Giving Opportunities

To contribute today, please print and complete this form and either fax it to 416-504-0096 or mail it to 920 Yonge St. Ste.608, Toronto, M4W 3C7. To donate by telephone, please call the League office at 416 504 1657.


I wish to join the Poets’ Circle
and support the League with an
annual gift of:
I prefer to support the League with a
monthly gift of:
$100 Epigram $10/month Epigram
$200 Haiku $20/month Haiku
$500 Tanka $45/month Tanka
$800 Sonnet $70/month Sonnet
$1,200 Glosa $107/month Glosa
$1,800 Limerick $158/month Limerick
$2,500 Ode $215/month Ode
$5,000 Idyll $430/month Idyll
$10,000 Paen $850/month Paen

Note: Poets’ Circle monthly payments will continue on the first of each month until the League is notified in writing of any change.

I do not wish to become a member of The Poets’ Circle at this time, but would like to support the League’s general operating fund with a gift of $ _________________


I have enclosed a cheque for the full amount of my annual gift made payable to the League of Canadian Poets.

I have enclosed a cheque for my first month's contribution made payable to the League of Canadian Poets. I then authorize my bank to debit my chequing account on the first of each month.

Signature_________________________________________ Date ______________________

Please charge my:
American Express

for the full amount of my annual gift
on the first of each month

Card Number__________________________________________ Expiry Date ________________

Signature_____________________________________________ Date _____________________


Whenever appropriate, please publish my name as ________________________________________________

I wish to remain anonymous


All donors will be issued a charitable tax receipt. (charitable number 1085869-81)