Margo Swiss

Margo Swiss was born in Peterborough, Ontario. She studied at Trent University, University of Manitoba, and York University. She began publishing poetry in 1967, and her work has appeared occassionally in such periodicals as Canadian Forum, Quarry Press, Fiddlehead, and Canadian Women Studies. She lives in Toronto with her family and teaches Humanities and English at York University.

Selected Publications
Crossword: A Woman's Narrative. (St. Thomas Poetry Series, 1996).

Selected Anthologies
Inner Ear: An Anthology of New Poets. (Quadrant, 1982).
Christian Poetry in Canada
. (ECW Press, 1989; ECW and Anglican Book Centre, 1993).
Heirs of Fame: Milton and Writers of English Renaissance. Co-editor. (Bucknell UP, 1995).

Books in Print
Swiss, Margo
Crossword: A Woman's Narrative. St. Thomas Poetry Series, 1996. $9.95 ISBN 0-9697802-3-0.