T E I R E S I A S Volume 23, 1993 ISSN 0381-9361 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES The General Editor wishes to thank Fr. E. Brenk, S.J., for sending an advance programme of the Third International Meeting of the International Plutarch Society, and Ms. Mirela Leibovici and Mr. Donald Sedgwick for their help in preparing this number. R A. HIGGINS Most readers of TEIRESIAS must know by now of the death in the spring of this year of Reynold Higgins. He was a scholar of wide interests, which -- because of his work on Greek terracottas -- extended to Boiotia. His contributions to the study of Greek art are a lasting legacy. Those of us who had the good fortune to know him have the additional boon of having enjoyed the friend- ship of this kind and remarkable man, whose absence we feel keenly. Our sympathy goes out to his family. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL (See also 93.2.02, 07, 32, 71, 144, 214) ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 93.1.01 A. K. Andreiomenou, PRAKTIKA 1989 (1992) 125-145 (To Nek- rotapheio tis Akraiphias). 93.1.02 A. K. Andreiomenou, ERGON 1992 (1993) 53-59 (Akraiphia). 93.1.03 M. H. Munn & M. L. Zimmerman Munn, ADELT 42 (1987 [1992]) B'.1.198-199 (Skourta Plain). 93.1.04 A. Pariente, "Chronique des fouilles en 1991" BCH 116 (1992) 833-854, esp. 846 (Oropos), 846 & 849 (Skala Oropou), 882-885 (Laphystio, Parori, Panakton, Glypha, Akraiphia, Gla, Beotie, Halai, Martino, Malessina). 93.1.05 M. Pologiorgi, ADELT 42 (1987 [1992]) B'.1.103-107 (Skala Oropou). 93.1.06 H. Tzavella-Evjen, PRAKTIKA 1989 (1992) 146-158 (Anas kaphi Chaironeias). BOOKS 93.1.07 S. E. Iakovidis, GLAS I (H ANASKAPHI 1955-1961) (Athens 1989) viii & 329pp. (1-271 in Greek, 273-324 in English). 93.1.08 L. Migeotte, LES SOUSCRIPTIONS PUBLIQUES DANS LES CITES GRECQUES (Geneva and Quebec 1992) esp. 84.30. 93.1.09 M. H. Munn, THE DEFENSE OF ATTICA: THE DEMA WALL AND THE BOIOTIAN WAR OF 378-375 B.C. (Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford 1993) xx & 259pp. 93.1.10 H. W. Pleket & R. S. Stroud, edd., SEG 39 (Amsterdam 1992) 146-158 (nos. 421-459), 166 (no. 480). 93.1.11 W. K. Pritchett, STUDIES IN ANCIENT GREEK TOPOGRAPHY, PART VII (Amsterdam 1991) x & 228pp. 93.1.12 K. Schefold & F. Jung, DIE SAGEN VON DEN ARGONAUTEN, VON THEBEN UND TROIA IN DER KLASSISCHEN UND HELLENISTISCHEN KUNST (Munich 1989) 427pp. 93.1.13 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, DIE ANTIKENSAMMLUNG IM PERGAMONMUSEUM UND IN CHARLOTTENBURG (Mainz am Rhein 1992) 315pp., esp. 126 (no. 38), 248 (129), 255 (137). 93.1.14 J. Travlos, BILDLEXIKON ZUR TOPOGRAPHIE DER ANTIKEN ATTIKA (Tuebingen 1988) esp. 170-176 (Eleutherai), 301- 318 (Oropos. Amphiareion). 93.1.15 J. Treheux, INSCRIPTIONS DE DELOS. INDEX I: LES ETRANGERS, A L'EXCLUSION DES ATHENIENS DE LA CLEROUCHIE ET DES ROMAINS (Paris 1992) 113pp., esp. 93-113 (Index: Ethniques, Demotiques et Gentilices). 93.1.16 R. Urban, DER KOENIGSFRIEDEN VON 387/86 V. CHR.: VORGES CHICHTE, ZUSTANDEKOMMEN, ERGEBNIS UND POLITISCHE UMSET- ZUNG (Stuttgart 1991) 203pp. ARTICLES 93.1.17 G. Argoud & P. Roesch, "Decrets de Thebes pour les juges d'Oropos", ZPE 95 (1993) 141-146. 93.1.18 E. Badian, "The King's Peace", in M. A. Flower & M. Toher, edd., GEORGICA = BICS SUPPLEMENT 58 (London 1991) 25- 48. 93.1.19 J. Buckler, "Epameinondas and Pythagoreanism", HISTORIA 42 (1993) 104-108. 93.1.20 E. Csapo, "A Postscript to `An International Community of Traders in Late 8th-7th c. B.C. Kommos", ZPE 96 (1993) 135-136. (See 91.1.25). 93.1.21 F. Dakaronia, "Homeric Towns in East Lokris: Problems of Identification", HESPERIA 62 (1993) 115-127. 93.1.22 F. De Angelis, "A forgotten inscription from Khlembot sari, (Asopia), Boiotia", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 53-56. 93.1.23 J. G. De Voto, "The Theban Sacred Band", THE ANCIENT WORLD 23.2 (1992) 3-19. 93.1.24 J. Driessen, "Homere et les tablettes en lineaire B. Mise au point", ACLASS 61 (1992) 5-37, esp. 9-10. 93.1.25 J. M. Fossey, "Two notes from Thisbe", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 47-52. 93.1.26 J. M. Fossey, "A Theban weight or shot?" BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 57-58. 93.1.27 R. L. Fowler, "The Myth of Kephalos as an Aition of Rain- magic", ZPE 97 (1993) 29-42. 93.1.28 G. Gauvin and J. Morin, "Le site d'Askra et ses car rieres", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 7-15. 93.1.29 H.