Tanis MacDonald
- Tanis MacDonald was born in Winnipeg, and lived in Toronto
from 1983-1997. She holds a Master's degree from the University
of Manitoba, and is currently studying for her Ph.D. at the University
of Victoria. She works as a tutor and a creative writing teacher.
- Awards
Lucy H. Bertschinger Memorial Prize for Creative Writing, University
of Winnipeg, 1998.
- Milton Acorn-Muriel Rukeyser Award, 1996.
- Western Canada Magazine Award (finalist), 1995.
- Selected Publications
Holding Ground, Seraphim Editions 2000, ISBN 1: 0-9699639-6-3
- Breathing November (chapbook), Staccato Press 1999,
ISBN 2: 0-9699385-6-X
- This Speaking Plant (chapbook), Unfinished Monument
Press 1997, ISBN 3: 0-920976-34-4
- Selected Anthologies
- The Edges of Time, Seraphim Editions 1999, ISBN 1:
Waiting for You to Speak, Unfinished Monument Press 1999,
ISBN 2: 1-884206-05-0
Doors of the Morning, Unfinished Monument Press 1997,
ISBN 3: 1-884206-03-4
- Books in Print
MacDonald, Tanis
Holding Ground (Poetry), Seraphim Editions 2000, ISBN
1: 0-9699639-6-3, $10.95
Breathing November (Poetry Chapbook), Staccato Press 1999
ISBN 2: 0-9699385-6-X $7.00
This Speaking Plant (Poetry Chapbook) Unfinished Monument
Press 1997, ISBN 3: 0-920976-34-4, $7.00
- Tanis MacDonald #108-2757 Quadra Street, Victoria,
B.C. V8T 4E5
- Phone: (250) 995-8514
- http://TanisMacDonald.homestead.com