T E I R E S I A S Volume 28, 1998 ISSN 1206-5730 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL (See also 98.2.02, 41, 60, 79) ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 98.1.01 E. Chatzidaki, "EPHOREIA ENALION ANASKAPHON. NOMOS VIOTIAS: ALES", ADelt 47B2 (1992 [1997]) 693-694. 98.1.02 A. Mazarakis Ainian, "ANASKAPHES. 4. SKALA OROPOU", ERGON 1997 (1998) 24-34. WORK IN PROGRESS 98.1.03 Anastasia Dakouri, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, UK, sends the following report: "I am pleased to inform you that a new thesis on Mycenaean Thebes has just been completed and submitted: A.C. Dakouri, "The House of Kadmos at Mycenaean Thebes: a re-examination of the architecture", thesis submitted to the department of Classics, University of Durham (U.K) for the degree of MA by research, Durham 1998. "Notes: Word length: 54.000. New plan and sec- tions included. The thesis includes a reconstruction of the hill on which the building has been erected, a review of excavations and clean-up operations up to 1998 (a new clean-up operation in April/July 1998 forms the basis of the plan and the re-examination of the layout), a re-examination of surviving remains and an overview of new data, a discussion of building materials and techni- ques, and finally conclusions. The clean-up operation was in collaboration with the IX Ephorate of Classical and Prehistoric Antiquities". BOOKS 98.1.04 A. Mazarakis Ainian, FROM RULERS' DWELLINGS TO TEMPLES: ARCHITECTURE, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN EARLY IRON AGE GREECE (1100-700 B.C.) = STUDIES IN MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY 121 (Jonsered 1997) 412pp. + illustrations (Maps 1-6, Tables I-XI, Figures 1-513), esp. 46-48, 95, 100-101, 115-116, 122, 140, 242-243, 254, 312-313. 98.1.05 V. Parker, UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUM LELANTISCHEN KRIEG UND VERWANDTEN PROBLEME DER FRUEHGRIECHISCHEN GESCHICHTE = HISTORIA EINZELSCHRIFT 109 (Stuttgart 1997) 189pp. 98.1.06 H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stroud, J. H. M. Strubbe & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 44 (Amsterdam 1997) 6-7 (nos. 18-19), 104-111 (nos. 401-424), 287-288 (no. 901), 562 (no. 1718), 576 (no. 1744). 98.1.07 M. Sipsie-Eschbach, CVA Deutschland 70. Giessen 1 (munich 1997) esp. 15-16 & Plates 2.1-3.4. ARTICLES 98.1.08 A. Andreiomenou, "Beobachtungen an archaischen Terrakot- ten aus Akraiphia", AM 110 (1995 [1997]) 103-170. 98.1.09 V. Aravantinos, L. Godart, A. Sacconi, "Sui nuovi testi del palazzo di Cadmo a Teba. Note preliminari", REND./LINCEI 9.6.4 (1995) 809-845. 98.1.10 R. H. J. Ashton, "More pseudo-Rhodian drachms from main- land Greece", NCHRON 157 (1997) 188-191. 98.1.11 L. Bricault, "Les cultes isiaques en Grece centrale et occidentale", ZPE 119 (1997) 117-122. 98.1.12 J. Buckler, "Epameinondas and the new inscription from Knidos", MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 192-205. 98.1.13 A. S. Frontistis, "Quality management in the construc- tion of ancient Greek temples and theaters", in J. M. Juran, ed., A HISTORY OF MANAGING FOR QUALITY (Milwaukee 1995) 63-98 (with several references to the temple of Zeus Basileus at Lebadeia). 98.1.14 L. Godart & A. Sacconi, "Les dieux thebains dans les archives myceniennes", CRAI (1996) 99-113. 