The Cats of Parliament Hill Blog

by Klaus J. Gerken Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America, Planet Earth, the Sol Planetary system, the "Milky Way" Galaxy, the Virgo cluster of Galaxies, the Universe, and whatever is beyond or ever was before.
Latest update: Wednesday, 9 January 2008


IMPORTANT NOTICES Please under no circumstances abandon cats or kittens on the Hill or by the Cat Sanctuary. The cats will not readily accept newcomers and for the most part chase them away. Nor is it a given new cats will find the Sanctuary in search of shelter and food. Most abandoned cats are very disorientated and will just randomly wander off finding starvation and death - especially in the winter. If you can no longer care for your cat, please take her to the Humane Society where she can be well taken care of and put up for adoption. This is what we do for any abandoned cat we find. And it causes us great grief when we cannot capture one - which happens way too often. And if you give kittens as a gift for Christmas, ensure the person or the household you give them to can provide for them. If not, then you should reconsider your priorities. No kitten deserves to be abandoned like an unwanted toy. Owning a pet is a serious responsibiliy. If you don't share that feeling, you shouldn't own a pet. It's as simple as that. Abandoning your pet is a criminal offence with up to 2 years in jail. Perhaps you who would be so callous should think about that. Treat your pets well, and they will reward you with unconditional love for the rest of their lives. Should we all care so much as they care for us. Klaus J. Gerken Before you abandon a pet you can no longer care for, please contact these organizations:
Previous logs are available at the Library and Archives Canada: All photographs by Klaus J. Gerken unless otherwise stated.
Comments are always welcome: Please send any comments to (We reserve the right to publish any comments on this blog).
Invitation I would like to invite anyone who has recollections or photographs of the colony before the present condos were built; especially any recollections or photographs of Irene Desormeaux before Rene Chartrand took over caring for the cats, or even prior to that, to send them to . We are trying to establish a definitive history of the cat colony for a book to be published in the next year or so.
A Brief History of the Cats of Parliament Hill There is a story that Colonel By brought hundreds of cats with him when he built the Rideau Canal in 1826, to take care of the rodent population, but unfortunately that cannot be confirmed. What can be confirmed is that cats were employed in the Parliament Building (as in many other building) as pest control until 1955 when they were replaced by chemicals. Until 1970 ground keepers fed the cats in various locations, when Irene Desormeaux began feeding the cats where the existing colony now resides. Rene Chartrand began helping her in the mid-nineteen eighties and began building some wooden structures (some of which can still be seen) for the cats to keep warm in. In 1987 when Irene passed on to take care of stray cats in a greater colony beyond this world, Rene took over and loyally fed the cats to this day. In 1997 Rene and a friend built the existing structures. Brian Caines began helping about that time, and I began helping out in 2003. That year brian and I decided to put together a support team to ensure that Rene would be ok (he's in his mid-eighties now) and that the cats would always be well provided for. We now have a team of eight caregivers who volunteer their time to this amazing cause. * The cast of characters: Irene Desormeaux (Who started it all in the 1970's) Rene Chartrand (Who took over when Irene passed on in 1987 and maintains the colony till this day -- he built the shelters in 1997) The Support Team: Brian Caines (Ensures the colony's health and welfare) Klaus Gerken (Official Photographer, and Keeper of the Blog - I do the weekend shift) Laura Jaremkow Lorraine Milobar Sally Sax Helene Pomerleau Kathryn Bunn Leyla Di Cori Heather Ferguson Sebastien Badour Christ Oliver - Author of "Fish Lecan, Maria Dorfinkley et les Chats de la Colline du Parlement" and the blog below: The Alta Vista Animal Hospital (For medical care). Purina for cat food. And a host of many others. And the cats: *Coco (RIP 2005) *LePune (Lost 2003 and perhaps sister to Brunette and Lulu) *Big Mama (RIP 1985? to 2006) The white mother and her brood: Thumbelina Snowball (AKA Six Toes - lives with the white mother on the east side of the Hill) *Kid Jr (lost 2006) *Blanchette (lost in 2003) Blackie Fluffy Brownie *Lulu (lost 2004 and sister to Brunette) Brunette Ti-gris Bebe (Integrated 2000) Bruno (2003/4 - adopted by myself Feb 2004 - and flourishing) *Smokey and her three kittens living in the West Block ( put up for adoption fall 2004 because they could not integrate, no matter how much Smokey tried) *Monty (lost 2004) *The black and white we never got to name who only stayed a month (summer 2004) Spot (Integrated 2004) *Samantha (Lost Nov 2004) Max (Integrated 2005) Shadow (Integrated 2005 - but probably there earlier and the father of Smokey's kittens)) *Penelope (Abandoned Christmas 2005 - taken to the Humane Society Feb 2006) Lillian-Wentworth (Integrated 2007) *Phoebe (The new white - taken to the HS by Brian and Laura 18 June 2007) *Hero (15 years old - abandoned - taken to the HS for adoption) *Mike the cabbie (Abandoned July 2007 - Named by Joanne Stanbridge) - Taken to the Humane Society 24 July 2005. And so many others who just walk in and out or are adopted when we can catch them.
Note for all: As Rene Chartrand is now in his mid-eighties several years ago Brian Caines and I decided to put together a support team so we check on the cats to ensure that Rene has been there to care for them on the previous day and to leave some food and water in case he would be unable to make it for whatever reason. To date Rene has not missed a day and is still, and always will be the primary caregiver. Besides, our help allows him to take the occasional well deserved day off, especially when the weather is bad.

The Blog

Klaus Gerken Saturday, 1 December 2007 Morning:
-15C and only Fluffy was brave enough to come out and greet me

Those who ate ate well

Shadow watching over the proceedings

One final photo before I left

Bebe and Brownie waiting for a warm lap

Shadow in his inimitable way

Max before he jumped into my arms and stayed there for almost half an hour while I waited for Brian and Helene to bring Lillian-Wentworth back to the colony

Visitors with treats

Max in my arms and Bebe on my lap

Lillian-Wentworth being released back into the colony

Helene and Lillian-Wentworth

Helene and Fluffy

Helene and Bebe, with Max in the background

Brian and Helene; Shadow and Brownie

Approaching the colony - Christmas lights


Fluffy alone in the back hamper - I guess the cold didn't bother him all that much

Klaus Gerken Sunday, 3 December 2007 Morning:
Max coming to greet me

The condos -17C - you can see Bebe in one of the shelters

Fluffy and Blackie


A frantic feed before they retreated into their shelters

The noon day cannon an a very cold winters day

Everyone eating just before I left

Aproaching the colony...

