Leslie F. Noé,
Curator of Natural Sciences
Thinktank, the Birmingham Science Museum
Millennium Point
Curzon Street
Birmingham B4 7XG
United Kingdom
Dr Leslie Noč is Curator of Natural Sciences at Thinktank, the Birmingham
Science Museum. He specialised in sauropterygian marine reptiles of the Jurassic
and Cretaceous, but he has a wide range of interests including, secondary
adaptation to life in water, marine taphonomy and reptilian phylogeny. Leslie
has undertaken a wide range of museum work, lecturing, supervision and
demonstrating at the University of Cambridge and elsewhere.
He has advised the BBC and other media companies and has undertaken and led
field work in Europe, North and South America. His background is in biology,
geology and physical geography. For his PhD he undertook a detailed study of the
Middle Jurassic pliosaur Liopleurodon. |