T E I R E S I A S Volume 30 (Part 1), 2000 ISSN 1206-5730 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES: Until further notice, TEIRESIAS will be published twice a year, in June and December. Readers of TEIRESIAS will be interested to note that the Society of Boeotian Studies is holding its 4th International Con- gress of Boeotian Studies on September 9-13 of this year at Levadia. Information can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Society at 8-10 Z. Pigis Street, 3rd Floor, Athens 106 78 (Telephone [01] 3819319, Fax [01] 3823077). ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL (See also 001.2.13, 43) ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 001.1.01 P. Agallopoulou, "OROPOS", ADELT 49 B' (1994 [1999]) 75-80. 001.1.02 ERGON 1999 (2000) 32-39 (Skala Oropou). 001.1.03 G. Touchais & Others, "Chronique des fouilles . . . en 1996-1997", BCH 122 (1998), esp. 736-738 (Oropos, Skala Oropou), 817-822 (Pkroskynas, Haghios Ioannis Theologos, Halai, Beotie, Livadia, Orchomene, Ptoion- Akraiphia, Thebes, Monasterie de Sagmatas, Ritsona, Anthedon, Livadostro, Panakton). 001.1.04 "H' EPHOREIA PROISTORIKON KAI KLASIKON ARCHAIOTETON", ADELT 49 B' (1994 [1999]) 265-291, incl. V. Aravantinos 265-276 (esp. 269-271 TACHI THIVON, 271-274 THIVA: ODOS PELOPIDOU 28), E. Andrikou 276-278 (all Thebes), V. Aravantinos 278-287 (Akraifnion, Aliartos, Koriphi Elikona, Koiladakai iero ton Mouson, Agogos physikou aeriou DEPA, Agroikes I & II, Tanagra, Livadeia), V. Sampetai 287-289 (Livadostra, Chaironea), C. Mueller 291-293 (Akraiphia-Ptoon). WORK IN PROGRESS 001.1.05-09: Anastasia Dakouri, Christ's College, University of Cambridge, UK, sends the following reports: 001.1.05 "Continuing Ph.D. research (Classics, Cambridge) on the politics of value (production, consumption and exchange of prestige) in the Mycenaean state of Thebes. Research includes history of archaeological interpretation and discussion of Theban chronology and topography, partic- ularly with regard to the House of Kadmos." 001.1.06 "Note on the Digital Thebes Project, launched in 1998 with the kind support of the Archaeological Museum and the IX Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiq- uities and the Town Hall of Thebes: "It is widely known that the occupation history of Thebes spans the Neolithic to modern times. The stratigraphic sequences and finds demonstrate that the citadel comprises successive occupation levels. As shown by the work of the Archaeological Service, in the Late Bronze Age Thebes was a powerful palatial centre,=0D=0C the hub of interregional and overseas exchange and intensive production of specific elite goods intended for gift-exchange and local consumption. The excavation of Mycenaean Thebes has from the start been piecemeal, constricted in individual expropriated plots, due to the superimposing modern city. GIS (Geographic Information Systems) seems to be a way of dealing with the fragmentation of the record. At a first stage this can happen simply within the framework of cultural resource management, allowing locational analysis and mapping of archaeological ele- ments. The ability of GIS in maintaining large data- bases and performing cartographically based queries is very useful in this respect. Yet, GIS is not just computer-aided design (CAD) or database management systems (DBMS), or a tool to visualise quantified data. As Cowen (1988) puts it, GIS is `a decision support system involving the integration of spatially referenced data (and non-spatially