-J. Gehrke, "Thisbe in Boiotien. Eine Fallstudie zum Thema `Griechische Polis und Roemisches Imperium'", KLIO 75 (1993) 145-154. 93.1.30 J. Pascual Gonzalez, "El surgiamento de una faccion demo cratica tebana", FAVENTIA 8 (1986) 69-83. 93.1.31 T. E. Gregory, "Archaeological explorations in the Thisbe basin", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 17-34. 93.1.32 J. Knauss, "Purpose and function of the ancient hydraulic structures at Thisbe", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 35-46. 93.1.33 L. Migeotte, "Citoyens, femmes et etrangers dans les souscriptions publiques des cites grecques", CLASSICAL VIEWS 11 (1992) 293-308, esp. 301-302. 93.1.34 J. S. Oestergaard, "Terracotta Horses and Horsemen of Archaic Boeotia", ACTA HYPERBOREA 3 (1991) 111-189. 93.1.35 P. Oliva, "Panhellenismus und Hegemonie" GRAECOLATINA PRAGENSIA 13 (1991) 119-136. 93.1.36 V. Parker, "The Chronology of the Pentecontaetia from 465 to 456", ATHENAEUM 81 (1993) 129-147, esp. 140-144. 93.1.37 C. Perles, "Systems of Exchange and Organization of Pro- duction in Neolithic Greece", JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY 5 (1992) 115-164. 93.1.38 J. B. Rutter, "The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland" AJA 97 (1993) 745-797, passim. 93.1.39 C. Scheffer, "Why Boeotian? Reflections on the Boeotian Silhouette Group", in M. Blomberg, ed., FROM THE GUSTAVIANUM COLLECTIONS IN UPPSALA 3 = BOREAS 22 (Uppsala 1993) 75-87. 93.1.40 A. M. Snodgrass, "The rural landscape and its political significance", OPUS 6-8 (1987-1989) 53-70. 93.1.41 C. M. Stibbe, "Archaic bronze hydriai", BABESCH 67 (1992) 1-62, esp. 54 (65: discussed p. 12). 93.1.42 Kh. Tzavella-Evjen, "Heroes who did not 'rest in peace': legends and the archaeological record", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 2 (1992) 3-6. PAPERS READ 93.1.43 A. Andreiomenou, V. Aravantinos, M. H. Munn, "Excavations at Panakton, 1991-1992", 94th Annual Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America (New Orleans, Decem- ber 1992): AJA 97 (1993) 346. 93.1.44 R. J. Buck, "The Later Boiotian League 336-88 B.C.", Annual Meeting, Classical Association of the Canadian West (Victoria, March 1993). 93.1.45 J. M. Fossey, "Boiotia and the Pontic Cities in Anti- quity", Conference: Boiotian [and Other] Epigraphy, Montreal, February 1993. 93.1.46 J. M. Fossey, "Boiotian Decrees of Proxenia: the General Picture and the Specific Case of Haliartos" (see above, 93.1.45). 93.1.47 L. Migeotte, "Ressources financieres des cites Beotiennes" (see above, 93.1.45). 93.1.48 G. L. Reger, "Boiotians in the Hellenistic Kyklades" (see above, 93.1.45). 93.1.49 D. W. Roller, "Some Thoughts on Boiotians in South Italy" (see above, 93.1.45). 93.1.50 D. W. Roller, "The Inscriptions of Tanagra: a Preliminary Analysis" (see above, 93.1.45). 93.1.51 A. Schachter, "Relations between Athens and Boiotia in the sixth century B.C.", conference on The History and Archaeology of Athenian Democracy (Oxford, July 1993). 93.1.52 L. A. Turner, "The Topography and Monuments of Livadia: Intra- and Extra-Urban Landscapes" (see above, 93.1.43): AJA 97 (1993) 345. REVIEWS 93.1.53 H. Beister & J. Buckler, edd., BOIOTIKA (89.1.03) -[r] G. Dobesch, ANZ.ALTERT. 45 (1992) 71-73. 93.1.54 M. Bernal, BLACK ATHENA 2 (91.1.13) -[r] S. M. Burstein, CLASS.PHIL. 88 (1993) 157-162. 93.1.55 J. M. Fossey, THE ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY OF OPOUNTIAN LOKRIS (90.1.25) -[r] G. Shipley, CR 43 (1993) 134-136. 93.1.56 J. M. Fossey, PAPERS IN BOIOTIAN TOPOGRAPHY AND HISTORY (90.1.26) -[r] D. Marcotte, ACLASS 61 (1992) 574. 93.1.57 -[r] R. J. Buck, PHOENIX 47 (1993) 165-168. 93.1.58 J. M. Fossey, TOPOGRAPHY AND POPULATION OF ANCIENT BOIOTIA (88.1.07) -[r] R. J. Buck, PHOENIX 47 (1993) 165-168. 93.1.59 S. A. Immerwahr, AEGEAN PAINTING IN THE BRONZE AGE (90.1.29) -[r] F. Vandenabeele, ACLASS 61 (1992) 652-654. 93.1.60 J. H. Oliver, GREEK CONSTITUTIONS OF EARLY ROMAN EMPIRES FROM INSCRIPTIONS (92.1.16) -[r] A. Martin, HERMATHENA 150 (1991) 66-68. 93.1.61 -[r] E. Will, RPHIL 55 (1991) 39-41. 93.1.62 -[r] I. Weiler, ANZ.ALTERT. 45 (1992) 241-243. 93.1.63 -[r] G. Petzl, GNOMON 64 (1992) 613-618. 93.1.64 -[r] R. Selinger, TYCHE 7 (1992) 251-252. 93.1.65 H. W. Pleket & R. S. Stroud, edd., SEG 38 (92.1.17) -[r] D. M. Lewis, CR 43 (1993) 208. 93.1.66 L. Prandi, PLATEA (89.1.08) -[r] D. Hennig, GNOMON 64 (1992) 727-728. 93.1.67 W. K. Pritchett, STUDIES IN ANCIENT GREEK TOPOGRAPHY, VI (89.1.09) -[r] G. Shipley, CR 43 (1993) 131-134. 