T E I R E S I A S Volume 27, 1997 ISSN 1206-5730 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES Another successful colloquium on a Boiotian theme ("Presenza e funzione della citta di Tebe nella cultura greca") was held this year, at Urbino July 7-9. The success of the undertaking owed much to the efforts of Paola Angeli Bernardini. The papers -- which are listed in this issue -- will be published in the near future. LIBRARIANS PLEASE NOTE TEIRESIAS has been assigned a new International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1206-5730). ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL (See also 97.2.06, 22, 25, 28, 31, 32, 36, 41, 70, 74, 77, 89) ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 97.1.01 A. Mazarakis Ainian, "SKALA OROPOU", ERGON 1996 (1997) 27-38. 97.1.02 D. Blackman, "Archaeology in Greece 1996-97", AREPORTS 1996-1997 43 (1997) esp. pp. 12 (Oropos. Amphiaraion), 14-16 (Skala Oropou), 52 (Boeotia Survey, Panakton, Plataia), 62 (Ag. Ioannis Theologos Malesinas, Halai). 97.1.03 J. Coleman, "ALES LOKRIDOS", ADELT 46B1 (1991 [1996]) 198-199. 97.1.04 J. Coleman, "ALES LOKRIDOS", ADELT 47B1 (1992 [1997]) 212-214. 97.1.05 Ph. Dakaronia, "AYIOS JOANNIS THEOLOGOS MALESINAS", ADELT 46B1 (1991 [1996]) 192-193. 97.1.06 Ph. Dakaronia, "KYRTONE", ADELT 46B1 (1991 [1996]) 195. 97.1.07 M. Munn, "PANAKTO", ADELT 46B1 (1991 [1996]) 182-183, 97.1.08 V. Petrakos, "AMPHIAREIO OROPOU", ERGON 1996 (1997) 24- 27. 97.1.09 E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, "RITSONA", ADELT 47B1 (1992 [1997]) 172-174. 97.1.10 E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, "ANTHEDON", ADELT 47B1 (1992 [1997]) 174-175. 97.1.11 R. A. Tomlinson, "Archaeology in Greece 1995-96", AREPORTS 1995-1996 42 (1996) esp. pp. 6 (Nea Palatia Oropou, Palaios Oropos), 7 (Skala Oropou), 20 (Ptoion). BOOKS 97.1.12 H. Beck, POLIS UND KOINON (UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR GESCHICHTE UND STRUKTUR DER GRIECHISCHEN BUNDESSTAATEN IM 4. JAHRHUNDERT V. CHR.) = HISTORIA EINZELSCHRIFTEN 114 (Stuttgart 1997) 316pp., esp. pp. 83-106, 191-192, 197- 202, 208-210, 213-222, 231-235, 238-240. 97.1.13 J. Bintliff, ed., RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF CENTRAL GREECE: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL BOEOTIAN CONFERENCE = BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES 666 (Oxford 1997) vi & 377pp. See 97.1.21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 40, 41, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 97.2.22, 25, 41, 70, 74. 97.1.14 H. Cancik & H. Schneider, edd., DER NEUE PAULY (=DNP) 2. Ark-Ci (Stuttgart & Weimar 1997) xii & 1226pp., esp. svv. Arne, Askra, Asopos (2), Aspledon, Atalante, Athamas, Aulis, Autonoe, Baton, Boiotarchos, Boiotia/Boiotoi, Boiotisch, Boiotos, Chairon (1), Chaironeia, Chalia, Charites, Charops (1), Chorsiai. 