Lax Operad Actions and Coherence for Monoidal
n-Categories, A_{\infty} Rings
and Modules
Gerald Dunn
We establish a general coherence theorem for lax operad actions on an
n-category which implies that an n-category with such an action is lax
equivalent to one with a strict action. This includes familiar coherence
results (e.g. for symmetric monoidal categories) and many new ones. In
particular, any braided monoidal n-category is lax equivalent to a strict
braided monoidal n-category. We also obtain coherence theorems for
A_{\infty} and E_{\infty} rings and for lax modules over such rings. Using
these results we give an extension of Morita equivalence to A_{\infty}
rings and some applications to infinite loop spaces and algebraic