93.1.68 W. K. Pritchett, STUDIES IN ANCIENT GREEK TOPOGRAPHY, VII (93.1.11) -[r] G. Shipley, CR 43 (1993) 131-134. 93.1.69 M. Rocchi, KADMOS E HARMONIA (89.1.10) -[r] C. Jourdain-Annequin, ACLASS 61 (1992) 243-248. 93.1.70 -[r] C. Bonnet, LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 61 (1993) 93-94. 93.1.71 D. W. Roller, EARLY TRAVELLERS IN EASTERN BOIOTIA (89.1.11) -[r] D. Marcotte, ACLASS 61 (1992) 571-572. 93.1.72 D. W. Roller, TANAGRAN STUDIES I, II (89.1.12-13) -[r] D. Marcotte, ACLASS 61 (1992) 572-573. 93.1.73 K. Schefold & F. Jung, DIE SAGEN VON DEN ARGONAUTEN, VON THEBEN UND TROIA IN DER KLASSISCHEN UND HELLENISTISCHEN KUNST (93.1.12) -[r] Ch. Delvoye, ACLASS 61 (1992) 682-683. 93.1.74 R. Urban, DER KOENIGSFRIEDEN VON 387/86 V. CHR. (93.1.16) -[r] R. Seager, CR 43 (1993) 196-197. 93.1.75 H. Van Effenterre, LES BEOTIENS (90.1.33) -[r] L. Prandi, AEVUM 67 (1993) 230-231. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 93.1.76 L'ANNEE EPIGRAPHIQUE 1989 (Paris 1992) esp. 209 (no. 668). 93.1.77 "Bulletin epigraphique" REG (1992) nos. 41, 46, 61 (S. Follet); 164 (Ph. Gauthier); 230 (L. Dubois); 273 (J. Bousquet & Ph. Gauthier); 355 (Ph. Gauthier). 93.1.78 C.N.R.S., I.R.A.A. Lyon, "Bulletin analytique d'architecture du monde grec", RA (1992) 273-265 (geographical index, pp. 355-365). ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY (see also 93.1.12, 27) BOOKS 93.2.01 P. Bulman, PHTHONOS IN PINDAR (Berkeley 1992) 131pp. 93.2.02 M. Corsano, GLAUKOS. MITI GRECI DI PERSONAGGI OMONIMI (Rome 1992) 227pp. 93.2.03 J. Gregory, EURIPIDES AND THE INSTRUCTION OF THE ATHENIANS (Ann Arbor 1991) xii & 297pp. 93.2.04 K. V. Hartigan, AMBIGUITY AND SELF-DECEPTION: THE APOLLO AND ARTEMIS PLAYS OF EURIPIDES (Frankfurt 1991) 211pp. 93.2.05 M.-C. Leclerc, LA PAROLE CHEZ HESIODE (Paris 1993) 350pp. 93.2.06 M. R. Lefkowitz, FIRST-PERSON FICTIONS: PINDAR'S POETIC `I' (New York and Oxford 1991) ix & 226pp. 93.2.07 Pausanias, DESCRIPTION DE LA GRECE I, ed. M. Casevitz, transl. J. Pouilloux, comm. F. Chamoux (Paris 1992) xlvi & 313pp. 93.2.08 Plutarch, THE MALICE OF HERODOTUS (transl., intro., comm. A. Bowen) (Warminster 1992) vi & 152pp. 93.2.09 Plutarco, MORALIA I, ed. G. Pisani (Padova 1989) lix & 512pp. 93.2.10 Plutarco, VITE DI NICIA (intro. L. Canfora), VITE DI CRASSO (intro. A. Garzetti) (trans. & notes to both: D. Manetti) (Rizzoli 1987) 339pp. 93.2.11 P. Riemer, SOPHOKLES, ANTIGONE. GOETTERWILLE UND MENS- CHLICHE FREIHEIT (Mainz/Stuttgart 1991) 55pp. 93.2.12 P. A. Stadter, ed., PLUTARCH AND THE HISTORICAL TRADITION (London and New York 1992) viii & 188. ARTICLES 93.2.13 L. Andersen, "The Greek Epic and Greek Mythology and their Links with the Near East", ACTA HYPERBOREA 1 (1988) 33-43. 93.2.14 F. Angio, "Aesch.: Sept., 363-64" DIONISO 61 (1991) 9-12. 93.2.15 D. Babut, "La composition des DIALOGUES PYTHIQUES de Plutarque et le probleme de leur unite", JOURNAL DES SAVANTS (1992) 187-234. 93.2.16 M. Baldassarri, "Etica e psicologia platonica, peripatetica e stoica nel DE VIRTUTE MORALI di Plutarco", ATENE E ROMA 37 (1992) 16-21. 93.2.17 G. J. Baudy, "Die Herrschaft des Wolfes. Das Thema der `verkehrten Welt' in Euripides' `Herakles'", HERMES 121 (1993) 159-180. 93.2.18 F. Becchi, "A proposito degli studi sugli scritti etici di Plutarco", ATENE E ROMA 35 (1990) 1-16. 93.2.19 A. S. Becker, "Sculpture and Language in Early Greek Ekphrasis: Lessing's LAOKOON, Burke's ENQUIRY, and the Hesiodic Descriptions of Pandora", ARETHUSA 26 (1993) 277- 293. 93.2.20 F. Blaise, "L'episode de Typhee dans la THEOGONIE d'Hesiode (v.820-885): la stabilisation du monde", REG 105 (1992) 349-370. 93.2.21 A. Blanc, "Le compose STOMARGOS et la fureur verbale chez les Tragiques grecs", RPHIL 55 (1991) 59-66, esp. 64. 93.2.22 C. Brillante, "La musica e il canot nella PITICA I di Pindaro", QUADERNI URBINATI 41 (1992) 7-21. 93.2.23 D. L. Burgess, "Food, Sex, Money and Poetry in `Olympian' 1", HERMES 121 (1993) 35-44. 93.2.24 C. Carey, "The Victory Ode in Performance: the Case for the Chorus", CLASS.PHIL. 86 (1991) 192-200. 93.2.25 J. S. Clay, "Pindar's Twelfth PYTHIAN: Reed and Bronze", AJPHIL 113 (1992) 519-525. 93.2.26 J. S. Clay, "The generation of Monsters in Hesiod", CLASS.PHIL. 88 (1993) 105-116. 93.2.27 G. B. D'Alessio, "Due note su P.Oxy. 841 (Pindaro, Peani), ZPE 92 (1992) 81-83. 93.2.28 G. B. D'Alessio, "Immigrati a Teo e ad Abdera (SEG XXXI 985; Pind. fr. 25B Sn.-M.)", ZPE 92 (1992) 73-80. 93.2.29 J. Davidson, "Sophocles, Antigone 1226-30 Revisited", HERMES 120 (1992) 502-503. 