Linda Frank

Linda Frank grew up in Montreal but has been living in Hamilton, Ontario since 1977. She received a BA (Honours) in Sociology & English at McGill University and an MA in Sociology from McMaster University. She has taught creative writing workshops through the McMaster University and the Editors' Association of Canada. She is an executive member of the Hamily Poetry Centre and presently teaches popular culture and social science at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.

Hamilton and Region Arts Council Literary Award

Selected Publications
Taste the Silence, chapbook, (Flying Turtle Press, 1996)
. . . It Takes a Train to Cry, chapbook, (Solitary Bird Press, 1998).
Orpheus Descending, chapbook, (Solitary Bird Press, 1998).
Cobalt Moon Embrace (Buschek Books, 2002) ISBN 1-894543-11-4.

Selected Anthologies
Larger Than Life (Black Moss Press, 2002) ISBN 0-88753-363-9.
Smaller than God: words of a Spiritual Longing (Black Moss Press, 2001) ISBN 0-88753-357-4.
This I Believe ( Mini Mocho Press, 2001) ISBN 0-921980-19-1.

Books in Print
Frank, Linda
Cobalt Moon Embrace Poetry (Buschek Books, 2002) ISBN 1-894543-11-4, $14.95.

Linda Frank
271 Graham Ave. South, Hamilton, Ontario L8K 2M7, phone: 905 549 4737.