T E I R E S I A S Volume 26, 1996 ISSN 0381-9361 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES S. C. BAKHUIZEN Readers of TEIRESIAS will be saddened to learn that Kees Bak- huizen died in February 1996. His premature death has robbed his family of a beloved husband and father, and the rest of us of a cherished friend, and a scholar whose work will long be valued and admired. * The Third International Congress of Boiotian Studies was held in Thebes (and elsewhere in Boiotia) in September of this year. The General Editor regrets that he was unable to attend, but looks forward to seeing the publication of the papers. The proceedings of the Second International Congress, held at Livadia in 1992, were published in 1995, and are listed here. See 96.1.11. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL (See also 96.2.01, 27, 40, 45, 72, 83, 86, 94, 101, 104, 118, 178, 181) ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 96.1.01 V. Aravantinos, "Topographical and archaeological inves- tigations on the summit of Helikon", in 96.1.14: 185- 192. 96.1.02 J. E. Coleman, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.185 (Lokrida). 96.1.03 C. Mueller, "Le Ptoion et Akraiphia (Beotie)", BCH 119 (1995) 655-660. 96.1.04 I. Kraounaki, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.79-81 (Palaios Oropos), 81-82 (Skala Oropou). 96.1.05 M. H. Munn & M. L. Zimmermann-Munn, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.154-156 (Skourta). 96.1.06 A. Onasoglou, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.76-78 (Skala Oropou), 78-79 (Palaios Oropos), 81 (Nea Palatia Oropou). 96.1.07 P. A. Pantos, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.178-183 (Alai Lokridos). 96.1.08 M. Pologiorge, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.83 (Skala Oropou). 96.1.09 E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, ADELT 44 (1989 [1995]) B.1.157- 159 (Manika), 161-166 (Boiotikes Aktes). BOOKS 96.1.10 H. Cancik & H. Schneider, edd., DER NEUE PAULY (=DNP) 1. A-Ari (Stuttgart & Weimar 1996) liii & 1154pp., esp. svv. Abai, Adrastos (1), Aganippe, Agave, Agenor (1), Agrionia, Aigeidai, Aigialeus, Aioleis (1), Aiolos (3), Akidalia, Akraiphia, Aktaion, Alalkomenai (1), Alkaios (1)(2), Alkandros, Alkathoe, Alkmaion (1), Alkmaionis, Alkmene, Aloaden, Aminias, Amphiaraos, Amphiarau Exelasis, Amphion (1)(2), Amphitryon, Androkleidas, Anthedon, Anthes, Antigeneidas, Antigone (3), Antiope (1), Aonia, Archias (3), Argynnos, Aristaios (1). 96.1.11 A. Ch. Christodoulou, ed., EPETERIS TIS ETAIRIAS VIOTIKON MELETON 2 = B' DIETHNES SINEDRIO VIOTIKON MELETON (Athens 1995): 2.A (ARCHEOLOGIA) pp. 1-653, 2.B (ISTORIA, PHILOLOGIA, LAOGRAPHIA, SYNCHRONA PROVLIMATA) pp. 655-1436. Only the papers and abstracts concerning prehistory and antiquity are listed here. See 96.1.18, 19, 25, 28, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 51, 53, 56, 57, 59, 61, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 98, 101, 102, 103, 105, 96.2.19, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30, 45, 46, 53, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 68, 69, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 88, 94, 98, 101, 105. 96.1.12 CVA Deutschland 64. Kiel 2 (Munich 1993) (M. Prange), 23 (Boeotisch). 96.1.13 CVA Deutschland 67. Erlangen 1 (Munich 1995) (O. Draeger), 45 (Boeotisch mit Tierfries), 49 (Boeotisch). 96.1.14 A. Hurst & A. Schachter, edd., LA MONTAGNE DES MUSES = RECHERCHES ET RENCONTRES: PUBLICATIONS DE LA FACULTE DES LETTRES DE GENEVE 7 (Geneva 1996) 254pp. See 96.1.01, 24, 29, 52, 58, 74, 92, 104, 96.2.20, 24, 29, 85. 96.1.15 R. Osborne, GREECE IN THE MAKING, 1200-479 BC (London & New York 1996) xx & 396pp. See Index, svv Akraiphnion, Alkmaionidai, Apollo Ptoieus, Askra, Boiotia, Coinage, Helikon, Hesiod, Hipparkhos son of Peisistratos, Kithairon, Kopais, Levadhia, Oidipous, Onkhestos, Pindar, Plataia, Plutarch, Thebes, THEOGONY, Thespiai, WORKS AND DAYS. 96.1.16 R. Parker, ATHENIAN RELIGION: A HISTORY (Oxford 1996) xxix & 370pp. See the Subject Index, passim. 96.1.17 H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stroud, & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 42 (Amsterdam 1995) 109-118 (nos. 401-431) and Index IVA. ARTICLES 96.1.18 A. Andreiomenou, "Ena archaiko nekrotapheio tis evriteras periochis ton Thivon. Ayia Eleousa Piriou, Meros I", in 96.1.11: 1.139-244. 96.1.19 V. Aravantinos, "Mikinaika stathma apo ti Thiva", in 96.1.11: 1.97-137. 96.1.20 V. Aravantinos, L. Godart, A. Sacconi, "Sui nuovi testi del palazzo di Cadmo a Tebe. Note preliminari", REND.LINC. 6 (1995) 809-845 (with thanks to NESTOR). 96.1.21 G. Argoud, "Inscriptions de Beotie relatives a l'eau", BOIOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 33-55. 96.1.22 R. H. J. Ashton, "Pseudo-Rhodian drachms from Central Greece", NCHRON 155 (1995) 1-20, esp. pp. 11-16 (coins of Haliartos). 96.1.23 V. N. Bardani, "EK VIOTIAS TO DEUTERON", HOROS 8/9 (1990/1991) 205-206. 96.1.24 J. Bintliff, "The archaeological survey of the Valley of the Muses and its significance for Boeotian history", in 96.1.14: 193-210. 