Penn Kemp

Canadian poet, playwright, novelist and sound poet, Penn Kemp shares the richness of her experience through her unique use of word, sound, imagery and symbolism. Born in Strathroy, Ontario, and raised in London, Penn has spent much of her life in Ontario, including 9 years on Toronto Island. However, an intrigue with ancient mythology has taken her on extensive journeys to Europe, North Africa, Mexico and South America, and India, where she has been writer-in-residence in Mumbai. Penn very much enjoys teaching writing and creating a magazine with students, Twelfth Key. She also gives retreats on creativity across the country, based on her forthcoming book WHAT SPRINGS TO MIND.

Penn is a celebrated sound poet who tours from coast to coast almost annually. She has 17 books out and 4 plays produced. Her creative vision expands the traditional experience of reading into an inter-active, virtual & live presentation that delights & amazes in its variety of sound & visual patterns. Playwright, poet & performer, Penn Kemp is once again in the forefront using new technology to engage her audience. She has just released Canada's first poetry CD-ROM, ON OUR OWN SPOKE, "a delight for the ear and to the eye". Her CD, WHEN THE HEART PARTS is a Sound Opera, "movingly rendered with a haunting musicality". Her hand-made chapbook, SUITE ANCIENT EGYPT, was produced by (m)Other Tongue Press in 2000.

Thanks to a Canada Council grant, Penn performed VOCAL BRAIDING with Patricia Keeney at U. of Rajisthan, U. of Mumbai and other colleges in India. Penn's collaborations with designer Gavin Stairs, producer John Magyar and musician Bill Gilliam are ongoing. Please see her new web site at New chapbooks as well as her six CD's are available from Pendas Productions, Penn's plays are available from Playwrights Union. Her "Re Solution" is the theme poem of ""

Selected Publications

Kiss of Toad, Pendas Productions, hand made book, ISBN 0-920820-26-3, May 2001

Suite Ancient Egypt, (m)Other Tongue Press, hand made book, ISBN1-896949-18-5, April 2001

Incrementally, Pendas Productions, hard bound trade edition, ISBN 0-920820-29-8, March 2001

Incrementally, Pendas Productions, paper bound book, ISBN 0-920820-30-1, March 2001

From The Lunar Plexus: A Sound Opera, PsychoSpace Sound Studios, CD, ISBN1-894715-01-2, February 2001

Time Less Time / Quand cesse le temps, Penn Kemp and Gavin Stairs with French translation by Claude Gillard. A CD of performances of the poems in English and French by the authors and translator, with electroacoustic composition by Darren Copeland. $20 + $3 GST/PST

Vocal Braiding, Penn Kemp and Patricia Keeney, designed by Gavin Stairs. Chapbook/CD.

Sarasvati-Scapes, Angela Hryniuk and Penn Kemp (Gavin Stairs Fine Editions, Fiddlehead Press, 2001). $20.00+ GST.

Two Lips, Penn, Anne Anglin and Susan McMaster, CD produced by PsychoSpace Sound, , 2001. Design, Richard Payne. $20 + $3 GST/PST

INCREMENTALLY; Sound and concrete poetry from Penn Kemp's participatory performances. Photos by Rachel Thompson. $20+ GST. CD

George The Purple Spotted Horse, Illustrator and author, James Kemp. introduction and story editing by his daughter, Penn Kemp. Fine art chapbook edition. $20+ GST

All of the above available through Pendas Productions.

From The House of Pan, Penn Kemp, et. al., Pendas Productions, CD, 2nd edition, ISBN 0-920820-31-X, October 2000 performances by Penn Kemp, Marianne Micros, and Gloria Alvernaz Mulcahy; three of the Four Women of the Red Kite book.

On Our Own Spoke, Pendas Productions, CD/CD-ROM, ISBN 0-920820-17-4, April 2000

When The Heart Parts, Pendas Productions, CD, ISBN 0-920820-16-6, November 1999

Time Less Time / Quand cesse le temps, Pendas Productions, hand made book, ISBN 0-920820-24-7, November 2000

Spring Suite, Pendas Productions, A fine chapbook hand-made by Gavin Stairs (GSFE). ISBN 0-920820-25-5

Penn Kemp Boxed Set, Pendas Productions, various bindings, 1st and special editions of the whole catalogue of Penn Kemp's published works, no ISBN.