Max greeting me

Blackie and Shadow

Fluffy and Max helping me bring some dry food to Thumbelina's spot

Brownie and Fluffy

Fluffy and Shadow

Visitors and Fluffy

* Brian Caines Sun 02/12/07 11:50 AM Hello All: I had my usual Sunday morning routine of meeting Laura on the Hill. Ben was also visiting. The cats were well fed and watered as Klaus had been there earlier. We dropped over to the vent and both the White Mother and Snowball came up to enjoy some wet food. Neither ate a lot which leads me to believe that they do go to the compound to eat at some point during the day. Good news though-the White Mother did take her pill against tape worm. I had to keep moving it in her food (Yuck!) until she finally ate it, but eat it she did! I don't think I'll be as successful with the round worm medicine. Somehow I just can't see holding her while squirting the liquid down her throat! L and I went to see if we could see Lillian on Queen Vic Hill but he was nowhere to be seen. Thumbi came running out so I gave her the food that remain after feeding Snowball and WM. I am hoping that we will have less snow than predicted. I do not relish shovelling both the driveway at home and at the colony. But winter has arrived and it is Ottawa, so I should be positive and look at it as a fitness activity. Brian

Brian Caines Mon 03/12/07 1:33 PM Hello All: What a morning!! It took me twice as long to walk to the Hill as usual and then when I arrived at the colony I found it covered with lots and lots and lots of snow. It took me an hour and a half to clean it off and to get around to feeding the cats. Let me say I was pining for 32 degrees and 100% humidity. And then when I got home it took another hour and a half to clear the driveway. To say I have seen enough snow to last the rest of the winter is an understatement. I phoned Rene and told to stay at home because of the weather and I am hoping that he will listen. It doesn't appear that he went to the Hill yesterday either so our feeding the cats in the morning is a great idea. You'll be glad to know that when I arrived Lil was at the colony in one of the condos. He came out to greet me and he's looks pretty good. He ate some food but when Shadow made an appearance they had a staring match. (BOYS!!!) LW backed down first and went under he platform. But at least he is staying with the colony. I fed Thumbi under the bench at the noon-day gun as the walk way to Queen Vic Hill was not passable. I called her and she made an appearance after she meowed a few times to let me know she was coming. I didn't feed Snowball, the White Mother or the new cat as I was feeling quite tired at that point. Although the pathway was ploughed to the colony they didn't go any further around the back of the Centre Block. I thought that was really nice of Lafleur as they hadn't completed some of the main walkways on the Hill. The three will come to the colony to eat I am sure. One additional thing. I noticed that the bottom of some of the bowls being used for water were cracking. It seems that when they are filled to the top and the water freezes, the bottom expands and cracks. I suggest that we only fill the bowls 2/3 full to give it plenty of room for expansion without applying too much pressure to the bottom. I'm off to take a nice looooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggg hot bath. Brian PS. When will spring come?? * Sebastien Badour Mon 03/12/07 7:26 PM Hi Brian, Snowball and the White Mother were fed twice today (first at noon, and then during the evening). The White Mother in particular was extremely reluctant to come up from her vent to the pathway, but after a few false starts she finally made it up. The deep snow was very tough for both of them, but it must have been ten times tougher for Thumbelina. I could see her tracks when I went up to QV Hill at noon and she must have done a lot of ploughing -- it looked like she first climbed to her feeding spot on QV Hill and then went down to the bench near the cannon. She is one resilient cat. I am happy she got fed today.
Brian Caines Tue 04/12/07 2:17 PM Hello All: Today was much better than yesterday; thankfully! Although there was shovelling that had to be done, it was not too bad. Not much had fallen overnight and it was light and the morning was not too cold. Needless to say I was in a much better mood. (This morning I did have to shovel all the snow that was ploughed back into the driveway, however. (GRRRRRRR!!!) Lillian was at the compound again and he seems to have claimed a condo in the back. He certainly held his own (with Brownie, this time) and he and Shadow ignored each other. I got a look at his naughty bits and they seem to be healing quite nicely. And I was able to give the last of the tapeworm pills to Blackie and Ti-Gris. All done!! I left food for Thumbi under the bench at the noon-day gun and although I called she did not turn up. I also brought a bowl of dry and wet food to the White Mother and Snowball and the new one, but only Snowball made an appearance. She is a determined little thing when it comes to trail-breaking through the snow. (Thanks for going over to feed them yesterday Sebastien; most appreciated.) Brian
Brian Caines Wed 05/12/07 12:09 PM Hi All: What a pleasure it was up on the Hill this morning. The sun was shining, the cats were all out and about and being quite rambunctious and Lorraine was there. It was nice to see that Lillian is staying with the colony and that he has claimed a condo as his own. He continued to eat while Shadow was close by so it seems that they are coming to some type of truce. No doubt there will be spats from time to time, but I am hoping the worse has passed. Rene was at the Hill yesterday. I noticed that he had shovelled a pathway to the cats' favourite chair and to the styrofoam containers on which they like to sleep on. He always thinks of the cats and their comforts. I went over and gave Thumbi some food. She came down through the snow to greet me and I was able to hold her for awhile. L and I brought some food to the White Mother and Snowball. We called but neither made an appearance. I sometimes wonder if we are doing the right thing by feeding the whites separately, but I worry that they may be chased from the colony and not eat for some time. What does the group think? When we left at just after nine, most of the cats were in their condos enjoying the sunshine as it streamed into their cubicles. Life is sweet. Cheers, Brian
Brian Caines Thu 06/12/07 5:23 PM Hello All: The latest Centretown News has the article on cats abandoned on the Hill. It's pretty good except a photo of my father accompanies the article. Surely t hat man is not me!! I picked up some additional copies and I can leave them in the carrier on Monday. It's also available at Hartman's Bank Street entrance. The December 7 edition is not yet on the Centretown News web-site. Brian PS. Max makes the front page-check out the upper right.
Brian Caines Sat 08/12/07 1:22 PM Hi All: When I got to the Hill at around 10 this morning the sun came out and the sky was blue, so I had a pleasant hour with da puddies. Of course, the usual suspects were waiting in ambush for my arrival. All were fed including Thumbelina who was meowing so loudly from her bench near the gun that she attracted my attention. When I called her she came running but would not enter the precinct. I ended up going to feed her. I do believe she's getting spoiled by all the individual attention she receives. I also brought food to the White Mother and Snowball but there was no response to my call. They had eaten most of the food that Lorraine had left them yesterday so I assume that they are still in the same place. Certainly there are footprints about. I met a nice couple who brought some special treats for the gang. They had adopted two abandoned kittens that had been found in a MacDonald's garbage can at a few days old and taken to a North Gower shelter. Can you believe it?? You can read their story on the Village Kitten Rescue web-site ( When you enter he site click on "Kittens to Adopt" and then click on the the top photo for their story. Brian
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 9 December 2007 The cats were all out and about. Laura and Brian came by just as I was leaving, so I stayed till noon. I went back around 4 and met Sally, who dropped by briefly to visit with Thumbelina and Lillian-Wentworth.
Max, Blackie and Fluffy coming out to reet me. Brownie is in the compound

