Cornelia Hornosty

Cornelia Hornosty was born in Chicago in 1939 and grew up on the South Side of that city. She attended Oberlin College in Ohio and the University of Grenoble, France, and received her B.A. in French Literature from Oberlin College. After moving to Hamilton, Ontario, in 1967 she completed her M.A. in French Literature at McMaster University. A full-time writer since 1983 and a Canadian citizen since 1987, she lives in Victoria, BC.

Selected Publications
Voice with Flowers. (Borealis Press, 1991).
Under the Beaks of Millions. (Borealis Press, 1993).
Small Lake with Pine Trees (Leaf Press, 2003) ISBN 0-9730243-4-8.

Selected Anthologies
Relations: Family Portraits. (Mosaic Press, 1986).
The FED Anthology (Anvil Press, 2003) ISBN 1-895636-48-5.

Books in Print
Hornosty, Cornelia
Small Lake with Pine Trees (Leaf Press, 2003) ISBN 0-9730243-4-8.
The Inner romaine of our Lives (Borealis Press, 2000) ISBN 0-88887-254-2, $14.95.
Under the Beaks of Millions. Borealis Press, 1993. $24.95 ISBN: 0-88887-101-5 (hb); $9.95 ISBN: 0-88887-103-1 (pb).
Voice with Flowers. Borealis Press, 1991. $24.95 ISBN: 0-88887-114-7 (hb); $9.95 ISBN: 0-88887-116-3 (pb).

Cornelia Hornosty 209-1149 Rockland Avenue Victoria BC V8V 4T5, (250) 385-2137