SeaWaves Today in History January 5, 2007



January 5

1762 - Peter III ascends to the Russian throne

1776 - Mines used against British ships in Delaware River

1781 - A British naval expedition led by Benedict Arnold burned Richmond, Virginia

1814 - Kingston Gazette reports the recent British and Canadian successes at Black Rock and Buffalo NY. The "Good and Glorious News" tells of the capture of 7 cannon and 100 prisoners and the destruction of 5 warships1855 - USS Plymouth crew skirmish with Chinese troops

1875 - CDR Edward Lull begins expedition to locate best ship canal route across Panama. Route followed 30 years later

1883 - At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the crew of the Quoddy Head Station discovered a schooner at anchor. The weather was bitter cold, with a gale from the NW. The men got the boat out and pulled to the vessel. She proved to be Clara Dinsmore from Boston. There were four men onboard, one of them a passenger. With her sails iced up and splitting, she was in need of assistance. The keeper took charge and got the vessel under way with the sails she had left and beat her up the bay to her destination at 6 in the evening

1920 - Admiral A.V. Kolchak resigns after uprisings in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk. Gen. A.I. Denikin is appointed Supreme Ruler of Russia. Kolchak is kept under virtual house arrest and eventually turned over to the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks

1921 - Submarine USS S-40 launched

1924 - Submarine USS S-47 launched

1934 - Soviet submarines SC-205, SC-206 & SC-207 laid down

1935 - Destroyers HMCS Vancouver & Skeena departed Esquimalt for exercises Kingston Jamaica area with HMCS Champlain & Saguenay from Halifax. The Canadian tradition of Caribbean Operations in the midwinter months pre-dates the Second World War. The RCN conducted a series of exercises in the Caribbean together with ships of the Royal Navy in the pre-war years. The significance of participation by four Canadian destroyers lay in the fact that the standard operating formation for destroyers was the flotilla, which was composed of eight ships. The flotilla was maneuvered in divisions of four and subdivisions of two ships. A flotilla commander was normally a senior commander or, rarely, a full captain. The presence of two senior Canadian commanders in the four ships was an indication they were intent on running their own half-flotilla and, if the occasion arose, trying their hand at directing the entire flotilla. The training involved operations with ships of the British North American and West Indies squadron, which occasionally included capital ships. Exercises included formation maneuvers, gunnery and torpedo attacks. Anti-submarine exercises were not included even though the screening of capital ships against submarine attack was a recognized function of destroyers in the interwar period. Skeena and Saguenay, which were built to Canadian specification in Britain, were not fitted with Asdic until 1939

1937 - Danzig-Polish harbor agreement extended

1939 - Soviet submarine K-22 laid down

1939 - AA cruiser HMS Cleopatra laid down

1939 - Sloop HNLMS Van Kinsbergen launched

1940 - The German tanker SS Nordmeer, which sailed from Curacao, Netherlands West Indies, on 9 December 1939, reaches Vigo, Spain

1940 - ASW trawler HMS Kingston Cornelian sunk in collision with French SS Chella East of Gibraltar

1940 - Destroyer USS Roe commissioned

1940 - Swedish transport Fenris sunk by gunfire from Soviet submarine SC-311

1940 - U-439, U-440, U-441, U-442 ordered

1940 - U-752 laid down

1941 - Amy Johnson, the famous female pilot who flew solo to Australia in 1931, was killed when the RAF aircraft she was delivering as an Air Transport Auxiliary pilot ran out of fuel in very bad weather and crashed into the Thames Estuary. She was seen to bale out by the crew of HMS Haslemere, a patrol trawler, which went to her aid. Lieutenant Commander Fletcher, Haslemere's captain, dived into the icy water to rescue her, but was unable to keep her afloat. Although his crew managed to get him back on board, he himself died in hospital from the exposure he had suffered

1941 - Ireland is to take the brunt of the British system of issuing Navicerts. The Minister of Economic Warfare announced that after January 22, exports from Eire would be as liable to search on the high seas as exports from enemy territory, unless the cargo is accompanied by a Navicert

1941 - Admiral Leahy arrives in Vichy as US ambassador

1942 - Minesweeper (ex-fishing vessel) HMCS Smith Sound commissioned

1942 - Destroyer HMS Glaisdale launched

1942 - Submarine HMS Upholder sinks an Italian submarine off the Lipari Islands

1942 - The Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet moves HQ from Singapore to Batavia, Java, Netherlands East Indies

1943 - Corvette HMCS Agassiz commenced refit Liverpool NS

1943 - It was announced that the British Government, together with 16 other governments of the United Nations and the French National Committee had signed a formal declaration to combat and defeat Axis plundering of occupied Europe. The governments reserved all rights to declare invalid and transfers of, or dealings with, all hinds of property, rights, and interests in the Nazi-occupied territories.