96.1.25 M. Bonanno-Aravantinou, "Epitimvia stili klassikon chronon apo tis Thespias", in 96.1.11: 1.389-405. 96.1.26 R. J. Buck, "The outbreak of the Boiotian War", BOIOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 91-99. 96.1.27 J. Buckler, "Some thoughts on Ploutarkhos' approach to history", BOIOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 69-77. 96.1.28 J. Buckler, "The battle of Tegyra, 375 BC", in 96.1.11: 2.683-697. 96.1.29 J. Buckler, "Helikon and Klio", in 96.1.14: 127-139. 96.1.30 M. Casevitz, "Remarques sur la langue des inventaires de Tanagra", BOIOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 3-10. 96.1.31 M. Casevitz, "Pausanias en Beotie: a propos de Lebadee", in 96.1.11: 2.727-733. 96.1.32 R. W. V. Catling, "Three gravestones", ANNALS OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: EVVOIKA ARCHAIOPHILOS ETAIRIA 3 (1988/1989) 106-110, esp. pp. 108-110 (stone from Darimari/Daphni). 96.1.33 A. Christopoulou, "Idisis apo ti Steni Mavromatiou", in 96.1.11: 1.429-445. 96.1.34 Ch. Christou, "Viotiki mithi ke istoria" (summary), in 96.1.11: 2.665-666. 96.1.35 C. Cooper, "Hyperides and the trial of Phryne", PHOENIX 49 (1995) 303-318. 96.1.36 Ph. Dasios, "Peri tis Viotiko-phokikis methoriou", in 96.1.11: 1.245-255. 96.1.37 M. Daumas, "Des steles de Thebes au Goryte de Vergina: images d'un culte a mysteres?" in 96.1.11: 1.285-309. 96.1.38 J. Davidson, "Two substitutions in Greek myth", ACLASS 64 (1995) 205-210. 96.1.39 P. M. Day & H. W. Haskell, "Transport stirrup jars from Thebes as evidence of trade in Late Bronze Age Greece", in C. Gillis, C. Risberg, B. Sjoeberg, edd., TRADE AND PRODUCTION IN PREMONETARY GREECE: ASPECTS OF TRADE (Jonsered 1995) 87-109 (with thanks to NESTOR). 96.1.40 L. Del Bario, "Paratirisis stin glossa ton epigraphon tou Oropou", in 96.1.11: 1.319-324. 96.1.41 J. Mendez Dosuna, "The letter /e:/ in archaic Boeotian inscriptions", in 96.1.11: 1.277-283. 96.1.42 F. J. Gomez Espelosin, "Filipo V y la lucha faccional en Beocia", in 96.1.11: 2.715-726. 96.1.43 J. M. Fossey, "PAIDOPOIIA in archaic Thebes", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 79-90. 96.1.44 J. M. Fossey, "Boiotian decrees of proxenia", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 35-59. 96.1.45 J. M. Fossey, "Boiotia and the Pontic cities in the archaic to hellenistic periods", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 107-115. 96.1.46 C. Grandjean, "Les comptes de Pompidas (IG VII 2426). Drachmes d'argent symmachique et drachmes de bronze", BCH 119 (1995) 1-26. 96.1.47 M. H. Hansen, "An inventory of Boiotian POLEIS in the Archaic and Classical periods", in M. H. Hansen, ed., INTRODUCTION TO AN INVENTORY OF POLEIS = ACTS OF THE COPENHAGEN POLIS CENTRE 3 (Copenhagen 1996) 73-116. 96.1.48 M. H. Hansen, "KOME. A study in how the Greeks desig- nated and classified settlements which were not POLEIS", in M. H. Hansen & K. Raaflaub, edd., STUDIES IN THE ANCIENT GREEK POLIS = HISTORIA EINZELSCHRIFTEN 95 (1995) 45-81 passim. 96.1.49 M. H. Hansen, "Were the Boiotian POLEIS deprived of their AUTONOMIA during the first and second Boiotian federations? a reply" in M. H. Hansen & K. Raaflaub, edd., MORE STUDIES IN THE ANCIENT GREEK POLIS = HISTORIA EINZELSCHRIFTEN 108 (1996) 127-136. See 96.1.55. 96.1.50 D. Hennig, "Staatliche Ansprueche an privaten Immobilienbesitz in der klassischen und hellenistischen Polis", CHIRON 25 (1995) 235-282 passim. 96.1.51 S. Hornblower, "Thucydides and Boiotia", in 96.1.11: 2.667-678. 96.1.52 A. Hurst, "La stele de l'Helicon", in 96.1.14: 57-71. 96.1.53 S. Iakovidis, "Glas ke Orchomenos", in 96.1.11: 1.69-81. 96.1.54 G. Jones, "Charred grain from late bronze age Gla, Boiotia", BSA 100 (1995) 235-238. 96.1.55 A. G. Keen, "Were the Boiotian POLEIS AUTONOMOI?" in M. H. Hansen & K. Raaflaub, edd., MORE STUDIES IN THE ANCIENT GREEK POLIS = HISTORIA EINZELSCHRIFTEN 108 (1996) 113-125. See 96.1.49. 96.1.56 K. Kilinski II, "Whose kantharos is it anyway?" (sum- mary) in 96.1.11: 273-275. 96.1.57 J. Knauss, "NE Kopais: technical-historical aspects of the unfinished drainage tunnel", in 96.1.11: 1.83-95. 96.1.58 D. Knoepfler, "La reorganisation du concours des Mouseia a l'epoque hellenisyique: esquisse d'une solution nouvelle", in 96.1.14: 141-167. 96.1.59 D. Kravartoyiannos, "Parousia chalkon viotikon nomis- maton se `thisavro' (evrima Amphissis) tou B' e. p.Ch.", in 96.1.11: 1.447-451. 96.1.60 L. Lacroix, "Traditions locales et legendes etiologiques dans la PERIEGESE de Pausanias", JOURNAL DES SAVANTS (1994) 75-99, esp. pp. 86-87. 96.1.61 A. Lebesi, "Ta metallina zodia tou Thivaikou Kaviriou", in 96.1.11: 311-317. 96.1.62 M. Lejeune, "Essai de philologie mycenienne XVIII: notes d'anthroponymie thebaine", RPHIL 68 (1994) 165-169. 96.1.63 M. Lejeune & L. Godart, "Le syllabogramme *56 dans le Lineaire B thebain", RIV. DI FILOL. 123 (1995) 272-277. 96.1.64 V. Licheli, "Problems of the history of relations between the Aegean and the western Caucasus", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 117-127. 96.1.65 J.