93.2.30 G. Delvaux, "Des proches parents: Plutarque et le DE VIRIS ILL.V.R. (pseudo-Aurelius Victor) (I)", LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 61 (1993) 13-23. 93.2.31 G. Delvaux, "Des proches parents: Plutarque et le DE VIRIS ILL.V.R. (pseudo-Aurelius Victor) (II)", LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 61 (1993) 115-130. 93.2.32 M. P. J. Dillon, "Restoring a Manuscript Reading at Paus. 9.3.7", CQ 43 (1993) 327-329. 93.2.33 P. du Bois, "Eros and the Woman", RAMUS 21 (1992) 97-116. 93.2.34 H. Erbse, "Die Funktion des Rechtsgedenkens in Hesiods `Erga'", HERMES 121 (1993) 12-28. 93.2.35 M. Cannata Fera, "Gli dei sfuggiti all'Acheronte: un frammento pindarico in Plutarco", QUADERNI URBINATI 40 (1992) 57-64. 93.2.36 P. Echinard-Garin, "La douceur de Stace dans la THEBAIDE", BULL.ASSOC.G.BUDE (1991) 31-46. 93.2.37 C. Ferone, "A proposito di Plutarco, PELOPIDAS 7,1-2 (P.HEID.) 209", in M. Capasso, ed., PAPIRI LETTERARI GRECI E LATINI (Lecce 1992) 273-279. 93.2.38 F. Ferrari, "Errori e divergenze di colometria nei papiri pindarici", ANNALI/PISA 21 (1991) 757-763. 93.2.39 F. Ferrari, "Pindaro, fr. 215(a),4", MAIA 44 (1992) 227- 231. 93.2.40 R. L. Fowler, "P.Oxy. XXVII 2442 fr. 29: A Citation of Euphorion?", ZPE 96 (1993) 15-16. 93.2.41 M. Gagarin, "The Poetry of Justice: Hesiod and the Origins of Greek Law", RAMUS 21 (1992) 61-78. 93.2.42 P. Galand-Hallyn, "Corinne et Sappho", BULL.ASSOC.G.BUDE (1991) 336-358. 93.2.43 B. Gentili, "PINDARICA III. La PITICA 2 et il carme ipos chematico di Castore (fr. 105a-b Maehler)", QUADERNI URBINATI 40 (1992) 49-55. 93.2.44 A. M. Greaves, "Euripides HERAKLES 1127", LCM 18 (1993) 5. 93.2.45 R. D. Griffith, "Asserting Eternal Providence: Theodicy in Sophocles' OEDIPUS THE KING", ICS 17 (1992) 193-211. 93.2.46 R. D. Griffith, "Oedipus Pharmakos? Alleged Scapegoating in Sophocles' OEDIPUS THE KING", PHOENIX 47 (1993) 95-114. 93.2.47 C. E. Hadjistephanou, "Sophocles ANTIGONE 179f.", MNEMOSYNE 46 (1993) 227-228. 93.2.48 J. B. Hall, "Notes on Statius' THEBAID Books 5 and 6", ICS 17 (1992) 287-299. 93.2.49 M. Heath & M. Lefkowitz, "Epinician Performance", CLASS.PHIL. 86 (1991) 173-191. 93.2.50 J. P. Hershbell, "Plutarch and Herodotus - The Beetle in the Rose", RHEIN.MUS. 136 (1993) 143-163. 93.2.51 J. Holzhausen, "Zur Inspirationslehre Plutarchs in De Pythiae Oraculis", PHILOLOGUS 137 (1993) 72-91. 93.2.52 G. Howie, "Pindar's account of Pelops' contest with Oenomaus" NIKEPHOROS 4 (1991) 55-120. 93.2.53 G. Ierano, "Forme della necessita nelle Baccanti di Euripide", DIONISO 61 (1991) 45-60. 93.2.54 J. A. Johnson, "Eteocles and the Posting Decisions", RHEIN.MUS. 135 (1992) 193-197. 93.2.55 I. J. F. de Jong, "Recit et drame: le deuxieme recit de messager de LES BACCHANTES", REG 105 (1992) 572-583. 93.2.56 M. A. Joyal, "A Lost Plutarchean Philosophical Work", PHILOLOGUS 137 (1993) 92-103. 93.2.57 T. J. Kakridis, "Hesiod: zwischen Muendlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit", STUDI ITALIANI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 10 (1992) 827-832. 93.2.58 J. T. Kirby, "Rhetoric and Poetics in Hesiod", RAMUS 21 (1992) 34-60. 93.2.59 G. M. Kirkwood, "Order and Disorder in Sophocles' ANTIGONE", ICS 16 (1991) 101-109. 93.2.60 B. Lavagnini, "Il fascino discreto di Plutarco", ATENE E ROMA 37 (1992) 1-5. 93.2.61 H. Lloyd-Jones, "Two Conjectures on Pindar's Fourth Paean (50-3)", ZPE 95 (1993) 1-5. 93.2.62 J. Lasso de la Vega, "La funcion del mito en la oda pindarica", CUADERNOS DE FILOLOGIA CLASICA 1 (1992) 9-35. 93.2.63 L. Lomiento, "Esempi pindarici di ALOGOS soluta nell'epitrito giambico", QUADERNI URBINATI 42 (1992) 115-116. 93.2.64 M. Mandilaras, "A New Papyrus Fragment of the CERTAMEN HOMERI ET HESIODI", in M. Capasso, ed., PAPIRI LETTERARI GRECI E LATINI (Lecce 1992) 53-62. 93.2.65 R. P. Martin, "Hesiod's Metanastic Poetics", RAMUS 21 (1992) 11-33. 93.2.66 A. M. Miller, "INVENTA COMPONERE: Rhetorical Process and Poetic Composition in Pindar's Ninth Olympian Ode", TAPA 123 (1993) 109-147. 93.2.67 K. A. Morgan, "Pindar the Professional and the Rhetoric of the KOMOS", CLASS.PHIL. 88 (1993) 1-15. 93.2.68 J. Morwood, "The Double Time Scheme in ANTIGONE", CR 43 (1993) 320-321. 93.2.69 J. Mossman, "Plutarch's Use of Statues", in M. A. Flower & M. Toher, edd., GEORGICA = BICS SUPPLEMENT 58 (London 1991) 98-119. 93.2.70 M. N. Nagler, "Discourse and Conflict in Hesiod: Eris and the Erides", RAMUS 21 (1992) 79-96. 93.2.71 R. Nyland, "Herodotos' Sources for the Plataiai Campaign", ACLASS 61 (1992) 80-97. 