The Cats of Parliament Hill Blog

by Klaus J. Gerken Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America, Planet Earth, the Sol Planetary system, the "Milky Way" Galaxy, the Virgo cluster of Galaxies, the Universe, and whatever is beyond or ever was before.
Latest update: Sunday, 13 April 2008


IMPORTANT NEWS Shadow has been diagnosed with an enlarged colon and therefore requires a special diet and attention. So, with much sadness for all of us, we are putting him up for adoption. Please see the email from Brian Caines and photographs for 18 March below.
IMPORTANT NOTICES Please under no circumstances abandon cats or kittens on the Hill or by the Cat Sanctuary. The cats will not readily accept newcomers and for the most part chase them away. Nor is it a given new cats will find the Sanctuary in search of shelter and food. Most abandoned cats are very disorientated and will just randomly wander off finding starvation and death - especially in the winter. If you can no longer care for your cat, please take her to the Humane Society where she can be well taken care of and put up for adoption. This is what we do for any abandoned cat we find. And it causes us great grief when we cannot capture one - which happens way too often. And if you give kittens as a gift for Christmas, ensure the person or the household you give them to can provide for them. If not, then you should reconsider your priorities. No kitten deserves to be abandoned like an unwanted toy. Owning a pet is a serious responsibiliy. If you don't share that feeling, you shouldn't own a pet. It's as simple as that. Abandoning your pet is a criminal offence with up to 2 years in jail. Perhaps you who would be so callous should think about that. Treat your pets well, and they will reward you with unconditional love for the rest of their lives. Should we all care so much as they care for us. Klaus J. Gerken Before you abandon a pet you can no longer care for, please contact these organizations:
Previous logs are available at the Library and Archives Canada: All photographs by Klaus J. Gerken unless otherwise stated.
Comments are always welcome: Please send any comments to (We reserve the right to publish any comments on this blog).
Invitation I would like to invite anyone who has recollections or photographs of the colony before the present condos were built; especially any recollections or photographs of Irene Desormeaux before Rene Chartrand took over caring for the cats, or even prior to that, to send them to . We are trying to establish a definitive history of the cat colony for a book to be published in the next year or so.
A Brief History of the Cats of Parliament Hill There is a story that Colonel By brought hundreds of cats with him when he built the Rideau Canal in 1826, to take care of the rodent population, but unfortunately that cannot be confirmed. What can be confirmed is that cats were employed in the Parliament Building (as in many other building) as pest control until 1955 when they were replaced by chemicals. Until 1970 ground keepers fed the cats in various locations, when Irene Desormeaux began feeding the cats where the existing colony now resides. Rene Chartrand began helping her in the mid-nineteen eighties and began building some wooden structures (some of which can still be seen) for the cats to keep warm