Appendix 3.
Index of species included in maps, graphs, and tables.
Geographic distribution of the species (Figs. 8-229) |
Vertical abundance profiles (Figs. 230-234) |
Dominant species at different depths (Figs. 235, 236) |
Occurrences of selected species in water column and in sediment samples (Figs. 259-260) |
Comparison of mean species percentages in the water-column and the sediments (Figs. 261-275) |
Interoceanic differences (Table 4) |
Interoceanic differences (Table 5) |
Endemisms (Table 6) |
Acanthodesmia vinculata
Acanthodesmia zonaria
Acanthosphaera actinota
Acanthosphaera castanea
Acanthosphaera dodecastyla
Acanthosphaera pinchuda
Acrobotrys sp. group
Acrosphaera cyrtodon
Acrosphaera murrayana
Acrosphaera spinosa
Actinomma antarcticum
Actinomma arcadophorum
Actinomma capillaceum
Actinomma delicatulum
Actinomma leptodermum
Actinomma medianum
Actinomma sol
Actinomma sp. 1
Actinommidae, family
Actinosphaera acanthophora
Actinosphaera capillacea
Actinosphaera tenella
Amphimelissa setosa
Amphirhopalum ypsilon
Androcyclas gamphonycha
Androspyris huxleyi
Androspyris ramosa
Androspyris reticulodisca
Anomalacantha dentata
Antarctissa denticulata-strelkovi
Anthocyrtidium ophirense
Anthocyrtidium zanguebaricum
Arachnocorallium sp. group
Arachnocorys circumtexta
Arachnocorys sp. group
Arachnosphaera myriacantha
Arachnosphaera sp. 1
Archipilium sp. 1
Artobotrys borealis
Artostrobiidae, family
Artostrobus annulatus
Artostrobus joergenseni
Astrosphaera hexagonalis
Bathropyramis woodringii
Botryocephalina armata
Botryocyrtis scutum
Botryopyle dictyocephalus
Botryostrobus aquilonaris
Botryostrobus auritus-australis
Buccinosphaera invaginata
Callimitra carolotae
Callimitra solocicribrata
Calocyclas monumentum
Cannobotryidae, family
Carpocanarium papillosum
Carpocaniidae, family
Carpocanium sp.group
Carposphaera acanthophora
Carposphaera capillacea
Cenosphaera cristata
Cenosphaera elysia
Cenosphaera hirsuta
Cenosphaera spp.
Centrobotrys thermophila
Centrocubus cladostylus
Cephalospyris cancellata
Cephalospyris platybursa
Ceratocyrtis sinuosa
Ceratospyris borealis
Cladococcus abietinus
Cladococcus bifurcus
Cladococcus cervicornis
Cladococcus megaceros
Cladococcus scoparius
Cladococcus sp. 1
Cladococcus viminalis
Cladoscenium ancoratum
Cladoscenium limbatum
Clathrocanium coarctatum
Clathrocorys teuscheri
Clathrocyclas sp. 1
Clathromitra pentacantha
Clathromitra pterophormis
Clathrosphaera arachnoides
Coccodiscidae, family
Collosphaera huxleyi
Collosphaera macropora
Collosphaera tuberosa
Collosphaeridae, family
Conarachnium facetum
Conarachnium polyacanthum
Conarachnium sp. 1
Conicavus tipiopsis
Cornutella profunda
Corocalyptra cervus
Corocalyptra krugeri
Cromyechinus antarctica
Cromyechinus sp. 1
Cromyomma circumtextum
Cromyomma sp. 1
Cromyomma villosum
Cubotholus sp.
* Cycladophora davisiana cornutoides
* Cycladophora davisiana davisiana
Cyclampterium neatum
Cyrtidosphaera reticulata
Cyrtolagena laguncula
Dictyocodon elegans
Dictyocodon palladius
Dictyocoryne profunda
Dictyocoryne truncatum
Dictyophimus hirundo
Dictyophimus histricosus
Dictyophimus infabricatus
Dictyophimus mawsoni
Dictyophimus sp. 1
Dictyospyris sp. 1
Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus
Dipylissa bensoni
Druppatractus irregularis
Drymosphaera dendrophora
Drymyomma elegans
Elatomma penicillus
Ellipsoxiphium palliatum
Enneaphormis rotula
Eucecryphalus clinatus
Euchitonia elegans-furcata
Eucyrtidium acuminatum
Eucyrtidium anomalum
Eucyrtidium erythromystax
Eucyrtidium hexagonatum
Eucyrtidium hexastichum
Euscenium corynephorum
Gonosphaera primordialis
Haeckeliella macrodoras
Haliomma castanea
Haliomma macrodoras
Haliomma sp. 1
Haliomma sp. 2
Heliodiscus asteriscus
Heliodiscus echiniscus
Heliodiscus sp. 1
Heliosoma sp. 1
Helotholus histricosa
Heterosphaera sp. 1
Heterosphaera sp. 2
Hexacontium arachnoidale
Hexacontium armatum-hostile group
Hexacontium heracliti
Hexacontium heteracantha
Hexacontium hystricina
Hexacontium laevigatum
Hexacromyum elegans