93.2.72 J. Peradotto, "Disauthorizing Prophecy: The Ideological Mapping of OEDIPUS TYRANNUS", TAPA 122 (1992) 1-15. 93.2.73 S. L. Radt, "Textkritisches zu Diodor", MNEMOSYNE 46 (1993) 56-68, esp. 57 (3,67,1), 59-60 (11,82,2), 62 (15,56,2). 93.2.74 D. J. Rayor, "Korinna: Gender and the Narrative Tradi- tion", ARETHUSA 26 (1993) 219-231. 93.2.75 I. Rutherford, "Two Heroic Prosodia. A Study of Pindar, `Paeans XIV-V'", ZPE 92 (1992) 59-72. 93.2.76 M. Ryzman, "Oedipus, NOSOS and PHYSIS in Sophocles' OEDIPUS TYRANNUS", ACLASS 61 (1992) 99-110. 93.2.77 M. Ryzman, "Theseus' Obedience to the Directions of Natu- ral Law in Sopohcles' OEDIPUS COLONEUS", REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 5-14. 93.2.78 D. Sansone, "Iphigeneia Changes Her Mind", ICS 16 (1991) 161-172. 93.2.79 P. Sfyroeras, "Fireless Sacrifices: Pindar's OLYMPIAN 7 and the Panathenaic Festival", AJPHIL 114 (1993) 1-26. 93.2.80 H. W. Singor, "The Achaean Wall and the Seven Gates of Thebes", HERMES 120 (1992) 401-411. 93.2.81 C. E. Sorum, Myth, Choice, and Meaning in Euripides' IPHIGENIA AT AULIS", AJPHIL 113 (1992) 527-542. 93.2.82 S. D. Sullivan, "The Role of Person and THYMOS in Pindar and Bacchylides", REVUE BELGE 71 (1993) 46-68. 93.2.83 S. Swain, "Plutarch's Synkrisis", ERANOS 90 (1992) 101- 111. 93.2.84 S. Swain, "Plutarch's Characterization of Lucullus", RHEIN.MUS. 135 (1992) 307-316. 93.2.85 E. Texeira, "Poesie et education dans le DE AUDIENDIS POETIS de Plutarque" CEA 25 (1991) 223-236. 93.2.86 F. Titchener, "Why Did Plutarch Write About Nicias?" ANCIENT HISTORY BULLETIN 5 (1991) 153-158. 93.2.87 J. J. Walsh, "Syzygy, Theme and History. A Study in Plutarch's PHILOPOEMEN and FLAMININUS", PHILOLOGUS 136 (1992) 208-233. 93.2.88 P. Wathelet, "Thebes de Beotie, vue par Homere et par Eschyle, ou le reflet de deux sensibilites differentes", in SERTA LEODIENSIA SECUNDA (Liege 1992) 451-462. 93.2.89 M. L. West, "Simonides Redivivus", ZPE 98 (1993) 1-14, esp. 4-9 & 14 ("The Battle of Plataea"). PAPERS READ 93.2.90 R. M. Aguilar, "Politica romana en Hispania a traves de Plutarco", Third International Congress of the Interna- tional Plutarch Society (Siena, June 1993). 93.2.91 D. Babut, "Le role de Cleombrotos dans le DE DEFECTU ORACULORUM et le probleme de la `demonologie' de Plutar- que", Actes de l'Association pour l'Encouragement des etudes grecques, seance du lundi 11 mai 1992: REG 105 (1992) 2.xxiv-xxv. 93.2.92 F. Becchi, "La saggezza del politico e la saggezza dell'attore: una questione di Quellenforschung" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.93 J. Bollack, "How Can Philology not be Hermeneutic? An Inquiry Focusing on OEDIPUS THE KING", 125th Annual Meeting, American Philological Association (Washington, December 1993). 93.2.94 J. A. E. Bons and L. de Blois, "Platonic and Isocratean Political Concepts in Plutarch's Lycurgus" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.95 F. Brenk, "Heroic Anti-Heroes. Ruler Cult and Divine Assimilations in Plutarch's Lives of Demetrius and Antonius" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.96 L. Canfora, "Il Pericle di Plutarco: forme del potere personale" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.97 R. C. Ceragioli, "Rabid Madness in Euripides' BACCHAE" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.98 P. Culham, "Archimedes in the LIFE OF MARCELLUS", 124th Annual Meeting, American Philological Association (New Orleans, December 1992). 93.2.99 P. Desideri, "Plutarco e Macchiavelli" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.100 G. D'Ippolito, "Politica e poetica in Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.101 C. Dougherty, "Pindar's Second PAEAN: Civic Identity on Parade" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.102 M. Dreher, "La Costituzione siracusana nelle Vite di Dione e Timoleonte" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.103 P. Donini, "Preparazione filosofica e capacita di governo in Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.104 L. H. Feldman, "The Jews as Viewed by Plutarch" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.105 E. P. Forbis, "Sappho, Corinna and the Muses: Counter- parts or Opposites?" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.106 F. Frazier, "Principes et decisions dans le domaine politique d'apres les Vies Paralleles" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.107 F. Gasca La Calle, "Instituciones civicas y prestigio personal: Aspectos politicos de Praecepta gerenda rei publicae" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.108 J. Geiger, "Plutarch on Hellenistic Politics: The Case of Eumenes of Cardia" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.109 A. Georgiadou, "Digressive Strategies in Plutarch's Lives" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.110 A. Georgiadou, "Political Theory and Praxis: The Case of Epaminondas" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.111 B. Goff, "The Women of Thebes" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.112 A. Henrichs, "Dancing for Dionysos: Choral Self- Referentiality and Dionysiac Ritual in Euripides" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.113 J. P. Hershbell, "Paideia and Politeia in Plutarch: the influence of Plato's Republic and Laws" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.114 T. P. Hillman, "Digression, Friendship, and Politics in the Roman Lives of Plutarch" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.115 A. Perez Jimenez, "Las formas de acceso a la vida pub- lica y el pensiamento politico de Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.116 D. M. Johnson, "Hesiod's Tartarus" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.117 E. E. Keitel, "Tragedy, Tyrants and the Army: Plutarch's Galba and Otho" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.118 L. Kurke, "Poetry, Prostitution, and the Anxiety of Autarky: A Reading of Pindar fr. 122 Snell" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.119 R. Martinez Lacy, "La epoca helenistica en Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.120 J. Larson, "Iphigenia SOTEIRA and the Attic Tradition of Self-Sacrifice" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.121 R. Laurenti, "Motivi aristotelici nel pensiero politico di Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.122 I. Gallo Renato Laurenti, "Bilancio e prospettive del Corpus Plutarchi Moralium" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.123 J. B. Lidov, "Did Pindar Write a Hymn to Kybele?" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.124 D. J. Lyons, "GYNAION EINEKA DORON: The Dangers of `Womanly Gifts' in Homer and Hesiod" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.125 S. T. Mace, "The Hesiodic Incarnations of Eileithyia and Hebe in Pindar" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.126 A. Masaracchia, "Tracce aristoteliche nell'An Seni res publica gerenda sit e nei Praecepta gerenda rei pub- licae" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.127 G. Mathews, "Marriage, Sacrifice and Violence in Euripides' IPHIGENIA AT AULIS" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.128 K. Mayer, "The Skin of the Lion: Initiation Rites and the NINTH PYTHIAN" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.129 M. Mazza, "Plutarco e la politica romana" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.130 D. E. McCoskey, " What Clytemnestra Knows: Deconstruc- tion of the Male Mythic Tradition in Euripides' IPHIGENIA AT AULIS" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.131 A. M. Miller, "Pindar's Use of ETHOPIIA as a Composi- tional Device" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.132 F. Muccioli, "I livelli della politica in Platone sec- ondo Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.133 H.-F. Mueller, "Images of Excellence: Visual Rhetoric and Political Behavior" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.134 A. G. Nikolaidis, "Plutarch's Heroes in Action: Does the end justify the means?" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.135 C. O. Pavese, "La Rhetra di Licurgo in Plutarco, Lyc. 6,1-8" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.136 C. B. R. Pelling, "Plutarch on the Morality of Roman Public Life" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.137 D. Placido, "La democratia de Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.138 R. Scuderi, "Le vite plutarchee di Galba e Otone: teoria e prassi politica nella successione imperiale" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.139 G. Smith, "The Personality of Plutarch" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.140 P. M. Smith, "SKIAS ONAR ANTHROPOS" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.141 M. Sordi, "Tendenze storiografiche e realta storica nella liberazione della Cadmea in Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.142 L. van der Stockt, "L'homme d'etat et les beaux arts" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.143 J. Tatum, "The Image of the King in Plutarch's Lives" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.144 A. Teffeteller, "The Chariot Rite at Onchestos: HOMERIC HYMN TO APOLLO, 229-238" (see above, 93.2.98). 