in. In 1987 when Irene passed on to take care of stray cats in a greater colony beyond this world, Rene took over and loyally fed the cats to this day. In 1997 Rene and a friend built the existing structures. Brian Caines began helping about that time, and I began helping out in 2003. That year brian and I decided to put together a support team to ensure that Rene would be ok (he's in his mid-eighties now) and that the cats would always be well provided for. We now have a team of eight caregivers who volunteer their time to this amazing cause. * The cast of characters: Irene Desormeaux (Who started it all in the 1970's) Rene Chartrand (Who took over when Irene passed on in 1987 and maintains the colony till this day -- he built the shelters in 1997) The Support Team: Brian Caines (Ensures the colony's health and welfare) Klaus Gerken (Official Photographer, and Keeper of the Blog - I do the weekend shift) Laura Jaremkow Lorraine Milobar Sally Sax Helene Pomerleau Kathryn Bunn Leyla Di Cori Heather Ferguson Sebastien Badour Christ Oliver - Author of "Fish Lecan, Maria Dorfinkley et les Chats de la Colline du Parlement" and the blog below: Ben Asselstine The Alta Vista Animal Hospital (For medical care). Purina for cat food. And a host of many others. And the cats: *Coco (RIP 2005) *LePune (Lost 2003 and perhaps sister to Brunette and Lulu) *Big Mama (RIP 1985? to 2006) The white mother and her brood: *Thumbelina (Adopted by Sebastien Bador 2008) Snowball (AKA Six Toes - lives with the white mother on the east side of the Hill) *Kid Jr (lost 2006) *Blanchette (lost in 2003) Blackie Fluffy Brownie *Lulu (lost 2004 and sister to Brunette) Brunette Ti-gris Bebe (Integrated 2000) Bruno (2003/4 - adopted by myself Feb 2004 - and flourishing) *Smokey and her three kittens living in the West Block ( put up for adoption fall 2004 because they could not integrate, no matter how much Smokey tried) *Monty (lost 2004) *The black and white we never got to name who only stayed a month (summer 2004) Spot (Integrated 2004) *Samantha (Lost Nov 2004) Max (Integrated 2005) *Shadow (Integrated 2005 - but probably there earlier and the father of Smokey's kittens)) - Put up for adoption March 2008 because of special medical needs *Penelope (Abandoned Christmas 2005 - taken to the Humane Society Feb 2006) Lillian-Wentworth (Integrated 2007) *Phoebe (The new white - taken to the HS by Brian and Laura 18 June 2007) *Hero (15 years old - abandoned - taken to the HS for adoption) *Mike the cabbie (Abandoned July 2007 - Named by Joanne Stanbridge) - Taken to the Humane Society 24 July 2005. *Great Tiger (abandoned in the heaviest snowfall of the winter - rescued by Laura and taken to the Humane Society for adoption - March 2008) And so many others who just walk in and out or are adopted when we can catch them.
Note for all: As Rene Chartrand is now in his mid-eighties several years ago Brian Caines and I decided to put together a support team so we check on the cats to ensure that Rene has been there to care for them on the previous day and to leave some food and water in case he would be unable to make it for whatever reason. To date Rene has not missed a day and is still, and always will be the primary caregiver. Besides, our help allows him to take the occasional well deserved day off, especially when the weather is bad.