97.1.15 E. De Miro, L. Godart, A. Sacconi, edd., ATTI E MEMORIE DEL SECONDO CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE DI MICENOLOGIA (ROMA-NAPOLI, 14-20 OTTOBRE 1991) = INCUNABULA GRAECA 98.1-3 (Rome 1996). See 97.1.22, 31, 38, 39, 47, 48, 53. 97.1.16 J. Heskel, THE NORTH AEGEAN WARS, 371-360 B.C. (Stuttgart 1997) 186pp., esp. pp. 64-69 ("Diodorus, Epaminondas, and Alexander of Pherae"), 101-107 & 125- 131 (on Pelopidas' mission to Susa), 136-138 ("Theban attempts at naval hegemony; Timotheus at Samos"). 97.1.17 S. Hornblower, A COMMENTARY ON THUCYDIDES 1 (Books 1-3) (Oxford 1991) x & 548pp., passim 97.1.18 S. Hornblower, A COMMENTARY ON THUCYDIDES 2 (Books 4- 5.24) (Oxford 1996) xvi & 520pp., passim 97.1.19 F. Lang, ARCHAISCHE SIEDLUNGEN IN GRIECHENLAND. STRUKTUR UND ENTWICKLUNG (Berlin 1996) 307pp. & 159 plans, esp. pp. 281-283. 97.1.20 H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stroud, & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 43 (Amsterdam 1996) 57 (no. 162), 61-72 (nos. 200-215). ARTICLES 97.1.21 S. E. Alcock, "Changes on the ground in early imperial Boeotia", in 97.1.13: 287-304. 97.1.22 H. Allen, "The environmental conditions of the Kopais basin, Boeotia during the Post Glacial with special reference to the Mycenaean period", in 97.1.15: 39-58. 97.1.23 A. K. Andreiomenou, "TO NEKROTAPHEION TIS AKRAIPHIAS. AGROS IO. KOLLIA. MEROS I", AE (1994 [1996]) 155-254. 97.1.24 A. K. Andreiomenou, "Observations on the bronze jewel- lery from the cemetery of Akraiphia (820-480 BC)", in 97.1.13: 81-134. 97.1.25 V. Aravantinos, "New archaeological and archival discov- eries at Myceanean Thebes" (Mycenaean Seminar, 15 Novem- ber 1995), BICS 41 (1996) 135-136. 97.1.26 V. Aravantinos, "Tebe micenea: recenti scoperte epigrafiche ed archeologiche (1993-1995)", SMEA 38 (1996) 179-190. 97.1.27 G. Argoud, "A propos d'Halai", in 97.1.13: 253-264. 97.1.28 C. Bearzot, "Cassandro e la ricostruzione di Tebe: propaganda filellenica e interessi peloponnesiaci", in 97.1.13: 265-276. 97.1.29 P. A. Bernardini, "Oreste, gli Orestidi e il ruolo della Beozia nella migrazione Eolica", in 97.1.13: 71-9. 97.1.30 J. Bintliff, "Further considerations on the population of ancient Boeotia", in 97.1.13: 231-252. 97.1.31 Ph. Dakaronia, "Mycenaean East Lokris", in 97.1.14: 3.1167-1173. 97.1.32 J. W. Day, "Interactive offerings: early Greek dedicatory epigrams and ritual", HARVSTCLASSPHIL 96 (1994) 37-74, esp. pp. 39-43 (Interacting with Mantiklos' statuette), and 63 (CEG 1.302). 97.1.33 A. Dragonas, "I ARCHAIOTITI TOPOGRAPHIA TOU OROPOU", AE (1994 [1996]) 43-45. 97.1.34 M. Finkelberg, "The dialect continuum of Ancient Greek", HARVSTCLASSPHIL 96 (1994) 1-36. 97.1.35 J. M. Fossey, "Boiotia in later prehistory: an over- view", in 97.1.13: 3-12. 97.1.36 D. W. J. Gill & R. Gee, "Museum Supplement: Classical antiquities in Swansea", JHS 116 (1996) 257-261, esp. p. 259 nos. 42-46 (terracottas from Boiotia). 