-J. Maffre, "Deux canthares beotiens a figures noires dans une collection privee", in 96.1.11: 1.259-271. 96.1.66 D. Masouris, "Omiria Philippou B' stin Thiva", in 96.1.11: 2.699-705. 96.1.67 A. Mersch, "Archaeologischer Kommentar zu den `Graebern der Athener und Plataier' in der Marathonia", KLIO 77 (1995) 55-64. 96.1.68 L. Migeotte, "Un fonds d'achat de grain a Coronee", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 11-23. 96.1.69 L. Migeotte, "Ressources financieres des cites beotiennes", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 3-15. 96.1.70 M. C. J. Miller, "Two inscriptions from West Lokris and Doris: a reconsideration", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 175- 183. 96.1.71 E. Mitropoulou, "I latria ton Nimphon ke tou Panos sin Viotia", in 96.1.11: 1.331-387. 96.1.72 L. A. Garcia Moreno, "Las invasiones de los godos en Beocia", in 96.1.11: 2.735-753. 96.1.73 C. Mueller, "Epaminondas et les evergetes de la cite d'Akraiphia au Ier s. de N. Ere", in 96.1.11: 1.455-467. 96.1.74 C. Mueller, "Les travaux de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes au sanctuaire du Val des Muses: le passe et l'avenir", in 96.1.14: 171-183. 96.1.75 M. Nafissi, "Zeus Basileus di Lebadeia. La politica religiosa del KOINON beotico durante le guerre cleomenica", KLIO 77 (1995) 149-169. 96.1.76 L. Orphanidi, "Morphes tis Viotikis Neolithikis Mik- roplastikis", in 96.1.11: 1.37-49. 96.1.77 A. Panayopoulou, "Pemptophallangiki drasi sta `Plataika' tou Thoukididi ke i tichi ton echmaloton polemou", in 96.1.11: 2.679-682. 96.1.78 S. Papayeoryiou & S. Stiros, "Metavoles paleogeographias kata mikos ton Viotikon akton sta televtea 2.500 chronia" (summary), in 96.1.11: 1.509-510. 96.1.79 N. Patra, "O Ptoos ke o archaios Oropos", in 96.1.11: 1.325-330. 96.1.80 A. Petronoti, "Trophonios ke Agamedes: i architektones apo to mitho pros tin istoria" (summary), in 96.1.11: 1.257-258. 96.1.81 Ch. Piteros, "Anaskaphi ikopedou aphon Tolia sti Livadia", in 96.1.11: 1.481-507. 96.1.82 M. Pologiorge, "Taphoi tou Oropou". ADELT 43 (1988 [1995]) A.114-138. 96.1.83 M. Pomeroy, "The neolithic settlement of Boeotia", in 96.1.11: 1.51-62. 96.1.84 L. Prandi, "La congiura di Aminta e la distruzione di Tebe nel 335 a.C." (summary), in 96.1.11: 1.453. 96.1.85 J. L. Garcia Ramon, "Una importante inscripcion arcaica de Olimpia", in J. A. Lopez Ferez, ed., ESTUDIOS ACTUALES SOBRE TEXTOS GRIEGOS (II JORNADAS INTER- NACIONALES, UNED, 25-28 OCTUBRE 1989) (Madrid 1991) 89- 100 (on SEG 31.358). 96.1.86 G. Reger, "Some Boiotians in the hellenistic Kyklades", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 71-99. 96.1.87 G. Daviero Rocchi, "La 1`parapotamia ge' e la guerra tebano-focese (Schol. ad Dem. XIX. De Falso Legat. 20)", in 96.1.11: 2.707-713. 96.1.88 G. M. Rogers, "A Boiotian flute-player at Ephesos", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 101-106. 96.1.89 D. W. Roller, "The Kaphisias family of Tanagra", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 57-67. 96.1.90 D. W. Roller, "Some corrections and addenda to the prosopography of Tanagra", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 31- 34. 96.1.91 D. W. Roller, "Boiotians in south Italy: some thoughts", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 63-70. 96.1.92 A. Schachter, "Reconstructing Thespiai", in 96.1.14: 99- 126. 96.1.93 A. Schachter, "Costituzione e sviluppo dell'ETHNOS beotico", QUADERNI URBINATI 52 (1996) 7-29. See 94.1.49. 96.1.94 B. Sergent, "Les petits nodules et la grande Beotie (premiere partie)", REA 96 (1994) 365-384. 96.1.95 R. Simonetta, "Nascita dell'oracolo di Trofonio", AEVUM 68 (1994) 27-32. 96.1.96 M. Sordi, "La battaglia di Ceresso e la secessione di Tespie", BOIOTIA ANTIQUA 3 (1993) 25-32. 96.1.97 W. J. Slater, "The pantomime Tiberius Iulius Apolaustus", GRBS 36 (1995) 263-292. 96.1.98 A. Spawforth, "Boeotia and the wealth of Herodes Atticus: a fishy business? in 96.1.11: 1.469-476. 96.1.99 G. J. Szemler, "Two notes on the Corinthian War", ANCIENT WORLD 27 (1996) 95-104. 96.1.100 L. A. Turner, "IG vii 3073 and the display of inscribed texts", BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 4 (1994) 17-30. 96.1.101 A. Tzanimis, "To chroniko ton anaskaphon stin kilada ton Mouson", in 96.1.11: 1.407-427. 96.1.102 H. Tzavella-Evjen, "Anaskaphikis erevnes sti Cheroneia", in 96.1.11: 1.63-67. 96.1.103 A. Veneri, "L'iscrizione della stele di Tespie (IG VII 4240) nella storia economica e culturale della citta" (summary), in 96.1.11: 1.477. 96.1.104 A. Veneri, "L'Elicona nella cultura tespiese intorno al III sec. a. C.: la stele di Euthy[l]es", in 96.1.14: 73- 86. 96.1.105 G. Vottero, "Sur une question de phonetique Beotienne: le datif thematique en OI et les diphtonges a 1er ele- ment long" (summary), in 96.1.11: 1.479-480. PAPER READ 96.1.106 V. Aravantinos, "Religion and administration in a Mycenaean kingdom. The case of Thebes", International Round Table on Sphragistic Studies, Naples, Febru- ary/March 1996: NESTOR 231 (1996) 2819. REVIEWS 96.1.107 R. J. Buck, BOIOTIA AND THE BOIOTIAN LEAGUE, 432-371 B.C. (94.1.11) -[r] P. Brun, REA 96 (1994) 625. 