Feeding time


Brownie showing Shadow who's top cat

Brownie on my lap

Brunette and Ti-Gris

The Starlings are hanging around - mild winter ahead?

Laura with Brownie and Lillian-Wentworth


Me and Laura and friends (photo by Brian Caines)

Laura and visitors

Max, Fluffy, Brownie and Bebe on the bench with me


The Ottawa River from the Noon Day Cannon

Shadow and Lillian-Wentworth got into a terrible spat just as I was leaving. I had to take them both by the neck and seperate them. Shadow went to the back of the compound and LW stayed near the gate. They'll will eventually work it out. Good to see LW standing his own ground.

Brian Caines Mon 10/12/07 10:29 AM Hello All: I met Helene on the Hill this morning. It was lovely to get together as it has been a while since we last saw each other. The usual suspects were all fed and watered. We went to the Noon-Day Gun and called Thumbi who came bounding through the snow. As a reward, we treated her to wet food which she enjoyed. The White Mother was at her bowl so I was able to give her some wet food as well. I called Snowball but she did not make an appearance and I have not seen the new cat that Sebastien saw a while ago. I spent a few minutes on the bench and Max, Blackie and Brownie joined me; Brownie and Max on my lap. However, there was a spat between the two boys and Brownie chased Max back to the structure. Max was smart though; he jumped up on the overhang and Brownie did not! Brian
Leyla Di Cori Tuesday, 11 Dec 2007 210pm Hello everyone! I hope this messages finds you all doing well, same for the kitties that I miss so much!!! I haven't had the time to check my Hotmail in a while and when I did, I realized I had over 353 messages to process!!! Yikes... Taking a break from Hotmail can be time consuming! I wanted to wish you all very Happy Holidays! I'm almost done with Hanukkah but am looking forward to New Years and some other X-Mas celebrations with friends. Some of you might remember my good old stray Hobo. He still visits me and I'm happy to say that his conjunctivitis is MUCH, MUCH better. I am able to clean him almost daily and have use the ointment on him. He has no more puss! His eyes are still half shut but I don't think that will improve, as he was treated so late into the infection... I also take care of another little black stray. He looks exactly like Spot! I have build little sheds for them and I can assure you , they are VERY well fed cats. Adaptation between both has been tough. Hobo is very peaceful and quiet and Ti-Minou (the black one) is fierce and aggressive. I had to stop some fights and yes, I have been scratched a few times!!! LOL Here are some recent pics of them. I hope you'll enjoy them. Please tell the cats I miss them and I do hope to make it to Ottawa to go visit them! Be well all! Warmly yours, Leyla
Hobo (Photo by Leyla Di Cori)

Hobo (Photo by Leyla Di Cori)

Ti-Minou and Hobo (Photo by Leyla Di Cori)

* Brian Caines Tuesday, 11 Dec 07 320pm Dear Leyla: Thank you so much for your update on Hobo and the new addition, Ti-Minou. It's nice that you have made shelters for them so they will be comfy over the cold months ahead. I am sure the the two of them will work it out their spats. Boys!! If Shadow and Lil have come to some sort of accommodation, your two will as well. It's nice to see that Hobo's eyes are doing so much better because of your dedication and loving care. He is one lucky puddy to have you looking out for him! Holiday greetings! Brian PS. The Cat Caregivers will give the cats a few extra cuddles for you.

Brian Caines December 12, 2006 5pm Hi All: When I got to the Hill this morning Lorraine and Laura were there shovelling all the snow that fell overnight. I think they did a wonderful job clearing up and I did a great job of supervising. Thumbi was at the cannon and Lorraine spent a few minutes with the White Mother. The other cats were all counted for and seem to be adjusting to the cold. Those condos looked mighty comfy! . . .
Brian Caines Thursday 13 Dec 2007 4:44pm Hello All: I thought this tid-bit from the Social Studies section of the Globe and Mail of 2007-12-12 would be of interest: Cats live independent - some say selfish - lives, but it seems even Rome's streetwise alley cats are chivalrous when it comes to food. Many social animals have pecking orders in which the largest males tend to dominate. Roberto Bonanni of the University of Parma in Italy and colleagues found that feral cats in a courtyard in Rome also had a pecking order, determined by displays of aggressive or submissive behaviour. When near the food dish, however, females became dominant - the first time this has been documented in mammals. "Female cats precisely hit males on the head with a paw, and take over the food dish", the researcher said. And although the adults treated kittens as low-ranking, the kittens were allowed to eat first. Our females seem to be better behaved and more mannerly that their Roman sisters! Brain
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 16 Dec 2007 Just a quick note for anyone who might be concerned for cats in this horrendous snowstorm: I fed the cats around 8 this morning and left enough food to last them till tomorrow. I also phoned Rene around 11 and told him to stay home. He thanked me and said he was happy to hear that the cats we well taken care of. Otherwise I will update the site with some new photos from Saturday and today at some point either later today or tomorrow.
Klaus Gerken Monday, 17 Dec 2007 Sorry about the lack of updates, but I have had a major computer crash and am slowly recovering files and trying to get my Internet connection back to where I can maintain my site. As everyone must know by now, we have been in the grips of a monster (even for Ottawa) snow storm. I managed to feed the cats on Sunday before the worst of it. Saturday was a cold but ok day and I spent some time with Max curled up in my arms, and then with Thumbelina. Saturday: 15 Dec 2007
On a cold day - warm friends