98.1.15 L. Godart & A. Sacconi, "La triade tebana nei documenti in Lineare B del Palazzo di Cadmo", REND./LINCEI 9.7.2 (1996) 283-285. 98.1.16 H. R. Goette, "Beobachtungen im Theater des Amphiareion von Oropos", AM 110 (1995 [1997]) 253-260. 98.1.17 S. Iakovidis, "A Mycenaean sealstone from Gla", in O. Palagia, ed., GREEK OFFERINGS: ESSAYS IN GREEK ART IN HONOUR OF JOHN BOARDMAN (Oxford 1997) 31-34. 98.1.18 M. Jost, "Le theme des disputes entre Hera et Zeus en Arcadie et en Beotie", in J. de La Geniere, ed., HERA: IMAGES, ESPACES, CULTES = COLLECTION JEAN BERARD 15 (Naples 1997) 87-92. 98.1.19 V. Kasceev, "Schiedsgericht und Vermittlung in den Beziehungen zwischen den hellenistischen Staaten und Rom", HISTORIA 46 (1997) 419-433, esp. 431-432. 98.1.20 C. Muller, "Catalogues militaires trouves a Haliarte", BCH 121 (1997) 95-101. 98.1.21 F. S. Pownall, "What makes a war a Sacred War?", CLASSI- CAL VIEWS 17 (1998) 35-55. 98.1.22 F. Quass, "Der Koenigsfriede vom Jahr 387/6 v. Chr.", HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 252 (1991) 33-56. 98.1.23 S. Ruzicka, "Epaminondas and the genesis of the Social War", CLASS.PHIL. 93 (1998) 60-69. 98.1.24 V. Sabetai, "Marriage Boiotian style", HESPERIA 67 (1998) 323-334. 98.1.25 B. Sergent, "Les petits nodules et la grande Beotie (deuxieme partie)", REA 99 (1997) 11-32. 98.1.26 E. Simon, "Hera en Beotie et en Thessalie", in 98.1.18: 83-86. 98.1.27 J. G. Szilyagi (transl. E. Szilyagi-Rozgonyi), "La nouvelle exposition permanente de la Collection du Departement des Antiquites", BULLETIN DU MUSEE HONGROIS DES BEAUX-ARTS 87 (1997) 89-98 (esp. 91: "La serie particulierement riche et variee des terres cuites de Beotie s'est completee de deux vases decores de frises d'animaux executes en technique a figures noires"). 98.1.28 V. A. Troncoso, "Tratados y relaciones de alianza an la guerre de Corinto (395-386 a.C.)", RIVISTA STORICA DELL'ANTICHITA 27 (1997) 21-71. 98.1.29 F. E. Winter, "The use of artillery in fourth-century and Hellenistic towers", CLASSICAL VIEWS 41 (1997) 247- 292, esp. 261 (Plataia). PAPERS READ 98.1.30 S. Allen, "Prehistoric settlement and land use in Cen- tral Greece", IX International Conference on Boiotian Antiquities, Winnipeg, October 1998. 98.1.31 V. Aravantinos, "The most recent archaeological discov- eries in Boiotia". See 98.1.30. 98.1.32 H. Beister, "Between fear and heroism". See 98.1.30. 98.1.33 J. Bintliff, "Continuity and discontinuity in the settlement networks of Boiotia: a comparative analysis from prehistory to the 20th century". See 98.1.30. 98.1.34 M. Bonnano-Aravantinos, "The peplophoros statue of Krya (Livadhia)". See 98.1.30. 98.1.35 P. Bonnechere, "Trophonios et ses attaches chamaniques". See 98.1.30. 98.1.36 R. Buck, "Ismenias and Thrasybulus". See 98.1.30. 98.1.37 J. Burgess, "Semele and Coronis aflame: gender, birth, and mortality in Greek myth", Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Ottawa, May 1998. 98.1.38 J. Coleman, "Halai in East Lokris and Boiotia". See 98.1.30. 98.1.39 M. Cosmopoulos, "Understanding rural history: sociopolitical dynamics, economic considerations, and the evolution of human habitation in the region of Oropos". See 98.1.30. 