1943 - USS Helena fired first proximity fused projectile in combat and shot down Japanese dive bomber in SW Pacific

1943 - HMNZS Achilles joined a US Navy Task Force in the bombardment of Japanese positions on Munda and Kolombangara islands during the Guadalcanal operations, and suffered some damage during a Japanese air attack

1943 - Corvette HMCS Riviere du Loup laid down

1943 - U-865, U-928 laid down

1943 - U-541 launched

1943 - Escort carrier HMS Ranee laid down

1943 - Escort carrier USS Guadalcanal laid down

1943 - Minesweeper USS Penetrate laid down

1943 - Submarines USS Perch & Gabilan laid down

1943 - Minesweeper USS Chief launched

1944 - HMC ML 097 commissioned

1944 - Minesweeper HMCS Coquitlam launched Nanaimo BC

1944 - Corvette HMCS Long Branch commissioned

1944 - Corvette HMCS Lachute departed St. John's escort for Convoy SC-164

1944 - Announcement was made of the establishment under the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission of a system of West Indian conferences

1944 - U-1200 commissioned

1944 - Destroyer escort USS Cronin launched

1944 - Escort carrier USS Windham Bay laid down

1944 - Escort carrier USS Petrof Bay launched

1944 - U-1009, U-1010 launched

1945 - U-3016, U-3017 commissioned

1945 - Heavy cruiser USS Louisville hit by two Kamikazes in Lingayen Gulf

1945 - Destroyer USS Stickell laid down

1945 - Submarine USS Scorpion believed sunk by Japanese mine. No survivors

1945 - U-11 stricken at Kiel. Scuttled on 3 May 1945 in the Kiel Arsenal. Wreck broken up

1945 - A US naval force bombards the Bonin Islands. In addition, PB4Ys (USN B-24s) mount photographic reconnaissance missions against Iwo Jima

1946 - Destroyer USS Arnold J Isbell commissioned

1946 - Destroyer USS Robert L Wilson launched

1951 - UN Forces evacuated Inchon in Korea. British and Australian warships played a significant part in covering the operation, which successfully rescued some 69,000 personnel, 1,400 vehicles and 62,000 tons of equipment and supplies

1962 - Submarine HMS Aurochs departed Halifax following ASW training

1967 - USS Hancock commenced Vietnam deployment

1968 - First Male Nurse Corps officer in Regular Navy, LT Clarence W. Cote

1969 - USS Kitty Hawk port call Pearl Harbor

1973 - USS Ranger port call Subic Bay

1973 - USS Constellation commenced Vietnam deployment with CVW-9

1991 - With Operation Eastern Exit, the US Ambassador, the Soviet ambassador, and 193 additional foreign nationals evacuated in four helicopter roundtrips from US Embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia to USS Guam and Trenton. The rescue operation was initiated from a range of 460 miles, and involved the first in-flight night refueling of helicopters by USMC KC-130s. 60 US Marines provided rear security until 48-hour evacuation completed. Evacuees taken to undisclosed location for processing and return to respective countries

2004 - Aircraft carrier USS Midway arrives in San Diego to become a museum

2004 - SMIT Salvage successfully refloated the Stellamare. The vessel was situated along the quayside and was lying on her portside on the riverbed at Albany NY. Two floating cranes and other marine craft were deployed

2005 - The 1,000-bed hospital ship USNS Mercy departed Naval Station San Diego today en route to the Indian Ocean to aid victims of the earthquake and tsunamis in south Asia. It will take the 894-foot ship about 30 days to reach the region, according to US Navy public affairs. For the mission, called Operation Unified Assistance, the ship's facilities will be staffed to support 250 patient beds, with the option to expand to 1,000 beds if necessary

2005 - Aircraft carrier USS John C Stennis departed San Diego for her new homeport of Bremerton WA. Replaced USS Carl Vinson

2005 - A commercial fishing boat and a leisure fishing boat collided in the sea off Kagoshima Prefecture, killing two and injuring two others. The collision took place off the City of Akune at around 0755 between the 9.1-ton fishing boat Yuki Maru No. 3 and the leisure fishing boat Junten Maru. The site is an area known for its strong currents

2005 - Two men were retrieved from Peterhead Harbor in the early hours of this morning after they fell into the water whilst attempting to board their fishing vessel. Aberdeen Coastguard received a call from Ambulance Control at 0200 reporting that the two were in the water. The Peterhead lifeboat and the Peterhead Coastguard Rescue Team were requested to attend the incident and arrived on scene shortly afterwards. One of the two had already been rescued by a passing member of the public but the second was still in the water. He was found by the lifeboat team

