Rienzi Crusz

Rienzi Crusz was born in Sri Lanka, and immigrated to Canada in 1965; he is now a Canadian citizen. He has a B.A. from the University of Ceylon, a B.L.S. from the University of Toronto, and an M.A. from the University of Waterloo. He was a Colombo Plan Scholar to the University of London, England in 1951. He was a Senior Reference and Collections Development Librarian at the University of Waterloo from 1966-1993.

City of Kitchener/Waterloo Cultural Awards: Award for Literature, 1994.

Selected Publications
Flesh and Thorn. (Pasdeloup Press, 1975).
Elephant and Ice. (Porcupine's Quill, 1980).
Singing Against the Wind. (Porcupine's Quill, 1985).
A Time for Loving. (TSAR Publications, 1986).
Still Close to the Raven. (TSAR Publications, 1989).
The Rain Doesn't Know Me Anymore. (TSAR Publications, 1992).
Beatitudes ofIce. (TSAR Publications, 1995/96).
Insurgent Rain. (TSAR Publications, 1997).

Selected Anthologies
A Geography of Voice: Canadian Literature of the South Asian Diaspora. (TSAR, 1992).
Something to Declare: Selections from International Literature. (Oxford University Press, 1994).
Making a Difference: Canadian Multicultural Literature. (Oxford University Press, 1996).

Books in Print
Crusz, Rienzi
A Time for Loving. TSAR Publications, 1986. $6.95 ISBN: 0-920661-01-7.
Beatitudes of Ice. TSAR Publications, 1995/96. $10.95 ISBN 0-920661-51-3.
Insurgent Rain. TSAR Publications, 1997. $15.95. ISBN: 0-920661-67-X.
Singing Against the Wind. Porcupine's Quill, 1985. $7.95 ISBN: 0-88984-063-6.
Still Close to the Raven. TSAR Publications, 1989. $7.95 ISBN: 0-920661-10-6.
The Rain Doesn't Know Me Anymore. TSAR Publications, 1992. $9.95 ISBN: 0-920661-26-2.

Rienzi Crusz, 166 MacGregor Crescent, Waterloo ON N2J 3X3, (519) 884-4835,


Poet in the School

phone: 519-884-4835

Crusz is a poet originally from Sri Lanka who immigrated to Canada in 1965; he is now a Canadian citizen. He has a B.A. from the University of Ceylon, a B.L.S. from the University of Toronto, and an M.A. from Waterloo. He was a Colombo Plan Scholar to the University of London, England, in 1951. He is now a Senior Reference and Collections Development Librarian at the University of Waterloo. He has published five books of poetry: Flesh and Thorn, Elephant and Ice, Singing Against the Wind, A Time for Loving, and The Rain Doesn't Know Me Anymore. He has also published in numerous anthologies in both Canada and abroad, including Something to Declare - selections from international literature, by Oxford University Press. His work has appeared in several journals, including The Malahat Review, New York Quarterly, Prairie Schooner, and Canadian Literature.

Grade Levels: 12 - OAC

Fees: standard

Classroom Approach:
Crusz reads from his works, selecting poems that illustrate poetic principles and techniques such as metaphor and simile. He seeks to counter students' usual preconceptions about poetry, demonstrating that poetry covers all topics and themes. In particular, he is well versed in discussing immigrants' experience and how it reveals itself in poetry. He gives the history of his views of poetry, discussing sound and rhythm, touching upon other modern and contemporary poets. Crusz has a good sense of humour and always works to ensure the visits and poetry are entertaining. He employs an anecdotal style, giving stories and examples that illustrate the topic he is discussing. If students wish to have Crusz discuss their writing, he can make himself available after the class. He has received excellent responses from every school he has visited and has often been asked to return.