96.1.108 -[r] D. R. Shipley, CR 45 (1995) 322-323. 96.1.109 -[r] S. C. Bakhuizen, MNEMOSYNE 49 (1996) 112-114. 96.1.110 -[r] M. Cook, PHOENIX 49 (1995) 267-269. 96.1.111 -[r] F. Sartori, ATENE E ROMA 41 (1996) 42. 96.1.112 J. Buckler, PHILIP II AND THE SACRED WAR (90.1.24) -[r] A. Erskine, HERMATHENA 159 (1995) 97-98. 96.1.113 J. M. Fossey, TOPOGRAPHY AND POPULATION OF ANCIENT BOIOTIA (88.1.07) -[r] J. Irmscher, EIRENE 30 (1994) 214-215. 96.1.114 J. M. Fossey, ed., BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 3 & 4 (analysed in this issue) -[r] L. Steel, CR 46 (1996) 304-307. 96.1.115 M. H. Munn, THE DEFENSE OF ATTICA (93.1.09) -[r] P. Brun, REA 96 (1994) 626-626. 96.1.116 H. W. Pleket & R. S. Stroud, edd., SEG 40 (94.1.14) -[r] P. J. Rhodes, CR 45 (1995) 397-398. 96.1.117 H. Van Effenterre, LES BEOTIENS (90.1.33) -[r] D. Mueller, GNOMON 68 (1996) 166-168. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 96.1.118 L'ANNEE EPIGRAPHIQUE (1992 [1995]) 426 (no. 1539), 431 (no. 1554). 96.1.119 "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 108 (1995) 433 (no. 15); 471-472 (nos. 278-280). DISSERTATIONS 96.1.120 J. Morin (McGill), "La prehistoire de Khostia", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 4434-A. 96.1.121 C. W. Kalkavage (Johns Hopkins), "The past on trial: the Plataean episodes in Thucydides", DAI 50 (1989/1990) 230-A. 96.1.122 D. Katsonopoulou (Cornell), "Studies of the eastern cities of Opuntian Lokris: Halai, Kyrtones, Korseia, Bumelitaia", DAI 51 (1990/1991) 3118-A. 96.1.123 J. S. Rundin (California/Berkeley), "Eating in early Greek practice and representation" DAI 55 (1994/1995) 2816-A. 96.1.124 L. A. Turner (Pennsylvania), "The history, monuments and topography of ancient Lebadeia in Boeotia, Greece", DAI 55 (1994/1995) 1356-A. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY (See also 96.1.35, 38, 121, 123) BOOKS 96.2.01 K. W. Arafat, PAUSANIAS' GREECE: ANCIENT ARTISTS AND ROMAN RULERS (Cambridge 1996) xvi & 246pp., esp. 232-235 (Index of Pausanias passages cited). 96.2.02 D. Boedeker & D. Sider, edd., THE NEW SIMONIDES = ARETHUSA 29.2 (1996) 155-282: see 96.2.22, 25, 26, 35, 51, 73, 87, 93, 95. 96.2.03 C. B. Daniels & S. Scully, WHAT REALLY GOES ON IN SOPHOCLES' THEBAN PLAYS (Lanham Md., New York, London 1996) xvii & 142pp. 96.2.04 J. Diggle, EURIPIDEA: COLLECTED ESSAYS (Oxford 1994) x & 559pp., passim. 96.2.05 C. Ehrhardt & D. Little, PLUTARCH'S LIVES OF GALBA AND OTHO. A COMPANION (London 1994) vi & 113pp. 96.2.06 H. Heftner, PLUTARCH UND DER AUFSTIEG DES POMPEIUS: EIN HISTORISCHER KOMMENTAAR ZU PLUTARCHS POMPEIUSVITA. tEIL I: KAP. 1-45 (Frankfurt 1995) ix & 366pp. 96.2.07 D. Kovacs, EURIPIDEA ALTERA (Leiden, New York, Cologne 1996) x & 159pp., esp. pp. 70-94 (Supplices) and 126- 148 (Heracles). 96.2.08 V. J. Mathews, ed. & comm., ANTIMACHOS OF COLOPHON (Leiden, New York, Cologne 1996) x & 478pp., esp. pp. 79-206 (THEBAID). 96.2.09 H. Pelliccia, MIND, BODY AND SPEECH IN HOMER AND PINDAR (Goettingen 1995) 389pp. 96.2.10 J. C. B. Petropoulos, HEAT AND LUST: HESIOD'S MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL SCENE REVISITED (Lanham Md. & London 1994) xvii & 115pp. 96.2.11 Plutarco, GLI ORACOLI DELLA PIZIA, ed. E. Valgiglio (Naples 1992) 189pp. 96.2.12 Plutarco, LA GLORIA DI ATENE, edd. I. Gallo & M. Mocci (Naples 1992) 157pp. 96.2.13 Plutarco, LE VITE DI NICIA E DI CRASSO, intro., transl., comm. M. G. Bertinelli & others (Milan 1993) lxxxiv & 439pp. 96.2.14 B. Scardigli, ed., ESSAYS ON PLUTARCH'S LIVES (Oxford 1995) 403pp. 96.2.15 Stace, THEBAIDE IX-XII, ed., transl. R. Lesueur (Paris 1994) 219pp. 96.2.16 S.-T. Teodorsson, A COMMENTARY ON PLUTARCH'S TABLE TALKS VOL. III (BOOKS 7-9) (Goteborg 1996) 426pp. 96.2.17 M. M. Willcock, ed., PINDAR, VICTORY ODES. OLYMPIANS 2, 7 AND 11; NEMEAN 4; ISTHMIANS 3, 4 AND 7 (Cambridge 1995) viii & 181pp. ARTICLES 96.2.18 G. Abbamonte, "I Morali di Plutarco: filosofia", RIV. DI CULTURA CLASSICA & MEDIOEVALE 35 (1993) 299-307. 96.2.19 G. Argoud, "Hommes et femmes celebres de Beotie", in 96.1.11: 2.1039-1046. 96.2.20 G. Argoud, "L'Helicon et la litterature grecque", in 96.1.14: 27-42. 96.2.21 Ch. Baloglou, "Die oekonomischen Auffassungen von Plutarch aus Chaironeia", in 96.1.11: 2.1081-1095. 96.2.22 A. Barchiesi, "Simonides and Horace on the death of Achilles", in 96.2.02: 247-253. 96.2.23 P. A. Bernardini, "La citta di Tebe nell'ERACLE di Euripide" (summary), in 96.1.11: 2.987. 96.2.24 P. A. Bernardini, "Esiodo e l'Elicona nella parodia di Luciano: ADVERSUS INDOCTUM 3", in 96.1.14: 87-96. 96.2.25 D. Boedeker, "Heroic historiography: Simonides and Herodotus on Plataea", in 96.2.02: 223-242. 96.2.26 D. Boedeker & D. Sider, "[Simonides,] Fragments 1-22: Text and apparatus criticus", in 96.2.02: 155-156. 96.2.27 F. Brenk, "The Boiotia of Plutarch's EROTIKOS beyond the shadow of Athens", in 96.1.11: 2.1109-1117. 96.2.28 C. Brillante, "Orcomeno e Tebe egizia nei poemi omericia", in 96.1.11: 2.893-900. 96.2.29 C. Calame, "Montagne des Muses et Mouseia: la consecra- tion des TRAVAUX et l'heroisation d'Hesiode", in 96.1.14: 43-56. 