referenced data I should add) in a problem-solving environment'. The uniqueness of GIS consists in that it creates new entities from existing spatial and non-spatial data. It transforms implicit relations into explicit relations (Stine & Lanter 1990) or, to recite a popular mantra, `it converts data into information'. "The data consist of 1. geometric data, such as vector elements and point data, 2. attributes, i.e. non-spatial descriptive information about geometric data, and 3. metadata, such as coordinates, projection etc. Currently, we are not using any raster data, but we are looking into acquiring satellite images of the area. The data come from different sources and at the time of acquisition they were both in conventional and digital form. The official town maps were digitised, merged with ARC/INFO files containing more detailed information on modern built features. Topographical points from the conventional maps are being interpo- lated to provide a modern surface of Thebes. Additional contours and points from the Greek Army maps have been imported, while the official Geological map of the area will soon be digitised for the same purpose. The plans of individual excavated sites have been calibrated, digitised and imported from the Archeologikon Deltion reports and miscellaneous publications, while stratigraphic information derived from the publications has been converted to approximate depths of bedrock, strata, buildings and finds from 1966-1977 street level. The latter figures will be interpolated to give a rough picture of the bedrock relief for general calibrating purposes and mainly, for superimposing roughly estimated horizons of Late Helladic strata. A fully functional relational database on the Access platform has been compiled to classify excavation information, available in the reports and publications only. Our basic entities are: artefacts to features, artefacts and features to excavation area and finally excavation area to sites - the record does not allow us to spatially reference each artefact separately. This project is ongoing and will be delivered to the Museum of Thebes when completed." 001.1.07 "`Settlement and Palace in Boeotian Thebes', in K. Branigan (ed.), Urbanism (provisional title), pro- ceedings of the 5th round table on Aegean Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, 14- 7 January 2000 (forthcoming in Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 5)."=0D=0C 001.1.08 "`The House of Kadmos in Myceanean Thebes Reconsidered: Architecture, Chronology and Context' (forthcoming in the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens)." 001.1.09 "`I Oikia tou Kadmou: mia Synoliki Epaneksetasi ton Dedomenon' (forthcoming in Epetiris Etaireias Boiotikon Meleton)." BOOKS 001.1.10 L. Darmezin, LES AFFRANCHISSMENTS PAR CONSECRATION EN BEOTIE ET DANS LE MONDE GREC HELLENISTIQUE (Nancy 1999) 314pp. 001.1.11 J. D. Grainger, THE LEAGUE OF THE AITOLIANS (Leiden- Boston-Koeln 1999) xvii & 585pp., passim. 001.1.12 Sp. E. Iakovidis, GLAS 2: H ANASKAPHE 1981-1991 (Athens 1998) xxvi & 364pp. 001.1.13 P. A. Mountjoy, REGIONAL MYCENAEAN DECORATED POTTERY, 2 voll. (1-636, 637-1234) (Rahden/Westf. 1999) esp. 2.640-692 (Boeotia). 001.1.14 M. W. Padilla, THE MYTHS OF HERAKLES IN ANCIENT GREECE (Lanham, New York-Oxford 1998) ix & 102pp. 001.1.15 W. K. Pritchett, PAUSANIAS PERIEGETES II (Amsterdam 1999) viii & 355pp., passim. 001.1.16 G. Vottero, LE DIALECTE BEOTIEN (7eS.-2eS.av.J.