97.1.37 K. Kapparis, "The Athenian decree for the naturalisation of the Plataeans", GRBS 36 (1995) 359-378. 97.1.38 J. T. Killen, "Thebes sealings and Knossos tablets", in 97.1.15: 1.71-83. 97.1.39 J. Knauss, "Arcadian and Boiotian Orchomenos, centres of Mycenaean hyrdaulic engineering", in 97.1.15: 3.1211- 1219. 97.1.40 J. Knauss, "Das Gebiet Donakon (GE DONAKON) und der Staudamm am Permessos oestlich von Thisbe", in 97.1.13: 25-38. 97.1.41 S. Levin, "The etymology of the place-name Thisbe", in 97.1.13: 13-24. 97.1.42 J. McInerney, "The Phokikon and the Hero Archegetes", HESPERIA 66 (1997) 193-207. 97.1.43 M. H. Munn, "Thebes and Central Greece", in L. A. Tritle, ed., THE GREEK WORLD IN THE FOURTH CENTURY (London & New York 1997) 66-106. 97.1.44 J. S. Ostergaard, "Archaic Boeotian terracotta horses and horsemen", in 97.1.13: 161-182. 97.1.45 V. C. Petrakos, "I EREVNA TOU ARCHAIOU OROPOU" AE (1994 [1996]) 46. 97.1.46 L. Prandi, "Quatro interpretazioni del `Mito Plateese'", in 97.1.13: 215-225. 97.1.47 M. S. Ruiperez, "Mycenaean Oidipus", in 97.1.15: 1.125- 129. 97.1.48 A. Schachter, "Evidence for cult and continuity from Linear B documents at Thebes", in 97.1.15: 2.891-899. 97.1.49 A. Schachter, "Reflections on an inscription from Tanagra", in 97.1.13: 277-286. 97.1.50 A. M. Snodgrass, "Classical Boeotia: a suitable case for study", in 97.1.13: 183-188. 97.1.51 M. Sordi, "La partecipazione dei Beoti alla Spedizione in Sicilia del 413 A.C.", in 97.1.13: 227-229. 97.1.52 H. Van Effenterre, "Aspects of archaic Boeotia", in 97.1.13: 135-137. 97.1.53 P. Vannicelli, "Probleme della Beozia omerica", in 97.1.15: 2.939-945. PAPERS READ 97.1.54 V. Aravantinos, "Le scoperte archeologiche ed epigrafiche piu recenti (1995-97) a Tebe micenea" Collo- quio su presenza e funzione della citta di Tebe nella cultura greca, Urbino, July 1997. 97.1.55 H. Beck, "Thebes, the Boiotian League, and the rise of federalism in 4th century Greece". See 97.1.54. 97.1.56 J. Buckler, "A survey of Theban and Athenian relations between 403 and 371 BC". See 97.1.54 97.1.57 M. Eliot, J. E. Coleman, & S. Allen, "Halai, 1996", Annual Meeting, AIA, New York, December 1996: AJA 101 (1997) 349. 97.1.58 T. Fotiou, "The Boeotian incendiary device at Delium and the Byzantine `Greek Fire'", Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, St. Johns, June 1997. 97.1.59 L. Godart, "I culti ctonii a Tebe nel XIII sec. a. C.". See 97.1.54. 97.1.60 D. Knoepfler, "La loi de Daitondas, les femmes de Thebes et la beotarchie au IVe s.". See 97.1.54. 97.1.61 I. Krauskopf, "I miti tebani nell'iconografia di altre regioni greche". See 97.1.54. 97.1.62 N. Papalexandrou, "Listening to the early Greek images: the `Mantiklos Apollo' reconsidered". See 97.1. [Eliot]: AJA 101 (1997) 345-346. 97.1.63 M. Rocchi, "Il mito della nascita di Herakles a Tebe". See 97.1.54. 97.1.64 A. Schachter, "The Theban Daphnephoria". See 97.1.54. 