Body position and functional morphology of Cretaceous heteromorph ammonites

Neale Monks and Jeremy R. Young

Plain-language Absract

Ammonites are well known fossil molluscs, belonging to the group known as cephalopods, and close relatives of the octopus, cuttlefish, squid and the pearly nautilus. [For further general information, see The Cephalopod Page at:]

They dominated the Mesozoic seas, filling many of the niches fish do today. Although the pearly nautilus, Nautilus, has a similar external shell, it has never been clear to what extent this shell can be used as a functional analogue for the ammonites.

Both ammonite and pearly nautilus shells are chambered. Most of the chambers are empty except for the final chamber, known as the living chamber. In the pearly nautilus the living chamber is completely filled by the soft body parts of the animal. A key difference is that where pearly nautilus has a short and broad living chamber, ammonites often have very long and narrow living chambers.

We suggest that the ammonite's soft body parts might have not filled the entire living chamber, but instead could have been much smaller. With a small body, during feeding, the animal would be positioned near the opening. The tentacles could be extended to feed or pull the animal about like an octopus. If it was threatened, the animal could withdraw the body back into the living chamber which would have provided an effective defence.

If this was the case, a small, mobile body within a long living chamber profoundly affects the orientation of the ammonite in the water column. In the case of heteromorphs, many were considered to be planktonic because their shells were oriented with their heads pointing upwards. Using our model, when the head and tentacles were extended the shell would tilt down towards the sea bed, allowing them to have been bottom dwellers. When the body is pulled back in, the shell would tip upwards and away from danger.

Animations are included in this paper to help illustrate and explain these ideas.

Glossary (in order of appearance, in abstract and article):

Ammonite: Cephalopod mollusc with an external chambered shell. All ammonites lived in the sea, and used the chambered shell to provide neutral buoyancy (see: Buoyancy).
Buoyancy: A property of any object placed in water or other fluid. Negatively buoyant objects sink to the bottom, while positively buoyant ones float to the surface. Neutrally buoyant objects neither sink nor float but remain at the same point in the water column.
Centre of buoyancy: The point through which the lifting or floating forces act.
Centre of mass: The point through which the weight of an object acts.
Heteromorphs: Any ammonites with an uncoiled shell, but usually refers to a group of mainly Cretaceous ammonites, the Ancyloceratina.
Orientation: The alignment of the shell relative to the sea floor. Normally, the shell will be oriented with the centre of mass vertically below the centre of buoyancy.

Resumen en Español

Posición vital y morfología funcional de los ammonites heteromorfos cretácicos

Los análisis anteriores de la morfología funcional de los ammonites asumían que el animal ocupaba toda la cámara de habitación y que los movimientos del animal (tales como la retracción de la cabeza y de los tentáculos dentro de la concha) tendrían poco efecto sobre la orientación del organismo en vida. Aquí se propone una alternativa anatómica: el cuerpo de los ammonites era pequeño, móvil y capaz de retraerse dentro de la concha alejándose del peristoma cuando era amenazado. Se analiza el efecto de esta anatomía sobre las condiciones hidrostáticas de los ammonites heteromorfos aspinocónidos, ancyclocónidos y hamiticónidos. El análisis sugiere que el movimiento del cuerpo alteraría claramente la distribución de masas y por tanto la orientación.

Palabras clave: Ancycloceratida, ammonites, morfología funcional, Cretácico Inferior

Résumé en Français


Studi precedenti sulla morfologia funzionale delle ammoniti hanno dato per scontato che l'animale riempisse l'intera camera di abitazione, e che i suoi movimenti (come ad esempio il ritrarre la testa ed i tentacoli all'interno del guscio) avessero uno scarso effetto sulla sua orientazione. In questo lavoro viene proposta un'anatomia alternativa: l'animale in sè sarebbe piccolo, mobile e capace di allontanarsi dall'apertura, verso l'interno, quando minacciato. Analizzando l'effetto di questo tipo di anatomia sul comportamento idrostatico delle ammoniti eteromorfe aspinoconiche, ancicloconiche ed amiticoniche, questo studio indica che il movimento del corpo possa modificare significativamente la distribuzione della massa e quindi cambiare l'orientazione dell'ammonite stessa.

Parole Chiave: ammonite, morfologia funzionale, camera di abitazione, anatomia, apertura, idrostatica, aspinoconici, ancicloconici, amiticonici, eteromorfi, Ancycloceratida, Cretaceo inferiore

Deutsche Zusammenfassung

Körperlage und Funktionsmorphologie kretazischer heteromorpher Ammoniten

Bisherige Untersuchungen der Funktionsmorphologie von Ammoniten nahmen an, dass das Tier die letzte Kammer vollständig ausfüllte und dass Bewegungen des Tieres (zum Beispiel das Zurückziehen von Kopf und Armen) einen geringen Einfluss auf seine Orientierung hatten. Eine abweichende Anatomie wird hier vorgeschlagen: das Ammonitentier war klein, mobil und in der Lage sich im Fall von Gefahr von der Öffnung zurückzuziehen. Die Folgerungen dieser Anatomie auf die hydrostatischen Eigenschaften von aspinoconischen, ancyloconischen und hamiticonischen heteromorphen Ammoniten werden untersucht. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Verlagerungen des Weichkörpers die Verteilung von Masse und in Folge auch der Orientierung deutlich verändern.



Studi precedenti sulla morfologia funzionale delle ammoniti hanno dato per scontato che l'animale riempisse l'intera camera di abitazione, e che i suoi movimenti (come ad esempio il ritrarre la testa ed i tentacoli all'interno del guscio) avessero uno scarso effetto sulla sua orientazione. In questo lavoro viene proposta un'anatomia alternativa: l'animale in sè sarebbe piccolo, mobile e capace di allontanarsi dall'apertura, verso l'interno, quando minacciato. Analizzando l'effetto di questo tipo di anatomia sul comportamento idrostatico delle ammoniti eteromorfe aspinoconiche, ancicloconiche ed amiticoniche, questo studio indica che il movimento del corpo possa modificare significativamente la distribuzione della massa e quindi cambiare l'orientazione dell'ammonite stessa.

Parole Chiave: ammonite, morfologia funzionale, camera di abitazione, anatomia, apertura, idrostatica, aspinoconici, ancicloconici, amiticonici, eteromorfi, Ancycloceratida, Cretaceo inferiore