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Department of Earth Science and EngineeringSouth Kensington Campus
Imperial College
London SW7 2AZ
United Kingdom
Mark Sutton is a Senior Lecturer in Palaeontology at Imperial College, London. He studied at Cambridge (undergraduate) and Cardiff (PhD), and has held academic appointments at Lampeter, Oxford and, since 2005, Imperial College, London. His research has primarily centered around the three-dimensionally preseved invertebrate fossils of the Silurian ‘Herefordshire Lagerstätte’, but he maintains broad interests in the phylogeny and evolution of many groups, particularly the brachiopods, arthropods and molluscs. His research interests also include computer-applications in Palaeontology, especially three-dimensional reconstruction techniques. He is married with two children, and lives in Oxfordshire.
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Manchester X-ray Imaging FacilitySchool of Materials
The University of Manchester
Oxford Rd.,
Manchester M13 9PL
United Kingdom
Russell Garwood is currently a research associate in 3D and 4D geological materials imaging, based at the Research Complex at Harwell (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot) and part of the Manchester X-Ray Imaging Facility. He studied at Imperial College, London as an undergraduate, and a PhD student, completing a thesis on the 3D reconstruction of Carboniferous fossils in Late 2010. His research to date has focused on the palaeobiology of early terrestrial arthropods as revealed by CT scanning and computer reconstruction. More recently he has acted as the computed tomography lab manager at the Natural History Museum, London, which has allowed him to apply the same techniques to a wide range of geological, mineralogical, palaeontological, archaeological and historical problems. His other research interests include the computer modelling of evolution, abiogenesis, and early evolution.
David J. Siveter
Department of Geology, Bennett Building
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester, LE1 7RH
United Kingdom
David Siveter is Emeritus Professor of Palaeontology at the University of Leicester. He read for his BSc and doctorate at Leicester and has subsequently held academic appointments at his Alma Mater. His research interests are in Palaeozoic stratigraphy and palaeontology, especially ostracods and other arthropods. Much of his work has been to elucidate the stratigraphical and biogeographical utility of ostracods, their ecological radiation, especially the origin of pelagic lifestyles, and how evidence from exceptionally well preserved fossils has shed light on the origin and evolution of the group. Europe, North America, Russia, central Asia and China are his main fieldwork areas. His current research focuses on arthropod-bearing Konservat-Lagerstätten from the Cambrian and Silurian.
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University Museum of Natural History & Department of Earth Sciences
University of Oxford
Parks Road
Oxford, Manchester OX1 3PR
United Kingdom
Derek Siveter gained a BSc, PhD. (Ordovician to Devonian trilobites from NW Europe) and DSc from the University of Leicester. He held positions at Trinity College, Dublin and the University of Hull, and then for approaching 25 years, at the University of Oxford, where in 2011 he retired as Curator of Geology in the University Museum of Natural History, and Professor in Earth Sciences. Currently he is an Honorary Research Associate of the Oxford University Museum, and Professor Emeritus of the university. Fossil arthropods and Lower Palaeozoic (especially Silurian) geology have been central to his research interests. In the last 15-20 years he has also investigated the preservation, palaeobiology, systematics and evolutionary significance of animals of the Herefordshire (Silurian) Lagerstätte, and also the Chengjiang (Cambrian) Lagerstätte in Yunnan Province, China.