98.1.40 S. M. Deacy, "Athena in Boiotia: local tradition and cultural identity", Classical Association Conference, Royal Holloway College, University of London, April 1997: PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION 94 (1997) 10. 98.1.41 D. Dvorsky-Rohner, "Jewelry and ornaments from the Myceanean tombs of Thebes: excavations of Keramopoullos". See 98.1.30. 98.1.42 J. Fossey, "The cult of the horseman hero in Boiotia". See 98.1.30. 98.1.43 J. Fossey, "`Les deux Beoties' in Archaic times". See 98.1.30. 98.1.44 K. Fowler, "Late historic settlement pattern and agricultural land use in Kalamos, Greece: implications for anthropological and archaeological research". See 98.1.30. 98.1.45 C. Jones & P. Smith, "Surfing the Boiotian net". See 98.1.30. 98.1.46 E. Kountouri, "A group of Jewelry from a hellenistic hoard found at Thebes, Boiotia". See 98.1.30. 98.1.47 S. Levin, "Boiotian patronymics in -IOS". See 98.1.30. 98.1.48 E. Meyer, "Slave-dedications from Boiotia". See 98.1.30. 98.1.49 M. Miller, "A note on the Boiotian constitution and POxy 842". See 98.1.30. 98.1.50 T. Palaima, "Assessing the Linear B evidence for con- tinuity from the Mycenaean period in the Boeotian cults of Poseidon and Erinys at Onchestos (Telphousa- Haliartos)". See 98.1.30. 98.1.51 N. Papalexandrou, "Boiotian tripods: the tenacity of a Panhellenic symbol in a regional context". See 98.1.30. 98.1.52 F. S. Pownall, "Callisthenes as a source for Diodorus' narrative of the Sacred War?" See 98.1.37. 98.1.53 S. Symeonoglou, "Thebes and Ithaca: some common links". See 98.1.30. 98.1.54 H. Tzavella-Evjen, "Mycenaean figurines from Keramopoullos's excavations at Thebes". See 98.1.30. 98.1.55 J. Wortley, "Boeotia in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages". See 98.1.30. REVIEWS 98.1.56 H. Beck, POLIS UND KOINON (97.1.12) -[r] R. Mehl, HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 267 (1998) 160- 161. 98.1.57 R. J. Buck, BOIOTIA AND THE BOIOTIAN LEAGUE, 432-371 B.C. (94.1.11) -[r] G. Huxley, HERMATHENA 160 (1996) 85-86. 98.1.58 -[r] R. Rollinger, ANZ.ALTERT. 50 (!997) 82-85. 98.1.59 A. Hurst & A. Schachter, edd., LA MONTAGNE DES MUSES (96.1.14) -[r] D. W. J. Gill, CR 48 (1998) 133-134. 98.1.60 M. H. Munn, THE DEFENSE OF ATTICA (93.1.09) -[r] V. D. Hanson, AMER.HIST.REV. 99 (1994) 1662-1663. 98.1.61 V. Parker, UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUM LELANTISCHEN KRIEG UND VERWANDTEN PROBLEME DER FRUEHGRIECHISCHEN GESCHICHTE (98.1.05) -[r] J. Cobet, HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 267 (1998) 157- 158. 98.1.62 R. Urban, DER KOENIGSFRIEDEN VON 387/86 V. CHR. (93.1.16) -[r] F. Quass, HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 261 (1995) 155- 156. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 98.1.63 C. Aellen & others, "Bulletin archaeologique", REG 111 (1998) 203 (no. 126), 203 (no. 148), 231 (no. 237), 251 (nos. 293-295). 98.1.64 W. C. Brice, "Epigraphische Mitteilungen", KADMOS 36 (1997) 177 (Thebes). 98.1.65 S. Follet, "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 109 (1996) 587 (no. 200). 98.1.66 J. Bousquet, "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 109 (1996) 593 (nos. 221-222). 