Adventures of a First-Year Faculty Member
(print) 12.3.3E
Katherine Bulinski
The Fossil Record and
Evolution of Bovidae: State of the Field (print) 12.3.10A
Faysal Bibi, Maia Bukhsianidze, Alan W. Gentry, Denis Geraads,
Dimitris S. Kostopoulos,
and Elisabeth S. Vrba |
Virtual Palaeontology: Gait Reconstruction of Extinct
Vertebrates Using High Performance Computing (print) 12.3.11A
William I. Sellers, Philip Manning, Tyler Lyson, Kent Stevens,
and Lee Margetts |
Three-Dimensional Morphometric Ontogeny of Mollusc Shells by
Micro-Computed Tomography and Geometric Analysis (print)
Claude Monnet, Christoph Zollikofer, Hugo Bucher,
and Nicolas Goudemand |
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of
"Phycosiphoniform" Burrows: Implications for Identification of Trace Fossils in
Core (print)
Malgorzata Bednarz and Duncan McIlroy |
How Big was 'Big Al'? Quantifying the Effect of Soft Tissue
and Osteological Unknowns on Mass Predictions for Allosaurus (Dinosauria
Theropoda) (print) 12.3.14A
Karl T. Bates, Peter L. Falkingham, Brent H. Breithaupt, David
Hodgetts, William I. Sellers, and Philip I. Manning |
New Pleistocene Cave
Faunas of the Andes of Central Perú: Radiocarbon Ages and the Survival of Low
Latitude, Pleistocene DNA (print)
Bruce J. Shockey, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi, Patrice Baby,
Jean-Loup Guyot, María
Cristina Baltazar, Luis Huamán, Andrew Clack, Marcelo Stucchi, François Pujos,
Jenna María Emerson,
and John J. Flynn |
New Methods to Document Fossils from Lithographic Limestones of Southern Germany and Lebanon (print) 12.3.6T
Carolin Haug, Joachim T. Haug, Dieter Waloszek, Andreas Maas,
Roger Frattigiani, and Stefan Liebau |
Visualising Muscle Anatomy Using Three-Dimensional Computer
Models - An Example Using the Head and Neck Muscles of Sphenodon
(print) 12.3.7T
Neil Curtis, Marc E.H. Jones, Susan E. Evans, Paul O'Higgins,
and Michael J. Fagan |
PE Notes
The Paleontological Society has generously contributed additional funds
for Volume 12.
Within each article are links in the contents column to material that may be of further use to specific readers. There is a plain-language summary and there are multiple versions of the abstract in English, Français, Español, Deutsche, Arabic, and Polski. PDF versions of the articles are available (click on "print" beside the title) or from the contents column within the individual articles.
ISSN: 1094-8074, web version; 1532-3056, CD-ROM; 1935-3952, print.
Coquina Press
Volume 12, Issue 3
December 2009