Don Kerr was born and lives in Saskatoon, where he teaches English at the University of Saskatchewan. He is a poet, playwright, and short story writer. He has a play, Andy and Annie, being workshopped, a short story collection accepted by Coteau Books, and a poetry manuscript, A Kingdom of My Own, poems on John Constable, out in the world looking for a home.
Selected Publications
A New Improved Sky. (Coteau Boys, 1981).
Going Places. (Coteau Books, 1983).
Talkin Basie. (Cormorant Books, 1990).
In the City of Our Fathers. (Coteau Books, 1992).
Autodidactic. (Brick Books, 1998).
Selected Anthologies
Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets. (edited with Anne Szumigalski).
(Coteau Books, 1986).
Grain issue on Saskatoon writers, edited with Anne Szumigalski, 1990.
Books in Print
Kerr, Don
Autodidactic. Brick Books, 1998. ISBN: 0-919626-92-0.
In the City of our Fathers. Coteau Books, 1992. ISBN: 1-55050-027-9.
Talking Back, the Birth of CCF. (drama) Coteau Books, 1992.
Don Kerr, Department of English, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
SK S7N 5A5