Marian Frances White

Marian Frances White has published in many differnet genres, but poetry is her first love. White studied journalism at Carleton University and went on to produce historical documentaries. In 1996 she published her first book of poetry, Skinny Dipping, and in 2003 released her second volume, Mind Your Eyes. White enjoys the opportunity to share her work at home in St. John's, Newfoundland, and wherever poetry takes her.

Newfoundland and Labrador Arts of the Year, 2000
Memorial University Poetry Award

Selected Publications
The Finest Kind, voices of NL Women (Creative Publishers,1992) ISBN 1-895387-10-8.
Eladamar: A Fine Vegan Cuisine. (Creative Publishers, 1995) ISBN 1-895387-61-2.
Discover Canada: History of Newfoundland and Labrador (Grolier, 1997 ISBN 0-7172-3163-1.
Skinny Dipping. (Gynergy Books, 1996) ISBN 0-921881-39-8.
Mind Your Eyes (Killick Press, 2003) ISBN 1-894894-60-2.

Selected Anthologies

Imagining Women (short stories). (Toronto Women's Press).
A Way With Words.
Wild on the Crest

Books in Print
White, Marian Frances
Skinny Dipping. Gynergy Books, 1996. $12.95 ISBN 0-921881-39-8.
Mind Your Eyes (Killick Press, 2003) ISBN 1-894894-60-2.

Marian Frances White, 348 Mount Scio Rd., St. John's, NL A1B 4L6.
phone: 709-753-6542; fax: 709-753-0607.