97.1.65 H. Tzavella-Evjen & J. Stultz, "Reexamination of the Mycenaean cemeteries in Thebes: taphonomic observations and pottery classification". See 97.1. [Eliot]: AJA 101 (1997) 348-349. REVIEWS 97.1.66 R. J. Buck, BOIOTIA AND THE BOIOTIAN LEAGUE, 432-371 B.C. (94.1.11) -[r] D. Hennig, KLIO 79 (1997) 222-223. 97.1.67 J. M. Fossey, ed., BOEOTIA ANTIQUA 3 & 4 (analysed in Volume 26) -[r] C. Mueller, ACLASS 65 (1996) 425-427. 97.1.68 K. Kilinski II, BOEOTIAN BLACK FIGURE VASE PAINTERS OF THE ARCHAIC PERIOD (92.1.14) -[r] A. Tsingarida, ACLASS 65 (1996) 570-571. 97.1.69 M. Szabo, ARCHAIC TERRACOTTAS OF BOEOTIA (95.1.09) -[r] Fr. Vandenabeele, ACLASS 65 (1996) 572. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 97.1.70 L'ANNEE EPIGRAPHIQUE 1994 (1996) 421 (nos. 1423 [Anthedon] & 1424 [Thisbe]). ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY (See also 97.1.17, 18, 63, 64) BOOKS 97.2.01 A. Barigazzi, STUDI SU PLUTARCO (Firenze 1994) 330pp. 97.2.02 Euripides, tr. & comm. R. M. Meagher, BAKKHAI (Wauconda 1995) vi & 97pp. 97.2.03 F. Frazier, HISTOIRE ET MORALE DANS LES VIES PARALLELES DE PLUTARQUE (Paris 1996) 333pp. 97.2.04 Hesiod, tr. & comm. D. W. Tandy & W. C. Neale, WORKS AND DAYS (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 1996) xiv & 149pp. 97.2.05 C. A. E. Luschnig, THE GORGON'S SEVERED HEAD. STUDIES OF ALCESTIS, ELECTRA, AND PHOENISSAE (Leiden-New York-Koeln 1995) xv & 255pp., esp. Chapter 3 (PHOENISSAE: on Ares' crowns). 97.2.06 I. Morris & B. Powell, edd., A NEW COMPANION TO HOMER (Leiden-New York-Koeln 1997) xviii & 755pp., passim, esp. Chapter 21 (R. Rosen, "Homer and Hesiod"). 97.2.07 PINDAR 1 & 2, ed. & transl. W. H. Race (Cambridge, Mass. 1997). 97.2.08 [Plutarch], edd. & transl. J. J. Keaney & R. Lamberton, DE HOMERO (Atlanta 1996) 321pp. 97.2.09 Plutarco, ed. & transl. C. Santaniello, APOPHTHEGMATA LACONICA (Naples 1995) 432pp. 97.2.10 Plutarco, edd. & transl. L. S. Amantini, C. Carena, M. Manfredini, DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES & ANTONIUS (Milan 1995) lxxv & 487pp. 97.2.11 Plutarco, ed. & transl. G. Marenghi, DE VITANDO AERE ALIENO (Naples 1996) 176pp. 97.2.12 L. H. Pratt, LYING AND POETRY FROM HOMER TO PINDAR (Ann Arbor 1993) ix & 180pp. 97.2.13 Strabon VI: LIVRE IX, ed. & transl. R. Baladie (Paris 1996) 299pp. & maps. 97.2.14 S. Swain, HELLENISM AND EMPIRE (Oxford 1996) xii & 499pp., esp. Chapter 5 (Plutarch). 97.2.15 J. B. Torres Guerra, LA TEBAIDA HOMERICA COMO FUENTE DE ILIADA Y ODISEA (Madrid 1995) 90pp. ARTICLES 97.2.16 R. Aguilar, "Un reflejo de la doctrina del CH en Plutarco: la salud" CUADERNOS DE FILOLOGIA CLASICA 6 (1996) 23-35. 97.2.17 U. Albini, "La storia di Edipo in Seneca", RIVDIFILOL 123 (1995) 428-432. 97.2.18 I. Barany, "Oedipe a Colone: heroisation et tragedie", ACTA ANTIQUA (BUDAPEST) 136 (1995) 15-37. 97.2.19 L. Basset, "L'ancien et le nouveau roi (Euripide, HERACLES 735-737, 745-746, 768-770)", RPHIL 69 (1995) 7- 14. 