Robert (Bob) Stallworthy

Bob is a transplanted Maritimer who has lived in Calgary for 25 years. He has been writing and publishing his poetry for seventeen years. He has two full-length books of poetry, From A Call Box, Frontenac House Ltd., 2001 and Under the Sky Speaking, Snowapple Press, 1998. His work appears in magazines, anthologies and has been read on CBC's Alberta Anthology (Radio 1) and Out of the Blue (Radio 2).

Bob's writing related activities include being a member of the Literary Festival Committee for the 1988 Winter Olympics, writing the Teacher's Guide for the first three PanCanadian Wordfest: Banff-Calgary International Writers Festivals, being the first Calgary Region Co-ordinator for the Writers Guild of Alberta, co-chairing the Calgary Freedom to Read Week Committee for five years, and giving over 150 workshops/performances in Alberta schools.

Bob is a co-recipient of the 2002 Calgary Freedom of Expression Award and a Lifetime member of the Writers Guild of Alberta.

Selected Publications
Under the Sky Speaking. (Snowapple Press, 1998) ISBN 1-895592-19-4.
From A Call Box. ( Frontenac House Ltd., 2002 ISBN 0-9684903-1-X.

Selected Anthologies
Undercurrents (Snowapple Press, 1998).
Beyond Bad Times (Snowapple Press, 1993).
Sense & Feeling (Copp Clark Pitman, 1991).

Books in Print
Stallworthy, Robert
From A Call Box.( Frontenac House Ltd., 2002 ISBN 0-9684903-1-X, $13.95.

Robert (Bob) Stallworthy, 7947 Huntington Rd. NE Calgary, Alberta, T2K 5A2.