-C.) I. L'ECOLOGIE DU DIALECTE (Nancy 1998) 236pp. ARTICLES 001.1.17 A. Mazarakis Ainian, "Oropos in the Early Iron Age", in EUBOICA: L'EUBEA E LA PRESENZA EUBOICA IN CALCIDICA E IN OCCIDENTE (Naples 1998) 179-215. 001.1.18 A. K. Andreiomenou, "Eretria in eta geometrica; Calcide e Akraiphia in eta sub-protogeometrica", in EUBOICA: L'EUBEA E LA PRESENZA EUBOICA IN CALCIDICA E IN OCCIDENTE (Naples 1998) 153-166. 001.1.19 J. Bintliff, P. Howard, A. Snodgrass, "The Hidden Landscape of Prehistoric Greece", JOURNAL OF MEDITER- RANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY 12 (1999) 139-168. 001.1.20 T. Braccini, "Ismenia di Tisbe: testimonianze", STUDI ITALIANI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 92 (1999) 162-176. 001.1.21 J. E. Coleman & others, "Halai: The 1992-1994 Field Seasons", HESPERIA 68 (1999) 285-341. 001.1.22 M. Del Freo, "Osservazioni su miceneo KO-MA-WE-TE-JA", MINOS 31-32 (1996-1997 [1998]) 145-158. 001.1.23 C. M. Fauber, "Deconstructing 375-371 BC: Towards an Unified Chronology", ATHENAEUM 87 (1999) 481-506. 001.1.24 J. Pascual Gonzalez, "Gorgidas: Realidad e ideal de la aristocracia tebana", ESPACIO, TIEMPO Y FORMA, SERIE II, HISTORIA ANTIGUA 9 (1996) 143-168. 001.1.25 J. Pascual Gonzalez, "La Confederacion beocia a princi- pios del siglo IV a. C.: I. La distribucion territorial de las poleis", GERION 14 (1996) 109-142. 001.1.26 J. Pascual Gonzalez, "La Confederacion beocia a princi- pios del siglo IV a. C.: II. Jerarquizacion y aspectos economicos del territorio", GERION 15 (1997) 111-132. 001.1.27 N. G. L. Hammond, "What May Philip Have Learnt as a Hostage in Thebes", GRBS 38 (1997) 355-372. 001.1.28 N. G. L. Hammond, "Political developments in Boeotia", CQ 50 (2000) 80-93. 001.1.29 V. D. Hanson, "Hoplite obliteration: the case of the town of Thespiae", in J. Carman & A. Harding, edd., ANCIENT WARFARE. ARCHAEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (Phoenix Mill 1999) 203-217. 001.1.30 M. H. Jameson, "Inscriptions from Cos and Oropus", CLASS.PHIL. 94 (1999) 321-324.=0D=0C 001.1.31 M. Mori, "Le procedure anfizioniche nel 346 a.C.", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 41 (1999) 97- 109. 001.1.32 A. Schachter, "Greek Deities: Local and Panhellenic Identities", in P. Flensted-Jensen, ed., FURTHER STUDIES IN THE ANCIENT GREEK POLIS =3D CPCPAPERS 5 =3D HIS- TORIA ENZELSCHRIFTEN 138 (1999) 9-17. 001.1.33 B. Sergent, "Les petits nodules et la grande Beotie (troisieme partie)", REA 101 (1999) 309-329. 001.1.34 S. Voyadis, "Observations on the History of the Con- struction of the Church of the Panagia Skripou in Boeotia", DELTION TIS CHRISTIANIKIS ARCHAIOLOGIKIS ETAIREIAS 20 (1998) (in Greek) 111-126, (English sum- mary) 127-128. 001.1.35 J. J. Walsh, "THe disorders of the 170s B.C. and Roman intervention in the class struggle in Greece", CQ 50 (2000) 300-303. REVIEWS 001.1.36 H. Beck, POLIS UND KOINON (97.1.12) -[r] M. Jehne, GYMNASIUM 106 (1999) 548-550. 001.1.37 A. Georgiadou, PLUTARCH'S PELOPIDAS (99.1.07) -[r] C. Hamilton, PLOUTARCHOS 16 (1999) 22-25. 001.1.38 J. Heskel, THE NORTH AEGEAN WARS 371-360 B.C. (97.1.16) -[r] J. Engels, GNOMON 72 (2000) 330-334. 001.1.39 Sp. E. Iakovidis, GLAS 2 (001.1.12) -[r] I. M. Shear, AJA 104 (2000) 133-134. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY BOOKS 001.2.01 T. Duff, PLUTARCH'S LIVES. EXPLORING VIRTUE AND VICE (Oxford 1999) xx & 423pp. 001.2.02 J. Griffin, ed., SOPHOCLES REVISITED: ESSAYS PRESENTED TO SIR HUGH LLOYD-JONES (Oxford 1999) x & 343pp., pas- sim. 001.2.03 M. Hillgruber, DIE PSEUDOPLUTARCHISCHE SCHRIFT DE HOMERO, 2 voll. (Stuttgart & Leipzig 1994) ix & 190pp., x & pp. 191-523. 