin as a postdoctoral fellow on DigiMorph.org, the Digital Library of
Morphology and remains involved with this project. Since 2004 she has been
collaborating with J. Gauthier, M. Kearney, T. Reeder, O. Rieppel, J. Sites, and
J. Wiens on Deep Scaly, the NSF Assembling the Tree of Life project for
squamates. They have scanned approximately 200 living and extinct squamate taxa
for that project, using the same technology employed here for Caprinuloidea
perfecta. Jessie’s research focuses on the skeletal morphology of lizards.
Of particular interest are ‘extra-skeletal’ systems (e.g., osteoderms,
endolymphatic system) and the postnatal development of the skeleton (e.g.,
secondary centers, sesamoids, terminal fusions), which she investigates using a
combination of cleared-and-double-stained specimens and high-res CT.