T E I R E S I A S Volume 24, 1994 ISSN 0381-9361 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES Beginning with this issue, TEIRESIAS is published only by e- mail (details on the last page). The attention of readers is particularly directed to item 94.1.13. This volume, a photographic reproduction of Lolling's "URBAEDEKER", can be obtained direct from the German Archaeologi- cal Institute in Athens. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL (See also 94.2.71, 104, 110, 114) ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 94.1.01 A. K. Andreiomenou, "To Nektrotapheio tis Akraiphias", PRAKTIKA 1990 (1993) 113-141. 94.1.02 E. B. French, "Archaeology in Greece 1992-93", AREPORTS FOR 1992-1993 39 (1993) 11 (Palios Oropos), 12 (Skala Oropou), 35 (Boiotia), 36 (Chaironeia), 39 (Glypha), 49- 50 (Halai), 51 (Malesina, Martino). 94.1.03 S. E. Iakovidis, "Anaskaphi Gla", PRAKTIKA 1990 (1993) 40-44. 94.1.04 M. H. Munn & M. L. Zimmerman-Munn, ADELT 43 (1988 [1993]) B.1.191-192 (Skourta Plain). 94.1.05 A. Onasoglou, ADELT 43 (1988 [1993]) B.1.79-81 (Skala Oropou). 94.1.06 A. Pariente, "Chronique des fouilles 1992", BCH 117 (1993) 779 (Skala Oropou), 782 (Villia), 823 (Livadia, Cheronee, Gla), 824-826 (Akraiphnion, Akraiphia, Glypha, Thebes, Halai, Oinoe, Locride Oponte, Malessina, Haghios Ioannis Theologos). 94.1.07 E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, ADELT 43 (1988 [1993]) B.1.202- 203 (Anthedona, Thesi Paliabela), 203 (Vathy Avlidos- Ritsona [Mnema Kati; Tymbos Salganea]), 203 (Glypha). 94.1.08 P. Themelis, ERGON 1993 (1994) 34 (Messene: Hellenistic list of victories, including Delia at Tanagra, Eleutheria at Plataia). 94.1.09 L. A. Turner, "Recent Rediscoveries in Ancient Lebadeia", AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS NEWSLETTER (Fall 1994) 5 (with thanks to J. Buck- ler). BOOKS 94.1.10 P. Bonnechere, LE SACRIFICE HUMAIN EN GRECE ANCIENNE = KERNOS SUPPLEMENT 3 (Athens-Liege 1994) ix & 423pp., esp. 38-48, 82-84, 96-107, 121-127, 128, 139-144, 186- 192, 197-201, 205-216. 94.1.11 R. J. Buck, BOIOTIA AND THE BOIOTIAN LEAGUE, 432-371 B.C. (Edmonton 1994) xxii & 183pp. 94.1.12 D. M. Lewis, J. Boardman, S. Hornblower, M. Ostwald, edd., CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY 6: THE FOURTH CENTURY B.C. (Cambridge 1994) xix & 1077pp., passim., esp. 176- 186 (R. Seager, "The rise of Thebes), 187-208 (J. Roy, "Thebes in the 360s B.C."). 94.1.13 H. G. Lolling (ed. B. Heinrich), REISENOTIZEN AUS GRIECHENLAND 1876 UND 1877 (="URBAEDEKER") (Berlin 1989) 834pp., esp. 79-106, 491-719. 94.1.14 H. W. Pleket & R. S. Stroud, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 40 (Amsterdam 1993) 43-44 (no. 125), 78 (227), 133-134 (406-416), 178 (561), 314-315 (996). 94.1.15 A. Schachter, CULTS OF BOIOTIA 3. POTNIA TO ZEUS: BICS SUPPLEMENT 38.3 (London 1994) iii & 194pp. ARTICLES (see also 94.2.16, 41, 68) 94.1.16 C. M. Antonaccio, "Contesting the Past: Hero Cult, Tomb Cult, and Epic in Early Greece" AJA 98 (1994) 389-410, esp. 405-407. 94.1.17 P. Armstrong, "Byzantine Thebes: excavations on the Kad- meia, 1980", BSA 88 (1993) 295-335. 94.1.18 G. L. Cawkwell, "Cleomenes", MNEMOSYNE 46 (1993) 506- 527. 94.1.19 J. M. Fossey & G. Gauvin, "Aspects of the water supply at Khostia, Boiotia, in classical-roman times", in G. Argoud & others, edd., L'EAU ET LES HOMMES EN MEDITER- RANEE ET EN MER NOIRE DANS L'ANTIQUITE (Athens 1992) 339-359. 94.1.20 Ph. Gauthier, "Decrets d'Eretrie en l'honneur de juges etrangers", REG 106 (1993) 589-598, esp. 592-598. 