T E I R E S I A S Volume 32 (Part 2), 2002 ISSN 1206-5730 BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by A. Schachter ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES: A conference entitled "International Symposium on Thebes: One Hundred Years of Archaeological Work at Thebes (1900-2000). The First Researchers and their Followers" was held at Thebes on the 15-17 November, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, 9th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. Meetings took place at the Thebes Conference Centre. The symposium was a great success, with participants from Greece, Italy, Belgium, Holland, England, and the United States. Papers (listed below under "Papers Read") ranged from reminis- cences of earlier excavations (one of the opening addresses was delivered by Dr. Antonios Keramopoullos, grandson of the archaeologist) to reports on the latest excavations, and covered a time-span from the Neolithic to the Byzantine and Mediaeval. The proceedings are to be published. Congratulations are in order to the Director of the Symposium, Dr. V. Aravantinos, and to the Secretary, Elena Kountouri, and their colleagues. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: HISTORICAL WORK IN PROGRESS 022.1.01 JOHN BINTLIFF, Chair of Classical Archaeology, Leiden University, reports: THE LEIDEN - LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITIES TANAGRA PROJECT: The 2002 Season In the summer of 2002 this joint project, co-directed by Professor John Bintliff (Leiden) and Professor Bozidar Slapsak (Ljubljana), carried out surface survey across the city of Tanagra in Boeotia and in the immediately surrounding countryside or chora, continu- ing the work begun in 2000. The last third of the interior of the Classical city walls was subjected to ceramic survey by the Leiden team. The micro-topographic survey of the intramural area and the recording of surface architec- tural remains, together with the detailed geoprospec- tion mapping (the speciality of the team from Ljubljana), continued but will require further seasons to complete the entire city area. The study of the sample of surface pottery was also continued further by prehistoric specialist K. Sarri, Classical Greek ceramic specialist Dr. V. Stissi, Roman pot specialist Dr. J. Poblome and our Medieval to Post-Medieval spe- cialist A. Vionis. The ceramic team will also require further seasons to analyze the finds to publication level. The geoprospection team continued to have spec- tacular success in picking out the 4th century BC Hip- podamian street and insula plan across the city, together with major modifications to the internal house arrangements within the original insulae during Roman times, and also in identifying a large area of indus- trial production, possibly a medieval ceramic produc- tion zone, within the abandoned ancient town. On the Acropolis the geoprospection is clarifying the exist- ence or not of an ancient agora and has revealed new Early Christian monuments. The surface survey around the Classical walls and into the countryside belonging to ancient Tanagra, by the Leiden team, focussed on a transect running south from the walls, an area so far untouched by our field- walking teams. As in the transects walked in other directions during the 2000 and 2001 seasons, this new south transect identified a zone some 1 kilometre long out from the walls with extremely dense surface pot- tery, primarily of Classical Greek date, which we interpret as an area of cemeteries, extramural industry and some extramural settlement. Further out we entered an area of small Classical farms and related cemeteries, a large Roman villa, and a series of small Neolithic sites, as well as a small deserted Medieval village. 