
Ken Stange

Ken Stange is a writer who works in many forms and likes to mix his media. He has published hundreds of poems, fictions, and essays in dozens of periodicals. For several years, he wrote a weekly "arts and alternatives" column for The North Bay Nugget. He is currently working on a book about creativity in the arts and sciences, a new volume of poetry, and a collection of fiction. For the last decade he's been doing visual art as well as writing, working exclusively on computer and always integrating text into his images. He has had numerous juried and invitational exhibitions, at both public and alternative galleries. A book of his visual has been published by Penumbra Press: A Smoother pebble. A Prettier Shell. He has a gallery of his visual art on the WEB: He also publishes an Internet magazine Nebula ( Aside from writing and creating visual art, he teaches courses in "Computer Methods in Psychology" and "Psychology of Art" at Nipissing University, writes creative and scientific software, and bikes long distances to relax.

Selected Publications
Wolf Cycle. (Nebula Press, 1974).
Revenging Language. (Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1976).
Portraits in the Mirror. (Nebula Press, 1978).
Love is a Grace. (Nebula Press, 1978).
Bushed (novel). (York Publishing, 1979).
Nocturnal Rhythms. (Penumbra Press, 1979).
Cold Pigging Poetics (poetry and prose). (York Publishing, 1981).
Bourgeois Pleasures (poetry and prose). (Quarry Press, 1984).
Advice to Travellers (Penumbra, 1994).
A Smoother Pebble, A Prettier Shell. (Penumbra, 1995).

Selected Anthologies
Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of American Poetry. (Monitor Book Co., 1980, 1983).
Un Dozen. (Black Moss Press, 1982).
The Inner Ear: An Anthology of New Poets. (Quadrant Editions, 1982).

Books in Print
Stange, Ken
Advice to Travellers. Penumbra, 1994. $10.95 ISBN 0-921254-7-41.
Nocturnal Rhythms. Penumbra Press, 1979. $5.95 ISBN: 0-920806-03-1.

Poet in the School
(North Bay)

phone: 705-474-3461 x4524


Stange is the author of numerous books of poetry and fiction, and most recently a book of his visual art created using computer technology: A Smoother Pebble, A Prettier Shell. He also has done journalism, including a weekly newspaper column on the arts entitled "Alternatives". When not trying to be creative at his computer, he teaches at Nipissing University in the psychology department; among his courses are one on The Psychology of Art which looks closely at the nature of the creative individual. He is also a computer programmer and an internet expert, maintaining a considerable number of web sites, including an online literary magazine, an art gallery, and a resource site for psychology. Having taught Creative Writing at several summer programs, as well as in the Writers in the Schools program, he has developed a variety of techniques for engaging students in the act of literary creation.

Grade Levels: 9 - OAC

Fees: standard

Classroom Approach:
Students need not be familiar with his work. Stange is willing to (and has experience with) a variety of approaches and formats, including workshops, creativity exercises, information sessions, individualized criticism or readings. He is very willing to adapt his approach to the expressed needs of the students and the teacher. Also, he has some unusual areas of expertise: internet publishing, general creativity training, computers as an artistic tool and medium, mixing literary genres, science as a source of inspiration, and the relationship of visual art to the written word.

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