The Blog

Brian Caines Saturday 2008-03-01 Hello All: Let's hope that the saying "In like a lion out like a lamb" is true. I can't take another 30 days of this snow! I got up to the colony at about 10:45 this morning and did not leave until almost noon as there was just so much snow to shovel. But shovel I did and I even got around to feeding and watering the cats (including the Whites who did not make an appearance). Even though it was such a snowy morning there were a surprising number of visitors so I did have people to chat to while moving the snow from here to there. Hopefully there will be less snow there when I am there tomorrow morning. Afterwards I went to Bridgehead to warm up (I wasn't there long enough to dry off) before heading off to Gatineau for Le Salon du Livre. I got there just in time to hear Christ and Karen, as well as other children's authors speak about their books. Afterwards we went to his booth at Les Editions du Vermillon. Karen sketched a caricature of Blackie for me in my copy of the book. Lovely. I left four passes on the right-hand side hamper between the fleece and the comforter should you wish to go. Christ and Karen will be at their booth between noon and 13:00 tomorrow. It is worth going to as there are so many publishers and so many people. I was very impressed. Brian
Sally Sax Monday March 3 Hi everybody, I'm just back from a long and bone-chilling hour and half with the cats. Lillian Wentworth behaved himself pretty well today, although he seemed anxious for affection. Snowball came up for a bite to eat but I didn't see the White Mother. Much of my time was spent de-icing the platforms and surrounding areas, which was actually very satisfying! The cats have plenty of food and should be good for the rest of the day. Sally * Brian Caines Monday, 03/03/08 12:06 PM Hi Sally: Thanks for doing this. I am still waiting for the contractor as she is trying to find someone to look after her children as the school buses are not operating today. Yes breaking up thin layers of ice can be quite an invigorating, and at the same time, relaxing experience. Luckily we don't have to do it too often. I spoke to Rene and told that the cats have been fed. He didn't seem his usual self so I imagine he won't go, or at least I pray that is the case. Yes, I noticed that our Lil was well behaved when I was at the Hill this weekend. He is an exuberant little fellow and I do think that he is trying to establish his place in the pecking order. We should keep an eye on him but I am hoping that he will calm down shortly, when the spring finally hits. Brian * Sebastien Bador Monday, 03/03/08 8:41 PM Hi, I'm starting to get concerned about White Mother. When I went down to the vent on Saturday (she was unable to come up because of the fresh snow), she seemed ok and ate well. However, on Sunday, despite the nice weather, she did not appear when I called for her. Today, at noon, I went by and called her again, but there was no sign of her. I climbed down to the vent one more time (this time to break the ice), but there was no sign of her. This is the first time this has happened. On both days, Snowball showed up like clockwork. I hope she was not injured or killed by the snow-clearing. She usually bails when she sees or hears heavy machinery. However, over the past few days, they have been dumping a lot of snow and large chunks of ice right beside the vent. I hope she shows up tomorrow. Sebastien * Kathryn Bunn Monday, 03/03/08 9:06 PM Hi all! I will definitely stay on the look out for the White Mother. Haven't run into the whites myself in ages. Hope Thumbi is doing well at your place! Glad she has found a loving happy home! I was at the Hill today around 3. LW was being insanely affectionate. I mean LW is always affectionate (towards people atleast) but he was being so ridiculously friendly and adorable as if he was on some sort of drug. I was slightly overwhelmed by his affection and desire for attention. It was oh so adorable. He was sprawled on me, nudging me. However he then proceeded to groom himself on my lap and started attacking his own tail. Was ridiculously cute. Nipped a bit at me