98.1.67 D. Mulliez & others, "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 110 (1997) 526-527 (nos. 270-272). DISSERTATIONS 98.1.68 A. Christidou (Colorado/Boulder), "Neolithic Boiotia: Environment and settlements, economy and society as evi- denced from the archaeological record", DAI 57 (1997) 4422-A/4423-A. 98.1.69 A. C. Papalexandrou (Princeton), "The Church of the Vir- gin of Skripou: architecture, sculpture and inscriptions in ninth-century Byzantium", DAI 58 (1998) 4105-A. 98.1.70 A. K. Schiller (Wisconsin/Madison), "Political ter- ritoriality of the classical Athenians, 508-338" (with a chapter on fourth-century Boiotia), DAI 57 (1997) 3628- A. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY BOOKS 98.2.01 J. Bollack, LA NAISSANCE D'OEDIPE. TRADUCTION ET COM- MENTAIRES D'OEDIPE ROI (Paris 1995) 350pp. 98.2.02 J. Dillery, XENOPHON AND THE HISTORY OF HIS TIMES (London & New York 1995) xii & 337pp. 98.2.03 L. Edmunds, THEATRICAL SPACE AND HISTORICAL PLACE IN SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS AT COLONUS (Lanham, Md. 1996) xii & 191pp. 98.2.04 Euripides, BACCHAE, intro., transl. comm. R. Seaford (Warminster 1996) xii & 270pp. 98.2.05 Euripides, HERACLES, intro., transl. comm. S. A. Barlow (Warminster 1996) xxvii & 195pp. 98.2.06 E. Flaig, OEDIPUS: TRAGISCHER VATERMORD IM KLASSISCHEN ATHEN (Munich 1998) 151pp. 98.2.07 M. Frank, SENECA'S PHOENISSAE. INTRODUCTION AND COM- MENTARY = MNEMOSYNE SUPPLEMENT 138 (Leiden 1995) xvii & 268pp. 98.2.08 R. D. Griffith, THE THEATRE OF APOLLO: DIVINE JUSTICE AND SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS THE KING (Montreal & Buffalo 1996) x & 147pp. 98.2.09 G. C. Guenther, EIN NEUER METRISCHER TRAKTAT UND DAS STUDIUM DER PINDARISCHEN METRIK IN DER PHILOLOGIE DER PALAEOLOGENZAIT = MNEMOSYNE SUPPLEMENT 180 (Leiden 1998) xv & 220pp. 98.2.10 H. Lloyd-Jones & N. G. Wilson, SOPHOCLES: SECOND THOUGHTS = HYPOMNEMATA 100 (Goettingen 1997) 146pp. 98.2.11 J. Mossman, ed., PLUTARCH AND HIS INTELLECTUAL WORLD (London 1997) xii & 249pp. 98.2.12 Pindar, tr. & comm. S. Instone, SELECTED ODES (Warminster 1998) viii & 213pp. 98.2.13 Pindar, transl. G. Oikonomides, intro. & comm. D. Jakob, PYTHIONIKOI (Herakleion 1994) 377pp. 98.2.14 Plutarchus, ed. W. Sieveking, PYTHICI DIALOGI (Stuttgart & Leipzig 1997) xi & 124pp. 98.2.15 Plutarco, ed. C. Santaniello, DETTI DEI LACEDEMONI (Naples 1995) 432pp. 98.2.16 Plutarco, edd. G. Martano & A. Tirelli, PRECETTI CON- IUGALI (Naples 1990) 127pp. 98.2.17 Plutarco, edd. P. Impara & M. Manfredini, CONSOLAZIONE ALLA MOGLIE (Naples 1991) 93pp. 98.2.18 Plutarco, ed. A. Rescigno, L'ECLISSI DEGLI ORACOLI (Naple 1995) 486pp. 98.2.19 Plutarque, edd. V. Fromentin, R. Flaceliere, E. Chambry, VIE D'ALCIBIADE (Paris 1996) 92pp. 98.2.20 Plutarque, ed. & transl. F. Frazier & J. Sirinelli, OEUVRES MORALES IX.3: PROPOS DE TABLE VII-IX (Paris 1996) x & 438pp. 98.2.21. Segal, AGLAIA: THE POETRY OF ALCMAN, SAPPHO, PINDAR, BACCHYLIDES AND CORINNA (Lanham, Md. & Oxford 1998) xx & 338pp. 98.2.22 Seneque, ed. Fr.-R. Chambertin, TRAGEDIES I. HERCULE FURIEUX. LES TROYENNES. LES PHENICIENNES. MEDEE. PHEDRE (Paris 1996) xix & 254pp. 98.2.23 D. R. Shipley, A COMMENTARY ON PLUTARCH'S LIFE OF AGESILAOS (Oxford 1997) ix & 513pp. 98.2.24 A. Strobach, PLUTARCH UND DIE SPRACHEN (Stuttgart 1997) viii & 258pp. 98.2.25 T. Van Nortwick, OEDIPUS: THE MEANING OF A MASCULINE LIFE (Norman, Okla. 1998) xiv & 185pp. 98.2.26 J. P. Wilson, THE HERO AND THE CITY: AN INTERPRETATION OF SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS AT COLONUS (Ann Arbor 1997) ix & 208pp. ARTICLES 98.2.27 U. Albini, "I tre tempi dell'ERACLE euripideo", PAROLA DEL PASSATO 292 (1997) 5-12. 