Lola Sneyd

Lola Sneyd is a poet, shortstory writer and journalist who grew up in the west, but has been a Torontonian for many years. A former public health nurse, she writes about and for all ages. She has taught Creative Writing and Writing for Children's market for the Toronto Board of Education. She gives poetry and creative writing workshops at all levels, elementary to college, teachers and librarians. She enjoys working with children and adults, encouraging them to be creative. Lola Sneyd was President of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Authors Association 1978 - 1980, 1982. She is a member of the Writers' Union of Canada, Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators and Performers - recording secretary, 1980-82.

Canadian Children's Book Centre Our Choice, for the Asphalt Octopus.
Lyn Harrington Award, Canadian Authors Association, 1983.
Poem selected for The Best of 1978, Ideals Publishing Co.

Selected Publications
The Asphalt Octopus: A Child's World in Poetry. (Simon & Pierre, 1982, 1984, 1996).
The Concrete Giraffe. (Simon & Pierre, 1984, 1986).
Ringette is Fun. (Highway Book Shop, 1985).
Nature's Big Top. (Simon & Pierre, 1987, 1996).
Classy Cats. (Simon & Pierre, 1991).

Selected Anthologies
Impressions: Run Forever. (Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1986).
Poetry Express. (Nelson, 1993).
Cornerstones. (Cage, 1998).

Books in Print
Sneyd, Lola
Classy Cats. Simon & Pierre, 1990. $9.95 ISBN: 0-88924-209-7.
Nature's Big Top. Simon & Pierre, 1987. $8.95 ISBN: 0-88924-200-3.
Ringette is Fun. Highway Book Shop, 1985. $2.95 ISBN: 0-88954-311-9.
The Asphalt Octopus: A Child's World in Poetry. Simon & Pierre, 1993. $8.95 ISBN: 0-88924-130-9.
The Concrete Giraffe. Simon & Pierre, 1984. $8.95 ISBN: 0-88924-140-6.

Lola Sneyd, 7 Wheeler Av, Toronto ON M4L 3V3, (416) 694-7212


Poet in the School

phone: 416-694-7212

Sneyd is a poet, short story writer, journalist and teacher of Creative Writing and Writing for Children at the Toronto Board of Education. Her work is included in anthologies in Canada, the U.S., England and Australia (e.g. Nelson's Impressions). She has given poetry, creative writing and writing for children workshops at all levels, elementary to college, to teachers and librarians. Sneyd is the author of five books, four of which are for children: The Asphalt Octopus, The Concrete Giraffe, Nature's Big Top and Classy Cats.

Grade Levels: all

Fees: standard

Classroom Approach:
Students should be familiar with her work prior to the visit. Sneyd has many creative approaches to teaching poetry, adapted to the various needs and levels of the students' development. She encourages students to reach inside themselves, or to the environment, and using their imagination and all their senses, to create an emotional adventure. Her presentations are illustrated with readings from her own work.