as he played/groomed his tail. Best leave kitties alone when they do their grooming. That kitty certainly has some massive teeth and sharp little claws. Also, LW has some major issues with sweet ole Brunette. LW was on my lap and Brunette was near one of the trees on the other side of the fence rubbing against some stems or something. LW immediately got distracted by her and jumped off my lap and crept towards her I tried to keep them apart but LW was a fast sucker and darted after Brunette who escaped harm by running to the back of the condos. It was really random and completely unprovoked. I was not pleased. The instant LW spotted her, his attention was immediately diverted. Brownie did come onto the bench while LW was there with me but LW did a few little meows and Brownie scampered off the bench. No real big hostility but a bit of a personality conflict. They have comfortably tolerated each other on the bench before. Kat
Lorraine Milobar Tuesday, 4 March 2008 10:06 AM Hi Gang: I was there this morning and all our little friends at the colony were there and Lillian behave very well. I went down and saw the Whitemother and Snowball and they appeared it good spirits and shape. They seemed hungry and were enjoying as usual the Seafood Supreme and warm water I brought down. I left plenty of dry food and opened two cans of soft. Lorraine
Brian Caines Wednesday, 5 March 2008 11:06 AM Hi All: My normal 20 minute walk to the Hill took 45 trudging minutes with the ice pellets blowing in my face. Nice. A fair amount had fallen at the compound when I arrived so I shovelled and cleaned up as best I could before feeding and watering the cats, of which only a few made an appearance. I also spread some sand at the "gate" as I noticed it was quite icy when I cleared the snow off the walkway. I didn't bother going to the Whites as with this heavy snowfall the bowl would be covered before they made their way up. And I am sure that Lorraine left them plenty for them yesterday. When I got got home I had a 45 minute shovelling fest to clear out the driveway so I am going to run a nice hot bath and enjoy lying in it while listening to Radio 2 and drinking tisane. Retirement ain't half bad. Brian PS. I am sure that with this heavy snowfall there's probably as much snow now on the compound as when I cleared it this morning at 8:30. * Helene Pomerleau Wednesday, 5 March 2008 12:00 Noon If necessary, I'll go after work because I can't be there at lunch. Helene * Helene Pomerleau Wednesday, 5 March 2008 7:18 PM Hi everybody, I went to the colony after work to give the cats a good meal before the night and to clean all the snow. It was my lucky day because when I arrived, Dave was there, cleaning. And my God, he did an amazing job!!! He also bought a big bag of dry food which he left in the shed. So I fed the cats and gave them warm water and I think they appeciated it. I left a little while after and Dave was still there. Thanks a lot to him! That was really nice!
Brian Caines Thursday, 6 March 2008 8:52 AM Hi David: Helene caught you out!! I understand you are the gremlin that was cleaning the cats' compound yesterday afternoon after the heavy snowfall. Thank you so much. I did my best in the morning but as the snow was still falling heavily I knew that there would lots later in the day. Your assistance really helps. The cats and the humans really appreciate you going up under the cover of darkness to ensure that everything was fine at the colony and to get rid of all the white stuff that had accumulated throughout the day. I heard that so far this year 11 feet of snow has fallen. I can believe it what with the mounds around the Hill. This too will end. Brian * Klaus Gerken Thursday, 6 March 2008 Since I haven't been down to feed the cats in a while (and I will not be so this weekend - although I might go down on Sunday - after Saturday's predicted snow fall), here are some past phhotograph which were to be part of the second calendar I had planned and never published. Most of these were taken in 2002/2003. Hope you enjoy the journey through time.
Proposed cover - Rene arriving on the Hill and being greeted by Lulu