94.1.21 H.-J. Gehrke, "Thisbe in Boiotien. Eine Fallstudie zum Thema `Griechische Polis und Roemisches Imperium'", KLIO 75 (1993) 145-154. 94.1.22 C. Habicht, "Proxeniendekrete von Akraiphia", GRAZER BEITRAEGE 19 (1993) 39-43. 94.1.23 Sp. E. Iakovidis, "The Mycenaean Fortress of Gla", MYKENAIKA = BCH SUPPLEMENT 25 (Paris 1992) 607-615. 94.1.24 G. Jones & P. Halstead, "An early find of `fava' from Thebes", BSA 88 (1993) 103-104. 94.1.25 J. T. Killen, "Observations on the Theban Sealings", MYKENAIKA = BCH SUPPLEMENT 25 (Paris 1992) 365-380. 94.1.26 J. T. Killen, "Thebes sealings, Knossos tablets, and Mycenaean state banquets", BICS NS 1 (1994) 67-84. 94.1.27 J. Knauss, "Die griechische Sintflut in Legende und Worklichkeit", in G. Argoud & others, edd., L'EAU ET LES HOMMES EN MEDITERRANEE ET EN MER NOIRE DANS L'ANTIQUITE (Athens 1992) 127-147, esp. 130-133. 94.1.28 I. M. Plant, "The Battle of Tanagra: A Spartan Initia- tive?" HISTORIA 43 (1994) 259-274. 94.1.29 P. J. Rhodes, "The Greek POLEIS: Demes, Cities and Leagues", in M. H. Hansen, ed., THE ANCIENT GREEK CITY- STATE (Copenhagen 1993) 161-182, esp. 162, 168-173. 94.1.30 P. Roesch, "Fontaines de Beotie", in G. Argoud & others, edd., L'EAU ET LES HOMMES EN MEDITERRANEE ET EN MER NOIRE DANS L'ANTIQUITE (Athens 1992) 267-278. 94.1.31 J. Roisman, "The Background of the Battle of Tanagra and Some Related Issues", ACLASS 62 (1993) 69-85. 94.1.32 J. B. Rutter, "Review of Aegean Prehistory II: The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland", AJA 97 (1993) 745-797, passim. 94.1.33 P. Salmon, "Le KOINON TON BOIOTON", in L. A. Foresti & others, edd., FEDERAZIONI E FEDERALISMO NELL'EUROPA ANTICA (Milan 1994) 217-230 94.1.34 A. Schachter, "Gods in the service of the state: the Boiotian experience", in L. A. Foresti & others, edd., FEDERAZIONI E FEDERALISMO NELL'EUROPA ANTICA (Milan 1994) 67-85. 94.1.35 A. Schachter, "The politics of dedication: two Athenian dedications at the sanctuary of Apollo Ptoieus in Boeotia", in R. Osborne & S. Hornblower, edd., RITUAL, FINANCE, POLITICS: ATHENIAN DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTS PRE- SENTED TO DAVID LEWIS (Oxford 1994) 291-306. 94.1.36 W. J. Slater, "Three Problems in the History of Drama", PHOENIX 47 (1993) 189-212, esp. 189-199 (The Sarapieia of Tanagra). PAPERS READ 94.1.37 V. Aravantinos, "Archaeological and topographical inves- tigations on the summit of Helikon", Colloque: la Montagne des Muses (Vandoeuvres-Geneve, October/November 1994). 94.1.38 J. Bintliff, "Current Research on the Settlement of Boeotia Village History Project", Symposion aus Anlass des 100. Todestages von H. G. Lolling (Athens, September 1994). 94.1.39 J. Bintliff, "The archaeological survey of the Valley of the Muses and its significance for Boeotian History" (see above, 94.1.37). 94.1.40 R. J. Buck, "Thrasybulus and the Boeotian Leadership": 17th Annual Meeting, Classical Association of the Canadian West (Vancouver, February 1994). 94.1.41 J. Buckler, "Helikon and Klio" (see above, 94.1.37). 94.1.42 J. E. Coleman, "Halai 1992-1993", 95th Annual Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America (Washington, Decem- ber 1993): AJA 98 (1994) 287. 94.1.43 M. B. Cosmopoulos, "Oropos Survey project: the Final Field Session" (see above, 94.1.42): AJA 98 (1994) 296. 94.1.44 J. M. Fossey, "Boiotians and the Outside World. Partici- pation by Foreigners at Boiotian Festivals in Hel- lenistic Times" (see above, 94.1.38). 