Give me time - the food is there. Fluffy and Max

Everyone happy warm and fed

Blackie and Brunette sharing some warm water


Fluffy and Brownie

Max in my arms and Brownie on the blanket I put down to warm the a part of my vulnerable anatomy

The big guy, Shadow - and believe me, he is getting big

Thumbelina - how she snuggled up to me!

Some visitors who remembered visiting the cats about 15 years ago

Leaving the colony and visitors still arriving

Sunday: 16 Dec 2007
What a diference a day makes - and the storm has hardly begun

Fluffy and Max greeting me. Brownie in the cubicle

Flufy and Max after Fluffy gave Max a swat

Max, Fluffy and Brownie waiting to be fed


Fluffy, Max and Shadow just befre I left - the wind was devistating

The Noon Day Cannon

Looking back on the colony - the cats had all retired to warmer places

The full brunt of the storm from my window

...And Bruno, of course, knows how to keep warm...

Joanne Stanbridge Sunday, 16/12/07 Hey Klaus, Just a note to say that I've been thinking of all of you--cats and volunteers--all day long. WHAT a storm! It has been terrible in Kingston, alternating between snow and ice pellets...and I can see on the weather map that Ottawa has been hit even harder. I saw your blog-entry this morning and can only imagine what it was like trying to get up the Hill in this weather. You guys are heroes, that's all I can say. I know the cats must be hunkered down tonight in their condos and hamper and other favourite hiding spots. And the temperature seems to be rising, which is good. But I've been reading the blog entries about Brian's recent career as Snow-Shoveller Extraordinaire. I can only imagine what he's thinking as the snow piles up again today. Yikes! Hope all is well with you, Klaus. I wonder if Bruno is looking out the window and thinking, "Hmm...there but for the grace of God (and Klaus) go I..." I expect he's made himself extra-cozy today and I hope you have, too. Charlie and Meesha and I have enjoyed hanging out inside, just wrapping a few Christmas presents and doing some chores. As I type this, I can hear the snow blowing hard against the windows...what a day! Cheers and good wishes to you. Stay warm! Jo * Sebastien Badour Sunday, 16/12/07 7:56 PM Hi, I dropped by the colony on my way back from the gym at around 1PM. I had never seen so much snow on the Hill. Due to the absence of tracks in the snow, it was clear that Snowball and the White Mother had not ventured away from their vent, a wise decision. Despite the harsh conditions, I went to the bench by the cannon and called for Thumbelina. To my surprise, she responded via her characteristic meow. It was clear however she was unable to come to the bench due to the deep snow. I decided to blaze a path towards her on the shoulder of QV Hill. It was treacherous, as the snow was more than two feet deep, but I eventually made it to where she was (she was sitting on a branch, above the snow). I gave her a tin of wet food and then decided to head back home. On my way back (I walking down towards Wellington Street), I realized that I had a second tin of wet food in my bag (the tin I was going to give Snowball and the White Mother had I seen then). So headed back to give it to Thumbelina. I again had to blaze through the snow. I eventually saw Thumbelina again and she followed me back to the bench. I gave her the second tin of wet food. After eating it, she sat on my lap. I then noticed that she was covered in chunks of ice and shivering. She had obviously spent a great deal of time exposed to the elements. After about an hour later, Helene came by. Thumbelina was in dire straights and in danger of not surviving the night. So we made the decision not to leave her outside. I told Helene that I would take her home with me. Helene went back and got the pet carrier. When she saw the carrier, Thumbelina started to run away. However, I was able to entice her to come back. We picked her up, put her in the carrier and walked to the West Block. Given the weather, the likelihood of getting a cab was remote. So I headed home by bus and came back with my car. I put Thumbelina in the car and drove back home. She is now in my basement, where she is dry and warm. It breaks my heart to take her from the Hill, but with the conditions today and the deep snowpack (even though it's not winter yet), I don't think she would survive the winter. I could never forgive myself if I left her there and she died of hypothermia. Anyway, I don't know what to do next. I've bought a litter box and cross my fingers that she will use it for the time being. Sebastien * Brian Caines Sunday, 16/12/07 8:46 PM Hi S: I am glad to hear that you took Thumbi out of the terrible snowstorm you have been having. That she allowed herself to be caught tells me something. I guess you have a decision to make . I hope she takes to the litter. Even if you take her back to the Hill you will have saved her from a terrible storm. Victoria has no snow, of course but today was incredibly windy. We drove to the shoreline and watched the waves crash over the breakwater. I haven't seen anything like it since leaving Newfoundland over 30 years ago. Spectacular. Brian PS. Keep us posted
Sally Sax Monday, 17/12/07 9:16 AM Good luck with Thumby Sebastien, I was worried about her this weekend too. I'm glad she's safe and warm! sally * Lorraine Milobar Monday, 17 December 2007 1020am Hi Gang: I was there this morning around 8:40 a.m. to feed our little friends. It wasn't so bad though they had not removed the snow to get to them nor obviously to get to the White Mother and Snowball. They all ate and now are enjoying the sun either sitting on the deck or inside their condos. I read Sebastien's message and I now understand why Thumbelina did not show up. I did though leave some dry food and a thin a Seafood Supreme not knowing she was not there I am so happy to hear that you have brought dear Thumberlina to your home Sebastien. Personnally, Sebastien if Thumbelina adjusts and you want to keep her I will not stop you and give you any help you need. I went down to bring dry and soft food to the White Mother and Snowball. I suddently saw the White Mother trying to get up the hill and could not and returned to her little habit. I decide to give it a try and bring the food to them by climbing the fence and sliding almost half way where they were but then I realize what if I could not come up and decided to climb back. I wanted so much to bring them their food. Next time I will bring a rope and attach the bowl and slowly bring down to them. I thing that even if the food ends up in the snow at least they will have it to eat. I did not see Sparky and I sure hope that the bird Sebastien saw did not try something on him as he did with the poor little pigeon. Last year in Rockland a "hibou" tried to pick up a little dog but his owner was quick enough to run after the bird and was able to save his little dog with few stitches need. It was in the newspaper. Have a nice day all. Lorraine * Helene Pomerleau Monday, 17 December 2007, 612PM Hi all! Klaus, for the blog here's a big thanks to the two visitors who offered me to help me with the snow at the Cat sanctuary yesterday. They also gave me some wet food for the cats. I gave them some which they enjoyed quickly before to get back in the condos. Lorraine, don't worry for Sparky (Spot), he was in a condo with Fluffy, Bebe and Blacky at lunch time. He's in a good shape. And again, I met two visitors who had given some wet food to the cats and they gave me a few cans for later. Thanks to them. See you later! Helene * Brian Caines Monday, 17/12/07 11:17 AM Hello All;: Here's a CTV Video that my brother has sent to me from the Globe & Mail web-site. View 'Winter's Blast' to see the cat Colony and our dear Thumbi bring rescued!! Glad I missed the storm. Brian * Helene Pomerleau Monday, 17/12/07 6:12 PM Hi all! Klaus, for the blog here's a big