Call for Papers: Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education

Sexuality, gender, and other identity categories are policed in our everyday lives through various social, cultural and institutional practices. This journal issue will look at how various disciplines and
institutional discourses participate in the (re)production and policing of boundaries and how systemic oppression and institutional structures shape our experiences of self and others. Papers examining how these structures and discourses play out across various educational contexts are of particular interest. Questions to consider include: How do people come to understand and negotiate their identities? How are identity categories infused with one another? How are patriarchy, capitalism and other power structures invested in controlling identity? How can reclaiming identities represent an empowering act for oppressed people? Does this reclaiming of identity represent a useful act of resistance? What is the relationship between identity and cultures of resistance? How are these questions relevant to pedagogy and education? In all submissions, we challenge authors to consider the intersections of queer oppression with other forms of oppression and how these interconnections should impact our work.

Academic articles, essays, book/film reviews, and short commentaries are invited for submission. Articles should be between 4000 to 6500 words(approximately 15 to 25 pages), essays and book/film reviews should be no more than 2500 words (approximately 10 pages), and commentaries should be no more than 800 words.

All submissions should be written in French or English (Canadian spelling preferred) and formatted according to APA standards. All manuscripts should be submitted online at
Email submissions will not be accepted.

For APA format instructions, please go to this webpage:

The submission preparation checklist provides authors with instructions
for the preparation of their manuscripts. Failure to comply with these
instructions could delay publication of your article and your manuscript might be returned to you for correct preparation.

For more information about submission procedures, please visit the Author Guidelines under About on the journal site.

Please email for further information.

© 1997-2007 Women in Judaism, Inc. ISSN 1209-9392