98.2.28 G. B. D'Alessio, "Pindar's PROSODIA and the classifica- tion of Pindaric papyrus fragments", ZPE 118 (1997) 23- 60. 98.2.29 M. Alfani, "Note sulla NIOBE di Eschilo", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 39 (1997) 261-269. 98.2.30 A. N. Athanassakis, "Glimpses of modern Greek cos- mography in Hesiod: soul and space", ANCIENT WORLD 27 (1996) 115-130. 98.2.31 J. Barrett, "Pentheus and the spectator in Euripides' BACCHAE", AJPHIL 119 (1998) 337-360. 98.2.32 C. Bearzot, "P.Oxy.3965: considerazioni sulla data e sull'inspirazione dell'elegia di Simonide per la bat- taglia di Platea", in B. Kramer, W. Luppe, H. Maehler, G. Poethke, edd., AKTEN DES 21. INTERNATIONALEN PAPYROLOGENKONGRESSES BERLIN 13-19.8.1995 I (Stuttgart & Leipzig 1997) 71-79. 98.2.33 S. Des Bouvrie, "Euripides BAKHAI and maenadism", CLAS- SICA ET MEDIAEVALIA 48 (1997) 75-114. 98.2.34 E. Coughanor, "Philosophic meaning in OEDIPUS REX", ACLASS 66 (1997) 55-74. 98.2.35 M. Cropp, "Euripides, PHOENISSAE 1567-1568", CQ 47 (1997) 570-574. 98.2.36 J. Delz, "Zur THEBAIS des Statius", MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 594-597. 98.2.37 P. T. Eden, "Adnotationes in P. Papini Stati THEBAIDA", MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 78-84. 98.2.38 P. T. Eden, "Adnotationes in P. Papini Stati THEBAIDA (II)", MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 597-600. 98.2.39 F. A. Fontecedro, "ANIMULA VAGULA BLANDULA: Adriano debitore di Plutarco", QUADERNI URBINATI 55 (1997) 59- 69. 98.2.40 G. Giangrande, "Due note filologiche. I Esichio ed Alceo. II Sui `Moralia' di Plutarco", SICULORUM GYM- NASIUM 47 (1994) 283-290. 98.2.41 N. S. Grinbaum, "Le lexique de la poesie lyrique grecque comme source historique", QUADERNI URBINATI 59 (1998) 35-55 (esp. 36). 98.2.42 A. T. Guerra, "Un nuovo frammento pindarico nell'INNO AD AMMONE? PAP.VAT.GR. II, col. VII 44-46 (Favorino, SULL'ESILIO)", REG 110 (1997) 353-361. 98.2.43 T. P. Hillman, "Notes on the trial of Pompeius at Plutarch, Pomp. 4.1-6", RHEIN. MUS. 141 (1998) 176-193. 98.2.44 P. Hummel, "La labeur et la grace: etude d'une con- stellation lexicale (DAPANE, PONOS et CHARIS dans Pindare)", RPHIL 70 (1996) 247-254. 98.2.45 P. Hummel, "Connivence binaire et creativite serielle: les composes a premier terme superlatif chez Pindare et Bacchylide", QUADERNI URBINATI 56 (1997) 61-66. 98.2.46 M. Huys, "Oedipe comme EUREMA dans Sophocle, OEDIPE-ROI 1106", QUADERNI URBINATI 55 (1997) 103-106. 98.2.47 N. Laneres, "Pindare, PYTHIQUE IV. Les phrases nominales, contribution a une etude linguistique", RPHIL 70 (1996) 255-280. 98.2.48 A. Lardinois, "How the days fit the works in Hesiod's WORKS AND DAYS", AJPHIL 119 (1998) 319-336. 98.2.49 E. Lawrence, "The God that is truly God and the universe of Euripides' HERACLES", MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 129-146. 98.2.50 M.-C. Leclerc, "L'insoutenable legerete de la victoire. Nike chez Homere et Hesiode", REG 110 (1997) 325-352, 98.2.51 G. Maurach, "Zu Pindar fr. 75 und zu Catull 51", GYM- NASIUM 105 (1998) 409-418. 