94.1.45 P. Hunt, "7 + 1 = 8: Helots at the Battle of Plataea", 126th Annual Meeting, American Philological Association (Atlanta, December 1994). 94.1.46 J. Knauss, "Anmerkungen zu Lollings Lokalisierung von Alalkomenai am Kopais-See" (see above, 94.1.38). 94.1.47 D. Knoepfler, "La reorganisation du concours des Mouseia a l'epoque hellenistique: esquisse d'une solution nouvelle" (see above, 94.1.37) 94.1.48 A. Morpurgo-Davies, "Dialects and Social Differences in Ancient Greece", Xe Congres de la FIEC (Quebec, August 1994). 94.1.49 A. Schachter, "The Composition and Development of the Boiotian Ethnos" (see above, 94.1.48). 94.1.50 A. Schachter, "Military Elites in Boiotia", Annual Meet- ing, Classical Association of Canada (Calgary, June 1994). 94.1.51 A. Schachter, "Boiotian Military Elites" (see above, 94.1.38). 94.1.52 A. Schachter, "Reconstructing Thespiai" (see above, 94.1.37). 94.1.53 J. Stroszeck, "Lollings Beobachtungen zu den Aus- grabungen in Tanagra 1876" (see above, 94.1.38). 94.1.54 L. A. Turner, "The Display of the Specifications for the Temple of Zeus Basileus at Livadia" (see above, 94.1.42): AJA 98 (1994) 315. REVIEWS 94.1.55 M. Bernal, BLACK ATHENA 2 (91.1.13) -[r] R. A. McNeal, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY 10 (1985) 137-154. 94.1.56 J. Buckler, PHILIP II AND THE SACRED WAR (90.1.24) -[r] J.-M. Hannick, ACLASS 62 (1993) 466. 94.1.57 -[r] T. T. B. Ryder, CR 44 (1994) 102-103. 94.1.58 C. D. Hamilton, AGESILAUS AND THE FAILURE OF THE SPARTAN HEGEMONY (92.1.13) -[r] C. Mosse, CLASS.VIEWS 12 (1993) 498-499. -[r] T. J. Figuera, CLASS.WORLD 87 (1994) 337-338. 94.1.59 K. Kilinski II, BOEOTIAN BLACK FIGURE VASE PAINTERS OF THE ARCHAIC PERIOD (92.1.14) -[r] J. Boardman, GNOMON 65 (1993) 747-749. 94.1.60 J. L. Melena & J-P Olivier, TITHEMY. THE TABLETS AND NODULES IN LINEAR B FROM TIRYNS, THEBES AND MYCENAE: SUPLEMENTOS A MINOS 12 (92.1.15) -[r] Y. Duhoux, ACLASS 62 (1993) 423. 94.1.61 M. H. Munn, THE DEFENSE OF ATTICA (93.1.09) -[r] J. Ober, AJA 98 (1994) 374-375. 94.1.62 H. W. Pleket & R. S. Stroud, edd., SEG 37 (91.1.19) & 38 (92.1.17) -[r] A.Martin, ACLASS 62 (1993) 425. 94.1.63 W. K. Pritchett, STUDIES IN ANCIENT GREEK TOPOGRAPHY VI (89.1.09) & VII (93.1.11) -[r] H.-J. Gehrke, GNOMON 66 (1994) 227-231. 94.1.64 K. Schefold & F. Jung, DIE SAGEN VON DEN ARGONAUTEN, VON THEBEN UND TROIA IN DER KLASSISCHEN UND HELLENISTISCHEN KUNST (93.1.12) -[r] M. Robertson, JHS 113 (1993) 231. 94.1.65 R. Urban, DER KOENIGSFRIEDEN VON 387/86 V. CHR. (93.1.16) -[r] L. Boffo, ATHENAEUM 82 (1994) 249-252. 94.1.67 H. Van Effenterre, LES BEOTIENS (90.1.33) -[r] L. Prandi, AEVUM 67 (1993) 230-231. 94.1.68 -[r] Ph. Brunet, REG 106 (1993) 640. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 94.1.69 "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 106 (1993) esp. 501-502 (nos. 268-270). ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY BOOKS 94.2.01 D. Bremer (ed., transl., intro.), PINDAR. SIEGESLIEDER (Darmstadt 1992) 415pp. 94.2.02 D. A. Campbell (ed., transl.) GREEK LYRIC 4. BAC- CHYLIDES, CORINNA, AND OTHERS (Cambridge, Mass., & London 1992) 421pp., esp. 14-17 (Myrtis), 18-69 (Corinna). 