Flavia Cosma

Flavia Cosma is a Romanian born Canadian poet. She took her Masters in electrical engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. After that she studied drama for two years. In Romania she worked as a radio and television Sound Director. She continues to work in this field as an independent producer/director/writer for TV documentaries. To date, she has published nine books of poetry, a novel, a travel memoir and a book of Fairy Tales. She is represented in numerous Anthologies, in different countries and languages. Her poetry book” 47 POEMS” (Texas Tech University Press), won the prestigious ALTA Richard Wilbur Poetry in Translation Prize. Mellen Poetry Press, NY. published her poetry collections “Wormwood Wine” and “Fata Morgana”. Her documentary “Romania, A Country at the Crossroads” won the Canadian Scene National Award.

ALTA Richard Wilbur Poetry in Translation Prize, 1990
Canadian Scene National Award for TV Documentaries for "Romania, a Country at the Crossroads" 1991
Primero Prize Bilingual Writers for Peace MCA, Argentina, Buenos Aires, 2005 for the poem "The Season of Love"

Selected Publications
Fairy Tales by Flavia Cosma (Canadian Stage and Arts, 1990)
47 Poems (Texas Tech University Press, 1992)
The Fire that Burns Us, a novel (Singular Speech Press, 1996)
Wormwood Wine (Mellen Poetry Press, 2001)
Fata Morgana (Mellen Poetry Press, 2003)
Leaves of a Diary, Korean-Canadian Literary forum (21 Press, 2006)

Flavia Cosma 12 Homedale Drive, Scarborough, Ont. M1V 1M2
(416) 292-5279

Poet in the School

phone: (416) 292-5279

Flavia Cosma is a Romanian born Canadian poet and writer. She took her Masters in electrical engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. After that she studied drama for two years. She is an independent producer/director/writer for TV documentaries and children's plays. She writes both in English and Romanian languages. To date she has published nine books of poetry, a novel, a travel memoir and a book of Fairy Tales. She is represented in numerous anthologies, in different
countries and languages.

Flavia Cosma reads from her books and lectures about poetry to a wide range of groups and communities across Canada. She also conducts workshops and stages her own children's plays with students and young people of all ages. As a former political refugee she is invited to talk about Human Rights and Refugee Camps in schools and other institutions.

Fees: standard

Classroom Approach:
Flavia Cosma talks about poetry, its mysteries and beauty, and its great signification for all of us. She reads from her own work, invites students to read aloud some of her poems or their own work, and answers questions. She also stages her own plays with groups of students at different levels.