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Writers Organizations

Writers might work alone much of the time, but they get together later and talk. And what talk! Still, whether they are sipping words over a cup of mint tea as the rain beads on the glass (hey, it happens), or typing in a cold basement late at night as the snow turns to a glacier outside, they need other writers and editors and publicists and friends, or they'll be homeless, in a literary sense. The country, and the world, are rich with organizations for writers. Many writers find community within them. Here are some useful ones.

Provincial Writers' Organizations
These are invaluable sites, often with manuscript reading services, information about contests, contacts, grants, awards, events, even bulletin boards. They are definitely worth a look-see.

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Provincial and National Arts Councils
These are sites will guide you through the often arcane business of applying for grants from provincial and national funding agencies.

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National Writers' Organizations
These are invaluable sites, with much of the same benefits as the provincial sites, but operating in relationship to national goals and with the federal rather than the provincial governments. These are vital resources.

  • The Writers Union of Canada, for writers of all genres, including poetry.
  • The Canadian Poetry Association, our sister poetry organization.
  • The Canadian Authors Association, the sister organization to the Writers' Union.
  • CANSCAIP, for children's writing.
  • The Canadian Conference of the Arts represents 200,000 cultural workers, and has some very valuable tax advice. Look it up. The Canadian Conference of the Arts is Canada's oldest and largest arts advocacy group. Founded in 1945 by the leading artists of the day, the CCA was created to impress upon governments and the general public the importance of the arts and cultural industries in Canadian society. The CCA is an independent, non-partisan organization and a registered charity. Online you will find a guide to the CCA's international activities, its national political activities, including submissions on New Media, Finance, and Cultural policy, valuable tax primers for artists and writers, and more.
  • The Utmost Christian Writers is an organization of interest to, well, Christian writers. Check it out here. This organization runs a contest and also pays for poems used on its website.
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    Copyright Organizations
    These organizations are working to reimburse us for unpaid use of our writing, and to maintain the integrity of copyright. Essential reading.

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    International Writers' Organizations
    These sites from other countries offer a different lens on poetry today.

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    This Page is maintained by John Oughton. Last update: December, 2004.
    Copyright The League of Canadian Poets, John Oughton and Harold Rhenisch, 2004

    Please report broken links to the webmaster © 1996-2004 The League of Canadian Poets