Hexalonche amphisiphon
Hexastylus dimensivius
Hexastylus triaxonius
Lamprocyclas maritalis
Lamprocyrtis junonis
Lamprocyrtis nigriniae
Lampromitra cracenta
Lampromitra quadricuspis
Lampromitra schultzei
Larcopyle buetschlii
Larcospira quadrangula
Larnacalpis sp. 1
Leptosphaera minuta
Lipmanella bombus
Lipmanella dictyoceras
Lipmanella virchowii
Liriospyris reticulata
Liriospyris sp. 1
Liriospyris thorax laticapsa
Liriospyris thorax thorax
Litharachnium tentorium
Litheliidae, family
Lithelius minor group
Lithelius nautiloides
Lithocampe platycephala
Lithocampe sp. 1
Lithomelissa hystrix
Lithomelissa setosa
Lithopera bacca
Lithopilium reticulatum
Lithostrobus cornutus
Lithostrobus hexagonalis
Lophocorys polyacantha
Lophophaena capito
Lophophaena decacantha group
Lophophaena hispida-cylindrica
Lophophaena rioplatensis
Lophophaena variabilis group
* Lophospyris pentagona
* Lophospyris pentagona pentagona
* Lophospyris pentagona quadriforis
Lychnosphaera regina
Mitrocalpis araneafera
Nassellaria, order
Neosemantis distephanus
Nephrospyris paradictyum
Nephrospyris renilla
Octodendron cubocentron
Octopyle stenozona/Tetrapyle octacantha
Ommatodiscus murrayi
Otosphaera polymorpha
Peripyramis circumtexta
Peromelissa phalacra
Phacodiscidae, family
Phormacantha hystrix
Phormospyris sp. 1
Phormospyris stabilis capoi
Phormospyris stabilis scaphipes
Phormospyris stabilis stabilis
Phormostichoartus corbula
Phorticium pylonium
Phrenocodon clathrostomium
Plagoniidae, family
Plectacantha cremastoplegma
Plectacantha oikiskos
Plectacantha trichoides
Plectanium sp. 1
Plectopyramis dodecomma
Plegmosphaera coelopila
Plegmosphaera entodictyon
Plegmosphaera lepticali
Plegmosphaera oblonga
Plegmosphaera pachyplegma
Porodiscus microporus
Pseudocubus obeliscus
Pseudocubus octostylus
Pseudodictyophimus bicornis
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes
Pterocanium auritum
Pterocanium korotnevi
Pterocanium praetextum
Pterocanium trilobum
Pterocorys hertwigii
Pterocorys minythorax
Pterocorys zancleus
Pterocorythidae, family
Pterocyrtidium dogieli
Pteropilium stratiotes
Pteroscenium pinnatum
Pylolena armata
Pyloniidae, family
Pylospira octopyle
Rhizoplegma boreale
Saccospyris antarctica
Saccospyris conithorax
Saturnalis circularis
Sethoconus anthocyrtis
Sethoconus myxobrachia
Sethoconus tabulatus
Sethodiscus macrococcus
Sethophormis aurelia
Siphocampe arachnea
Siphocampe lineata
Siphonosphaera martensi
Siphonosphaera polysiphonia
Siphonosphaera socialis
Solenosphaera collina
Solenosphaera polysolenia
Solenosphaera tenuissima
Solenosphaera zanguebarica
Sphaeropyle mespilus
Spirocyrtis scalaris
Spongaster pentas
Spongaster tetras
Spongobrachium sp. 1
Spongodictyon spongiosum
Spongodiscidae, family
Spongodiscus resurgens
Spongodrymus elaphococcus
Spongolena sp. 1
Spongoliva ellipsoides
Spongoplegma antarcticum
Spongoplegma rugosa
Spongopyle osculosa
Spongosphaera sp. aff. S. helioides
Spongosphaera streptacantha
Spongotrochus glacialis
Spongurus cylindricus
Spongurus pylomaticus
Spongurus sp. 1
Spumellaria, order
Spyridae, family
Stichopilium bicorne
Stigmosphaera cruciata
Stylatractus sp. 1
Stylochlamydium asteriscus
Stylochlamydium venustum
Stylodictya aculeata
Stylodictya aculeata-multispina
Stylodictya multispina
Stylosphaera melpomene
Styptosphaera sp. 1
Styptosphaera sp. 2
Styptosphaera spongiacea
Styptosphaera spumacea
Tessarastrum straussii
Tetracorethra tetracorethra
Tetraplecta corynephorum?
Tetraplecta pinigera
Tetraplecta plectaniscus
Thecosphaera inermis
Theocalyptra bicornis
Theocorys veneris
Theocorythium trachelium
Theoperidae, family
Theopilium tricostatum
Tholoniidae, family
Tholospyris anthophora
Tholospyris baconiana
Tholospyris macropora
Tholospyris procera
Tholospyris tripodiscus
Tribonosphaera centripetalis
Triceraspyris antarctica
Tricolocampe cylindrica
Trisulcus triacanthus
Udan undulata
Xiphosphaera gaea
Xiphosphaera tessaractis
Zygocircus productus
* Subspecies pooled under the specific designation in most graphs |