001.2.04 P. Hummel, L'EPITHETE PINDARIQUE: ETUDE HISTORIQUE ET POLITIQUE (Bern 1999) 676pp. 001.2.05 S. Jedrkiewicz, IL CONVITATO SULLO SGABELLO. PLUTARCO, ESOPO ED I SETTE SAVI (Pisa & Rome 1997) 171pp. 001.2.06 P. Payen, ed., PLUTARQUE: GRECS ET ROMAINS EN QUESTION (Toulouse 1998) 184pp. 001.2.07 C. Pelling, LITERARY TEXTS AND THE GREEK HISTORIAN (London & New York 1999) x & 338pp. (esp. ch. 3, 44-60: "How far would they go? Plutarch on Nicias and Alcibiades"; ch. 4, 61-81: "Rhetoric and history II: Plataea [431-27 BC]"). 001.2.08 I. L. Pfeijffer, THREE AEGINETAN ODES OF PINDAR. A COM- MENTARY ON Nemean V, Nemean III, & Pythian VIII =3D MNEMOSYNE SUPPLEMENT 197 (Leiden-Boston-Koeln 1999) xii & 721pp. 001.2.09 Pindar, ed. R. Stoneman, THE ODES AND SELECTED FRAG- MENTS (London 1997) lvi & 434pp. 001.2.10 Plutarco, ed. M. R. Cammarota, LA FORTUNA O LA VIRTU DI ALESSANDRO MAGNO (Naples 1998) 297pp. 001.2.11 T. S. Schmidt, PLUTARQUE ET LES BARBARES: LA RHETORIQUE D'UNE IMAGE (Louvain-Namur 1999) ix & 374pp. 001.2.12 Seneca, HERCULES FURENS, Intro., ed., transl. comm. M. Billerbeck =3D MNEMOSYNE SUPPLEMENT 187 (Leiden-Boston-=0D=0C Koeln 1999) xxix & 727pp. ARTICLES 001.2.13 D. Boedeker, "The new Simonides and heroization at Plataia", in N. Fisher & H. Van Wees, edd., ARCHAIC GREECE: NEW APPROACHES AND NEW EVIDENCE (London & Oak- ville, CT 1998) 231-249. 001.2.14 M. Cannata Fera, "Note al de audiendis poetis di Plutarco", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 41 (1999) 29-38. 001.2.15 B. Dreyer, "The HIEREUS of the SOTERES: Plut. DEM. 10.4, 46.2", GRBS 39 (1998) 23-38. 001.2.16 N. Felson, "Vicarious Transport: Fictive Deixis in Pindar's PYTHIAN Four", HARV.ST.CLASS.PHIL. 99 (1999) 1-33. 001.2.17 B. Gentili, "Pindaro secondo Carlo Odo Pavese. A prop- sito di una recensione", QUCC 63 (1999) 165-178. 001.2.18 D. E. Gerber, "Pindar, NEMEAN Six: A Commentary", HARV.ST.CLASS.PHIL. 99 (1999) 33-91. 001.2.19 M. Gigante, "Plutarco su Alessandro Magno", ATENE E ROMA 44 (1999) 53-56. 001.2.20 I. Gildenhard & A. Zissos, "Ovid's Narcissus (MET. 3.339-510): Echoes of Oedipus", AJPHIL 121 (2000) 129- 147. 001.2.21 R. D. Griffith, "Leaves in Pindar", ERANOS 97 (1999) 54-58. 001.2.22 H.-C. Guenther, "Pindar, Kallimachos und Horaz (Hor. C. IV 2)", STUDI ITALIANI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 92 (1999) 143-161. 001.2.23 H. Heftner, "Der Ostrakismos des Hyperbolos: Plutarch, Pseudo-Andokides und die Ostraka", RHEIN.MUS. 143 (2000) 32-59. 001.2.24 A. Heinrich, "LONGA RETRO SERIES: Sacrifice and Recep- tion in Statius' Menoeceus Episode", ARETHUSA 32 (1999) 165-195. 001.2.25 W. B. Henry, "Pindar, Fragments 128c (THREN. 3) and 260", ZPE 128 (1999) 14. 001.2.26 W. B. Henry, "Pindar, PYTHIAN 2.56", CQ 50 (2000) 295- 296. 001.2.27 Ph. Holt, "POLIS and Tragedy in the ANTIGONE", MNEMOSYNE 52 (1999) 658-690. 001.2.28 J. Holzhausen, "Textprobleme in den Phoinizierinnen des Euripides", HERMES 127 (1999) 410-421. 001.2.29 S. Jackson, "Apollonius of Rhodes: The Asopid Dichotomy", STUDI ITALIANI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 92 (1999) 137-142. 001.2.30 H. Jacobson, "Homeric Iphigeneia", CQ 50 (2000) 296- 297. 001.2.31 R. Jakobi, "Weiteres zu den `Thebais' Argumenta", HERMES 128 (2000) 250-252. 001.2.32 D. M. Johnson, "Hesiod's Descriptions of Tartarus (THEOGONY 721-819), PHOENIX 53 (1999) 8-28. 001.2.33 R. Lauriola, "ELPIS e la Giara di Pandora (Hes.OP.90- 104): il bene e il male nella vita dell'uomo", MAIA 52 (2000) 9-18. 