022.1.02 FABIENNE MARCHAND reports from Athens: The following PhD subject, "TANAGRAIKA MNEMATA. Recherches sur le materiel archeologique et epigraphi- que provenant des anciennes fouilles de la necropole de Tanagra en Beotie",under the supervision of Prof. Denis Knoepfler, was registered in December 2000 at the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland). As I have not finished my thesis yet, my inten- tion here is to present the general structure of my work and the exact topics I am planning to study, but not to give any result. The thesis deals with the funerary inscriptions from the 19th-century excavations of the necropolis of Tanagra. The site was almost entirely robbed in the early 1870s, in order to bring to light the famous "Tanagras", until the Greek Government sent the archaeologist Panayiotis Stamatakis, accompanied by soldiers, to stop the illegal activities. The first scientific excavations were carried on from winter 1873/74, and lasted until 1911. Short reports of these activities were published by Stamatakis and his succes- sors in 19th-century Greek periodicals such as PRAKTIKA TIS ARCHAIOLOGIKIS ETAIREIAS (1873/74, 1874/75, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881 and 1882 by Stamatakis; 1887 by Tsountas; 1890 by Konstas; 1911 by Pappadakis), and DELTION ARCHAIOLOGIKON (1888 and 1889 by Koromantsos). A number of foreign scholars (Lolling, Kaibel, Haus- soullier) attended the excavations and also wrote about them. Unfortunately, Stamatakis' reports were never completely published, probably because of this early death in 1885. His papers, mainly hand-written letters to the president and the secretary of the Archaeologi- cal Society, are still kept in the archives of the Archaeological Society at Athens, where I was able to study them with the authorization of Dr. V. Petrakos, whom I would like to thank once more. A closer look at these unique documents enables us to understand how excavations were actually carried on in the 19th century, what material was collected and how, and, from the epigraphical point of view, where inscriptions were found. The second part of my PhD thesis will essen- tially deal with the funerary inscriptions themselves, more than 1000 stones, which are now being studied at the Skhimatari Museum. I also would like to thank Dr. V. Aravantinos for allowing me to study this excep- tional material. With so many inscriptions, covering the whole period of occupation of the necropolis, from the Archaic period until Roman times, I will be able to proceed not only to the epigraphical study of the epitaphs, but also to a statistical and an onomastic study. Prosopography will unfortunately be impossible, as the inscriptions consist only of the name, most of the time without patronymic, in the nominative or in the dative with the preposition EPI. The last part will be an attempt to make a synthesis of the first two parts; the sources of the first being essentially written documents from the 19th century, and those of the second being epigraphical material. I will also try, despite the lack of sources, to make a topographical study of the necropolis, and try to discern where the tombs were actually located, and how and where the necropolis grew during its long period of occupation. Athens, December 2002. ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS 022.1.03 D. Blackman, "Archaeology in Greece 2001-2002", ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS FOR 2000-2001 = No. 48 (2002): 13 (Palaios Oropos), 50-53 (Boiotia: Akraiphnion, Chaironeia, Daulose-Medeon, Delesi, Kopais, Neochoraki, Orchomenos, Plataiai, Sarakino cave, Tanagra, Thebes), 64 (Halai). BOOKS 022.1.04 CVA Greece 6. Thebes, Archaeological Museum 1 (Athens 2001) (V. Sabetai) 104pp., + plates [ISSN 1108-3670, ISBN 960-7099-93-1] 022.1.05 H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stroud & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 48 (Amsterdam 2001) nos. 83, 162, 304, 357, 393, 533, 569-580, 786, 1260bis, 1290 (ISBN 90 5063 278 5). ARTICLES 022.1.06 A. K. Andreiomenou, "Zur Werkstatt des Endoios und Philourgos", AM 115 (2000) 83-113. 022.1.07 P. Bonnechere, "Mantique, transe et phenomenes psychi- ques a Lebadee: entre rationnel et irrationel en Grece et dans la pansee moderne", KERNOS 15 (2002) 175-186. 022.1.08 K. Kilinski II & J.-J. Maffre, "Cinq canthares beotiens a figures noires du second quart du VIeS. av. J.-C.", MONUMENTS PIOT 79 (1999) 7-40. 022.1.09 A. Moreau, "Oedipe ou la proliferation explicative", ACLASS 71 (2002) 27-50. 022.1.10 Chr. Mueller, "Les Italiens en Beotie du IIe siecle av. J.-C. au 1er siecle ap. J.-C.", in Chr. Mueller & C. Hasenohr, edd., LES ITALIENS DANS LE MONDE GREC: BCH SUPPLEMENT 41 (Paris 2002) 89-100. 022.1.11 S. Nikoloudis, "Animal Sacrifice in the Mycenaean World", JOURNAL OF PREHISTORIC RELIGION 15 (2001) 11- 31, esp. pp. 12-13 (Thebes). 022.1.12 R. Parker, "A New Euphemism for Death in a Manumission Inscription from Chaironeia", ZPE 139 (2002) 66-68. 022.1.13 A. Romeo, "The Panhellenion and Ethnic Identity in Hadrianic Greece", CLASS.PHIL. 97 (2002) 21-40, passim. 022.1.14 Y. Ustinova, "`Either a Daimon, or a Hero, or Perhaps a God': Mythical Residents of Subterranean Chambers", KERNOS 15 (2002) 267-288, esp. 267-274, 285-288. PAPERS READ 022.1.15 A. Andreiomenou, "From the cemeteries of Historical Thebes: Tachi" (in Greek), International Symposium on Thebes, Thebes, November 2002. 022.1.16 E. Andrikou, "Burial customs of the Middle Bronze Age at Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.17 V. Aravantinos, " Recent investigations on the Kadmeia and the Mycenaean archives of Thebes (1993-1996)" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.18 M. Bonnano-Aravantinos, "Theban sepulchral monuments of Hellenistic and Roman times" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.19 Ch. Boulotis, "Theban sacred iconography in the Mycenaean age" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.20 K. Bourazelis, "The beginnings of Hellenistic Thebes: new epigraphical data" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.21 A. Charami, "Hellenistic Thebes: elements from the cemeteries of the city" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.22 A. Dakouri, "Materials used in the workshops of the house of Kadmos: a re-examination" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.23 K. Demakopoulou, "The royal workshops of Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.24 L. Godart, "The Thebes tablets and the Mycenaean world" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.25 Ch. Koilakou, "The contribution of excavation to the investigation of the Byzantine churches of Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.26 D. Konsola, "Pre-Mycenaean Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.27 E. Kountouri, "Geometric Thebes: data from current excavations" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.28 E. Manolesso, "Byzantine sculptures from Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.29 T. Palaima, "The significance of the discovery of Linear B at Thebes. The pioneering years". See 022.1.15 022.1.30 A. Papadaki, "Mycenaean graves at Theban cemeteries of historical times" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.31 K. Psaraki, "Proto-helladic pottery from Thebes. The excavation