m. Protractor Pterygoidei
m. Levator Pterygoidei
Günther (1867)
not mentioned |
not mentioned |
Osawa (1898) |
not mentioned |
not mentioned |
Edgeworth (1907,
1935) |
referred to as the ?. spheno-pterygo-quadratus? Reported as present in juveniles and usually retained in the adult |
not mentioned |
Versluys (1910,
present in juveniles and usually retained in the adult |
not mentioned |
Adams (1919)
absent |
not mentioned |
Byerly (1925)
not mentioned |
not mentioned |
Lakjer (1926) |
well developed |
reported as absent but seems to have been figured
Lubosch (1933)
not mentioned |
present (but referred to as the "M. levator bulbi ventralis") |
Poglayen-Neuwall (1953)
absent |
present |
Ostrom (1962) |
considered present ?nd functional?in one specimen but absent in another |
present in both specimens examined |
Haas (1973) |
present in one specimen, absent in another |
present in both specimens examined |
Wu (2003) |
present but small |
present |
Peter Johnson personal communication 2008 |
present (on both sides of all 4 specimens examined) |
not mentioned |