001.2.34 M. S. Marsilio, "Hesiod's Winter Maiden", HELIOS 24 (1997) 101-111. 001.2.35 R. Nagel, "Polynices the Charioteer: Statius, THEBAID 6.296-549", EMC/CLASSICAL VIEWS 43 (1999) 369-396. 001.2.36 S. T. Newmyer, "Speaking of Beasts: the Stoics and Plutarch on Animal Reason and the Modern Case against Animals", QUCC 63 (1999) 99-110. 001.2.37 N. Nicholson, "Pederastic Poets and Adult Patrons in Late Archaic Lyric", CLASS.WORLD 93 (2000) 235-259. 001.2.38 D. Ogden, "What was in Pandora's Box?" in N. Fisher &=0D=0C H. Van Wees, edd., ARCHAIC GREECE: NEW APPROACHES AND NEW EVIDENCE (London & Oakville, CT 1998) 213-230. 001.2.39 A. Pardini, "Sei responsioni pindariche (Priscian. Metr. Ter. 427 Keil =3D Pind. Fr. 177 Maehler)", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 41 (1999) 201-207. 001.2.40 P. Piccinin, "A propos des deux passages des oeuvres de Salluste et Plutarque", PAROLA DEL PASSATO 303 (1998) 430-433. 001.2.41 R. Renehan, "A rare surgical procedure in Plutarch", CQ 50 (2000) 223-229. 001.2.42 A. Rijksbaron, "Lethe for the Lathe? Euripides, BACCHAE 1066-67 Again", MNEMOSYNE 52 (1999) 739-744. 001.2.43 A. Schachter, "The seer Tisamenos and the Klytiadai", CQ 50 (2000) 292-295. 001.2.44 L. Sbardella, "Achille e gli eroi di Platea. Simonide, frr. 10-11W[2]", ZPE 129 (2000) 1-11. 001.2.45 J.U. Schmidt, "Iphigenie in Aulis - Spiegel einer zer- brechenden Welt und Grenzpunkt der Dichtung?" PHILOLOGUS 143 (1999) 211-248. 001.2.46 R. Sevieri, "Un eroe in cerca d'identita: Oreste nella Pitica XI di Pindaro per Trasideo di Tebe", MATERIALI E DISCUSSIONI PER L'ANALISI DEI TESTI CLASSICI 43 (1999) 77-110. 001.2.47 Y. Z. Tzifopoulos, "Hermes and Apollo at Onchestos in the HOMERIC HYMN TO HERMES. The Poetics and Performance of Proverbial Communication", MNEMOSYNE 53 (2000) 148- 163. 001.2.48 L. Van der Stockt, "A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self- Love", AJPHIL 120 (1999) 575-599. PAPERS READ 001.2.49 L. MacLeod, "The Pity of Pentheus", Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Winnipeg, May 2000. 001.2.50 R. Nickel, "Hermes and the Old Man of Onchestos: Mor- tals in the Homeric Hymns", see 001.2.49. REVIEWS 001.2.51 S. Jedrkiewicz, IL CONVITATO SULLO SGABELLO (001.2.05) -[r] F. E. Brenk & F. Lo Cascio, CR 50 (2000) 286-287. 001.2.52 J. Mossman, ed., PLUTARCH AND HIS INTELLECTUAL WORLD (98.2.11) -[r] P. Stadter, PLOUTARCHOS 16 (1999) 25-31. 001.2.53 P. Payen, ed., PLUTARQUE: GRECS ET ROMAINS EN QUESTION (001.2.06) -[r] S. Swain, CR 50 (2000) 288-289. 001.2.54 Pindar, THE ODES AND SELECTED FRAGMENTS (R. Stoneman)(001.2.09) -[r] S. Instone, CR 50 (2000) 266-267. 001.2.55 Plutarco, LA FORTUNA O LA VIRTU DI ALESSANDRO MAGNO (M. R. Cammarota)(001.2.10) -[r] J. P. Hershbell, CR 50 (2000) 287-288. 001.2.56 Strabon LIVRE IX (R. Baladie) (97.2.13) -[r] St. Radt, GNOMON 72 (2000) 197-202. ----------------------------------------------------------------- TEIRESIAS is distributed by Electronic Mail (CZAS@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA) and is available on request. TEIRESIAS (from 1991 on) is also available at the World-wide Web site of the National Library of Canada: http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/eppp-archive/teiresias/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPOT LEGAL 2e trimestre 2000/LEGAL DEPOSIT 2nd quarter 2000=0D=0C Bibliotheque national du Quebec Bibliotheque national du Canada/National Library of Canada =0D=0C =0D=0C=1A=