Big Mama and Fluffy

Bebe all wrapped up

Furball - don't recall her name

Again - Brian will have to identify

I can identify Brownie, Blanchette, Brunette, Lulu and T-Gris

Thumbelina when she was still living at the colony

The colony before we painted the shelters

Regal Fluffy


Blanchette using Fluffy as a warm pillow

Fluffy and Blackie on a cold November morning

Big Mama (a.k.a Vincent because of the one clipped ear)

Brian Caines Friday, 7 March 2008 5:11 PM Hi Klaus, et al. Thanks for the "latest" photos that you have recently placed on the Blog. They put a smile on my face and brought back many warm memories of cats no longer with the colony. The photograph of dear Blanchette using Fluffy as a cushion was particularly touching. And to see Mama again is to realise how much she is missed. The unidentified long-haired tortoise shell is PomPom. In the "group photo" that follows, the two unidentified cats are PomPom and her sister/mother, La Pune. Rene was a little vague about the relationships between certain cats and as he didn't keep any records there's no way to really confirm the cats' family histories. When I started becoming involved with the colony there were five adult calico/tortoise shells; Brunette, LuLu, PomPom, La Pune and La Patte. Rene usually said that the five were sisters, but occasionally he would say that La Pune was the mother of the other four. Who knows? They were definitely family, they were in the same age group and they were all lovely. I believe LuLu was the favourite of most people. Her loud rumbling, resonant purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr could be heard from miles around it seems. Brian
Ben Asselstine 8 March 2008 11:49 AM Hi Klaus, Ben here :-) I was just at the Hill, and a Native couple mentioned that they dropped off their cat at the colony. After finding and feeding their cat, fluffy chased him up a tree. About the cat: The cat is a large short-haired grey cat with a little white patch on his chest. It goes by the name Great Tiger, or just G.T. Pass it on. Ben * Klaus Gerken 8 March 2008 Hi Ben, I passed this on to the group. But to be honest, this makes me so angry, had I been there I would have called the RCMP, detained them, called the HS and have them charged. What a despicable thing to do to a cat - especially in the winter and another monster snowstorm on the horizon. k * Brian Caines Sat, 8 Mar 2008 12:02:56 Hi All: Thanks for the info Klaus about the abandoned cat. Nice people. If anyone happens to go by the colony today and can catch the poor creature please take it to the HS. Keep receipts for reimbursement. The address and hours: Location: 101 Champagne Avenue South Ottawa (just off Carling Avenue, on e block west of Preston St.) Hours:Mon - Fri: 12pm to 7pm*Sat: 10am - 5pmSun: 9:30am - 11:30amClosed Statutory Holidays * If you go during the week before noon ring the bell at the north door and you will be let in. I will look around when I am there tomorrow morning. * Bian Caines Hello All: I will certainly check tomorrow morning when I am on the Hill. I hope the poor thing is able to find sheler on what looks to be the worse night of the winter. If anyone wants to join in feel free. Coffee afterwards?? Brian PS. Don't forget, the time goes ahead tonight. What's the saying? Spring ahead-who are they trying to fool. * Laura Jaremkow Saturday 8 March 2008 8:56 PM Hey all... i was up at the Hill this AM before work to pre-shovel for whomever was feeding the kitties. As of 9 am i'm sorry to say that there was no lost kitty to be seen. If able, i will head up tomorrow after the women's show to see if any newbies are around. they figure that the most recent biggest storm of the winter is the best time to abandon their precious cat -let's lock them out of doors in unfamiliar territory in the middle of a snow storm with unwelcoming creatures all around them and night fast approaching and see how they're feeling in the morning. .:laura:. * Klaus Gerken Saturday 8 March 2008 10:44 PM Here is a letter I just sent to the Ottawa Citizen: To those wonderful, caring people who abandoned a cat on Parliament Hill in this Monster snow storm, I have only this to say: I have never called anyone evil before, but you are evil. The volunteers could not get down in time to save this precious cat - if she surives this weather it will be a miracle (and this cat deserves a miracle). The poeple who abandoned her do not. If you have any decency left in you, surrender youself to the Ottawa Humane Society for charges of animal cruelty. What you have done is beyond any word I can find in the dictionary. Despicable would be a compliment in this case. Klaus J. Gerken
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 9 March 2008 3 AM The monster snowstorm from my window...I pray for the abandoned cat.
The storm at midnight