94.2.03 T. Cole, PINDAR'S FEAST OR THE MUSIC OF POWER (Rome 1992) 174pp. 94.2.04 E. Van Nes Ditmars, SOPHOCLES' ANTIGONE: LYRIC SHAPE AND MEANING (Pisa 1992) 94.2.05 W. J. Dominik, SPEECH AND RHETORIC IN STATIUS' Thebaid (New York 1994) xi & 377pp. 94.2.06 M. J. Edwards, PLUTARCH, THE LIVES OF POMPEY, CAESAR AND CICERO: A COMPANION TO THE PENGUIN TRANSLATION WITH INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY (Bristol 1991) xv & 155pp. 94.2.07 Euripides, PHOENISSAE, Ed., Introduction, Commentary by D. J. Mastronarde (Cambridge 1994) viii & 673pp. 94.2.08 T. H. Hopfner (ed., transl.), PLUTARCH UEBER ISIS UND OSIRIS (Hildesheim, Zurich, New York 1991) xiii & 189pp., 313pp. 94.2.09 C. F. Konrad, PLUTARCH'S SERTORIUS: A HISTORICAL CO MMENTARY (Chapel Hill 1994) lvi & 259PP. 94.2.10 Pindaro, OLIMPICAS (Intro., transl. comm. R. Ronifaz Nuno) (Mexico 1990) ciii & 51pp. 94.2.11 Plutarco, NON POSSE SUAVITER VIVI SECUNDUM EPICURUM (intro., transl., comm. F. Albini) (Genoa 1993) 240pp. 94.2.12 C. Segal, OEDIPUS TYRANNUS. TRAGIC HEROISM AND THE LIMITS OF KNOWLEDGE (New York 1993) xv & 183pp. 94.2.13 Statius, THEBAID (A. D. Melville, transl.; D. W. T. Ve ssey, intro. & notes) (Oxford 1992) lv & 373pp. ARTICLES 94.2.14 A. Aloni, "L'elogia di Simonide dedicata alla battaglia di Platea (Sim. fr. 10-18 W[2]) e l'occasione della sua performance", ZPE 102 (1994) 9-22. 94.2.15 M. Anzai, First-person forms in Pindar: a re- examination", BICS NS 1 (1994) 141-150 94.2.16 N. Arnush, "Ten-Day Armistices in Thucydides", GRBS 33 (1992) 329-353, passim. 94.2.17 J. Assael, "L'Heracles d'Euripide et les tenebres infernales", LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 62 (1994) 313-326. 94.2.18 A. N. Athanassakis, "Cattle and honour in Homer and Hesiod", RAMUS 21 (1992) 156-186. 94.2.19 J. Auberger, "Parole et silence danes les PRECEPTES DU MARIAGE de Plutarque", LES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 61 (1993) 297-303. 94.2.20 J. Bartosiewiczova, "Zum Herakles des Euripides. Ein Beitrag zur Interpretation", GRAECOLATINE ET ORIENTALIA 19-20 (1987/1988 [1990]) 3-11. 94.2.21 L. Battezzato & others, "In margine al testo di Sofocle", RIV.FILOL. 120 (1992) 388-410, esp. 400-410. 94.2.22 D. Braund, "Dionysiac Tragedy in Plutarch, CRASSUS", CQ 43 (1993) 468-474. 94.2.23 V. Buchheit, "Plutarch, Cicero und Livius ueber die Humanisierung Roms durch Koenig Numa", SYMB.OSLO. 66 (1991) 71-96. 94.2.24 J. S. Carnes, "Aiakos, Flower of Justice: A Reading of Nemean 3.29", HERMES 122 (1994) 360-363. 94.2.25 P. Carraro, "Sull'inizio delle Fenicie di Euripide", ZPE 102 (1994) 43-51. 94.2.26 M. Casevitz, "Remarques sur l'emploi des prepositions dans les Pythiques de Pindare", in B. Jacquinod, ed., CAS ET PREPOSITIONS EN GREC ANCIEN (Saint-Etienne 1994) 105-112. 94.2.27 M. Centanni, "Eschilo, SETTE CONTRO TEBE 699-700: MELANAIGIS ( . . . ) ERINYS", QUADERNI URBINATI 46 (1994) 129-134. 94.2.28 D. Clay, "The world of Hesiod", RAMUS 21 (1992) 131-155. 94.2.29 E. Contiades-Tsitsoni, "Euripides Ph. 227-244, Tro. 308- 341, Iph. Aul. 1036-1079", ZPE 102 (1994) 52-60. 94.2.30 G. B. D'Alessio, "First-person problems in Pindar", BICS NS 1 (1994) 117-139. 94.2.31 L. de Blois & J. A. E. Bons, "Platonic Philosophy and Isocratean Virtues in Plutarch's NUMA", ANCIENT SOCIETY 23 (1992) 159-188. 94.2.32 C. Dougherty, "Pindar's Second Paean: Civic Identity on Parade", CLASS.PHIL. 89 (1994) 205-218. 94.2.33 P. T. Eden, "Problems in Statius THEBAID X, XI and XII", RIV.FILOL. 120 (1992) 313-317. 94.2.34 P. T. Eden, "Problems in Statius THEBAID II-V", MNEMOSYNE 47 (1994) 231-233. 94.2.35 P. T. Eden, "Problems in Statius THEBAID VII-X", MNEMOSYNE 47 (1994) 233-235. 94.2.36 C. A. Faraone, "The Wheel, the Whip and Other Implements of Torture: Erotic Magic in Pindar PYTHIAN 4.213-19", CLASS.JNL. 89 (1993/1994) 1-19. 94.2.37 S. Follet, "Une negation double chez Hesiode, TRAVAUX, 516-518", RPHIL 66 (1992) 7-14. 