D. Roopnarine, Curator
Peter D. Roopnarine, Curator
Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Drive
San Francisco CA 94118
Roopnarine is the Curator of Geology and Paleontology at the California Academy
of Sciences. His research interests cover a rambling array of topics, including
mechanisms and community dynamics of extinction, recovery from mass extinction,
models of tempo and mode of evolution in the fossil record, molluscan
paleoecology, and bivalve evolution and systematics. He grew up in Jamaica and
Trinidad, and has also lived in Canada and more states in the USA than he cares
to remember. He has been at the California Academy of Sciences since 1999.
Rhiannon Roopnarine is 7 years old, and considers herself to
be one of the world's most junior paleontologists. She has been collecting
shells, rocks, fossils, twigs, leaves and other natural paraphernalia since the
age of 2. The past two summers she worked as a paid assistant in the
paleontology lab of the California Academy of Sciences, and this summer proved
herself to be a very competent and fearless field assistant. Her other interests
include horses and riding, reptiles (both real and rubber), photography,
mythology, Barbies (and all such dolls), and Survivorman. Her recent
declaration, “I really like math” has warmed her daddy's heart. |