93.2.145 J. E. Thorburn, Jr., "Plutarch, Poetry, and the Forma- tion of Character" (see above, 93.2.93). 93.2.146 A. Tirelli, "L'intellettuale e il potere: pedagogia e politica in Plutarco" (see above, 93.2.90). 93.2.147 F. C. B. Titchener, "Digression in Plutarch's MORALIA" (see above, 93.2.98). REVIEWS 93.2.148 Aeschyli TRAGOEDIAE (M. L. West) (92.2.01) -[r] H. Lloyd-Jones, GNOMON 65 (1993) 1-11. 93.2.149 F. Ahl, SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS (91.2.02) -[r] C. Segal, CLASS.WORLD 86 (1992) 155. 93.2.150-[r] C. E. Sorum, AJPHIL 114 (1993) 441-443. 93.2.151-[r] S. Murnaghan, CLASS.PHIL. 88 (1993) 162-167. 93.2.152 J. Bollack, L'OEDIPE ROI DE SOPHOCLE (92.2.03) -[r] H. Van Looy, ACLASS 61 (1992) 209-212. 93.2.153 B. K. Braswell, A COMMENTARY ON THE FOURTH PYTHIAN ODE OF PINDAR (89.2.03) -[r] H. Perdicoyianni, ETUDES CLASSIQUES 60 (1992) 170. 93.2.154 B. K. Braswell, A COMMENTARY ON PINDAR: NEMEAN ONE (92.2.04) -[r] Th. Gelzer, MUSHELEVT 49 (1992) 258-259. 93.2.155 P. Bulman, PHTHONOS IN PINDAR (93.2.xx) -[r] M. W. Dickie, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 4 (1993) 5- 10. 93.2.156 M. Caparro, INDEX OF PASSAGES CITED IN B. K. BRASWELL, A COMMENTARY ON THE FOURTH PYTHIAN ODE (89.2.03) -[r] Th. Gelzer, MUS.HELVET. 49 (1992) 258-259. 93.2.157 C. Froidefond, LIRE PINDARE (91.2.09) -[r] M. Delaunois, REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 199-200. 93.2.158 J. Gregory, EURIPIDES AND THE INSTRUCTION OF THE ATHENIANS (93.2.03 -[r] D. M. Juffras, CLASS.WORLD 86 (1992) 159. 93.2.159 K. V. Hartigan, AMBIGUITY AND SELF-DECEPTION (93.2.04): -[r] J. M. Mossman, CR 43 (1993) 16-17. 93.2.160 E. Krummen, PYRSOS HYMNON (91.2.17) - [r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 61 (1992) 319-320. 93.2.161- [r] S. Instone, GNOMON 65 (1993) 483-486. 93.2.162 L. Kurke, THE TRAFFIC IN PRAISE (92.2.08) -[r] G. M. Kirkwood, CLASS.PHIL. 88 (1993) 84-87. 93.2.163-[r] E. Robbins, CR 43 (1993) 11-13. 93.2.164 M. R. Lefkowitz, FIRST-PERSON FICTIONS: PINDAR'S POETIC `I' (93.2.06) -[r] K. A. Morgan, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 3 (1992) 139-145. 93.2.165-[r] D. E. Gerber, CLASS.WORLD 86 (1992) 150. 93.2.166-[r] E. Robbins, CR 43 (1993) 11-13. 93.2.167 H. Lloyd-Jones & N. G. Wilson, SOPHOCLEA (91.2.18) -[r] G. M. Kirkwood, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 2 (1991) 22-31. 93.2.168-[r] E. C. Kopff, AJPHIL 114 (1993) 155-159. 93.2.169-[r] B. Zimmermann, GNOMON 65 (1993) 100-109. 93.2.170 G. Morocho Gayo, ed., SCHOLIA IN AESCHYLI SEPTEM ADVERSUS THEBAS (91.2.12) -[r] A. Wartelle, REG 105 (1992) 626. 93.2.171 C. Mueller-Goldingen, UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZU DEN PHOENISSEN DES EURIPIDES (88.2.09) -[r] L. De Lannoy, REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 201-203. 93.2.172 G. Nagy, PINDAR'S HOMER (90.2.02) -[r] R. M. Rosen, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 2 (1991) 35- 40. 93.2.173-[r] R. P. Martin, CLASS.WORLD 86 (1992) 149. 93.2.174 Pausanias, DESCRIPTION DE LA GRECE I (M. Casevitz, J. Pouilloux, F. Chamoux) (93.2.07) -[r] A. Wankenne, LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 61 (1993) 271. 93.2.175 Pindaro, I PEANI (G. Bona) (91.2.22) -[r] M. Delaunois, REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 200-201. 93.2.176 Pindarus, THRENORUM FRAGMENTA (M. Cannata Fera) (92.2.11) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 61 (1992) 316-317. 93.2.177 Plutarch, LIFE OF KIMON (A. Blamire) (92.2.12) -[r] M. Cuvigny, RPHIL 55 (1991) 18-20. 93.2.178 Plutarch, THE MALICE OF HERODOTUS (A. Bowen)(93.2.08) -[r] H. Perdicoyianni, LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 61 (1993) 269. 93.2.179 [Plutarchi], DE HOMERO (J. F. Kindstrand) (91.2.24) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 61 (1992) 357. 93.2.180-[r] M. Hillgruber, GNOMON 64 (1992) 583-588. 93.2.181-[r] B. Hillyard, CR 42 (1992) 294-296. 93.2.182 Plutarco, DETTI DI RE E DI CONDOTTIERI (E. Pettine) 92.2.15) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 61 (1992) 356. 93.2.183 Plutarco, MORALIA I (G. Pisani) (93.2.09) -[r] A. Grilli, GNOMON 65 (1993) 15-19. 93.2.184 Plutarco, LA VIRTU ETICA (F. Becchi) (92.2.19) -[r] C. Bonnet, PLOUTARCHOS 9 (1992) 10-13. 