Richard Lush

Richard Lush was born in Toronto on October 28, 1934. He was educated at various schools, including the Ontario College of Art, where he began writing poetry concurrent with fine art studies in drawing, painting, and sculpture. He has been poetry editor of Poetry Toronto and the League of Canadian Poets Newsletter and Museletter magazine. He is Associate Editor of Writ magazine, a position he has held for the past fourteen years.

Governor General's Award for Poetry, finalist, 1985.

Selected Publications
A Mustard Sandwich (with Roger Greenwald and Tom Weatherly). (Anjou, 1980).
A Nail in the Skull. (Privately printed, 1983).
A Manual for Lying Down. (Wolsak and Wynn, 1985).
A Grass Pillow. (Wolsak and Wynn, 1987).
No Solid Ground. (Wolsak and Wynn, 1991).

Selected Anthologies
Squid Inc.: An Anthology of Eight Toronto Poets. (Squid Inc., 1982, 1986).
Relations: Family Portraits. (Mosaic Press, 1986).
Insight: Canadian Writers View Holland. (Netherlandic Press, 1988).

Books in Print
Lush, Richard
A Grass Pillow. Wolsak and Wynn, 1987. $10.00 ISBN: 0-919897-08-8.
A Manual for Lying Down. Wolsak and Wynn, 1985. $10.00 ISBN: 0-919897-01-0.
No Solid Ground. Wolsak and Wynn, 1991. $10.00 ISBN: 0-919897-23-1.

Richard Lush, 3 Middleton Street, Toronto ON M6K 1P8, (416) 537-1569