98.2.52 L. Micozzi, "PATHOS e figure materne nella TEBAIDE di Stazio", MAIA 50 (1998) 95-121. 98.2.53 B. Morin, "L'enracinement attique d'un heros thebain: OEDIPE A COLONE et la terre", RPHIL 70 (1996) 281-303. 98.2.54 R. J. Murray, "Sophocles O.T. 73-75", HERMES 126 (1998) 250-252. 98.2.55 M. Negri, "Pindaro `in piazza'. Uno strano caso della tradizione indiretta", ATHENAEUM 66 (1998) 539-546. 98.2.56 A. Pardini, "Scelte metriche e scelte stilistiche (Pind. I.2,16 ANADEISTHAI)", QUADERNI URBINATI 56 (1997) 67-73. 98.2.57 Pardini, "L'esegesi alessandrina di Pind. O 2,76s. et la filologia ottocentesca", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 39 (1997) 93-102. 98.2.58 L. Piccirilli, "Biografia e storia: il metodo di Plutarco", STUDI ITALIANI DI FIOLOLOGIA CLASSICA 91 (1998) 39-60. 98.2.59 J.-C. Picot, "Sur un emprunt d'Empedocle au BOUCLIER hesiodique", REG 111 (1998) 42-60. 98.2.60 A. Podlecki, "Had the Antiope of Euripides political overtones?" ANCIENT WORLD 27 (1996) 131-146. 98.2.61 L. Porciani, "Pericle in Plutarco. Vicende di un modello classico", ANNALI/PISA 25 (1995) 1401-1412. 98.2.62 P. Reynolds-Warnhoff, "The role of TO SOPHON in Euripides' BACCHAE", QUADERNI URBINATI 57 (1997) 77-103. 98.2.63 I. Rutherford, "FOR THE AEGINETANS TO AIAKOS A PROSODION: an unnoticed title at Pindar, Paean 6,123, and its significance for the poem", ZPE 118 (1997) 1-21. 98.2.64 J. A. Salvador, "Iamus and IA in Pindar (O.6,53-57)", QUADERNI URBINATI 56 (1997) 37-59. 98.2.65 S. Scullion, "Dionysos and Katharis in ANTIGONE", CLAS- SICAL ANTIQUITY 17 (1998) 96-122. 98.2.66 R. Sevieri, "Un canto sul far della sera. Autoreferen- zialita e mimesi cultuale nella PITICA XI di Pindaro per Trasideo di Tebe", AEVUM ANTIQUUM 10 (1997) 83-100. 98.2.67 J. Stenger, "SAECULA TE QUONIAM PENES ET DIGESTA VETUSTAS. Die Musenanrufungen in der `Thebais' des Statius", HERMES 126 (1998) 221-237. 98.2.68 E. Viketos, "Textual notes on Sophocles", HERMES 126 (1998) 382-383 (esp. 2. Antigone). 98.2.69 P. Walcot, "Plutarch on sex", GREECE & ROME 45 (1998) 166-187. 98.2.70 H. White, "On the text of Hesiod and Theocritus", SICULORUM GYMNASIUM 47 (1994) 257-265. PAPERS READ 98.2.71 A. Allen, "After the dust has settled: revisiting the corpse in Sophokle's ANTIGONE", Annual Meeting, Classi- cal Association of Canada, Ottawa, May 1998. 98.2.72 C. G. Brown, "A prophetic centaur: Cheiron in Pindar's Ninth Pythian". See 98.2.71. 98.2.73 R. Egan, "Kadmos, Europa, and the mythographer Konon", IX International Conference on Boiotian Antiquities, Winnipeg, October 1998. 98.2.74 D. Gentry, "Figures in a landscape: Hesiodic monsters in archaic thought", Classical Association Conference, Royal Holloway College, University of London, April 1997: PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION 94 (1997) 12. 98.2.75 A. Keith, "Women's myths in the male imagination: the tales of the Minyads in Ovid's METAMORPHOSES 4.1.-415". See 98.2.71. 92.2.76 A. Palaiogeorgou, "Athletic PONOS in Pindar". See 98.2.74. 98.2.77 R. Preston, "Roman questions, Greek answers: Plutarch, culture and identity". See 98.2.74. 98.2.78 D. Roller, "Plutarch and Tanagra". see 98.2.73. 98.2.79 A. Schachter, "Simonides on Plataia: the occasion". See 98.2.71. 