2005 - Another quake was recorded near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands late tonight, bringing the total number of quakes felt by the tsunami-ravaged archipelago today to seven. The latest quake, occurring at 0045, IST, measured 5.5 on the Richter scale and was classified as 'moderate'. Epicenterd at a point lat 10.7N, long 91.5E, to the west of Little Andaman island, it came just seven minutes after a quake, measured 5.2 on the scale was recorded south of Great Nicobar island at 0038, IST. With today's quakes, the total number of aftershocks since Dec 26 has reached 103

2005 - The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) will be conducting Exercise MALAPURA from 5 to 14 Jan 05. The exercise, which is the 16th in this series of bilateral exercises held between the two navies, is hosted by the RSN this year. One of the highlights of this year’s exercise is the conduct of a maritime security serial focusing on coordinated maritime surveillance in the Malacca Straits. The exercise, to be conducted in the Malacca Straits, will involve a total of six ships from the two navies. Colonel Sim Tiong Kian, Commanding Officer of 185 Squadron, RSN, is commanding the exercise task group, with Commander Sabri Bin Zali, Chief Staff Officer Exercise, HQ Fleet Operations Center, RMN, as the deputy commander. The opening ceremony for the exercise, held at Changi Naval Base yesterday, was jointly officiated by RSN Fleet Commander, Colonel Chew Men Leong and RMN Fleet Operations Commander, Vice Admiral Dato Mohammad Bin Nik

2005 - Rear Admirals Francis Etche Agbiti and Samuel Kolawole of the Nigerian Navy were convicted and dismissed from service by the court martial trying them for the disappearance of the illegal oil bunkering ship, MT African Pride. The third accused, Rear Admiral Anthonio Bob-Manuel, was discharged and acquitted on all three counts

2005 - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration took delivery today of the first of a series of fisheries survey vessels from VT Halter Marine Inc., a subsidiary of Vision Technologies Systems Inc., in Pascagoula, Miss. This is NOAA’s first newly constructed fisheries survey vessel in more than 25 years. The ship is named for the late Alaskan fishing industry leader Oscar Dyson, whose numerous private and public contributions improved the industry for many Alaskans who make their living at sea

2006 - INS Nirdeshak arrived at new homeport of INS Kadamba at Karwar

2006 - Nearly 90 years after her burial, Annie Perry Campbell’s death finally marked with a proper ceremony. Killed during the Halifax Explosion, the nine-year-old was buried quickly without a funeral. A service was held in her honor at her grave in the Fairview Lawn Cemetery

2006 - A Coast Guard helicopter crew from Air Station Savannah, Ga., medevaced a recreational diver approximately 45 miles off the coast of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., after he surfaced unconscious. Pavel Motylka, a 44 year-old-man, was diving with friends when he suddenly surfaced unconscious. Friends noticed he was purple but still breathing. They then immediately notified Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville. Sector Jacksonville search and rescue coordinators arranged for a dolphin HH-65 in the area to assist the unconscious diver. While the helicopter crew was en route, the diver regained consciousness and became coherent. After the helicopter crew hoisted the man, they flew him to Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville where he was given to hospital workers for care in fair condition

2006 - A US court has ruled that OT Africa Line’s containership Kariba was fully to blame for the collision which sank the vehicle carrier Tricolor, leaving several thousand luxury cars at the bottom of the English Channel. Nevertheless, insurers of the Wilh Wilhelmsen ship face a long wait before being reimbursed for the loss of the Tricolor and the world’s most expensive wreck removal operation. While the US judge decided the Kariba was at fault, a Belgian court will determine compensation payments. Further delaying final settlement is the prospect of an appeal in the US by Kariba’s owner. Lawsuits brought in Antwerp will not proceed until a surveyor appointed by the court to produce a factual account of the accident has delivered the report

2006 - Keppel Shipyard Limited (Keppel Shipyard), a subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M), has signed a contract with Golar LNG Limited for the conversion of an existing LNG carrier into a floating Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) storage and re-gasification unit (FSRU).
The total contract value is approximately Singapore $90 million. When the conversion is completed in the second quarter of 2007, it will be the first of its type in the world. The conversion will be made based on relevant DNV class rules and international standards. Golar LNG will work in partnership with Keppel Shipyard in the engineering, procurement and construction for the project. The scope of work includes installation of a new forward turret, side-by-side mooring system, LNG loading arms, aft thruster with compartment and a re-gasification plant, and replacement of cargo pumps. There is also the upgrading of the existing steam power electrical and marine systems