96.2.30 A. M. Cappomachia, "Tra Tebe e Corinto: un itinerario mitico", in 96.1.11: 2.965-971. 96.2.31 J. S. Carnes, "Why should I mention Aiakos? myth and politics in Pindar's NEMEAN 8 [Part I]", QUADERNI URBINATI 51 (1995) 7-48. 96.2.32 J. S. Carnes, "Why should I mention Aiakos? myth and politics in Pindar's NEMEAN 8 [Part II]", QUADERNI URBINATI 52 (1996) 83-92. 96.2.33 J. S. Carnes, "The ends of the earth: fathers, ephebes, and wild women in NEMEAN 4 and 5", ARETHUSA 29 (1996) 15-55. 96.2.34 P. Carrara, "L'inno a Helios di Elio Nicone e l'inizio delle Fenicie di Euripide", EIRENE 30 (1994) 37-41. 96.2.35 J. S. Clay, "The new Simonides and Homer's HEMITHEOI", in 96.2.02: 243-245. 96.2.36 C. Collard, "Aeschylus, SEPTEM CONTRA THEBAS 577", ACLASS 64 (1995) 185-186. 96.2.37 G. B. D'Alessio, "Esiodo, fr. 193,8 M.-W.", ZPE 110 (1996) 100. 96.2.38 R. D. Dawe, "Conjectures in OEDIPUS AT COLONUS", ILLINOIS CLASSICAL STUDIES 19 (1994) 65-72. 96.2.39 V. Di Benedetto, "Tifone in Pindaro e in Eschilo", RIV. DI FILOL. 123 (1995) 129-139. 96.2.40 N. Ehrhardt, "Ilias B508 und die Gruender von Heraclea Pontica", HERMES 124 (1996) 101-105. 96.2.41 F. Ferrari, "Tre note ai frammenti di Pindaro", STUDI ITALIANI DE FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 11 (1993) 47-54. 96.2.42 E. Franzino, "Euripides' HERACLES 858-73", ILLINOIS CLASSICAL STUDIES 20 (1995) 57-63. 96.2.43 S. A. Georgacopoulou, "Jeu d'ironie tragique et jeu de voix a la fin du Livre 2 de la Thebaide de Stace", CLASS. VIEWS 15 (1996) 275-281. 96.2.44 S. A. Georgacopoulou, "Indices intertexteuels et inter- generiques: la presentation des coursiers d'Amphiaraus et d'Admete au livre 6 de la THEBAIDE de Stace (THEB. 6,326-339)", MNEMOSYNE 49 (1996) 445-452. 96.2.45 A. Georgiadou, "PRAXEIS and LOGOI: the liberation of the Cadmeia in Plutarch's DE GENIO" (summary), in 96.1.11: 2.1129-1130. 96.2.46 J. Gould, "Oedipus and Antigone at Thebes", in 96.1.11: 2.959-963. 96.2.47 M. A. Harder, in J. Shelton, J. E. G. Whitehorne & others, edd., THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI 62 (London 1995) 22-49 (no. 4306: Mythological Compendium), esp. fr. 1 col. i.14-21, fr. 2 col. ii.4-6, fr. 6; 49-50 (no. 4307: Mythological Compendium), esp. ll. 5-7; 51 (4308: Mytho- logical Compendium), esp. ll. 1-2. 96.2.48 T. P. Hillmann, "Plutarch and Dio on the postponed con- sular elections for 61", HERMES 124 (1996) 313-332. 96.2.49 T. K. Hubbard, "Hesiod's fable of the hawk and the nightingale reconsidered", GRBS 36 (1995) 161-171. 96.2.50 T. K. Hubbard, "On implied wishes for Olympic victory in Pindar," ILLINOIS CLASSICAL STUDIES 20 (1995) 35-56. 96.2.51 T. K. Hubbard, "`New Simonides' or old Semonides? second thoughts on POXY 3965, fr. 26", in 96.2.02: 255-262. 96.2.52 P. Hummel, "Crase formulaire et rarete morphosemantique: ASOPHOS dans Pindare", GLOTTA 72 (1994 [1995]) 177-181. 96.2.53 A. Hurst, "Presence d'Hesiode dans la `Vision de Dorotheos' et dans les poemes du codex Bodmer des Visions", in 96.1.11: 2.913-919. 96.2.54 G. Indelli, "I papiri plutarchei: qualche osservazione", ATENE E ROMA 40 (1995) 49-57. 96.2.55 L. Inglese, "I Morali di Plutarco: filologia", RIV. DI CULTURA CLASSICA & MEDIOEVALE 35 (1993) 291-297. 96.2.56 F. Jouan, "Le mythe de Bellerophon chez Pindare", REG 108 (1995) 271-287. 96.2.57 Ph. Katzouros, "I trissi kinoniki domi is tas Thivaikas tragodias tou Sophokleous", in 96.1.11: 2.949-958. 96.2.58 Ch. Keramaris, "Isiodos ke Iraklitos", in 96.1.11: 2.921-929. 96.2.59 L. Kurke, "Pindar and the prostitutes, or reading ancient `pornography'", ARION 4 (1996) 49-75. 96.2.60 P. Kyriakou, "A variation of the Pindaric break-off in NEMEAN 4", AJPHIL 117 (1996) 17-35. 96.2.61 S. Lambakis, "O Evstathios Thessalonikis ke o prologos ton scholion tou ston Pindaro", in 96.1.11: 2.1173-1178. 96.2.62 V. Lampropoulou, "O Dionisos ke i ginekia akolouthia tou sti Viotiki gi. I archi tis `stichomithias' sta Agrionia tis Cheronias", in 96.1.11: 2.931-942. 96.2.63 S. Lavecchia, "P.Oxy. 2262 e il `Secondo Ditirambo' di Pindaro", ZPE 110 (1996) 1-26. 96.2.64 A.-E. Lazarou, "Simvoli Ploutarchou stin erminia zitimatos Romaikis Poltias", in 96.1.11: 2.1097-1108. 96.2.65 M. C. Leclerc, "Facettes du temps dans les TRAVAUX ET LES JOURS d'Hesiode", RPHIL 68 (1994) 147-163. 96.2.66 M. Lombardi, "Memoria aristotelica e ideale evergetico in Plutarco Per. 16.7", RIV. DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 37 (1995) 221-241. 96.2.67 R. Mann, "Pindar's Homer and Pindar's myths", GRBS 35 (1994) 313-337. 96.2.68 O. Marankou, "O kinonikos rolos ke i thesis tis ginekos sti Viotia kata tin archeotita. I martiria tis technis", in 96.1.11: 2.943-947. 96.2.69 R. Mavromichali, "I piisi sti Viotia ana tous eones", in 96.1.11: 2.1053-1061. 96.2.70 C. Miralles, "Hesiodo, ERGA 42-105. La invencion de la mujer y la tinaja", in 96.1.85: 33-45. 96.2.71 N. Natalucci, "Il P.Oxy. 2438 e la tradizione biografica di Pindaro. Una nuova proposta di lettura", RIV. DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 37 (1995) 57-88. 96.2.72 S. Nelson, "The drama of Hesiod's farm", CLASS.PHIL. 91 (1996) 45-53. 