98.2.80 P. Toohey, "Thebes, Athens, and mythological homecom- ings". See 98.2.73. REVIEWS 98.2.81 J. Bollack, LA NAISSANCE D'OEDIPE. TRADUCTION ET COM- MENTAIRES D'OEDIPE ROI (98.2.01) -[r] M. Mund-Dopchie, ACLASS 66 (1997) 389-390. 98.2.82 J. Dillery, XENOPHON AND THE HISTORY OF HIS TIMES (98.2.02) -[r] W. J. Tatum, AMER.HIST.REV. 1457-1458. 98.2.83 W. J. Dominik, THE MYTHIC VOICE OF STATIUS (95.2.03) -[r] R. Lesueur, GNOMON 70 (1998) 164-165. 98.2.84 Euripides, BACCHAE (R. Seaford) (98.2.04) -[r] H. Van Looy, ACLASS 66 (`997) 393-394. 98.2.85 -[r] S. Philippo. CR 47 (1997) 252-253. 98.2.86 Euripides, HERACLES (S. A. Barlow) (98.2.05) -[r] J. Beverley, CR 48 (1998) 472-473. 98.2.87 Euripides, PHOENISSAE (D. J. Mastronarde) (94.2.07) -[r] Ch. Mueller-Goldingen, GNOMON 70 (1998) 13-18. 98.2.88 M. Frank, SENECA'S PHOENISSAE. INTRODUCTION AND COM- MENTARY (98.2.07) -[r] S. M. Braund, CR 48 (1998) 33-34. 98.2.89 -[r] V. Hunink, MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 378-380. 98.2.90 F. Frazier, HISTOIRE ET MORALE DANS LES VIES PARALLELES DE PLUTARQUE (97.2.03) -[r] J.-P. Borle, MUS.HELVET. 54 (1997) 240. 98.2.91 N. G. L. Hammond, SOURCES FOR ALEXANDER THE GREAT (95.2.08) -[r] A. M. Devine, ANCIENT WORLD 27 (1996) 231-235. 98.2.92 H. Heftner, PLUTARCH UND DER AUFSTIEG DES POMPEIUS (96.2.06) -[r] Ph. Torrens, ACLASS 66 (1997) 609-610. 98.2.93 Hesiod, WORKS AND DAYS (D. W. Tandy & W. C. Neale) (97.2.04) -[r] P. Walcot, CR 48 (1998) 168. 98.2.94 C. F. Konrad, PLUTARCH'S SERTORIUS: A HISTORICAL COM- MENTARY (94.2.09) -[r] B. Scardigli, GNOMON 70 (1998) 551-553. 98.2.95 L. Kurke, THE TRAFFIC IN PRAISE (92.2.08) -[r] M. H. Jameson, AMER.HIST.REV. 98 (1993) 842-843. 98.2.96 H. Lloyd-Jones & N. G. Wilson, SOPHOCLES: SECOND THOUGHTS (98.2.10) -[r] F. Budelmann, CR 48 (1998) 471-472. 98.2.97 V. J. Mathews, ed. & comm., ANTIMACHOS OF COLOPHON (96.2.08) -[r] M. A. Harder, MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 629-638. 98.2.98 J. Mossman, ed., PLUTARCH AND HIS INTELLECTUAL WORLD (98.2.11) -[r] C. Jones, CLASSICAL VIEWS 41 (1997) 527-530. 98.2.99 PINDAR 1 & 2 (W. H. Race) (97.2.07) -[r] B. K. Braswell, MUS.HELVET. 54 (1997) 233. 98.2.100 -[r] S. Instone, CR 48 (1998) 264-265. 98.2.101 Pindar SELECTED ODES (S. Instone)(98.2.x12 -[r] I. L. Pfeijffer, CR 48 (1998) 262-263. 98.2.102 -[r] J. Schneider, REG 111 (1998) 360-361. 98.2.103 Pindar, PYTHIONIKOI (G. Oikonomides & D. Jakob)(98.2.13) -[r] I. L. Pfeijffer, CR 48 (1998) 469. 98.2.104 -[r] J. Schneider, REG 111 (1998) 361-364. 98.2.105 Pindaro, LE PITICHE (B. Gentili)(95.2.14) -[r] J. Yvonneau, REG 109 (1996) 305. 98.2.106 Plutarchus, PYTHICI DIALOGI (W. Sieveking)(98.2.14) -[r] R. Mayer, CR 48 (1998) 185. 98.2.107 Plutarco, PRECETTI CONIUGALI (G. Martano & A. Tirelli)(98.2.16) -[r] G. Giangrande, SICULORUM GYMNASIUM 47 (1994) 413- 414. 98.2.108 Plutarco, CONSOLAZIONE ALLA MOGLIE (P. Impara & M. Man- fredini)(98.2.17) -[r] G. Giangrande, SICULORUM GYMNASIUM 47 (1994) 415- 417. 98.2.109 Plutarco, LA GLORIA DI ATENE (I. Gallo & M. Mocci) (96.2.12) -[r] G. Giangrande, SICULORUM GYMNASIUM 47 (1994) 419- 421. 98.2.110 Plutarco, L'ECLISSI DEGLI ORACOLI (A. Rescigno)(98.2.18) -[r] G. Lachenaud, RPHIL 70 (1996) 352-353. 98.2.111 Plutarque, VIE D'ALCIBIADE (V. Fromentin, R. Flaceliere, E. Chambry) (98.2.19) -[r] S. Gotteland, REA 99 (1997) 575. 