97.2.20 G. Boys-Stones, "Plutarch, DE STOICORUM REPUGNANTIIS 1048DE", CQ 46 (1996) 591-595. 97.2.21 G. Boys-Stones, "Plutarch on the probable principle of cold: epistemology and the DE PRIMO FRIGIDO", CQ 47 (1997) 227-238. 97.2.22 L. Breglia Pulci Doria, "Tradizioni Beotiche in Eforo: Esiodo, Pindaro, gli Egeidi", in 97.1.13: 201-213. 97.2.23 P. Brunet, "La PREMIERE PYTHIQUE de Pindare: metre, strophe et traduction", BULLETIN DE L'ASSOCIATION GUIL- LAUME BUDE (1996) 218-231. 97.2.24 A. Capra & M. Curti, Corrigenda to ZPE 107 (1995) 27-32 [see 95.2.32]: ZPE 113 (1996) 248. 97.2.25 E. Cingano, "Oedipus and the Seven against Thebes in Boeotian poetry and in the tradition", in 97.1.13: 149- 160. 97.2.26 A.-T. Cozzoli, "Aspetti intertestuali nelle polemiche letterarie degli antichi: da Pindaro a Persio", QUCC 54 (1996) 7-36. 97.2.27 M. Cropp, "Antigone's final speech (Sophocles ANTIGONE 891-928)", GREECE & ROME 44 (1997) 137-160. 97.2.28 P. A. Debnar, "The unpersuasive Thebans (Thucydides 3.61-67)", PHOENIX 50 (1996) 95-110. 97.2.29 C. D. De Luca, A proposito della testimonianze di Aristofane di Beozia in POxy 2463 v", RUDIAE 7 (1995) 191-196. 97.2.30 M. Demos, "Callicles' quotation of Pindar in the GORGIAS", HARVSTCLASSPHIL 96 (1994) 85-107. 97.2.31 M. Detienne, "This is where I intend to build a glorious temple", ARION 3 (1997) 1-27. 97.2.32 M. Detienne, "`J'ai l'intention de batir un temple mag- nifique'. A propos de l'HYMNE HOMERIQUE a Apollon", RHR 214 (1997) 23-55. 97.2.33 J. Diggle, "Notes on fragments of Euripides", CQ 47 (1997) 98-108, esp. pp. 100-102 (ANTIOPE). 97.2.34 P. Draeger, "Hatte Psaumis graue Haare?" RHMUS 140 (1997) 17-37. 97.2.35 P. Draeger, "Pindars Stahlnaegel der Ananke und Kyrene", RHMUS 140 (1997) 188-189. 97.2.36 J. Elsner, "Hagiography and geography: travel and allegory in the LIFE OF APOLLONIUS OF TYANA", JHS 117 (1997) 22-37, passim. 97.2.37 H. Erbse, "Pindarica", HERMES 125 (1997) 34-48. 97.2.38 N. Cannata Fera & R. Pintaudi, "Pindaro, NEM. I 15-18, 35-42 in un papiro Laurenziano (PL III/1310c)", ZPE 117 (1997) 197-199. 97.2.39 F. Ferrari, "Minima Pindarica", RIVDIFILOL 124 (1996) 129-136. 97.2.40 M. Finkelberg, "Oedipus' apology and Sophoclean criticism: OC 521 and 547", MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 561-576. 97.2.41 J. M. Fossey, "The Homeric description of Boiotia: Mykenaian or Archaic? or both?" in 97.1.13: 139-148. 97.2.42 L. Gamberale, "Un probabile errore di latino in Plutarco, TIB. GRACCH. 13,6" RIVDIFILOL 123 (1995) 433- 440. 97.2.43 G. Giangrande, "On Plutarch's text: NE SUTOR ULTRA CREPIDAM", ACLASS 65 (1996) 217-223. 97.2.44 J. C. Gibert, "Euripides HERACLES 1351 and the hero's encounter with death", CLASS.PHIL. 92 (1997) 247-258. 97.2.45 M. Gronewald, "Hesiod, Xenophon, Psalmen und Alexanderapophthegma in Berliner Papyri", ZPE 115 (1997) 117-120, esp. p. 117. 97.2.46 G. W. M. Harrison, "The semiotics of Plutarch's SUNKRISEIS. The hellenistic Lives of Demetrius-Antony and Agesilaus-Pompey", RBELGE 73 (1995) 91-104. 