Throo, Moonstone Press (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), hard-bound, with slip-cover, 1988, 1st edition, ISBN 0-90259-22-7, $75.00. All books signed by the author. Holiday price $60.00

Throo, Moonstone Press (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), paperbound, 1988, 1st edition, ISBN 0-90259-20-0

Eidolons, White Pine Press (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), paperbound, 1988, 1st edition, ISBN 0-934834-20-0

Travelling Light, Penny Kemp (Penn Kemp), Moonstone Press (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), paperbound, 1986, 1st edition, ISBN 0-920259-10-3

Binding Twine, Ragweed (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), paperbound, 1984

Animus, Caitlin Press (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), paperbound, 1st edition, 1983, ISBN 0-920576-13-3

Changing Place, Fiddlehead Press (Pendas Productions owns remainder stock), paperbound, 1st edition, 1976, ISBN 0-920120-80-0

Selected Anthologies
Four Women

Books in Print
Kemp, Penn

http://www.pennkemp.caIncrementally (Poetry) (Pendas Productions, 2000, Ergo Productions, 1999, Playwrights Canada Press ISBN 0-920820-21-2, ISBN 1-55155-977-3) $10.00

When The Heart Parts: A SOUND OPERA (Drama) (recording) (Pendas Productions, 1999, Red Deer/Omnikron, 1999, Playwrights Canada Press, 1978 ISBN 0-920820-16-6, ISBN 0-88995-210-8, ISBN 0-88754-089-9) $9.00

Angel Makers (Drama). (Playwrights Canada Press, 1978, Moonstone Press AVAILABLE THROUGH Pendas Productions, 1988 ISBN 0-88754-089-9, ISBN 0-90259-20-0) $9.00
The Epic of Toad and Heron (Children's Drama) (Playwrights Canada Press, 1977, Black Moss Press, 1988, White Pine Press AVAILABLE THROUGH Pendas Productions ISBN 0-88753-0320-3, ISBN 0-934834-20-0) $9.00

Eidolons (Poetry) (White Pine Press AVAILABLE THROUGH Pendas Productions, 1988, Ergo Press, 1986 ISBN 0-934834-20-0, ISBN 0-920516-07-6) $9.00
(Poetry) (Moonstone Press AVAILABLE THROUGH Pendas Productions, 1988, Ragweed Press, 1986 ISBN 0-90259-20-0, ISBN 0-920304-32-X) $30.00

Some Talk Magic (Poetry) (Ergo Press, 1986, Caitlin Press, AVAILABLE THROUGH Pendas Productions, 1983 ISBN 0-920516-07-6, ISBN 0-920576-13-3) $12.95
Binding Twine 1984 (Poetry) (Ragweed Press, 1984, Fiddlehead Press AVAILABLE THROUGH Pendas Productions 1976 ISBN 0-920304-32-X ) $15.00

Animus (Poetry) $30.00
Changing Place (Poetry) $10.00

VOCAL BRAIDINGS (2000) chapbook, Pendas Productions. Poems by Penn Kemp and Patricia Keeney,. ISBN 0-920820-32-8. $20

Penn Kemp, Pendas Productions
525 Canterbury Road, London ON N6G2N5,
phone: 519 434-8555


Poet in the School

phone: 519 434-8555


As performer and workshop leader, Penn Kemp has performed in many arts festivals, including the International Sound Poetry Festival in New York. In 1992, The League of Canadian Poets Feminist Caucus honoured her as a Foremother of Canadian Poetry. She is editor of Twelfth Key which is devoted to student writing. Her sound poetry play, What The Ear Hears Last, was produced at Theatre Passe Muraille in 1994.

Grade Levels: K - 13

Fees: $150 full day/ no half days

Classroom Approach:
Students need not be familiar with her work prior to the visit. Kemp's approach is flexible and has been adapted to particular age groups. Her presentations include creative approaches for students at all levels of writing and performing, illustrated with readings from her own work. Her workshops include participatory sound poet and developing creative potential so that students might perform their own poetry and produce their own magazine. Students working with her learn techniques for getting ideas and developing their writing which they can then teach others. Students: "Her style and keen interest are infectious".