Rita Wong

Rita Wong has worked as a writer, a teacher, an archivist, and an activist. She has an Honours BA from the University of Calgary, a MA in English from >the University of Alberta, a MAS in Archival Studies from the University of British Columbia, and is currently a doctoral student at Simon Fraser University. She lives, writes, dreams, protests, and sometimes remembers to eat and breathe in Vancouver.

Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop Emerging Writer Award, 1997

Selected Publications
monkeypuzzle, (Press Gang Publishers, 1998) 0-88974-088-7

Selected Anthologies
wallowing Clouds (Arsenal Pulp Press, 1999) 1-55152-073-7, $19.95
Millenium Messages (Asian Canadian Writers Workshop Society, 1998) 0-9682460-0-1, $10
Another Way to Dance (TSAR Press, 1996) 0-920661-59-9, $19.95

Books in Print
Wong, Rita
monkeypuzzle, (Press Gang Publishers, 1998) 0-88974-088-7

Rita Wong
c/o English Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC
V5A 1S6