Theory and Applications of Categories is an all-electronic journal which uses the TeX typesetting system to define its contents and the Internet to disseminate them. Authors are invited to submit articles to any member of the Editorial Board in any standard flavour of TeX (i.e. plain, LaTeX, AMS-(La)Tex.) Below are more details about the mechanics of submitting an article.

All papers are refereed and acceptance of an article by an Editor indicates that the high standards of the journal have been met. Articles may be submitted to only one member of the Board.

The final accepted version of a paper is the form that will be in the archive; the author will not be able to make any changes, except: errata and additions can be attached to the end and, where appropriate, footnote(s) may be added to the main text calling attention to these addendums; references to pre-publication versions may be updated to final bibliographic form.

Accepted papers will be archived electronically in .dvi and Postscript format by the journal. In addition, the Canadian Mathematical Society's CaMEl server and the National Library of Canada maintain complete electronic archives. A printed paper version of each article in the journal is archived in the Mount Allison University Library.

Authors retain ownership of copyright to their work, subject to appropriate use of the work by the journal. For details consult the Copyright Agreement, which authors must agree to before an accepted paper is published.


Articles must include an Abstract in English of not more than 200 words. AMS Subject Classification must also be also be included.

TeX source files of articles may be submitted by email to any member of the Editorial Board. Editors may also provide facilities for receiving articles by file transfer - contact your Editor to enquire.

LaTeX IS THE PREFERRED FORMAT, and its use will facilitate consideration of an article, but papers in other standard TeX flavors will be considered.

A style file is available from the journal and its use during preparation of articles is encouraged. Whether or not the journal's style is used, and whatever the flavour of TeX, author's should define a macro for each proclaimed structure e.g. \definition, \proposition, \theorem. These macros will be replaced by the journal's own.

Accepted articles will be archived in the style of the journal. Authors should note that the base font size is 12 point. Please avoid use of elements which depend on another base font size. Also avoid any absolute moves such as `\vskip 10 pt' as the journal's pagination will differ from yours. As a general rule less formatting is better.

An article is normally submitted as a single source file. All macros must be included with the source file and are the responsibility of the author. Macros should be placed at the beginning of the file. It is also helpful if any macro that is not actually used is deleted from the source file. The only exception is diagram macro packages. The currently acceptable macro packages are those authored by Barr, Borceux, Rose (XY-Pic) and Taylor. The author is responsible to ensure that the current version of a macro package has been used. Editors are not permitted to correct errors in TeX source.

If BiBTeX is used with LaTeX, bibliographies must be BiBTeXed and .bbl files appended to the source file. No .bib files will be accepted. References may use the standard BiBTeX styles or the Harvard style.

Authors are STRONGLY encouraged to use only fonts from the standard TeX distribution (cmr etc.), AMS symbol fonts (msym...) or the XY-pic fonts. They should be aware that use of non-standard fonts can interfere with successful dissemination of their work. Fonts not mentioned above must be provided by the author to the Editor concerned and to the journal. Embedded graphics or Postscript are not currently accepted.

The source file for an article must begin with a comment which includes the following information: the flavour of TeX used, the number of pages, any diagram macro package used, any non-standard fonts, the implementation of TeX used in preparation of the article. An example might be

% LaTeX document, 12 pp, XY-pic ver 2.12, PCTeX version 3.1

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1. The primary archive of Theory and Applications of Categories(TAC) is a set of electronic files in TeX source, dvi and pk font formats. The source files contain all articles accepted in TAC and any macro files required to typeset them. The dvi files are those produced from the articles by the TeX program (version 3.14). Font files to allow printing of accepted articles must also be maintained. This archive is the property of the Editorial Board of TAC and is maintained by the Managing Editor.

2. A secondary electronic archive of TAC is maintained by the Canadian Mathematical Society.

3. A paper copy of the typeset version of each article accepted in TAC is provided to the Mount Allison University Library for archiving.

Return to Information for Authors.


The LaTeX style file for the journal is available here. It was modified from the LaTeX article style by Michael Barr. Also available are hints on how to use the style file. For information on use of other flavours of TeX, please write to Bob Rosebrugh,

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(La)TeX macros for diagrams

The links here are to macro packages (and their documentation) intended to facilitate creation of diagrams in (La)TeX. A
general index of TeX macro packages is maintained by David M. Jones in the pub/tex directory at

The links below are to appropriate directories at the CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) site. If you are not in North America, you may retrieve the files more quickly by connecting to another CTAN site closer to you. Try or . The packages are:

A LaTeX diagram macro package by Michael Barr based on picture mode.

A LaTeX diagram macro package by Francis Borceux based on matrices.

The XY-pic diagram macro package by Kris Rose.

A diagram macro package by Paul Taylor based on matrices.

Return to Format for submission.