97.2.47 I. E. Holmberg, "The sign of METIS", ARETHUSA 30 (1997) 1-33. 97.2.48 U. Huebner, "Interpolatorenpoesie in Sophokles' Antigone", PHILOLOGUS 141 (1997) 29-38. 97.2.49 H. G. Ingenkamp, "ARETE EUTYCHOUSA (Plutarch, Tim. 36) und die Last der Leichtigkeit", RHMUS 140 (1997) 71-89. 97.2.50 E. Irwin, " Evadne, Iamos and Violets in Pindar's SIXTH OLYMPIAN", HERMES 124 (1996) 385-395. 97.2.51 P. L. Johnson, "Woman's third face: a psycho/social reconsideration of Sophocles' ANTIGONE", ARETHUSA 30 (1997) 369-398. 97.2.52 A. Kerkhecker, "Euripides, PHOENISSAE 64f.", CQ 46 (1996) 567-572. 97.2.53 W. Lapini, "Marginalia plutarchei", ATENE E ROMA 41 (1996) 203-214. 97.2.54 S. Lavecchia, "Pindaro e le MELISSAI di Paro", HERMES 124 (1996) 504-506. 97.2.55 S. Lavecchia, "Pindaro fr. 70b Snell-Maehler, 1-2 e la polemica contro la SCHOINOTENEIA AOIDA", STUDI ITALIANI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 90 (1997) 3-16. 97.2.56 M.-C. Leclerc, "ANTIGONE, l'introspection tragique", REA 98 (1996) 281-293. 97.2.57 G. Libermann, "Plutarque et la `grande rhetra'", ATHENAEUM 75 (1997) 204-207. 97.2.58 J. B. Lidov, "Pindar's `Hymn to Cybele' (fr. 80 SM): meter, form, and syncretism", GRBS 37 (1996) 129ff. 97.2.59 M. Lombardi, "Il principio dell'EIKOS nel racconto biografico plutarcheo", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 38 (1996) 91-102. 97.2.60 L. Lomiento, "Pindaro, NEM. 6.32 e Cercida, MEL. 3,7: itinerario di due metafore", QUCC 54 (1996) 67-71. 97.2.61 M. Negri, "La MOISA PHILOKERDES dei poeti lirici e il caso di Pindaro (Eustath. INTR. PIND. 7,2-5)" ATHENAEUM 74 (1996) 598-604. 97.2.62 S. Nelson, "The justice of Zeus in Hesiod's fable of the hawk and the nightingale", CLASS.JNL. 92 (1996/1997) 235-247. 97.2.63 O. Nikitinski, "Kaiserliche hoehere Demate und Hesiodis- che Heroen", HERMES 125 (1997) 386. 97.2.64 S. O'Bryhim, "Hesiod and the Cretan cave", RHMUS 140 (1997) 95-96. 97.2.65 J. Opsomer, "Plutarch's defence of the THEAGES, in defence of Socratic philosophy?" PHILOLOGUS 141 (1997) 114-136. 97.2.66 C. O. Pavese, "Sulla Thebais di Stesicoro", HERMES 125 (1997) 259-268. 97.2.67 D. M. Schenkeveld, "Plutarch's TABLE TALKS VIII.4 as a literary work of art", MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 597-602. 97.2.68 W. J. Tatum, "The regal image in Plutarch's LIVES", JHS 116 (1996) 135-151. 97.2.69 A.-M. Van Erp Taalman Kip, "To be or not to be: the meaning of BACCHAE 333", MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 596-597. 97.2.70 A. Veneri, "Il rapporto tra genealogia eroica e ter- ritorio: Eaco e la Beozia nella tradizione poetica locale (VIII-V Sec.A.C.)", in 97.1.13: 59-70. 97.2.71 E. Viketos, "Sophocles Ant. 411-12", HERMES 125 (1997) 379-380. 97.2.72 M. L. West, "The Berlin Corinna", ZPE 113 (1996) 22-23. 97.2.73 A. V. Zadorojniy", "Tragedy and epic in Plutarch's `Crassus'", HERMES 125 (1997) 169-182. 