Jay Ruzesky

Jay Ruzesky was born in Edmonton, Alberta in 1965 and now lives in Victoria. He was raised in cities across Canada and has travelled from coast to coast. He has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Victoria, an M.A. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Windsor, and has also attended the Banff Writing Studio. He is on the editorial board of The Malahat Review and is cofounder of Outlaw Editions. He has taught at the University of Victoria and, since 1990, at Malaspina University College in Duncan, British Columbia.

Eden Mills Writers Festival Award, 1991.

Selected Publications
What Was Left of James Dean. (Press On, 1992).
Am I Glad to See You. (Thistledown Press, 1992).
Painting the Yellow House Blue. (House of Anansi Press, 1994).
Blue Himalayan Poppies. (Hawthorne Society, 1996).
Writing on the Wall. (Outlaw Editions, 1996).

Selected Anthologies
Breathing Fire: Canada's New Poets. (Harbour Publishing, 1995).
In the Clear. (Thistledown Press, 1998).
Meltwater. (Banff Centre Press, 1998).

Books in Print
Ruzesky, Jay
Am I Glad to See You. Thistledown Press, 1992. $7.50 ISBN: 0-920633-96-X.
Blue Himalayan Poppies. Hawthorne Society, 1996. ISBN: 1-895362-67-9.
Painting the Yellow House Blue. Anansi, 1994. $12.95 ISBN: 0-88784-554-1.
What Was Left of James Dean. Press On, 1992. $4.00 ISBN: 1-895790-00-X.
Writing on the Wall. Outlaw Editions, 1996. $5.00 ISBN 1-895790-03-4.

Jay Ruzesky, 2829 Dysart Rd, Victoria BC V9A 2J7, (250) 383-1777