94.2.38 M. F. Fresco, "ANTIGONE und Anthropologie", MNEMOSYNE 47 (1994) 289-318. 94.2.39 G. Giangrande, "A propos de deux editions de Plutarque", ACLASS 62 (1993) 187-193. 94.2.40 D. Grote, "Callicles' Use of Pindar's Nomos Basileus: GORGIAS 484B", CLASS.JNL. 90 (1994) 21-31. 94.2.41 T. K. Hubbard, "The Theban Amphiaraion and Pindar's Vision on the Road to Delphi", MUS.HELVET. 50 (1993) 193-203. 94.2.42 T. K. Hubbard, "Sophai Prapides: Poet and Patron in Pindar, Olympian 11.7-10", CLASS.WORLD 13 (1994) 15-22. 94.2.43 G. Ierano, "Zeus e Dioniso. In margine a Eur. BACCH, 1349", RIV.FILOL. 120 (1992) 286-291. 94.2.44 L. Inglese, "Antigone di Euripide: la trama e l'occasione", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA ED MEDIOEVALE 34 (1992) 175-190. 94.2.45 L. Inglese, "Note critiche a Plutarco, DE ESU CARNIUM", QUADERNI URBINATI 44 (1993) 105-116. 94.2.46 S. Instone, "Problems in Pindar's THIRD NEMEAN", ERANOS 91 (1993) 13-31. 94.2.47 J. Irigoin, "Architecture metrique et mouvements du choeur dans la epique chorale grecque", REG 106 (1993) 283-302. 94.2.48 P. James, "Pentheus Anguigena - Sins of the `Father'", BICS 38 (1991-1993) 81-93. 94.2.49 L. Koenen, "Greece, the Near East, and Egypt: Cyclic Destruction in Hesiod and the CATALOGUE OF WOMEN", TAPA 124 (1994) 1-34. 94.2.50 C. F. Konrad, "Domitius Calvisius in Plutarch", ZPE 103 (1994) 139-146. 94.2.51 E. Kraggerude, "OEDIPUS REX 420-421", SYMB.OSLO. 66 (1991) 47-49. 94.2.52 J. Krasovec, "Plato's and Plutarch's Theories of Punish- ment", ZIVA ANTIKA 43 (1993) 5-30. 94.2.53 A. Lardinois, "Greek Myths for Athenian Rituals: Reli- gion and Politics in Aeschylus' EUMENIDES and Sophocles' OEDIPUS COLONEUS", GRBS 33 (1992) 313-327, esp. 322-326. 94.2.54 J. Lasso de la Vega, "La funcion del mito en la oda pindarica", CUADERNOS DE FILOLOGIA CLASICA 2 (1992) 19- 35. 94.2.55 G. Liberman, "Problemes de texte dans le chant IX de la Thebaide de Stace", ATENE & ROMA 38 (1993) 112-115. 94.2.56 T. Lombardi, "Alcune considerazione sul mito di Pandora", QUADERNI URBINATI 46 (1994) 23-34. 94.2.57 L. Lomiento, "Nota al teso di Pindaro, PYTH. 6,50", QUADERNI URBINATI 45 (1993) 37-41. 94.2.58 G. Mader, "Tyrant anf Tyranny in Act III of Seneca's Oedipus", GRAZER BEITRAEGE 19 (1993) 103-128. 94.2.59 A. M. Miller, "Pindaric Mimesis: The Associative Mode", CLASS.JNL. 89 (1993/1994) 21-53. 94.2.60 A. L. Motto & J. R. Clark, "The Monster in Seneca's HER- CULES FURENS", CLASS.PHIL. 89 (1994) 269-272. 94.2.61 G. Nagy, "Authorisation and authorship in the Hesiodic Theogony," RAMUS 21 (1992) 119-130. 94.2.62 M. Negri, "Due misconsciuti frammenti di Pindaro (Fr. 18 e 302 Turyn)", ATHENAEUM 82 (1994) 221-223. 94.2.63 M. Negri, "Una VARIA LECTIO per Pindaro, ISTMICHE 7,44", MAIA 46 (1994) 3-10. 94.2.64 M. W. Padilla, "Heroid Paternity in Euripides' HERACLES", ARETHUSA 27 (1994) 279-302. 94.2.65 M. Paterlini, "Nota ad Eur. BACCH. 3", QUADERNI URBINATI 45 (1993) 83-85. 94.2.66 J. Peersman, "Plisthene et sa famille dans les genealogies de la tradition hesiodique", ACLASS 62 (1993) 203-212. 94.2.67 I. L. Pfeiffer, "The Image of the Eagle in Pindar and Bacchylides", CLASS.PHIL. 89 (1994) 305-317. 94.2.68 K. A. Raaflaub, "Homer to Solon. The Rise of the Polis: The Written Sources", in M. H. Hansen, ed., THE ANCIENT GREEK CITY-STATE (Copenhagen 1993) 41-105, esp. 59-64. 94.2.69 G. Rechenauer, "Stachellose Drohnen bei Hesiod, ERGA 304?" QUADERNI URBINATI 44 (1993) 27-48. 94.2.70 T. Reekmans, "Verbal Humour in Plutarch and Suetonius' Lives", ANCIENT SOCIETY 23 (1992) 189-232. 