2006 - Hamburg-based investment company HCI and shipowner Peter Dohle will set a
new record when they name three container vessels at the same time at the Hyundai yard. Two large 8,204 TEU containerships - the Hammonia Hamburg and Hammonia Jork - have been chartered by Geneva-based Mediterranean Shipping Co for 12 years. The 2,556 TEU Hammonia Emden has been chartered for five years by Companhia Libra de Navegacao (Libra) of Rio de Janeiro. It is part of the Chilean CSAV group. The three ships will be named by the wives of three top HCI managers: Carola Friedrichs, Nathalie Freifrau Von Oldershausen and Ursula Konig. "Never before has a German owner had three vessels named at the same time," said Christoph Dohle, managing partner of Peter Dohle. Peter Dohle and the investment company HCI in 2003 jointly set up the shipowning company Hammonia Reederei, which meanwhile has a fleet of 16 vessels chartered out to liner operators and is managed by Dohle. The equity for the Hammonia Hamburg and the Hammonia York was collected by HCI, the ship mortgage financing was provided by HSH Nordbank in Hamburg, the world's largest ship finance lender. The mortgage for the Hammonia Emden comes from Hypovereinsbank, now part of Unicredit

2006 - A 44-year-old woman was airlifted by the Coast Guard today after she became injured while horseback riding on Lopez Island. At 1400 Coast Guard Group/Air Station Port Angeles, Wash., received a call from the San Juan County 911 center requesting medical assistance for the injured woman. An HH-65 Dolphin helicopter from Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles was launched to medevac the woman at 1430. The woman was then flown to the Bellingham, Wash., Airport where an awaiting ambulance transported her to St. Joseph's Hospital for further medical treatment. Normally, Airlift Northwest, based in Seattle, transports patients from Lopez Island, but due to poor visibility their aircraft was grounded

2006 - A Coast Guard helicopter rescue crew with the help of a detailed float plan located and airlifted an overdue mariner today near Main Pass, 20 miles east of Venice, La., after his vessel ran aground. Brett Ainsworth, 21, of Venice was crab fishing when he inadvertently ran aground. He was reported overdue by his father, who mentioned that Ainsworth had missed an important meeting. Before leaving on his trip, Ainsworth provided his father with a detailed verbal explanation of where he would be and when he expected to return. Coast Guard Sector New Orleans dispatched an HH-65B Dolphin helicopter rescue crew from Air Station New Orleans to search. The rescue crew located Ainsworth aboard his 21-foot skiff in a marshy area with a signal fire burning next to it. After successfully hoisting Ainsworth into the helicopter cabin, the rescue crew proceeded to the Chevron heliport in Venice where members of Coast Guard Station Venice were waiting to reunite him with his family

2006 - The Coast Guard and Maui Fire Department are currently responding to a report of a down helicopter in Honokahau Valley, Maui. The Federal Aviation Administration contacted the Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center after receiving an alert that a Blue Hawaii tour helicopter had crashed at about 1130. The FAA reported that there were six people on board including the pilot. A second Blue Hawaii helicopter was reportedly overhead of the crash site, and providing information to rescuers

2006 - Italian war hero Deceduto il Comandante Luigi Ferraro died

2006 - Following three months of extensive drydock maintenance, USS Bonhomme Richard left the National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) Jan. 5 and returned to Naval Station San Diego. The multipurpose amphibious assault ship was raised out of the water for the first time in her eight years of commissioned service Oct. 1. While pierside at the naval station, BHR is still undergoing maintenance as a part of the ship’s regularly scheduled Drydocking Planned Maintenance Availability. The crew worked and lived on barges berthed on both the naval station and in NASSCO while the ship was in drydock. BHR Sailors also maintained their readiness by conducting weekly training sessions

2007 - Some four-meter high ocean waves destroyed 65 houses in the southern coast of Huangobotu, Kabila Bone, Bone Bolango district, Gorontalo province of Indonesia





Sources: Colton Shipping Report, NOAA, MARAD, Marine Digest, Leo Pettipas, Kommersant, Samuel Loring Morison, Frank Pierce Young, Navy Times, Naval Institute Proceedings,, Andrew Etherington, John Nicholas, US Naval Historical Center, Ministry of Defense, US Coast Guard, Thomas N. Carlson, Jack Arrowsmith, Allan Snowie, Ken Hansen, Andy Barber, John Weiss, Jack McKillop, Bernard de Neumann, Sympatico Today in History, Washington History Link, Lloyds List, Fairplay, New York Times, I-Newswire and other news sources in the public domain. Additions, submissions and corrections are always welcomed.


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