The Pat Lowther Memorial Award, short list, 1982.
Commonwealth Poetry Prize, short list, 1983.
British Columbia Writers Poetry Prize, 1988.
Conferedration Medal for Poetry and Performance, 1993.
Stephen Leacock Award for Poetry, first prize, 1994; fourth prize 1995; second
prize, 1996.
Malahat Fiction Prize short list, 1994, 1996.
Mother Tongue chapbook prize, 1994, 1995.
Dorothy Livesay Prize, 1995.
Reuben Rose Prize, Israel, 1995.
bp nicholl chapbook prize, short list, 1995.
People's Poetry Prize, 1996.
Hawthorne Poetry Prize, 1996.
Saltwater Festival Poetry Prize, 1996.
Acorn Rukeyser Poetry Prize, 1998.
Selected Publications
Queens of the Next Hot Star. (Oolichan Books, 1981).
Witness. (Sono Nis Press, 1985).
Singing Rib. (Oolichan Books, 1987).
Worm Sandwich (children's poems). (Sono Nis Press, 1989).
Woman at Mile Zero. (Oolichan Books, 1990).
Kestrel and Leonardo (illustrations, with Susan Musgrave). (Studio
123, 1990).
The Magic Flute (children's book). (Porcupine's Quill, 1992).
Letters from the Doll Hospital. (Sono Nis Press, 1992).
Brown Bag Blues. (Studio 123, 1992).
Frankie Zapper and the Disappearing Teacher (children's book). (Ronsdale/Cacanadadada
Press, 1994).
The Half Life of Radium (fiction). (Sono Nis Press, 1994).
Hard Candy. (Sono Nis Press, 1994).
Molly Brown is Not a Clown. (Ronsdale, 1996).
Love in the Rainforest. (Exile Editions, 1996).
Heaven Cake. (Sono Nis Press, 1997).
The Saning. (Sono Nis Press, 1999).
The Broad Canvas: Portraits of Women Artists. (Sono Nis Press, 1999).
Selected Anthologies
Clayoquot Anthology. (Friends of Clayoquot, 1993).
Vintage 93. (Quarry Press, 1994).
Because You Love Being a Stranger (Harbour, 1994).
Books in Print
Rogers, Linda
Brown Bag Blues. Studio 123, 1992. $10.00 ISBN: 1-895302-06-4.
Frankie Zapper and the Disappearing Teacher (children's book). Ronsdale/Cacanadadada
Press, 1994. $7.95 ISBN: 0-921870-27-2.
Hard Candy. Sono Nis Press, 1994. $9.95 ISBN: 1-55039-050-3.
Heaven Cake. Sono Nis Press, 1997. $13.95 ISBN 1-55039-072-4.
Kestrel and Leonardo (illustrations, with Susan Musgrave). Studio 123,
1990. $10.00 ISBN: 1-895302-02-1.
Heaven Cake. Sono Nis Press, 1997. $13.95 ISBN 1-55039-072-4.
Letters from the Doll Hospital. Sono Nis Press, 1992. $9.95 ISBN: 1-55039-029-5.
Love in the Rainforest. Exile Editions, 1996. $14.95 ISBN 1-55096-046-6.
Molly Brown is Not a Clown. Ronsdale Press, 1996.
The Broad Canvas: Portraits of Women Artists. Sono Nis Press, 1999.
The Half Life of Radium (fiction). Sono Nis Press, 1994. $12.95 ISBN: 1-55039-051-1.
The Magic Flute (children's book). Porcupine's Quill, 1992. $14.95 ISBN:
The Saning. Sono Nis Press, 1999. $14.95, ISBN: 1-55039-099-6.
Witness. Sono Nis Press, 1985. $6.95 ISBN: 0-919203-60-4.
Woman at Mile Zero. Oolichan Books, 1990. $9.95 ISBN: 0-88982-101-1.
Worm Sandwich (children's poems). Sono Nis Press, 1989. $9.95 ISBN: 1-55039-010-4.
Linda Rogers, 1235 Styles St, Victoria BC V9A 3Z6, phone: 250-386-8066