97.2.74 G. Zecchini, "Rassenga di storiografia Beotica", in 97.1.13: 189-200. PAPERS READ 97.2.75 P. Bernardini, "La cita di Tebe nell'ERACLE di Euripide". See 97.1.54. 97.2.76 K. Bradley, "Plutarch on children", Annual Meeting, APA, Chicago, December 1997. 97.2.77 I. Bruce, "Philochorus on the King's Peace". See 97.1.58. 97.2.78 C. Calame, "Une legende thebaine vue d'Alexandrie: Athena au bain et Tiresias chez Callimaque". See 97.1.54. 97.2.79 J. S. Carnes, "Ideology vs. poetic form? Historicizing Pindar and the Bundian heritage". See 97.2.76. 97.2.80 C. Catenacci, "L'EDIPO RE e le STORIE di Erodoto". See 97.1.54. 97.2.81 G. Cerri, "L'etica di Simonide nell'ERACLE di Euripide: l'opposizione mitica Atene-Tebe". See 97.1.54. 97.2.82 E. Cingano, "Immagini di Tebe in Pindaro e nella poesia greca arcaica". See 97.1.54. 97.2.83 L. Foxhall, "Foreign powers: Plutarch and discourses of domination in Roman Greece". See 97.2.76. 97.2.84 R. Friedrich, "OIDIPOUS PHARMAKOS: the Sophoklean OIDIPOUS TYRANNOS on the grid of theoreticism". See 97.1.58. 97.2.85 R. T. Ganiban, "Me Pietas","Me Duxit Amor": the duel of devotion in Statius' Thebaid". See 97.2.76. 97.2.86 P. Giannini, "Le antiche tradizioni tebane negli epinici di Pindaro". See 97.1.54. 97.2.87 G. W. M. Harrison, "Plutarch's disregard of Seneca". See 97.2.76. 97.2.88 T. K. Hubbard, "Pindar and the problematized elite in Greek society". See 97.2.76. 97.2.89 A. Hurst, "Batir les murailles de Thebes". See 97.1.54. 97.2.90 E. Irwin, "A garden at Olympia: Pindar O. 3.24". See 97.1.58. 97.2.91 M. S. Marsilio, "Hesiod's winter maiden". See 97.2.76. 97.2.92 J. A. McNamara, "The privatization of the family". See 97.2.76. 97.2.93 P. Michelakis, "Achilles' childhood and education in Pindar's Nemean 3". See 97.2.76. 97.2.94 D. Musti, "Tebe e l'oplitismo dai SETTE alle FENICIE". See 97.1.54. 97.2.95 N. Nicholson, "A case study in the contestation of aristocratic ideology in Pindar's epinicians". See 97.2.76. 97.2.96 K. Ormand, "Oedipus the queen". See 97.2.76. 97.2.97 L. Pepe, "L'agone tra Teseo e l'araldo tebano nelle SUP- PLICI di Euripide: la tirannide nel presente di Tebe". See 97.1.54. 97.2.98 J. M. Pfundstein, "A way to the sky: the stars in Seneca's Hercules Furens". See 97.2.76. 97.2.99 G. Robertson, "Wealth and virtue in Pindar and Bac- chylides". See 97.1.58. 97.2.100 I. Rutherford, "Aiginetais eis Aiakon: a second title at Pindar, Paean 6,123 and its significance". See 97.2.76. 97.2.101 P. M. Smith, "TYCHE is not `chance' in Oedipus the King". See 97.2.76. 97.2.102 E. Stafford, "Plutarch on persuasion". See 97.2.76. 97.2.103 B. M. Thomas, "Politics and the depiction of marriage in Pindar's epinician odes". See 97.2.76. 97.2.104 B. Zweig, "Danaids, Okeanids, Choephori and young women of Thebes: des Aiskhylos portray a women's world in his drama?" See 97.2.76. REVIEWS 97.2.105 A. Barigazzi, STUDI SU PLUTARCO (97.2.01) -[r] G. Marasco, RIVDIFILOL 124 (1996) 99-102. 