thanks to the two visitors who offered me to help me with the snow at the Cat sanctuary yesterday. They also gave me some wet food for the cats. I gave them some which they enjoyed quickly before to get back in the condos. Lorraine, don't worry for Sparky (Spot), he was in a condo with Fluffy, Bebe and Blacky at lunch time. He's in a good shape. And again, I met two visitors who had given some wet food to the cats and they gave me a few cans for later. Thanks to them. See you later! Helene * Sebastien Badour Monday, 17/12/07 7:46 PM Hi everyone, I just came back from work and Thumbelina seems to be ok given the circumstances. I gave her some wet food again, as she did not eat all of the food I left her this morning. It seems that she only eats when I am around. After that, I saw her use the litter box (the suggestion from Helene and Brian worked). She then climbed up the stairs and explored the ground floor. After a couple of minutes, she went back to the "familiar" confines of my basement. I guess she'll expore the upper two floors some other day. At noon, Helene and I went to the vent where Snowball and White Mother hang out. I heard some meows, but did not see either cat. I decided to go down to the vent to deliver some food and to create a path for them to come up in the future. It was difficult going, as the snow was deep and, most problematic, very soft. I did my best to create some sort of stable and hard-packed path for them to climb up in the future. I also removed some branches that were blocking the way. I was able to get a close up look at the vent, which is more like a deep cavern. There is a metal fence at the opening, which prevents humans from entering and makes it difficult to lay down some food that is not exposed to the elements. I did empty a full bag of Temptations and put down the bowl that Loraine had brought in the morning. I saw some paw tracks at the edge of cavern, but did not see either white even though I called out for them. They must have been scared when I came down. However, I was happy to learn that Loraine saw the White Mother alive in the morning. I was most worried about her because she is now quite weak at the best times. Hoperfully, Snowball is ok as well. In addition to the metal fence, there is a screen with two openings about twenty feet inside the cavern. I suspect the two whites went farther inside and I don't really know what's on the other side. The cavern itself is very inhospitable (bare concrete, and the warm air comes from two outlet pipes that are elevated and thus do not warm the cavern very much). It's a terrible place, really. I dropped by again in the evening but, despite my calls, I saw neither cat. I'll try again tomorrow. I'd like to bring down a lot of dry food, but I don't have any. Sebastien * Heather Ferguson Monday, 17/12/07 7:55 PM Hi, what amazing stories coming off the Hill these days. Christmas came early. Heather. * Brian Caines Monday, 17/12/07 10:38 PM Hi S: I am glad that Thumbi figured out what the litter box is for! You may have to replace the litter a little more than with a regular house cat until she gets completely used to it. I wouldn't go down to the air vent if I were you, certainly not after having blazed a trail for the girls. I would think it's pretty dangerous and if you were to hurt yourself no one may notice. I am sure WH and Snowball will make their way to the top of the hill to the food. I am curious about having a look at the vent after reading your description. Maybe in the spring! It does sound bleak. It's great that your kindness towards Thumbi made the national news. Brian
Klaus Gerken Tuesday, 18 December 2007 530am Hi everyone, I just want to thank everyone for the incredible effort to keep the colony safe. I tried to get to the Hill on Sunday twice more after feeding them in the morning (at noon and around three) but the treck proved impossible - I had to give up around Slater at noon and my back gave out trying to get there around 3. Nothing was plowed and the sidewalks were non-existant even on Monday morning! That makes the effort you put into this all the more amazing! Hopefully we won't get another snow storm like this! I think Brian is right about the whites, they have an amazing instinct for survival. I have seen the cats literarily tunnel though two feet of snow when they had to! I am glad though Thumbi is ok. I probaby wouldn't have been able to leave her out there either. k Ps: Taking another day off to rest a very very sore back...
Sebastien Badour Tuesday, 18/12/07 9:26 PM Hi Lorraine, I only read your email a few minutes ago, so I was unable to respond in time. I'm sorry. Helene did bring some dry food at noon today so we went to see what was going on with Snowball and White Mother. I decided to hike down again towards the cavern (a more appropriate term than vent), and when I got there I saw both whites deep inside. Despite my calls, Snowball immediately disappeared farther into the cavern and I lost sight of her. White Mother came towards me when I opened a cat of wet food, but then imitated Snowball and also disappeared. I also left them a big bowl of dry food. They both seemed okay, although Snowball actually looked in worse shape than White Mother. Understandably, both do not like humans invading their space. Thus, I do not plan on hiking down again, unless future snow conditions require me to do so. I think the current path is stable and compact enough for them to make it up and back down again. Further, when I'm up above, they don't come up anymore when I call them (Snowball use to come up like clock work). They need to go back to the routine from before. I went back after work (around 5:30) and called them out again but got no response. When I got there, I was surprised to see a black cat near the lookout above the cavern. I hope it was Shadow, although the cat did not look that big. Due to the darkness, I couldn't tell for sure. As soon as the cat saw me, it ran away quickly in the general direction of the colony. As for Thumbelina, for the time being, she prefers to stay in the basement. Even a bag of Temptations was not enough to entice her to leave her new sanctuary and explore the rest of the house. Sebastien * Brian Caines Tuesday, 18/12/07 10:57 PM Hi S: It's best to take it slowly and let her adjust to her new situation which I am hoping she will. Once she feels more secure she will explore further-she is a cat afterall. Brian
Lorraine Milobar Wednesday, 19 December 2007 9:56 AM Hi Sebastien: Thank you so much for the information and especially for trying so hard to bring food to our dear little White Mother and Snowball. As for Thumbelina she is behaving the same way as "Mama" who passed away in Summer 2006. I brought her to a vet than my home to stay because she was not well and needed special care. She was staying in the basement too and when I would arrive from work she would stay with me on the first floor and also sleep with me. She loved to cuddle. She used the litter cat as my other cats believe it or not. It was like she had used a litter all her life...down memory lane this morning.... Thanks again for everything. They appreciate it and SO DO WE! Hi Gang: I was there this morning and saw all of them, except for the White Mother and Snowball. I called but nothing. I did leave a bowl of dry and wet food. Thanks to Sebastien the path looks really good for them to come up.
Klaus Gerken Saturday, 22 Dec 2007 Went down between 8 an 9 this morning and had a fine greeting from all the cats. The waether was mild and even Lillian-Wentworth made an appearance, especially when the pigions came close and roosted in the branches by the colony. I left the whites some dry food and noticed there were paw prints to the bowl, so I know they are about. I also saw some paw prints in the snow leading to the colony, so I know the whites have been for a visit.
The colony a week after a horrendous snow storm