98.2.112 Plutarque, OEUVRES MORALES IX.3 (F. Frazier & J. Sirinelli) (98.2.20) -[r] G. Lachenaud, RPHIL 70 (1996) 350-351. 98.2.113 -[r] D. Babut, REA 99 (1997) 576-577. 98.2.114 -[r] S. Swain, CR 48 (1998) 21-22. 98.2.115 -[r] D. M. Schenkeveld, MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 473-474. 98.2.116 Seneque, TRAGEDIES I (Fr.-R. Chambertin)(98.2.22) -[r] J. Poucet, ACLASS 66 (1997) 448-449. 98.2.117 Stace, THEBAIDE V-VIII (R. Lesueur) (92.2.27) -[r] D. W. T. Vessey, GNOMON 70 (1998) 78-79. 98.2.118 Stace, THEBAIDE IX-XII (R. Lesueur) (96.2.15) -[r] D. W. T. Vessey, GNOMON 70 (1998) 78-79. 98.2.119 Strabon LIVRE IX (R. Baladie) (97.2.13) -[r] F. Lefevre, RPHIL 70 (1996) 349-350. 98.2.120 -[r] P. Cabanes, REA 99 (1997) 574-575. 98.2.121 A. Strobach, PLUTARCH UND DIE SPRACHEN (98.2.24) -[r] S. Swain, CR 48 (1998) 484-485. 98.2.122 -[r] M. Hillgruber, GYMNASIUM 105 (1998) 341-342. 98.2.123 S.-T. Teodorsson, A COMMENTARY ON PLUTARCH'S TABLE TALKS VOL. III (BOOKS 7-9) (96.2.16) -[r] A. Nicolaides, CR 47 (1997) 287-288. 98.2.124 -[r] D. M. Schenkeveld, MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 640. 98.2.125 M. M. Willcock, ed., PINDAR, VICTORY ODES (96.2.17) -[r] S. Wiersma, MNEMOSYNE 51 (1998) 608-611. DISSERTATIONS 98.2.126 C. Beck (U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), "Plutarch's use of anecdotes": APA NEWSLETTER 21.4 (1998) 14. 98.2.127 C. A. Clark (Wisconsin/Madison), "Narrative structure in Alkman, Bakchylides, and Pindar", DAI 57 (1996) 199-A. 98.2.128 J. S. Dietrich (Southern California), "THEBAIS RESCRIP- TRIX: Rewriting and closure in Statius' `Thebaid 12'", DAI 58 (1997) 1693-A. 98.2.129 R. T. Ganiban (Princeton), "NEFAS and the poetics of Statius' `Thebaid'", DAI 57 (1996) 1603-A/1604-A. See 96.2.177. 98.2.130 R. Gilder III (Pennsylvania), "Goddesses unbound: Furies and furial imagery in the works of Seneca, Lucan, and Statius", DAI 58 (1998) 3117-A/3118-A. 98.2.131 D. D. Markus (Michigan), "The politics of entertainment: tradition and Romanization in Statius' THEBAID": DAI 58 (1997) 1693-A/1694-A; APA NEWSLETTER 21.4 (1998) 14. 98.2.132 K. I. Mayer (Texas/Austin), Cultural renegades in Plutarch's LIVES": APA NEWSLETTER 21.4 (1998) 14; DAI 59 (1998) 160-A. 98.2.133 I. L. Pfeiffer (Rijksuniversiteit Leiden), "Three Aeginetan odes of Pindar. A commentary on Nemean V, Nemean III, and Pythian VIII": MNEMOSYNE 50 (1997) 764- 766. 98.2.134 M. J. Schmid (Stanford), "Speech and speaker in Pindar", DAI 57 (1996) 2024-A. See 96.2.194. 98.2.135 R. M. Travis, Jr. (California/Berkeley), "Allegorical fantasy and the chorus in Sophocles' `Oedipus Coloneus'", DAI 57 (1997) 3922-A. ----------------------------------------------------------------- TEIRESIAS is distributed by Electronic Mail. Prospective readers can obtain TEIRESIAS either by sending an e-mail message to the Editor at CZAS@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA or by sending their e-mail address to him through the post. TEIRESIAS (from 1991 on) is also available at the World-wide Web site of the National Library of Canada: http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/eppp-archive/teiresias/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------- Postal Address: A. 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