D.C. Reid

D.C. Reid was born in 1952 in Calgary. He is the President of the Federation of British Columbia Writers. He has studied creative writing at a number of places, including the Banff School of Fine Arts, the University of Calgary, Langara College in Vancouver, the University of Victoria, and the Kingston School of Writing. He is past editor of Dandelion, From an Island, and Wot, and is publisher of Wot Press. Having just finished Love and Other Things That Hurt (poetry), he is currently working on Doctors of the Soul: Culture Policy for the 21st Century (non-fiction). He is the past president of Federation of B.C. Writers.

Selected Publications
Looking Back at Geeksville (chapbook). (Reference West, 1991).
The Women Who Surround Me. (Ekstasis Editions, 1991).
Living at the End of the Second Millennium. (Editor, chapbook). (The League of Canadian Poets/WOT Press, 1994).
The Knife Behind the Gills(novel). (Ekstasis Editions, 1995).
How To Catch Salmon. (Orca Book Publishers, 1995).
Open 24 Hours. (Broken Jaw Press, 1997).
Love and Other Things that Hurt. (Black Moss, 1999).

Selected Anthologies
Open Windows: Canadian ShortShort Stories. (Quarry Press, 1988).
A Labour of Love: An Anthology of Poetry on Pregnancy and Childbirth. (Polestar Press, 1989).
Northern Spirituality. (Aya Press. Fernwood Anthology, 1995).
Pagan Spirituality. (Mercury Press, 1995).

Books in Print
Reid, D.C.
How To Catch Salmon. Orca Book Publishers, 1995. $15.95 ISBN: 1-55143-030-4.
Love and Other Things That Hurt. Black Moss Press, 1999.
Open 24 Hours. Broken Jaw Press, 1997.
The Knife Behind the Gills (novel). Ekstasis Editions, 1995. $14.95 ISBN: 0-921215-87-8.
The Women Who Surround Me. Ekstasis Editions, 1991. $14.95 ISBN: 0-921215-48-7.

D.C. Reid