97.2.106 T. Cole, PINDAR'S FEASTS OR THE MUSIC OF POWER (94.2.03) -[r] M. Delaunois, RBELGE 73 (1995) 176-177. 97.2.107 -[r] P. Hummel, RPHIL 69 (1995) 200-201. 97.2.108 W. J. Dominick, SPEECH AND RHETORIC IN STATIUS' THEBAID (94.2.05) -[r] P. Tordeur, ACLASS 65 (1996) 337. 97.2.109 C. Ehrhardt & D. Little, PLUTARCH'S LIVES OF GALBA AND OTHO. A COMPANION (96.2.05) -[r] R. J. Evans, MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 104-107. 97.2.110 Euripides, BAKKHAI (R. M. Meagher) (97.2.02) -[r] K. Zacharia, CR 47 (1997) 196. 97.2.111 Euripides, IPHIGENIE IN AULIS (W. Stockert) (95.2.04) -[r] A. M. van Erp Taalman Kip, MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 495- 500. 97.2.112 Euripides, PHOENISSAE (D. J. Mastronarde) (94.2.07) -[r] H. Altena, MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 488-495. 97.2.113 I. Gallo, ed., RICERCHE PLUTARCHEE (95.2.07) -[r] L. Piccirilli, MAIA 48 (1996) 215-216. 97.2.114 H. Heftner, PLUTARCH UND DER AUFSTIEG DES POMPEIUS (96.2.06) -[r] J. Burian, EIRENE 32 (1996) 130-131. 97.2.115 -[r] A. Marcone, ATHENAEUM 75 (1997) 307-308. 97.2.116 H. Pelliccia, MIND, BODY AND SPEECH IN HOMER AND PINDAR (96.2.09) -[r] P. Hummel, RPHIL 69 (1995) 339-341. 97.2.117 C. Penglase, GREEK MYTHS AND MESOPOTAMIA (95.2.13) -[r] M. L. West, GNOMON 68 (1996) 657-662. 97.2.118 Pindaro, LE PITICHE, intro, ed., transl. B. Gentili (95.2.14) -[r] E. Robbins, PHOENIX 50 (1996) 338-341. 97.2.119 -[r] C. Brillante, RIVDIFILOL 124 (1996) 232-253. 97.2.120 Plutarch, SELECTED ESSAYS AND DIALOGUES (D. Russell) (95.2.16) -[r] J. Mossman, JHS 116 (1996) 206. 97.2.121 L. H. Pratt, LYING AND POETRY FROM HOMER TO PINDAR (97.2.12) -[r] P. Murray, JHS 116 (1996) 187. 97.2.122 B. Scardigli, ed., ESSAYS ON PLUTARCH'S LIVES (96.2.14) -[r] F. B. Tichener, CLASS.WORLD 90 (1997) 302-303. 97.2.123 S.-T. Teodorsson, A COMMENTARY ON PLUTARCH'S TABLE TALKS VOL. III (BOOKS 7-9) (96.2.16) -[r] G. Lachenaud, REG 110 (1997) 269. 97.2.124 J. B. Torres Guerra, LA TEBAIDA HOMERICA COMO FUENTE DE ILIADA Y ODISEA (97.2.15) -[r] M. G. Gonzalez Galvan, FORTUNATAE 7 (1995) 405-407. 97.2.125 -[r] C. Brillante, RIVDIFILOL 124 (1996) 330-335. 97.2.126 M. M. Willcock, ed., PINDAR, VICTORY ODES (96.2.17) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 65 (1996) 294-295. 97.2.127 -[r] J. Yvonneau, REG 110 (1997) 260. BIBLIOGRAPHY 97.2.128 E. Thummer, "Pindaros, 5. Bericht (1980-1992)", ANZ.ALTERT. 49 (1996) 1-68. DISSERTATIONS 97.2.129 F. G. G. Basso (Oxford), "Studies in Plutarch's DE HERODOTI MALIGNITATE", BICS 41 (1996) 191. 97.2.130 R. Nagel (Harvard), "Properatur in hostem / more fugae: A study of the comparisons in the THEBAID of Statius", HARVSTCLASSPHIL 96 (1994) 403. ----------------------------------------------------------------- TEIRESIAS is distributed by Electronic Mail. 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