The storm from my window 2:45 AM

Klaus Gerken Sunday, 9 March 2008 After a most brutal snow storm I went down to the Hill around 930. Brian, Laura and Ben were already there clearing the snow and searching for the abandoned cat. Laura finally coaxed her out from under the platform and Brian brought her to the Humane Society (and what a trek that was! - see entry below). Ben and I fed the cats and then left. No snow had been cleared around the colony, so it was quite chore getting there - unfortunately my injured back is in agony at the moment - no work for me tomorrow. But all in all we are all very happy that we found the abandoned cat and that she is well and survived this monster storm. If these people are natives, as Ben stated, then the cat spirits will deal with them, and hopefully their elders will disown them.
Looking back on O'Connor Street after a long trek to the Hill

The Centre Block - Parliament Hill

Approaching the colony - and three feet of snow to trudge through

Laura, Ben and Brian. Laura is tryng to coax the abandoned cat out from under the platform

Blackie, Brownie in the cubicles, Fluffy and Max eyeing each other - Fluffy was so happy to see me he couldn't stop licking my face

Lillian-Wentworth being a real gentleman

Ben and Blackie

Success! I have him! Laura and the abandoned cat


Laura and Ben getting the cat in the carrier

Great Tiger - who would be so callous to abandon you?

Laura - deservedly proud

Laura and Ben checking on Great Tiger

Laura on her way to an appointment

Lillian-Wentworth, Blackie and Ben

Brian with the abandoned cat on his way to the Humane Society

Ben feeding the cats

One last look at the colong before leaving the Hill

Metcalf Street on my way home

Almost home - last balcony on the top right is home

* Brian Caines Sunday, 9 March 2008 12:56 PM Hello All: I stumbled to the Hill to be greeted by Ben who was shovelling off the compound and by Laura who was trying to coax GT, newly abandoned cat from out from under the platform. She could hear him but she couldn't see him. I got the cage and gave her some food and finally he made his presence known. What a good looking cat; a big boned all-grey male. Klaus arrived just as I was going to get water for our charges and when I was returning Laura was leaving as she had to meet friends at 10 but not before catching him. I left the food and water with the guys and climbed through the snow piles to Wellington/Metcalfe where Ben reminded me there was a taxi stand. No cabs. I went to the 240 Sparkes Street taxi stand. No cabs, no buses either. I passed three hotels. No cabs. I had considered phoning the HS but by the time they would be able to pick us up we'd both be frozen so I decided to keep walking. It was rough. I walked using the main streets (facing traffic!) as these routes were cleared of snow but my arms became very tired very quickly and in places the wind was cutting. But I slid, slided and slouched towards the the Humane Society and arrived almost an hour and a half after starting. Murielle, the admitting technician, kindly got me a cup of coffee to warm me up and I relaxed while she took the details. G-T is an unfixed male who she thinks he is probably a little over a year and in good health. He is such a sweet beast. Laura had no problem putting him into the cage and Murielle had no problem getting him out. Actually, he just wandered out when the cage door was opened. And although I know he was knocked about as I carried him and he was really frightened by the numerous snow-ploughs we passed enroute, he didn't fight or struggle in the cage. That would have been awful. Walking home I was dreading the thought of having to shovel out the driveway of the drifts that appeared overnight. But when I arrived Lammert had nearly finished the job so I was able to crawl into the bath and listen to Espace Musique on Radio 2. What bliss. Gradually my arms became unjellied and my back no longer ached. Not that really matters as I am just glad that Laura was able to catch the lovely fella and I was able to get him to the HS before the cold of tonight. His is registered at the HS as GT and his shelter number is A087026. Brian PS. As I was walked I thought about 'Dante's Inferno' which I read in Faith Class about 40 years ago; no doubt to scare the bejesus out with the terrors of hell! Didn't work! I remember being confused when Dante portrayed the final (9th ?) circle of hell as being a frozen waste land rather than a fiery furnace. The instructor explained that the worst part of hell is reserved for those heart is without any feelings of goodness and kindness. I can only hope that the couple who abandoned BT will spend eternity there as there can be no kindness in the heart of anyone who could so cruelly mistreat an animal. (You should read James Joyce 's 'Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man if you want a good description of eternity in hell!).