Lots of meows from Fluffy...

Fluffy and Shadow

Bebe and a squirrel that got away from her

Brownie and Fluffy

Waiting to be fed - Fluffy, Spot, Brownie, Blackie and Max

Fluffy, Spot and Brownie

Lillian-Wentworth makes an appearance


The pigeons are getting way too tame

The bowl for the white Mother and Snowball...paw prints show they come up for food

Lillian-Wentworth entralled by the pigeons

Brownie, Max and Blackie

Blackie going for a walk down the hill


Brunette, Shadow, Brownie and Blackie just before I left

Laura Jaremkow Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 Hey everybody... So, last night after work i decided to have a breather and went up to see the kitties. There were a lot of people visiting, but no actual cats to be seen. i was quite surprised what with it being such a 'warm' evening, but who knows these crazy cats. After a short wait, Lillian-Wentworth came out said howdee and started rolling about in the snow. i wandered over to the bench and laid down my mini-blanket, which brought LW over quite quickly. He jumped on the bench with me and started getting quite nutty-happy at that moment of being on something soft and squishy. After about 10 minutes of blanket kneading he sat up and started looking at me; i did the knee tap to let him know he could climb up, he looked around, as though to make sure nobody was coming, and then jumped aboard. Now, i don't know if this was a new thing, but omigosh was i ever thrilled. LW curled up after turning in cirlces (kind of like a dog), tucked his nose in my hand and had a nap. i would say we stayed like that for about 45 minutes, when i finally had to leave or freeze. There were occasional interruptions of visitors walking by and being hugely impressed by Lillian, but it was otherwise just fabulous. Merry Christmas to me! Have a great day everyone. Beware of any potential flooding. .:laura:. * Kathryn Bunn Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 11:09AM Well. LW has been sitting on my lap for the past 2 months since it started getting cold. I am such a sucker that I stayed around for a bit more than an hour while he sleep on my lap and I covered him with my long jacket. My hands were frozen afterwards. He is quite an affectionate bugger. I just wish all the cats would get along. I had Brownie and LW on my lap early last week. I kept sitting there wondering how long the calm moment would last. Of course 5 minutes later Brownie and LW were having a staring match on my lap and Brownie and LW went off on each other with Brownie giving LW I might swat and bite on the neck. Brownie scampered off. Glad to hear he is friendly with you and others! Give my love to the cats. I am in Toronto for a week but returning to Ottawa December 30th. I imagine the cats will be huddled indoors today. It has been pissing rain since early this morning and it is headed to Ottawa. If it keeps raining the remaining bit of snow here will be gone. It is mildly disgusting. It is "snirty" (Snow + dirt = snirt). See you all in the New Year. Kat * Klaus Gerken Sunday 23 Dec 2007 Some photos from today:
Dull dark rainy day - even Bruno didn't want to get up

