Department of Geological Sciences
UCB 399
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0399
Erin Leckey is a doctoral candidate at the University of
Colorado in Boulder. Her research interests involve exploring the ways in which
plants and animals interact with each other and how those interactions change
over geologic time. Her current work examines the evolution of patterns of
herbivory the leaves of western oaks throughout the Neogene, in which she enjoys
mixing paleo- and modern ecological methods. She grew up in Portland, OR and is
a graduate of Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA and the University of
California, Santa Barbara. Erin thinks that the best part about being a
scientist is getting to share the exploration of the natural world with other
Dillon Leckey is 3.25 years old, and enjoys activities that
allow him to expend large amounts of energy and/or pretend to blow things up.
He is very curious about animal behavior and enjoys conducting experiments to
better understand what kinds of poking make his dogs the maddest. He loves
collecting and playing with racecars and anticipates a career engineering
vehicles for racecar transport. His portfolio currently includes a number of
projects involving mobile garages, rocket ships and sailboats. Otherwise, he
would like to be the drummer for AC/DC. |