96.2.73 D. Obbink, "The hymnic structure of the new Simonides", in 96.2.02: 193-203. 96.2.74 S. O'Bryhim, "A new interpretation of Hesiod, `Theogony' 35", HERMES 124 (1996) 131-139. 96.2.75 J. J. O'Hara, "Sostratus SUPPL. HELL. 733: a lost, pos- sibly Catullan-era elegy on the six sex changes of Tiresias", TAPA 126 (1996) 173-219. 96.2.76 P. Pagonari-Antoniou, "Ploutarchou paramithitikos pros tin gineka: techni i zoi?" in 96.1.11: 2.1119-1127. 96.2.77 H. A. Paraskevaides, "`POLYKNEMON ETEONON' (Iliad B 497) in `Boeotia' and the value of `KNEMOS' in Homer", in 96.1.11: 2.901-906. 96.2.78 I. Petropoulos, "Ginekes machlotate ke o therismos tou Isiodou", in 96.1.11: 2.907-912. 96.2.79 I. L. Pfeijffer, "The date of Pindar's fifth NEMEAN and Bacchylides' thirteenth ode", CQ 45 (1995) 318-337. 96.2.80 L. Philis, "Mousai, mousiki ke Viotia", in 96.1.11: 2.1019-1037. 96.2.81 G. Piccaluga, "Tebe, proprio dietro l'angolo! (Varr. RR. III 1sgg)", in 96.1.11: 2.973-979. 96.2.82 J. Pinsent, "Homeric Thebes", in 96.1.11: 2.879-891. 96.2.83 T. J. Quinn, "Thucydides and the massacre at Mycalessus", MNEMOSYNE 48 (1995) 571-573. 96.2.84 M. Rocchi, "Il monte Elicona conteso da Mousai ed Emathides", in 96.1.11: 2.1009-1018. 96.2.85 M. Rocchi, "Le mont Helicon: un espace mythique", in 96.1.14: 15-25. 96.2.86 J. Rusten, "Oedipus and triviality", CLASS.PHIL. 91 (1996) 97-112. 96.2.87 I. Rutherford, "The new Simonides: towards a com- mentary", in 96.2.02: 167-192. 96.2.88 A. Schachter, "The prophet of Korinna, fr. 654 PMG: Glaukos Pontios?" in 96.1.11: 2.1063-1072. 96.2.89 J. Schamp, "Le Plutarque de Photios", ACLASS 64 (1995) 155-184. 96.2.90 W. C. Scott, "Musical design in Sophocles' `OEDIPUS TYRANNUS'", ARION 4 (1996) 33-44. 96.2.91 S. Scully, "Orchestra and stage in Euripides' SUPPLIANT WOMEN", ARION 4 (1996) 61-84. 96.2.92 C. Segal, "The chorus and the gods in OEDIPUS TYRANNUS", ARION 4 (1996) 20-32. 96.2.93 D. Sider, "As is the generation of leaves in Homer, Simonides, Horace, and Stobaios", in 96.2.02: 263-282. 96.2.94 M. Sordi, "Le supplici di Euripide e la battaglia di Delion", in 96.1.11: 2.981-986. 96.2.95 E. Stehle, "Help me to sing, Muse, of Plataea", in 96.2.02: 202-222. 96.2.96 E. Suarez de la Torre, "El PEAN IV de Pindaro", in 96.1.85: 139-159. 96.2.97 S. D. Sullivan, "Love's effects on psychic entities in early Greek poetry', EIRENE 30 (1994) 23-36. 96.2.98 A. Teffeteller, "Helikon's song, Korinna fr. 654 PMG", in 96.1.11: 2.1073-1080. 96.2.99 F. B. Titchener, "Plutarch's use of Thucydides in the MORALIA", PHOENIX 49 (1995) 189-200. 96.2.100 J. Torres Guerra, "Die Homerische THEBAIS und die AMPHIARAOS-AUSFAHRT", ERANOS 93 (1995) 39-48. 96.2.101 K. Triantaphillidis, "Schesis Vioton ke Etolon. Mithi ke istoria", in 96.1.11: 2.1003-1008. 96.2.102 K. Valakas, "The first stasimon and the chorus in Aes- chylus' SEVEN AGAINST THEBES", STUDI ITALIANI DE FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 11 (1993) 55-86. 96.2.103 I. Venturi, "Le Baccanti", SMSA 18 (1994 [1995]) 25-56. 96.2.104 M. L. West, "The date of the ILIAD", MUS. HELVET. 52 (1995) 203-219. 96.2.105 Z. Xanthaki-Karamanou, "I Viotia sti dramatiki piisi ton metaklassikon chronon", in 96.1.11: 2.989-1002. 96.2.106 M.-A. Zagdoun, "Plutarque a Delphes", REG 108 (1995) 586-592. PAPERS READ 96.2.107 M. Affortunati, "III convegno della International Plutarch Society", MAIA 47 (1995) 417-422 (report). 96.2.108 A. Allen, "Iphigone/Iphigeneia", Annual Meeting, APA, New York, December 1996. 96.2.109 A. N. Athanassakis, "Why so little about the souls of the dead in Hesiod's cosmography?", Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, St. Catharines, May 1996. 96.2.110 E. V. Bova, "Starting from the scratch: PYTHIAN 2.90ff. considered again". See 96.2.108. 96.2.111 F. E. Brenk reports in GNOMON 68 (1996) 381-382, that "The VII Convegno Plutarcheo Italiano `Plutarco e la religione' . . . was held at Ravello, . . . 29th-31st Nay, 1995. The papers are listed and they will be pub- lished". 96.2.112 E. Carawan, "The edict of Oedipus (OT 223-42)". See 96.2.108. 96.2.113 J. P. Fenno, "Agamemnon's character in the prologue to Euripides IPHIGENIA IN AULIS". See 96.2.108. 96.2.114 I. Gildenhard, "Ovid's Narcissus: an echo of the Oedipus `complex'". See 96.2.108. 96.2.115 R. Gilder III, "The lateness of Jupiter in Statius' THEBAID". See 96.2.108. 96.2.116 S. B. Heiny, "NEMEA 8 and Pindar's persuasion". See 96.2.108. 96.2.117 I. E. Holmberg, "The formation of the Epic Cycle". See 96.2.108. 96.2.118 L. Kallet-Marx, "Parallel devastation: Athenian finance and the massacre at Mykalessos. Thucydides 7.27-29". See 96.2.108. 96.2.119 A. Keith, "Bacchic themes and imagery in the Minyads' tales: Ovid Metamorphoses 4.1-415", Annual meeting, Classical Association of the Canadian West, Winnipeg, March 1996. 96.2.120 A. Keith, "Tragic Thebes: Greek and Roman tragedy in Ovid's Thebaid". See 96.2.108. 96.2.121 A. Lardinois, "The wrath of Hesiod: Homeric reproaches and the structure of Hesiod's WORKS & DAYS". See 96.2.108. 96.2.122 D. D. Markus, "Statius' vatic presence in the THEBAID". See 96.2.108. 