93.2.185 Plutarco, LE VITE DI CIMONE E DI LUCULLO (C. Carena, M. Manfredini) (91.2.26) -[r] P. Louis, RPHIL 55 (1991) 18. 93.2.186-[r] P. Heilporn, ACLASS 61 (1992) 354-355. 93.2.187 Plutarco, VITE DI NICIA (intro. L. Canfora), VITE DI CRASSO (intro. A. Garzetti) (trans. & notes to both: D. Manetti) (93.2.10) -[r] F. B. Titchener, PLOUTARCHOS 9 (1992) 50-52. 93.2.188 Plutarque, OEUVRES MORALES I.2 (R. Klaerr, A. Philippon, J. Sirinelli) (91.2.27) -[r] M. Fievez, REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 208-209. 93.2.189 Plutarque, OEUVRES MORALES III (F. Fuhrmann) (89.2.18) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 61 (1992) 355-356. 93.2.190 W. H. Race, STYLE AND RHETORIC IN PINDAR'S ODES (92.2.20) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 61 (1992) 317-319. 93.2.191-[r] S. Goins, CLASS.WORLD 86 (1992) 168-169. 93.2.192-[r] Ph. Brunet, REG 105 (1992) 625. 93.2.193-[r] G. M. Kirkwood, CLASS.PHIL. 88 (1993) 87-90. 93.2.194-[r] E. Robbins, CR 43 (1993) 11-13. 93.2.195 P. Riemer, SOPHOKLES, ANTIGONE. GOETTERWILLE UND MENS- CHLICHE FREIHEIT (93.2.11) -[r] J. M. Mossman, CR 43 (1993) 165-166. 93.2.196 C. Segal, PINDAR'S MYTHMAKING (87.2.11) -[r] G. Tarditi, AEVUM 63 (1989) 102-103. 93.2.197-[r] Ph. Brunet, REG 105 (1992) 624. 93.2.198 Sophoclis, FABULAE (H. Lloyd-Jones, N. G. Wilson) 91.2.30) -[r] G. M. Kirkwood, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 2 (1991) 22-31. 93.2.199-[r] J. Irigoin, RPHIL 55 (1991) 10-12. 93.2.200-[r] E. C. Kopff, AJPHIL 114 (1993) 155-159. 93.2.201-[r] B. Zimmermann, GNOMON 65 (1993) 100-109. 93.2.202 Stace, THEBAIDE V-VIII (R. Lesueur) (92.2.27) -[r] J. Delz, MUS.HELVET. 49 (1992) 264. 93.2.203 P. A. Stadter, ed., PLUTARCH AND THE HISTORICAL TRADI- TION (93.2.12) -[r] J. Moles, CR 43 (1993) 29-32. 93.2.204 Statius, THEBAID IX (M. Dewar) (92.2.28) -[r] S. T. Newmeyer, AJPHIL 113 (1992) 641-643. 93.2.205-[r] E. Fantham, CLASS.JOURNAL 88 (1992) 94-96. 93.2.206-[r] J. Pucci, CLASS.WORLD 86 (1992) 163. 93.2.207-[r] J. Farrell, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 4 (1993) 13- 15. 93.2.208 S.-T. Teodorsson, A COMMENTARY ON PLUTARCH'S TABLE TALKS 1 (90.2.08) -[r] M. Fievez, REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 210. 93.2.209 S.-T. Teodorsson, A COMMENTARY ON PLUTARCH'S TABLE TALKS 2 (92.2.29) -[r] M. Fievez, REVUE BELGE 70 (1992) 210. 93.2.210 M. J. H. van der Weiden, THE DITHYRAMBS OF PINDAR (92.2.30) -[r] R. Hamilton, BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 3 (1992) 241-242. 93.2.211 M. L. West, STUDIES IN AESCHYLUS (92.2.31) -[r] H. Lloyd-Jones, GNOMON 65 (1993) 1-11. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 93.2.212 O. Bouquiaux Simon & P. Mertens, "Les temoignages papyrologiques d'Euripide: liste sommaire arretee au 1/6/1990", in M. Capasso, ed., PAPIRI LETTERARI GRECI E LATINI (Lecce 1992) 95-107. 93.2.213 H. Van Looy, "Les fragments d'Euripide II", ACLASS 61 (1992) 280-295. DISSERTATIONS 93.2.214 D. R. Davies (University of Michigan), "Genealogy and Catalogue: Thematic Relevance and Narrative Elaboration in Homer and Hesiod": APA NEWSLETTER 16.3 (1993) 14. 93.2.215 M. Marsilio (University of Pennsylvania), Dependence and Self-Sufficiency in Hesiod's WORKS AND DAYS": APA NEWSLETTER 16.3 (1993) 14. 93.2.216 D. R. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), "Tragic Sharers: XENIA in Sophocles' PHILOCTETES, AJAX, and OEDIPUS AT COLONUS": APA NEWSLETTER 16.3 (1993) 13. 93.2.217 L. Theodoratou (University of Pittsburgh), Convention and Contrivance: Transitions to and from the Narrative in Pindar's Odes: APA NEWSLETTER 16.5 (1993) 20. 93.2.218 J. Thorburn (University of Colorado, Boulder), "Plutarch's DE AUDIENDIS POETIS and its Context in the Tradi tion of Literary Criticism": APA NEWSLETTER 16.3 (1993) 13. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Teiresias is distributed by Electronic Mail. Prospective readers can obtain Teiresias either by sending an e-mail message to the General Editor at CZAS@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA or by sending their e-mail address to him through the post. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Postal Address: A. Schachter, Department of Classics, McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T7. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPOT LEGAL 4e trimestre 1993/LEGAL DEPOSIT 4th quarter 1993 Bibliotheque national du Quebec Bibliotheque national du Canada/National Library of Canada