E. Russell Smith

E. Russell Smith, M.Sc. (McGill), M.A. (Ottawa), studied Creative Writing at Cambridge in 1971-72, and published poetry there. In 1988 he left teaching to take up full-time writing. His poetry, stories and articles have appeared in periodicals across Canada and elsewhere. He has been a consulting writer and editor in art history and science, is a member of TWUC and serves on the Board of the Word on the Street (Ottawa).

Selected Publications
Spring Garland (with Gerard Brender à Brandis).(Buschek Books, 2005) ISBN 1: 1-894543-28-9.
The Raft of the Skedaddlers
(Baico Publishing, Gatineau QC, 2004) ISBN 1-894494-85-7.
Trippers' Tales: Stories and Legends of the Ottawa Valley (short Stories). (General Store Publishing House, 1991).
The Felicity Papers: Forgotten Voices of a Valley Town. (novel). (General Store Publishing House, 1995).
Why We Stand Facing South. (poems). (Moonstone Press, 1998).

Selected Anthologies
Open Set. (Agawa Press, 1990).
Vintage'95. (Quarry Press, 1996).
Hawthorne Anthology. (Hawthorne, 1996).

Books in Print
Smith, E. Russell
Spring Garland (with Gerard Brender à Brandis).(Buschek Books, 2005) ISBN 1: 1-894543-28-9. $15.00
The Raft of the Skedaddlers
(historical fiction) Baico Publishing, Gatineau QC, 2004. ISBN 1-894494-85-7. $18.95
The Felicity Papers: Forgotten Voices of a Valley Town
. (novel). General Store Publishing House, 1995. ISBN: 1-896182-12-7.
Trippers' Tales: Stories and Legends of the Ottawa Valley (short Stories). General Store Publishing House, 1991. ISBN: 0-919431-48-8.
Why We stand Facing South. (poems). Moonstone Press, 1998. ISBN: 0-920259-64-2.

E. Russell Smith, 1478 Portal St, Ottawa ON K1H 6X3, (613) 731-6818

Poet in the School

phone: (613) 731-6818

E. Russell Smith was born in Toronto, educated there (UTS) and in Montreal (M.Sc. at McGill,1958), and now lives in Ottawa. In 1971-72 at Cambridge University, he studied Art History and Creative Writing and published his first poetry. He completed an M.A. in English at the University of Ottawa in 1983. His poetry, stories, feature articles and reviews have appeared in periodicals across Canada, the USA and the UK. Russ and Barb travel widely in North America, Europe and the Middle East. They are avid canoe trippers.

Grade Levels:
experienced with Grades 9-13

Classroom Approach:
(1) Illustrations of finding poetic inspiration in a variety of sources, with illustrations from my work.
(2) Moving from prosaic to poetic diction, with examples of the evolution of a poem, or exercises for the students in the process.