96.2.123 M. Milde, "Oedipus' journey: death and identity in OEDIPUS AT COLONUS". See 96.2.109. 96.2.124 D. Mulroy, "Humor in Pindar's victory odes", 92nd Annual Meeting, Classical Assocation of the Middle West & South, Nashville, Tennessee, April 1996: CLASS.JOURNAL 91 (1995/1996) 329. 96.2.125 R. Nagel, "Polynices the charioteer and family destiny (Statius, THEBAID 6.296-549)". See 96.2.109. 96.2.126 F. Naiden, "Sappho, Corinna and the Latin love poets". See 96.2.108. 96.2.127 R. S. Pianka, "Seasons in Hesiod and Homer". See 96.2.108. 96.2.128 L. Slatkin, "The poetics of measurement in the WORKS AND DAYS". See 96.2.108. 96.2.129 A. Smith, "Pindar's Fourteenth OLYMPIAN: a literal and literary homecoming". See 96.2.124: CLASS.JOURNAL 91 (1995/1996) 324. 96.2.130 N. Smolenaars, "The poetic technique of multiple imita- tion in Statius' THEBAID". See 96.2.108. 96.2.131 F. L. Spaltro, "Hesiodic poetics and the discourse of fiction". See 96.2.108. 96.2.132 A. Tronson, "The mythology of Plutarch's `Panhellenic congress' (PERICLES, 17)". See 96.2.109. 96.2.133 R. J. Yankow, "Pentheus: HAUD ALITER HIPPLOLYTUS". See 96.2.124: CLASS.JOURNAL 91 (1995/1996) 330. REVIEWS 96.2.134 F. Ahl, SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS (91.2.02) -[r] S. Goldhill, ARION 4 (1996) 155-161. 96.2.135 R. S. Caldwell, transl., HESIOD'S THEOGONY (91.2.07) -[r] C. M. McDonough, CLASS.JOURNAL 91 (1995/1996) 2201- 202. 96.2.136 E. Van Nes Ditmars, SOPHOCLES' ANTIGONE: LYRIC SHAPE AND MEANING (94.2.04) -[r] M. Mund-Dopchie, ACLASS 64 (1995) 274. 96.2.137 W. J. Dominick, THE MYTHIC VOICE OF STATIUS (95.2.03) -[r] P. Hardie, CR 46 (1996) 27-28. 96.2.138 W. J. Dominick, SPEECH AND RHETORIC IN STATIUS' THEBAID (94.2.05) -[r] J. Pucci, CLASS. WORLD 89 (1996) 514. 96.2.139 -[r] D. E. Hill, CR 46 (1996) 29-30. 96.2.140 C. Ehrhardt & D. Little, PLUTARCH'S LIVES OF GALBA AND OTHO. A COMPANION (96.2.05) -[r] T. R. Martin, CLASS. WORLD 90 (1996) 69-70. 96.2.141 Euripides, PHOENISSAE (D. J. Mastronarde) (94.2.07) -[r] J. Gregory, AJPHIL 117 (1996) 320-322. 96.2.142 H. Heftner, PLUTARCH UND DER AUFSTIEG DES POMPEIUS (96.2.06) -[r] T. Duff, CR 46 (1996) 315-317. 96.2.143 C. F. Konrad, PLUTARCH'S SERTORIUS (94.2.09) -[r] E. Gabba, ATHENAEUM 83 (1995) 545-547. -[r] T. R. Martin, CLASS. WORLD 90 (1996) 70. 96.2.144 B. MachLachlan, THE AGE OF GRACE (95.2.12) -[r] D. Arnould, RPHIL 68 (1994) 294. 96.2.145 -[r] S. Barnard, PHOENIX 49 (1995) 260-261. 96.2.146 H. Pelliccia, MIND, BODY AND SPEECH IN HOMER AND PINDAR (96.2.09) -[r] N. Yamagata, CR 46 (1996) 215-216. 96.2.147 J. C. B. Petropoulos, HEAT AND LUST (96.2.10) -[r] R. Lamberton, CLASS.PHIL. 91 (1996) 78-79. 96.2.148 -[r] S. Instone, CR 46 (1996) 152-153. 96.2.149 -[r] W. Donlan, CLASS. WORLD 90 (1996) 61-62. 96.2.150 Pindarus, THRENORUM FRAGMENTA (M. Cannata Fera) (92.2.11) -[r] E. Dettori, GIORNALE ITALIANO DI FILOLOGIA 47 (1995) 293-298. 96.2.151 Plutarch, LIFE OF KIMON (A. Blamire) (92.2.12) -[r] R. Nicolai, ANZ.ALTERT. 47 (1994) 34-35. 96.2.152 Plutarco, GLI ORACOLI DELLA PIZIA (E. Valgiglio) (96.2.11) -[r] S. Schroeder, GNOMON 68 (1996) 489-490 96.2.153 Plutarco, LA GLORIA DI ATENE (I. Gallo & M. Mocci) (96.2.12) -[r] S. Schroeder, GNOMON 68 (1996) 490-492. 96.2.154 Plutarco, LE VITE DI NICIA E DI CRASSO (M. G. Bertinelli & others) (96.2.13) -[r] D. M. Schenkeveld, MNEMOSYNE 49 (1996) 479-480. 96.2.155 Plutarque, OEUVRES MORALES XII.2 (G. Lachenaud)(95.2.19) -[r] M. Cuvigny, RPHIL 67 (1993) 322-324. 96.2.156 B. Scardigli, ed., ESSAYS ON PLUTARCH'S LIVES (96.2.14) -[r] T. Duff, CR 46 (1996) 231-233. 96.2.157 C. Segal, OEDIPUS TYRANNUS (94.2.12) -[r] P. Burian, CLASS.JOURNAL 91 (1995/1996) 207-209. 96.2.158 -[r] S. Goldhill, ARION 4 (1996) 166-171. 96.2.159 Stace, THEBAIDE IX-XII (R. Lesueur) (96.2.15) -[r] P.-J. Deliou, ACLASS 64 (1995) 322-323. 96.2.160 -[r] R. Taylor-Briggs, CR 45 (1995) 258-259. 96.2.161 -[r] L. Deschamps, REA 97 (1995) 462-463. 96.2.162 P. A. Stadter, ed., PLUTARCH AND THE HISTORICAL TRADI- TION (93.2.12) -[r] L. De Blois, MNEMOSYNE 49 (1996) 476-478. 96.2.163 Statius, THEBAID VII (J. J. L. Smolenaars) (95.2.22) -[r] W. J. Dominick, CR 46 (1996) 34-35. 96.2.164 C. J. Tuplin, THE FAILINGS OF EMPIRE (95.2.23) -[r] M. Dreher, GNOMON 68 (1996) 481-484. 96.2.165 -[r] K. Strobel, KLIO 78 (1996) 252-255. 96.2.166 M. M. Willcock, ed., PINDAR, VICTORY ODES (96.2.17) -[r] I. L. Pfjeiffer, CR 46 (1996) 216-219. BIBLIOGRAPHY 96.2.167 D. E. Gerber, "Greek lyric poetry since 1920. Part III. From Alcman to Fragmenta Adespota", LUSTRUM 36 (1994 [1996]) 7-188, esp. 152-162 (Corinna, Boeotica). DISSERTATIONS 96.2.168 L. Athanassaki (Brown), "Mantic vision and diction in Pindar's victory odes", DAI 51 (1990/1991) 2732-A. 96.2.169 T. A. Bell (SUNY/Buffalo), "The trickster figure in Hesiod's `Theogony'", DAI 55 (1994/1995) 1549-A. 96.2.170 E. D. Clark, (British Columbia), "A historical com- mentary on Plutarch's `Marcellus'", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 508-A/509-A. 96.2.171 S. M. Colwell (Princeton), "Apostrophe and audience in the epinician odes of Pindar