at the site of the extension of the Archaeological Museum of Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.32 M. Rocchi, "Athena Onka and the polis of Thebes" (in Italian). See 022.1.15 022.1.33 A. Sacconi, "The goddess Ma-ka of the tablets and Mycenaean religion" (in French). See 022.1.15 022.1.34 V. Sampetai, "The collection of pottery of the Museum of Thebes, and the ancient cemetery of Ritsona" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.35 A. Sampson, "Some interesting excavations on the Kad- meia (1980-1981)" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.36 A. Schachter, "Cults and Sanctuaries of Historical Thebes". See 022.1.15 022.1.37 Th. Spyropoulos, "Investigation of Theban monuments" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.38 S. Symeonoglou, "Thebes: the prehistoric capital of Hellas" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.39 E. Touloupa, "Edith Porada. The oriental cylinder seals of the Kadmeion" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.40 P. Valmas (with P. Vergioti, S. Michaeloglou, I. Moraitou, S. Samartzis), "The work of conservation at the Archaeological Museum of Thebes" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.41 E. Vlachogianni, "The Theban mint in Hellenistic-Roman times" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 022.1.42 J. Vroom, "Byzantine and Mediaeval pottery of Thebes". See 022.1.15 REVIEWS 022.1.43 P. Angeli Bernardini, ed., PRESENZA E FUNZIONE DELLA CITTA DI TEBE NELLA CULTURA GRECA (011.1.09) -[r] P. Hummel, REG 114 (2001) 661-662. 022.1.44 -[r] M. Lloyd, CR 52 (2002) 95-96. 022.1.45 M. T. Boatwright, HADRIAN AND THE CITIES OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (002.1.06) -[r] F. Millar, PHOENIX 55 (2001) 462-464. 022.1.46 P. M. Fraser & E. Matthews, A LEXICON OF GREEK PERSONAL NAMES IIIB (011.1.11) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 71 (2002) 387-389. 022.1.47 H. R. Goette, ATHENS, ATTICA AND THE MEGARID (021.1.07) -[r] F. Prost, ACLASS 71 (2002) 485-486. 022.1.48 D. Knoepfler, DECRETS ERETRIENS DE PROXENIE ET DE CITOYENNETE (021.1.10) -[r] P. Cabanes, REA 104 (2002) 273-274. 022.1.49 H. W. Pleket & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 45 (99.1.12) -[r] N. Ehrhardt, GNOMON 74 (2002) 553-554. 022.1.50 H. W. Pleket & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 46 (002.1.09) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 71 (2002) 386-387. 022.1.51 H. W. Pleket & others, edd., SUPPLEMENTUM EPIGRAPHICUM GRAECUM 47 (011.1.13) -[r] A. Martin, ACLASS 71 (2002) 386-387. 022.1.52 G. Vottero, LE DIALECTE BEOTIEN (7eS.-2eS.av.J.-C.) I (001.1.16) -[r] R. J. Buck, JHS 122 (2002) 155-156. 022.1.53 G. Vottero, LE DIALECTE BEOTIEN (7eS.-2eS.av.J.-C.) II (012.1.15) -[r] R. J. Buck, JHS 122 (2002) 155-156. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 022.1.54 "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 113 (2000) nos. 2, 30, 83, 203, 252, 253, 260, 324, 325, 370, 375, 375bis, 375ter. 022.1.55 "Bulletin epigraphique", REG 114 (2001) nos. 50, 51, 109, 131, 140, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 243. 022.1.56 A. Chaniotis & J. Mylonopoulos, "Epigraphic Bulletin 1999 (EBGR)", KERNOS, nos. 1, 25, 37, 38, 49, 63, 88, 94, 98, 141, 145, 209, 216, 247. 022.1.57 "Chronique archeologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG)", KERNOS 15 (2002) nos. 01.07, 01.08. 022.1.58 P. Dupont, D. Fontannez, J.-J. Maffre, G. Siebert, "Bulletin archeologique. Ceramique", REG 115 (2002) 216-404, esp. pp. 271 (no. 202), 273-274 (no. 222-228), 349 (no. 514-516), 378 (no. 621). ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: LITERARY BOOKS 022.2.01 C. Criado, LA TEOLOGIA DE LA TEBAIDA ESTACIANA: SPUDAS- MATA 75 (Hildesheim 2000) 268pp. [ISBN 3-487-11058-X]. 