94.2.71 J. C. Riedinger, "Structure et signification du `Calandrier du paysan' d'Hesiode, TRAVAUX vv.383-617", RPHIL 66 (1992) 121-144. 94.2.72 J. C. Riedinger, "Un aspect de la methode de Xenophon: l'origine des sources dans les Helleniques III-VII", ATHENAEUM 81 (1993) 517-544, esp. 523-533. 94.2.73 J. Rudhardt, "A propos de l'Hecate hesiodique", MUS.HELVET. 50 (1993) 204-213. 94.2.74 E. Ruschenbusch, "Plutarchs Solonbiographie", ZPE 100 (1994) 351-380. 94.2.75 K. Sier, "Zum zweiten Stasimon des sophokleischen OEDIPUS", RHEIN.MUS. 137 (1994) 23-32. 94.2.76 O. L. Smith, "A note on Pindar OLYMPIAN i26 and the critics", CLASS. & MED. 44 (1993) 31-36. 94.2.77 A. Tulin, "A Note on Euripides' BACCHAE 39-42", MNEMOSYNE 47 (1994) 221-224. 94.2.78 D. C. Young, "`Something Like the Gods': A Pindaric Theme and the Myth of NEMEAN 10", GRBS 34 (1993) 123- 132. PAPERS READ 94.2.79 G. Argoud, "L'Helicon et la litterature grecque", Collo- que: la Montagne des Muses (Vandoeuvres-Geneve, October/November 1994). 94.2.80 P. A. Bernardini, "Esiodo e l'Elicona nella parodia di Luciano: ADVERSUS INDOCTUM 3" (see above, 94.2.79). 94.2.81 M. G. A. Bertinelli, "Plutarco e la nomenclatura publica romana", Xe Congres de la FIEC (Quebec, August 1994). 94.2.82 D. D. Boedeker, "The New Simonides and Herodotus: Myth and History Again", 126th Annual Meeting, American Philological Association (Atlanta, December 1994). 94.2.83 L. M. Bowman, "Last Words in the ANTIGONE": 17th Annual Meeting, Classical Association of the Canadian West (Vancouver, February 1994). 94.2.84 C. Calame, "Reinsertion legendaire et cultuelle de la mort heroique dans l'OEDIPE A COLONE de Sophocle" (see above, 94.2.81) 94.2.85 C. Calame, "Montagne des Muses et Mouseia: la consecra- tion des TRAVAUX et l'heroisation d'Hesiode" (see above, 94.2.79). 94.2.86 R. Faber, "Subversive Ecphrasis and the Death of Crenaeus", Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada (Calgary, June 1994). 94.2.87 T. M. Falkner, "The Place Where Three Roads Meet: Protagonist, Spectator, and Implied Reader in Sophocles' OEDIPUS TYRANNUS" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.88 N. Felson-Rubin, "Spatial DEIXIS and the Structure of Journeys in Pindar's OLYMPIAN 3" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.89 C. T. Havadas, "The Structure of Plutarch's SOLON" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.90 S. B. Heiny, "Charis: Persuasion and Performance in Pindar's OLYMPIAN 7" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.91 A. Hurst, "Le stele de l'Helicon" (see above, 94.2.79). 94.2.92 A. Keith, "Hypsipyle in the landscape of Nemea (Statius, THEBAID 4-6)" (see above, 94.2.86). 94.2.93 E. K. Klaassen, "KYDOS in Pindar" (see above, 94.2.86). 94.2.94 A. Klinck, "Gender, Genre, and Voice in Pindar" (see above, 94.2.86). 94.2.95 K. F. Konrad, "Romans Abroad: Crime and Innocence in Plutarch's LIVES" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.96 R. Lamberton, "Plutarch, Hadrian and the Project of an Athenocentric Greece" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.97 M. S. Marsilio, "The Implications of epeon nomos in WORKS AND DAYS 403" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.98 H. J. Martin, Jr., "Moral Failure without Vice in Plutarch's Athenian Lives" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.99 R. Nagel, "Deception and Similes in the THEBAID of Statius" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.100 S. T. Newmyer, "Commenting on Plutarch on Animals: Past and Future of a Moral Debate" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.101 N. J. Nicholson, "NEMEAN 4.57-8: Ambiguity, Parallel Narratives and the Representation of Character in Pindar's ODES" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.102 D. Obbink, "The Hymnic Structure of the New Simonides fr. 11 IEG II[2]" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.103 A. J. Podlecki, "Apragmosyne in Euripides' ANTIOPE? Some Recent Hypotheses" (see above, 94.2.83). 