and the hymns in the Book of Psalms", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 168-A. 96.2.172 M. F. Cummins (Cincinnati), "Myth in Pindar and Bac- chylides: five studies in narrative pattern and conven- tion", DAI 54 (1993/1994) 2133-A. 96.2.173 M. S. Cyrino (Yale), "In the pithos of Pandora: images of disease and madness for erotic experience in early Greek poetry", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 3891-A. 96.2.174 D. R. Davies (Michigan), "Genealogy and catalogue: thematic relevance and narrative elaboration in Homer and Hesiod", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 3886-A. 96.2.175 E. V. N. Ditmars (California/Berkeley), "The lyric in Sophocles' `Antigone'", DAI 51 (1990/1991) 1601-A. 96.2.176 J. B. Fenno (California/Los Angeles), "Poet, athletes and heroes: Theban and Aeginetan identity in Pindar's Aeginetan odes", DAI 56 (1995/1996) 3571-A. 96.2.177 R. Ganiban (Princeton), "NEFAS and the poetics of Statius' THEBAID": APA NEWSLETTER 19.3 (1996) 16. 96.2.178 A. Georgiadou (Illinois/Urbana-Champaign), "A philolog ical and historical commentary on the `Life of Pelopidas' by Plutarch", DAI 51 (1990/1991) 1218-A. 96.2.179 C. T. Hadavas (North Carolina/Chapel Hill), "The struc- ture, form, and meaning of Plutarch's `Life of Solon'", DAI 56 (1995/1996) 2666-A. 96.2.180 D. A. Honeywell (Minnesota), "Plutarch's dialogues: an analysis of structure and content", DAI 54 (1993/1994) 3736-A. 96.2.181 W. E. Hutton (Texas/Austin), "The topographical methods of Pausanias", DAI 56 (1995/1996) 2225-A/2226-A. 96.2.182 N. J. Kernell (Iowa)," Ordering principles and princi- ples of order: chiasmus and related patterns in Euripides' `Bacchae'", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 3886-A. 96.2.183 A. M. Lombardy (Vanderbilt), "Opposites from Hesiod to Aristotle: Greek patterns of description and inference", DAI 51 (1990/1991) 1219-A. 96.2.184 K. O. Lord (Michigan), "Pindar in the second and third Hymns of Callimachus", DAI 51 (1990/1991) 1219-A. 96.2.185 J. R. Louw (Pretoria), "The epinician speaker in Pindaric odes with special reference to `Isthmian' eight", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 1789-A. 96.2.186 D. MacInnes (Duke), "Prophecy and persuasion: Tiresias in Greek tragedy", DAI 56 (1995/1996) 4757-A. 96.2.187 R. A. McComb (North Carolina/Chapel Hill), "The tradi- tion of `The Lives of the Ten Orators' in Plutarch and Plotinus", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 141-A. 96.2.188 S. T. Mace (Yale), "Pindarus Hesiodicus", DAI 53 (1995/1996) 168-A. 96.2.189 M. S. Marsilio (Pennsylvania), "Dependence and self- sufficiency in Hesiod's `Works and Days'", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 3892-A/3893-A. 96.2.190 G. L. Mathews (California/Berkeley), "Euripides and MIMESIS: `Helen', `Orestes', and `Iphigeneia at Aulis'", DAI 54 (1993/1994) 2139-A. 96.2.191 R. E. Nagel (Harvard), "`Properatur in hostem / more fugae': a study of the comparisons in the `Thebaid' of Statius", DAI 56 (1995/1996) 2666-A/2667-A. 96.2.192 N. J. Nicholson (Pennsylvania), "Mixed praise sexual imagery, truth and discord in Pindar's `Odes'", DAI 55 (1994/1995) 1256-A. 96.2.193 L. M. Sawlivich (Harvard), "The reception of Herodotus from Cicero to Plutarch", DAI 52 (1991/1992) 1737-A. 96.2.194 M. J. Schmid (Stanford), "Speech and speaker in Pindar": APA NEWSLETTER 19.3 (1996) 16. 96.2.195 C. J. Schott, Jr. (Ohio State), "Hesiod's ERIS and Vergil's labor in the `Georgics'", DAI 55 (1994/1995) 1550-A. 96.2.196 D. R. Shipley (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), "Plutarch's `Life of Agesilaos': response to sources in the presentation of character", DAI 52 (1991/1992) 2913-A. 96.2.197 D. R. Smith (California/Berkeley), "Tragic sharers: XENIA in Sophocles' `Philoctetes', `Ajax' and `Oedipus at Colonus'", DAI 54 (1993/1994) 3736-A. 96.2.198 G. M. Soter (Michigan), "The curse of Oedipus: action and utterance in three tragedians", DAI 54 (1993/1994) 4081-A. 96.2.199 H. Theodoratou (Pittsburgh), "Convention and con- trivance: transitions to and from the narration in Pindar's odes", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 3200-A. 96.2.200 J. E. Thorburn, Jr. (Colorado/Boulder), "Plutarch's `De audiendis poetis' and the tradition of literary criticism", DAI 53 (1992/1993) 509-A. 96.2.201 E. A. Warman (Toronto), "`I begin with Pandora'", DAI 55 (1994/1995) 3834-A/3835-A. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Teiresias is distributed by Electronic Mail. Prospective readers can obtain Teiresias either by sending an e-mail message to the Editor at CZAS@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA or by sending their e-mail address to him through the post. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Postal Address: A. Schachter, Department of History, McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T7. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPOT LEGAL 4e trimestre 1996/LEGAL DEPOSIT 4th quarter 1996 Bibliotheque national du Quebec Bibliotheque national du Canada/National Library of Canada