K.V. Skene

K.V. Skene was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario in 1939, grew up in Lachine, Quebec, and has lived in a Toronto high rise, a small farm in Colborne, Ontario, and a houseboat, Victoria B.C. After two years in Oxford, she is now living and writing from the small village of Langton Matravers in Dorset, England. Her poetry has appeared in numerous Canadian, U.S., and U.K. publications.

Selected Publications
Pack Rat (chapbook). (Reference West, 1992).
fire water. (Ekstasis Editions, 1994).
The Uncertainty Factor/As a Rock. Tears in the Fence (chapbook). (U.K., 1995).

Selected Anthologies
Dorset Waters. (East Street Poets, 1997).
Doors of the Morning. (UnMon America, 1997).
Strong Winds. (Canadian Poetry Association, 1997).

Books in Print
Skene, K.V.
fire water. Ekstasis Editions, 1994. Pack rat. Reference West, 1992.