Brian Caines Monday, 10 March 2008 8:10 AM Hello All: I made it to the Hill this morning at about 7:15. I was surprised how dark it was when I left the house; the time change really made a big difference. But I was happy that the walk was so much more pleasant than yesterday even though it was colder. The cats were quickly fed and watered, including the Whites. You may have to do a few finishing touches at noon as s I was there only for a short time. Brian * Sally Sax Monday, 10 Mach 2008 8:52 AM Hi Brian, I just got back from a weekend in Toronto last night -- the roads were surprisingly good yesterday, although we did see quite a few trucks at the side and across the median of the highway. Saturday was such a mess which makes it all the more remarkable that you walked all the way to the Humane Society with GT; I carried Sweetie and Scooter home to my place which is not nearly as far, and I did it in much better conditions, so I know how heavy those carriers get! Thanks for the amazing effort you put into that last rescue, it was really wonderful of you! Sally * Brian Caines Monday, 10 March 2008 8:58 AM Thanks Sally. I must admit I did mutter a lot a lot from Parliament Hill to the HS, but I am glad I did it. Last night would have been very difficult for him. Klaus has put up a few photos of GT on the Blog. Isn't GT a lovely cat?? I am certain with his warm temperament and good looks that he will find a loving and caring owner(s), unlike the two who abandoned him. Brian * Sally Sax Monday, 10 March 2008 9:04 AM He's gorgeous! I love the pictures of him with Laura, I'm so glad you guys caught him. Sally
Elaine McCoy Friday, 14 March 2008 3:24 PM Hi, I thought you might want to know that I blogged about the Cats on the Hill today see What a wonderful enterprise! Do give my best wishes to Rene, other members of the team AND the cats. Regards, Elaine McCoy Senator
Kathryn Bunn Sunday, 16/03/08 10:03 PM Hello everyone. Kitties were very ravenous tonight for Temptations. Especially LW and Max. They were literally attacking my boyfriend and I for treats. LW bounded out as we approached. I hadn't even brought out the food. I was just a bit worried as he seemed exceptionally hungry as did Max. On Friday and tonight when I visited the kitties, LW attempted to follow me home. On Friday he bounded after my boyfriend and I and turned around before right once he hit the road and the path ended. Tonight it was a bit weird. LW bounded ahead of us and started rubbing against us and followed us all the way to the steps of Parliament. He perched himself on the ledge of the wall (hopefully you get what I am talking about). We were really afraid he was going to jump off and into the snow piles. But he didn't. Hopefully he is back at the colony nice and warm. Also another note, the raccoons are back and have reproduced. The little raccoons were actually in the cat houses Friday night much to the cats dismay. There was one adult and two youngins. All straggled haired and relatively small. I mean not tiny tiny but obviously teenage raccoons. Anyways hope everyone is joining the warmth though it is still rather nippy at night. Looks like we are in for a wet week and Easter weekend. Regards, Kat
Brian Caines Tuesday, 18 March 2008 Hello everyone: As you can see in the following photos, Shadow is a very big, handsome, easy-going, six-toed (on both front paws), fixed, black male and he is looking for a quiet home. We guess that he is somewhere between seven and nine years old and he joined the Cats of Parliament Hill about four years ago. After a fairly quick adjustment he became one of the favourites of the other cats, the Cat Caregivers and the many visitors to the colony. He is one of those cats that loves people; he will rub up against you and purrrrrrrrr loudly to make you his own. In short, he has a winning personality. The group noticed that Shadow there was a change in his grooming habits and he was not cleaning himself as he should. We took him to the veterinary hospital to be examined a little over a month ago. His veterinarian discovered that he has an enlarged colon which was causing constipation. He was fine after a few treatments. As this is a chronic condition he must remain on a diet of special food (G/D canned wet food) to maintain his good health. We cannot return him to the colony as it is not possible for the Caregivers to control his diet as many visitors feed the cats when we are not there. Shadow had been taken in by a family which already had two cats, three dogs and children and although he enjoyed the company of the humans and the felines he was unable to adjust to the dogs. Because he was under considerable stress we consulted his veterinarian. She determined that his relationship with the dogs would not improve so the family reluctantly gave him up. As a result, we must find him a new home. He is now at the Ottawa Humane Society and he will be ready for adoption tomorrow, Thursday, March 20. We are hoping that he will be able to find a quiet place to his liking. Shadow is a special needs cat. However, we feel that his sunny disposition and good looks will more than make up for any additional care he may require. His basic health is good and he has been fully vaccinated and he is litter-trained. In addition, he recently had major dental work done. Unfortunately, none of the Caregivers is able to take him because of animals already in our homes. So we hope that you would consider adopting him and making him part of your life. If you cannot, we ask that your forward this message to people you think may be interested in adopting Shadow. If we can get this message to as many people as possible we are certain that he will find a loving home. For adoption information please contact the Ottawa Humane Society at 613-725-3166 ext. 258 . Please quote Shadow's shelter number: A87273. Thank you for helping. Brian and the Cat Caregivers
Shadow 1