Max and Spot - the first to greet me

Then the others

Lillian-Wentworth stayed in his cubicle

Brownie and Fluffy

Max helping me get water - he was such a meow mix

Brunette when we got back

Max tagging along when I brought food to the whites

View from the Hill

Back at the colony

Bebe and Max when I sat with them and Brownie on the bench

Bebe chasing snow mice

Leaving the colony just before the rain began

Lorraine Milobar Monady, 24 December 2007 10:07 AM Hi Gang: I got back from the Hill around 9 a.m. from feeding our dear little friends. Except from missing the sun early this morning, it was almost a perfect morning. I do say "almost" because of the sun not showing but also a little fight between Lillian and Max when I arrived. Not sure but I think Lillian started it so as you can imagine I had a little talk with him.... Max finally showed up at the end and stayed in one of the condo and I brought to him his bowl of soft food (Seafood Supreme that he loves so much!). He then when to sleep with Baby and Fluffy where I keep warm blankets for them (in the plastic bin at the back). I believe Brownie joined them later. As for Blackie when I left he remained in his condo, though I am certain he will join the bunch eventually in the bin. Brunette was there, Blackie, Sparky, Shadow. Ti-Gris as usual left when I arrived. I brought a bowl of dry food to the White mother and Snowball but did not see them though I called and called. Best regards Lorraine * Sebastien Badour Monday, 24 Dec 2007 4:11 PM Hi Lorraine, When I dropped by at around 1:30, I was able to see Snowball and White Mother. Despite the snowsquall, they came up when I called them and both had no difficulty climbing up the path. Thanks to yesterday's rain, the snow is no longer "bottomless" and it is much easier for them to move around. Sebastien
Klaus Gerken Tuesday, 25 December 2007 Went down around 8 this morning to feed the gang. And a wonderful morning it was. Just around freeezing with bright sunshine. All the cats were in a fine mood, contented and quite hungry. Some generous benefactor left quite a bit of cat food, and we extend our most gracious gratitude for the donation. I did take the can's of wet food home, since they would freeze otherwise and probably go bad. I didn't see Lillian-Wentworth,but all the other cats were around and about. I left the whites a generous portion of dry food, and noticed that others had also left quite a bit of food, so I think they will be fine. Since I have quite a few commitments this afternoon I'll be there bright and early tomorrow morning to feed them on Boxing Day.
The early setting moon above the colony

Fluffy and Spot coming to greet me

Spot and Max sharing a bonding moment

Spot and Shadow

Blackie, Brownie, Fluffy and Max

Gatineau from the Hill

Black squirrel

Max couldn't wait to get at the water I brought

A visitor playing with Bebe and Ti-Gris

One last look at the colony before I left for home

* Sebastien Badour Tuesday, 25 December 2007 5:11 PM Hi everyone, Here are some of the pictures of Thumbelina that I took earlier today. I hope you like them. Sebastien
Thumbelina enjoying the good life (Photo by Sebastien Badour)

(Photo by Sebastien Badour)

(Photo by Sebastien Badour)

(Photo by Sebastien Badour)

(Photo by Sebastien Badour)

* Brian Caines Tuesday, 25 December 2007 6:42 PM Hi S: Thanks for the lovely photos. She is one sweet, contented cat. I am glad to see that is so healthy and happy. She certainly looks like she is adjusting to being indoors. I hope that there have been no more accidents. I am positive that she is enjoying Christmas with you. Best wishes of the season to all the Caregivers and puddies, Brian

Klaus Gerken Wednesday, 26 December 2007 Went down between 8 and 930...full compliment...very mild day...some pix:
And out of the gate...

Spot, Max and Fluffy

Shadow always at my feet

Max and view from the colony

Fluffy just has to get at that warm water...

And Max has to join him...


Shadow and Brownie

Smile Max...

Max and the Parliament there anything more regal?

Lillian-Wentworth coming from the g knows where...

The p's will forever rule the place...

Cooper street on my way home...why? just because it was on my way - a typical Ottawa street

Lorraine Milobar Thursday, 27 December 2007 10:23 AM Hi Sebastien (and Gang): Thank you so much for the pictures. To see her in your home is the best gift I could have received. She looks wonderful and so warm I might add! I am so happy for her. Thank you so much for your generosity. Keep sending pictures if you have time, I love to look at little Thumbelina! Also thank you for letting me know that you saw the Whitemother and Snowball. I fed our little friends this morning and I called both of them but no sign... I left a bowl of dry food only because I did not know. Now I feel bad. I will make sure they have it all tomorrow morning. As for our other little friends they are all find and happy. It was so funny to see Fluffly, Blackie, Sparky, Brownie and Baby cuddling in the bin (where I leave warm blankets). They really like it. Max and I spent sometime on the bench; what a sweetie. Lillian came over and was spoiled by two visitors so it did not disturb Max so much. Lorraine
Lorraine Milobar Friday, 28 December 2007 10:21 AM Hi Gang: I got back from the Hill after feeding our dear little friends and happy to report that they are all fine and certainly enjoying the mild weather (+1C I believe!). Also very happy to let you know that I saw the Whitemother and Snowball appearing from where they are living but did not seem to want to come up. With a bit of courage I went down with my bowl of dry and wet food. I returned and got more dry and wet food for both of them. Where they are staying is obviously not the Hilton but not so bad I must admit. They are for sure protected from the cold, the wind, the rain, and the snow. Brian: I will be able to feed our little friends only Friday of next week as I am away from the office on Monday, December 31 and returning only on Thursday, January 3. I wish you all a Happy New Year and may 2008 be a year of peace and hope. Best regards! Lorraine P.S. I left the 4 little mats in the shed in case you wish to use!
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 30 Dec 2007 Went twice Saturday and Sunday...Saturday around 8am and left some wet and dry food for the whites, then again in the evening just to spend some time with them. Went down Sunday between 8 and 9 and again around 11. Spent some lovely moments with Sally de-icing the place. Saturday 29 Dec 07 Morning:
Approching the colony - note Brownie waiting for me

Blackie negotiating some wet snow I cleared before I fed them

Max as only Max can look at you

Spot, Fluffy and Brunette

Spot, Max, Brownie and Shodow

Bebe and Shadow going after chickadees

People playing and building snow figures on the Hill

Blackie, Bebe and Max in the back hamper

Lillian-Wentworth in his cubicle






Leaving the Hill

Sunday 30 Dec 07 Morning:
Snow figures built the night before

The gang

Fluffy getting some appreciated attention

Shadow doing some serious bark removal

Brownie and Shadow still have some issues to iron out



Sally, Brownie and Max


Shadow playing in the snow

Yours truly breaking ice...(Photo by Sally Sax)