94.2.104 M. Rocchi, "Le mont Helicon: un espace mythique" (see above, 94.2.79). 94.2.105 D. Sansone, "The Plutarchean Commentary as Most-modern Discourse" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.106 S. E. Saravi, "Interpretacion pindarica del mito de los Atridas en la Pitica XI" (see above, 94.2.81). 94.2.107 R. Scodel, "Self-Correction and NEMEAN 7" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.108 S. Scully, "Reflections of Olympus: Images of Polity in Hesiod's THEOGONY and Plato's REPUBLIC" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.109 D. Sider, "`As is the Generation of Leaves' in Homer, Simonides, Horace, and Stobaeus" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.110 F. Skoczylas, "Dramatic Devices in Xenophon's HELLENICA: The PERIPATEIA of Epaminondas" (see above, 94.2.83). 94.2.111 E. M. Stehle, "`Help Me to Sing, Muse, of Plataia'" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.112 F. B. Titchener, "Problems of a Plutarchan Commentator" (see above, 94.2.82). 94.2.113 D. Torres, "Los escolios a la olimpica 1 de Pindaro: la lectura cosmologica y la reelaboracion del mito" (see above, 94.2.81). 94.2.114 A. Veneri, "L'Elicona nella cultura tespiese del III sec.a.C.: la stele di Euthykles" (see above, 94.2.79). 94.2.115 E. Villari, "L'autoschediasma: l'ANTIGONE e la genesi delle tradizioni biographiche sulla sepoltura di Sofocle" (see above, 94.2.81). 94.2.116 J. P. Wilson, "OEDIPUS AT COLONUS 637: Empalin or empolin" (see above, 94.2.82). REVIEWS 94.2.117 F. Ahl, SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS (91.2.02) -[r] J. M. Mossman, CR 43 (1993) 238-239. 94.2.118 -[r] D. Bain, JHS 113 (1993) 189-190. 94.2.119 -[r] A. Lebeau, REG 106 (1993) 672-673. 94.2.120 J. Bollack, L'OEDIPE ROI DE SOPHOCLE (92.2.03) -[r] A. Masaracchia, RIV.FILOL. 121 (1993) 322-328. 94.2.121 B. K. Braswell, A COMMENTARY ON PINDAR: NEMEAN ONE (92.2.04) -[r] S. Instone, CR 43 (1993) 235-236. 94.2.122 D. Bremer, PINDAR. SIEGESLIEDER (94.2.01) -[r] P. Hummel, RPHIL 66 (1992) 156-157. 94.2.123 P. Bulman, PHTHONOS IN PINDAR (93.2.01) -[r] M. J. Alden, CR 44 (1994) 5-6. 94.2.124 D. A. Campbell (ed., transl.) GREEK LYRIC 4. BAC- CHYLIDES, CORINNA, AND OTHERS (94.2.02) -[r] M. L. West, CR 43 (1993) 236-238. 94.2.125 T. Cole, PINDAR'S FEAST OR THE MUSIC OF POWER (94.2.03) -[r] S. Instone, CR 43 (1993) 233-235. 94.2.126 -[r] Ph. Brunet, REG 106 (1993) 262-263. 94.2.127 E. Van Nes Ditmars, SOPHOCLES' ANTIGONE: LYRIC SHAPE AND MEANING (94.2.04) -[r] M. Mantziou, CR 44 (1994) 200. 94.2.128 M. J. Edwards, PLUTARCH, THE LIVES OF POMPEY, CAESAR AND CICERO: A COMPANION (94.2.06) -[r] J. W. Rich, CR 44 (1994) 206. 94.2.129 B. Gallet, RECHERCHES SUR KAIROS ET L'AMBIGUITE DANS LA POESIE DE PINDARE (91.2.10) -[r] D. Arnould, RPHIL 66 (1992) 157-158. 94.2.130 R. Hamilton, THE ARCHITECTURE OF HESIODIC POETRY (91.2.15) -[r] W. Kassies, MNEMOSYNE 46 (1993) 549-551. 94.2.131 T. H. Hopfner (ed., transl.), PLUTARCH UEBER ISIS UND OSIRIS (94.2.08) -[r] J. G. Griffiths, CR 43 (1993) 422-423. 