Vol 2, No 2 (2006)

Table of Contents


Queer(ing) Scholarly Research: Decentering Fixed Subjects for Implicated Subjectivities Abstract HTML PDF
David Vincent Ruffolo
A Matrix for the Comparative Study of Student Movements: Twentieth Century Latin American, U.S. and Indian Student Movements Abstract HTML PDF
Andrew Michael Boggs
Access to Post-Secondary Education and Services for Students with Learning Disabilities: Student, Alumni and Parent Perspectives from Two Ontario Universities Abstract HTML PDF
Maureen J. Reed, Tanya Lewis, Eunice Lund-Lucas
The New Scholarship and the Work of Faculty: From Adaptation to Transformation of the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Process Abstract HTML PDF
Judith Aiken, Pamela J. Kay, James Mosenthal, Phyllis Paolucci-Whitcomb


Tricks of the trade: A Report on Contemporary Grantsmanship and Fundraising Practices Abstract HTML PDF
Lisa Marie Portugal

Higher Education Perspectives. ISSN: 1710-1530