Call for Submissions: Women in Judaism is now seeking fiction submissions.


Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal []
is now accepting fiction submissions.

Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal is an academic, refereed journal published exclusively on the Internet, and devoted to scholarly debate on gender-related issues in Judaism.

With each new issue, we’ll dedicate a section to selected works of fiction. We’re seeking relevant works dealing with Jewish and/or spiritual issues, not exclusively but preferably on women’s issues. We like original, experimental, poignant, provocative, political, personal and daring pieces. We like to test boundaries, set trends, and most importantly, encourage innovation. We don’t like poems about the weather and/or nature. There’re plenty of them around. Unpublished authors of all ages are welcome to submit their work. Genres may include poetry, short stories, short plays, chapters from a novel – the list goes on.

We only accept electronic submissions. Send your work or queries to Dina Ripsman Eylon, Editor-in-Chief at
Please include your submission within the body of the email. If your submission is very long, query first.

If we haven’t responded within a reasonable timeframe, you’re welcome to send a friendly reminder.

Even though Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal does not presently offer remuneration to its contributors, it does offer an invaluable publicity and exposure through its esteemed site. Contributors maintain the copyright to the work and may consequently publish the work elsewhere. Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal requests the following accreditation with subsequent publications: "First published in Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal at"

© 1997-2007 Women in Judaism, Inc. ISSN 1209-9392