94.2.132 E. Krummen, PYRSOS HYMNON (91.2.17) -[r] B. K. Braswell, MUS.HELVET. 50 (1993) 227. 94.2.133 L. Kurke, THE TRAFFIC IN PRAISE (92.2.08) -[r] J. B. Lidov, CLASS.JNL. 89 (1993/1994) 69-79. 94.2.134 M.-C. Leclerc, LA PAROLE CHEZ HESIODE (93.2.05) -[r] Ph. Brunet, REG 106 (1993) 670-671. 94.2.135 M. R. Lefkowitz, FIRST-PERSON FICTIONS: PINDAR'S POETIC `I' (93.2.xx) -[r] M. C. Howatson, JHS 113 (1993) 185-186. 94.2.136 -[r] J. B. Lidov, CLASS.JNL. 89 (1993/1994) 69-79. 94.2.137 W. Mader, DIE PSAUMIS-ODEN PINDARS (92.2.09) -[r] B. K. Braswell, MUS.HELVET. 50 (1993) 227. 94.2.138 Pausanias, DESCRIPTION DE LA GRECE I (M. Casevitz, J. Pouilloux, F. Chamoux) (93.2.07) -[r] R. Hawley, CR 44 (1994) 28-29. 94.2.139 Pindaro, OLIMPICAS (R. Ronifaz Nuno) (94.2.10) -[r] D. Arnould, REG 106 (1993) 672. 94.2.140 Pindaro, I PEANI (G. Bona) (91.2.22) -[r] B. K. Braswell, MUS.HELVET. 50 (1993) 227. 94.2.141 Plutarch, THE MALICE OF HERODOTUS (A. Bowen) (93.2.08) -[r] G. Lachenaud, REG 106 (1993) 276. 94.2.142 -[r] L. A. Tritle, CLASS.WORLD 87 (1994) 510-511. 94.2.143 Plutarco, LA VIRTU ETICA (F. Becchi) (92.2.19) -[r] A. Colonna, RIV.FILOL. 120 (1992) 461-463. 94.2.144 -[r] L. Castagna, AEVUM 67 (1993) 224-225. 94.2.145 -[r] B. Scardigli, GNOMON 66 (1994) 73-75. 94.2.146 Plutarque, OEUVRES MORALES V.1 (F. Frazier, C. Froidefond) (91.2.28) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 62 (1993) 298-300. 94.2.147 Plutarque, OEUVRES MORALES V.2 (C. Froidefond) (89.2.19) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 62 (1993) 298-300. 94.2.148 W. H. Race, STYLE AND RHETORIC IN PINDAR'S ODES (92.2.20) -[r] M. M. Willcock, JHS 113 (1993) 186. 94.2.149 -[r] J. B. Lidov, CLASS.JNL. 89 (1993/1994) 69-79. 94.2.150 -[r] Th. Schmitz, GNOMON 66 (1994) 5-9. 94.2.151 -[r] D. C. Young, PHOENIX 48 (1994) 164-165. 94.2.152 P. Riemer, SOPHOKLES, ANTIGONE. GOETTERWILLE UND MENS- CHLICHE FREIHEIT (93.2.11) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 62 (1993) 271-272. 94.2.153 A. Rijksbaron, GRAMMATICAL OBSERVATIONS ON EURIPIDES' BACCHAE (92.2.21) -[r] H. Van Looy, ACLASS 62 (1993) 274-275. 94.2.154 C. Segal, OEDIPUS TYRANNUS (94.2.12) -[r] D. Bain, CR 44 (1994) 6-8. 94.2.155 Sophoclis, FABULAE (H. Lloyd-Jones, N. G. Wilson) 91.2.30) -[r] J. M. Bremer, MNEMOSYNE 47 (1994) 236-244. 94.2.156 Statius, THEBAID (A. D. Melville, D. W. T. Vessey) (94.2.13) -[r] J. Fisher, CR 44 (1994) 206-208. 94.2.157 Statius, THEBAID IX (M. Dewar) (92.2.28) -[r] P. Venini, ATHENAEUM 81 (1993) 704-707. 94.2.158 -[r] E. Courtney, CLASS.VIEWS 12 (1993) 508-511. DISSERTATIONS 94.2.159 N. Haviaras (University College London), "The myth and death of Ajax in Greek poetry up to Sophocles, with spe- cial reference to Pindar and Sophocles": BICS NS 1 (1994) 225. 94.2.160 C. J. R. Mann (Oxford), "Myth and truth in some odes of Pindar": BICS NS 1 (1994) 229. 94.2.161 N. Nicholson (University of Pennsylvania), "Mixed Praise: Sexual Imagery, Truth, and Discord in Pindar's Odes": APA NEWSLETTER 17.4 (1994) 22. 94.2.162 C. J. Schott (Ohio State University), "Hesiod, Labor and Vergil's GEORGICS": APA NEWSLETTER 17.4 (1994) 22. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Teiresias is distributed by Electronic Mail. Prospective readers can obtain Teiresias either by sending an e-mail message to the General Editor at CZAS@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA or by sending their e- mail address to him through the post. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Postal Address: A. 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