022.2.02 A. Perez Jimenez & F. Casadeus Bordoy, edd., ESTUDIOS SOBRE PLUTARCO. MISTICISMO Y RELIGIONES MISTERICAS EN LA OBRA DE PLUTARCO. ACTAS DEL VII SIMPOSIO ESPANOL SOBRE PLUTARCO (PALMA DE MALLORCA, 2-4 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2000) (Madrid & Malaga 2001) 577pp. [ISBN 84-7882-461- 8]. 022.2.03 Plutarque, VIES PARALLELES, tr. A.-M. Ozanam, comm. C. Mosse, J.-M. Pailler, R. Sablayrolles; P. Payena, Dic- tionnaire de Plutarque (Paris 2001) 2291pp. 022.2.04 Statius, THEBAIS 12.312-463, introd., transl. comm. M. Hoffman (Goettingen 1999) 99pp. [ISBN 3-89744-104-7]. 022.2.05 L. Van der Stockt, ed., RHETORICAL THEORY AND PRAXIS IN PLUTARCH (Louvain & Namur 2000) ix & 562pp. [ISBN 90- 429-0760-6]. ARTICLES 022.2.06 P. Angeli Bernardini, "Epinicie e iscrizioni agonistiche: un percorso da ricostruire", in M. Cannata Fera & S. Grandolini, edd., POESIA E RELIGIONE IN GRECIA. STUDI IN ONORE DI G. AURELIO PRIVITERA (Naples 2000) (ISBN 88-495-0041-6) 29-41. 022.2.07 M. Arco Magri, "La `citazione' metochitea di Pindaro", in 022.2.06: 43-49. 022.2.08 C. Barrigon, "La `logique' du recit mythique dans l'ode rhodienne de Pindare (Pind. O. VII)" KERNOS 15 (2002) 41-52. 022.2.09 A. Bresson, "Un `athenien' a Sparte, ou Plutarque lec- teur de Xenophon", REG 115 (2002) 22-57. 022.2.10 C. Brillante, "Il messaggio del poeta nel finale della PITICA secondi di Pindaro", in 022.2.06: 101-118. 022.2.11 R. Caballero, "La tradicion manuscrita del DE EXILIO de Plutarco", ANNALI/PISA (2000) 159-185. 022.2.12 M. Cannata Fera, "Il canto delle Muse e il canto del poeta (Pind. NEM. 5,22-30)", in 022.2.06: 141-147. 022.2.13 C. Carey, "The panegyrist's persona", in 022.2.06: 165- 177. 022.2.14 E. M. Craik, "Significant Language in Sophocles, ANTIGONE 1192-1243", QUCC 70 (2002) 89-94. 022.2.15 G. B. D'Alessio, "`Tra gli dei ad Apollo, e tra gli uomini ad Echecrate'. PLOUVRE E 7734 + 7733 (Pind. fr. dub. 333 S.-M.)", in 022.2.06: 233-262. 022.2.16 B. Deforge, "A propos du vers 843 des BACCHANTES d'Euripide", REG 113 (2000) 611-615. 022.2.17 P. Demont, "Lots heroiques: remarques sur le tirage au sort de l'ILIADE aux SEPT CONTRE THEBES d'Eschyle", REG 113 (2000) 299-325, esp. 315-324. 022.2.18 F. Ferrari, "MINIMA PINDARICA II", in 022.2.06: 311- 320. 022.2.19 Th. Gaertner, "Thebanischer und roemischer Buergerk- rieg. Eine literarische Querbeziehung", PHILOLOGUS 146 (2002) 375-379. 022.2.20 E. M. Griffiths, "Euripides HERAKLES and the Pursuit of Immortality", MNEMOSYNE 55 (2002) 641-656. 022.2.21 J. Holzhausen, "Pandora und Basileia. Hesiod-Rezeption in Aristophanes `Voegeln'", PHILOLOGUS 146 (2002) 34- 45. 022.2.22 A. Keith, "Ovidian Personae in Statius' THEBAID", ARETHUSA 35 (2002) 381-402. 022.2.23 L. Lomiento, "Sulla cronologia di Pind. OL. 5: une testimonianza da riconsiderare? (SCHOL. VET. 19a, b, c = Tim. FGRHIST 566 F19a, b; Philist. FGRHIST 556 F15)", in 022.2.06: 359-410. 022.2.24 D. Loscalzo, "Valutazione e destino degli atleti vin- citori", in 022.2.06: 411-420. 022.2.25 E. R. Lujan, "Una nota critica a Hesiodo TEOGONIA 885", MAIA 54 (2002) 263-265. 022.2.26 H. Maehler, "Beobachtungen zum Gebrauch des Satz- Asyndetons bei Bakchylides und Pindar", in 022.2.06: 421-430. 022.2.27 E. Masaracchi, "Euripide, FENICIE 1606ss.", in 022.2.06: 449-452. 022.2.28 C. Miralles, "L'ombra di Dioniso su Edipo", in 022.2.06: 469-478. 022.2.29 G. W. Most, "Three Notes on Sophocles' OEDIPUS IN COLONUS (100, 1501-1502, 1747)", HELLENIKA 52 (2002) 17-26. 022.2.30 G. W. Most, "Three Notes on Sophocles' OEDIPUS IN COLONUS (68-69, 755, 1640)", PHILOLOGUS 146 (2002) 252- 264. 