Sally proving that librarians also work

Lillian-Wentworth all alone

Brownie warming his ... on one of the vents

Sally and Brownie feeding the pigeoons


Fluffy, Blackie, Spot and Max sharing accommodations

Lillian-Wentworth loved trees

Rene arrives just as Sally and I leave the Hill

Brian Caines Monday, 31 Dec 2007 12:02 PM It was great seeing da puddies after such a long break. They were all out to welcome me except Ti-Gris who kept her distance-what else is new? I notice that LW is asserting his authority so there were a few hisses and squakes and such while I was there. Even Max got into the act. Boys. Hopefully they will all calm down when he finds his place in the pecking order. At least he's staying with the group. I hope to see you all soon. Brian * Brian Caines Monday, 31 Dec 2007 12:05 PM Hi Klaus: Do you want me to feed the cats tomorrow or are you going down?? Either option is fine with me. I got a short note from rene's daughter that he is not coming to the Hill as frequently as he has been. I will let her know that the group is ensuring that the colony is fed. The cats seem to have survived the snow storm and all the inclement weather. With such a dedicated group should I be surprised?? See you soon, B * Brian Caines Monday, 31 Dec 2007 12:10 PM Hi again all: Why write one message when you can write two?? I did not get over to feed the WM or Snowball as access to the back of the Parliament Buildings has been restricted as fireworks are being set-up for this evening. I am sure the girls will make it to the colony should they get hungry enough. Kurt said there will be two fireworks displays; the first at 18:57 (the year Ottawa was chosen as the capital), the other at midnight. Brian * Klaus Gerken Monday, 31 Dec 2007 12:42PM Hi Brian, I've done every New Year for the past 6 years, and it won't be any different this year. I can't think of a better way to start the year than with the cats... I should be down around 8. k * Klaus Gerken Monday, 31 Dec 2007 12:45PM Hi Brian, I'm sure there is enough left in the large bowl of dry to sustain them till tomorrow...I'm sure the fireworks will scare the heck out of them, but they'll survive. A gritty pair those two. k * Sally Sax Monday, 31 Dec 2007 1:05 PM Hi everybody, I got let out of work early (hooray!!) so I went to bring the cats some warm water at noon. A nice lady came by with some dry and wet food; the dry is in the shed, and I took the wet home and will use it if I need to fill in for someone, or if I can arrange a handover with Brian some time. There was also a family visiting the cats with a little girl who was quite taken with them; I'm sure they'll be back to see their furry friends again as soon as they're able. Happy new year all! Sally
Klaus Gerken Tuesday, 1 January 2008 Happy New Year everyone! Cats well fed and watered this morning.
Approching the colony


Shadow and Fluffy

Everyone with their New Years day meal

Max and Shadow and the Parliament Buildings

Max, Shadow and Brunette

Blackie and the bench

The Summer Pavilion on my way back after feeding the whites

Fluffy, Bebe and Max in the back hamper

Shadow and Spot just before I left

Lorraine Milobar 04/01/08 2:06 PM Hi Gang: Just a short note to let you know that I was on the hill this morning feeding our little friends. Brian was also there but told him to go home as he was not feeling well. (Hope you feel better Brian!). Apart from Lillian attacking from behind Max whom you can imagine did not appreciate it everything turned out OK. Brunette stayed in her condo and Brian gave her share of the Seafood Supreme which was on the menue this morning. After feeding all of our little friends at the colony I prepared myself to bring the soft and dry food to the Whitemother and Snowball. When I arrived there and after calling only once or twice, the Whitemother appeared and looking at her face I could see that she did not have the strength to come up. So with a bit of courage I went down and with no problem I might add. I have to tell you the joy of watching and listening the Whitemother eating her Seafood Supreme made it all worthwhile. Snowball had vanished in one of the pipeline but I am sure after I left she came out and ate her share. You really had to see the Whitemother! Sebastien: This note is for you. Thank you for going down the first and letting us know. Unless of freezing rain it is feasible to go down. Have a lovely weekend all! Lorraine
Sebastien Badour 05/01/08 11:51 AM Hi Lorraine, Excellent news. I had been a bit concerned about White Mother during our two-day cold spell. Snowball had come up to see me on Wednesday, but it took her a lot of effort on her part to climb the hill. But there was no sign of White Mother. A quick glance on Thursday at the tracks in snow suggested that White Mother still had not come up to eat. So it's great that you were able to feed her on Friday. I'd like to let everyone know that earlier today I brought back the pet carrier and put it in the shed. The sight of me picking it up in my basement scared Thumbelina, who quickly ran back to her favourite hiding spot under the stairs. She is really terrified of that thing. Sebastien * Brian Caines 05/01/08 5:22 PM Hi S: Thumbelina must be becoming a real housecat. The only time Corry or Ebony run from us and hide is when they see the cat carrier. B
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 6 January 2008 Some photos from this weekend: Saturday, 5 January 07
Lillian-Wentworth when I arrived

Fluffy, Blackie and Brownie

The ground crew doing a fantastic job cleaning the area of snow

Max and Spot sharing a meal

Fluffy and Blackie

Brownie loves leftovers from the cans

Arrivals at the yearly "Student Parliament". Our future leaders?

Shadow as I was returning with the water

Blue fog beyond the Champlain Monument after feeding the whites

Fluffy, Spot and Max in the back hamper

View from the Noon-day Cannon as I was leaving


Lillian-Wentworth and visitors

Bebe and Helene

Lillian-Wentworth while I had Max purring on my arm


Helene and Fluffy

Lillian-Wentworth, Brownie, Max and Fluffy as Helene and I were leaving

Sunday, 6 January 2008
With mild weekend temperatures the snow is beginning to melt

Brownie the only one to greet me

Bebe and Max warm in the back hamper

Brunette is there but I haven't see Ti-Gris for a while

Brownie and Max

Max inspecting the water

Shadow on the bench when I got back from feeding the whites

More of our future leaders?

Joggers on Metcalf street on my way home

Sally Sax Wednesday, 9 January 2008 10:20 AM Hi everybody, Just a quick note to tell you that Wednesday's feeding went well, and almost everyone came out to grab a bite to eat. I ran into Brian too, who had come to treat Fluffy's eye. I didn't climb down to get to the whites, but since the rain is holding off I put some food at the top of the hill for them. I called but neither the mother or Snowball came up; I suspect they couldn't hear me over the wind. sally

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