Rhea Tregebov

Born in Saskatoon and raised in Winnipeg, Rhea Tregebov is the author of five critically acclaimed collections of poetry. She studied English at the University of Manitoba and Cornell, and earned her Masters' Degree at Boston University. She lives in Toronto with her son and works as a creative writing instructor and freelance editor. In addItion to her poetry, she has edited nine anthologies and written five children's picture books.

National Magazine Awards, Poetry, (honorable mention), 1998.
Malahat Review Long Poem Award (co-winner), 1993.
Prairie Schooner Readers' Choice Award, 1993.
Pat Lowther Memorial Award, 1982.

Selected Publications
The Strength of Materials. (Wolsak & Wynn) 2001.
Mapping the Chaos. (VŽhicule Press, 1995).
The Proving Grounds. (VŽhicule Press, 1991).
No One We Know. (Aya Press, 1987).
Remembering History. (Guernica Editions, 1982).

Selected Anthologies
Poetry by Canadian Women. (Oxford University Press, 1989).

Books in Print
Tregebov, Rhea
The Strength of Materials (Wolsak & Wynn) 2001. $14.00 ISBN 9-780919-897762
Mapping the Chaos. VŽhicule Press, 1995. $9.95 ISBN 1-55065-070-X.
The Proving Grounds. VŽhicule Press, 1991. $9.95 ISBN: 1-55065-018-1.

Rhea Tregebov, 62 Austin Terrace, Toronto ON M5R 1Y6, (416) 530-0194


Poet in the School

phone: 416-530-0194

Tregebov has extensive experience in classroom readings and workshops and is comfortable with age groups from junior kindergarten to high school. Her fifth collection of poetry, The Strength of Materials was released in 2001. In addition to her poetry, she has written five popular children's picture books: What-If Sara (1999), Sasha and the Wind (1996), Sasha and the Wiggly Tooth (1993), The Big Storm (1992) and The Extraordinary Ordinary Everything Room (1991). The Big Storm was awarded the inaugural Tiny Torgi Award by the CNIB. Her writing has received numerous other awards, inlcuding the Pat Lowther Memorial Award and the Malahat Review Long Poem Prize. Tregebov has also edited nine anthologies of poetry, prose and essays. Since 1995 she has worked with high school students via the Internet through Writers in Electronic Residence; she also teaches Creative Writing to adults through Ryerson's Continuing Education writing workshops.

Grade Levels:

Half days: 1 presentation $200, 2 presentations $250;
full days: 3 presentations $350, 4 presentations $400

Classroom Approach:
For Junior Kindergarten to grade 3, Tregebov reads and discusses her children's books (see list above). Session content and length is tailored to the group. For grades 4 - OAC, presentation may consist either of an in-class poetry writing exercise or presentations on literacy, the writing process or family heritage. Classroom Guide and Author Profile brochure available on request.