022.2.31 N. Natalucci, "P.BEROL. 9774: lo scudo di Achille e lo scudo di Eracle", in 022.2.06: 487-497. 022.2.32 D. Nijock, "Hiat und Satzklauseln in Plutarchs Vita des Tiberius Gracchus", PHILOLOGUS 146 (2002) 87-110. 022.2.33 A. Pardini, "Alle radici di una vulgata filologica: sul testo di Pind. Ol. 2,77", RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 44 (2002) 153-161. 022.2.34 M. Parker, "The Choruses of Euripides' BACCHAE", in M. Joyal, ed., IN ALTUM (St. John's Newfoundland 2001) 243-271 [ISBN 0-88901-351-9]. 022.2.35 P. Piccinin, "A propos de deux passages des oeuvres de Salluste et Plutarque", HISTORIA 51 (2002) 383-384. 022.2.36 P. R. Radice Colace, "Le BACCANTI di Euripide: tragedia come lessico, lessico come tragedia", in 022.2.06: 575- 584. 022.2.37 I. Rutherford, "Keos or Delos? State-Pilgrimage and the Performance of PAEAN 4", in 022.2.06: 605-612. 022.2.38 P. Sante, "Pindaro, OL 14, str. A9. Nota allo scolio metrico", QUCC 70 (2002) 37-39. 022.2.39 C. Segal, "Metis, Medusa, Medea: A Mythical Pattern in Hesiod and Pindar", in 022.2.06: 613-614. 022.2.40 S. D. Sullivan, "References to `mind' in Pindar, PYTHIAN 5", ATHENAEUM 90 (2002) 548-553. 022.2.41 T. Whitmarsh, "Alexander's Hellenism and Plutarch's Textualism", CQ 52 (2002) 174-192. 022.2.42 C. W. Willink, "Critical studies in the CANTICA of Sophocles: II. AJAX, TRACHINIAE, OEDIPUS TYRANNUS", CQ 52 (2002) 50-80, esp. pp. 72-80. 022.2.43 C. W. Willink, "The Invocations of Epaphus in Aes- chylus, SUPPLICES 40-57 and Euripides, PHOENISSAE 676- 689", MNEMOSYNE 55 (2002) 711-719. PAPERS READ 022.2.44 A. Martina, "The topography of Thebes in ancient trag- edy" (in Greek). See 022.1.15 REVIEWS 022.2.45 U. Berner, R. Feldmeier, B. Heininger, R. Hirsch- Luipold, PLUTARCH, IST `LEBE IM VERBORGENEN' EINE GUTE LEBENSREGEL? (021.2.01) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 71 (2002) 306-307. 022.2.46 D. Boedeker & D. Sider, edd., THE NEW SIMONIDES (012.2.04) -[r] D. MacLachlan, AJPHIL 123 (2002) 516-521. 022.2.47 -[r] B. Lanchard, REG 115 (2002) 440-441. 022.2.48 C. Criado, LA TEOLOGIA DE LA TEBAIDA ESTACIANA (022.2.01) -[r] W. J. Dominik, CR 52 (2002) 72-73. 022.2.49 T. Duff, PLUTARCH'S LIVES (001.2.01) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 71 (2002) 304-305. 022.2.50 -[r] F. E. Brenk, CLASS.WORLD 95 (2002) 454-455. 022.2.51 -[r] P. A. Stadter, JHS 122 (2002) 174-175. 022.2.52 R. Gotshalk, HOMER AND HESIOD, MYTH AND PHILOSOPHY (012.2.06) -[r] M. Alden, CR 52 (2002) 162. 022.2.53 M. Hillgruber, DIE PSEUDOPLUTARCHISCHE SCHRIFT DE HOMERO (001.2.03) -[r] R. Lamberton, JHS 122 (2002) 173-174. 022.2.54 Plutarque, VIES PARALLELES, (A.-M. Ozanam) (022.2.03) -[r] F. Lefevre, REG 115 (2002) 447-448. 022.2.55 Sophocles, ANTIGONE (M. Griffith) (002.2.12) -[r] J. PHOENIX 55 (2001) 424-427. 022.2.56 Statius, THEBAIS 12.312-463 (M. Hoffman) (022.2.04) -[r] D. E. Hill, CR 52 (2002) 159-160. 022.2.57 M. Theunissen, PINDAR. MENSCHENLOS UND WENDE DER ZEIT (012.2.10) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 71 (2002) 259-260. 022.2.58 L. Van der Stockt, ed., RHETORICAL THEORY AND PRAXIS IN PLUTARCH (022.2.05) -[r] D. Donnet, ACLASS 71 (2002) 307-308. ----------------------------------------------------------------- TEIRESIAS is distributed by Electronic Mail and is available on request from jaschachter@compuserve.com. TEIRESIAS (from 1991 on) is also available at the World-wide Web site of the National Library of Canada: http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/teiresias/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPOT LEGAL 4e trimestre 2002/LEGAL DEPOSIT 4th quarter 2002 Bibliotheque national du Quebec Bibliotheque national du Canada/National Library of Canada