HINTS ON USING TAC.STY The style file for Theory and Applications of categories is based on the article style of LaTeX, and was created by Michael Barr. Thus, your TeX source code will be generally similar to code you would produce in using the article style. The exceptions concern the title, abstract, proclamation of theorems, propositions etc., and the references. Your file should begin with \documentstyle{tac} and of course the file tac.sty must be in a directory where TeX looks for input. Title, Abstract: There are several required macros which are similar to those of LaTeX: \title, \author, \address, \eadress, \keywords, \amsclass you may use multiple author names and addresses - use \\ to obtain a new line; \amsclass refers to AMS 1990 Subject Classification. Optional title macros are \thanks, \dedication note that \thanks is separate from \author (in contrast to the article style.) After \begin{document} you should include a \maketitle as usual. There is an `abstract' environment, so the text of your abstract should begin with \begin{abstract} and end with \end{abstract}. Proclamations: These are handled using the \subsection counters and you may use \label's as usual. The macros for proclamations come in pairs, for example \theorem, \endtheorem The macro pairs available are: \theorem, \proposition, \corollary, \lemma, \definition, \remark You may find it convenient to abbreviate, for example \let\thm\theorem \let\endtheorem\eth Note that all of the \end... macros are equivalent, so you need use only \endtheorem if you prefer. The text of proofs should begin with \proof, and end with \endproof (the latter provides a `Halmos bar'.) References: The reference list environment begins with \begin{references} or \begin{references*} depending on whether the Harvard e.g. [Eileberg-Mac Lane, 1945] or a numerical reference style is used. You may substitute \references, \references* closed with \endreferences(*) for the environment declaration. Finally, the style files ends with some useful macros for dealing with new math operations, math roman elements like `hom' and multi-line displays.