Noah Leznoff

Noah Leznoff was born in Montreal in 1959. He lived in Florida for several years working in the food service and construction industries and studying politics and media. He returned to Canada in 1985, and has a M.A. from York University and a B.Ed from University of Toronto. He teaches and writes in Markham, Ontario, where he lives with his wife and two daughters.

Selected Awards
Bronwen Wallace Award, honourable mention, 1994.
The Sandburg-Livesay Contest, finalist, 1997,1998.
Selected Publications Why We Go To Zoos. (Insomniac Press, 1997).

Selected Anthologies
Mad Angels and Amphetamines. (Insomniac Press, 1994).
Door of the Morning. (UnMon America, 1997).
Song for the Inner Ear. (UnMon America, 1998).

Books in Print
Leznoff, Noah
Mad Angels and Amphetamines. Insomniac Press, 1994. ISBN: 1-895037-14-6.
Why We Go To Zoos. Insomniac Press, 1997. ISBN: 1-895837-03-0.

Noah Leznoff