Shadow 2

Shadow 3

Shadow 4

Shadow 5

Shadow 6

Shadow 7

Shadow 8

Brian Caines Wednesday, 19 March 2008 9:38 AM Hello All: What a miserable ol' morning. By the way, when exactly does spring start?? I got drenched even before getting to the Hill, what with the freezing rain and getting splashed by all the passing traffic. Car owners just don't get it. No matter what the weather they feel that it is their constitutional right to NOT slow down. Enuf ranting! There was quite a bit of very heavy, wet snow, so cleaning off the platforms was not a pleasant task especially when my glasses would get steamed up and I couldn't see a thing. I did a lot of X-rated mumbling under my breath but the job got done! I fed and watered the usual suspects and as always their appreciation more than cheered me up! They didn't stick around however. I didn't check on the Whites as it as just too wet, so I left additional dried food at the colony for them (and the racoons and their kits?). The Whites will wander over should they be hungry enough. I will telephone Rene to tell him to stay home today. Klaus has put up some lovely photos of Shadow and my message on the Blog. I will speak to the Humane Society later this afternoon to confirm everything is fine with the boy and then send the email to my contacts. This morning one of my neighbours told me that she and her colleagues at CIDA are great fans of the Blog. I told het to make sure to read about Shadow. Brian * Kathryn Bunn Wednesday, 19 March 2008 9:28 PM Hope Shadow finds a great home! I am sure being the lovable ball of fluff that he is that it will be no problem! Especially since he has gotten much more friendly since being neutered! Two days ago I was visiting the mews shortly before lunch. Tigris and LW got in a rather big fight leading to LW scampering up a tree. I did not see what occurred but there was a significant amount of hissing and meowing. Less kitty conflict would be a good thing. With the warm temperatures, the kitties have been coming out more and basking in the sun. Fluffy especially seems to be loving the warmed up weather. He is beginning a spring fur shed I think! I was giving him a good tummy rub and his fur kept coming out in clumps! I have noticed that Brownie is getting back to his older more active and social self. For a while he seemed rather distant, but I guess it was just the cold. My parents are coming to town tomorrow and staying until Easter Sunday and are anxiously wanting to see the mews. Happy Spring everyone! Kat
Lillian-Wentworth (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Brownie (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Fluffy (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Kathryn Bunn Friday, 21 March 2008 7:32 PM Went to the Hill tonight with my boyfriend. Ran into my parents who were coming back from visiting the mews. Really cold out there tonight with the wind. Fluffy, Blackie, Brunette, Brownie, and LW all greeted us on our arrival. Blackie enjoyed some treats as did Brunette and LW. There was some real hostility tonight between LW and the other cats. LW and Fluffy approached each other on opposite sides of the fence and hissed at each other. Brownie emerged and saw LW and turned around and ran away. Though they actually seem to usually get along relatively well. Brunette was very active and started heading down the stairs and LW began chasing after her. My boyfriend tried to keep a barrier between them with his legs but LW was fixed and ready to pounce (gets all crouched down and stares) of sorts when Brunette went back up the stairs and head towards the bench. Hopefully the kitties are back in their dens all huddled up with one another. Seems as it will be cold tomorrow so bundle up if you venture out! Regards, Kat
Klaus Gerken Saturday, 22 March 2008 9 AM Bitter cold out there. The wind just rages through several layers of clothes, and makes you feel like you will never warm up again. I fed the cats between 730 and 8 AM. All the regulars were there, but didn't come to greet me until I was climbing the fence into the compound. Spot and Fluffy nuzzled me to no end, and Spot even extended his paws to hold on to my shoulders with his nose to mine. They are so sweet. Unfortunately Max rather avoided me. I was surprized to see Lillian-Wentworth getting along and eating with the rest of the gang. Maybe the cold makes them less frisky...go figure. I gave them warm water which they always appreciate, and then brough a heaping bowl of dry to the whites. The path was free of snow, so they should have no problem getting up to eat. I also noticed steam coming from the vent where they hang out, so they should be quite warm and comfortable. By the time I got back to the colony most of the cats had retired, so I cleaned up a bit and then left for home. Right now, I'm still shivering from the cold.
High banks of snow on either side of the path leading up to the colony

Spot, Brownie and Max

Spot, Fluffy stretching, and Blackie

Blackie, Spot and Brownie eating

Lillian-Wentworth and Fluffy

Max, Lillian-Wentworth, Brownie on the overhang - Brunette, Fluffy and Blackie below


Blackie in the back hamper just before I left

What a difference two weeks makes - O'Connor Street and hardly any snow

Klaus Gerken Easter Sunday, 23 March 2008 10:00 AM Fed and watered the cats between 8 and 9 this morning. Felt colder than yesterday, but probably only because I had one less layer of clothing on. Fluffy and Lillian-Wentworth came out to greet me. Fluffy though kept his distance from L-W and they stayed on the path for quite a while staring at each other. Max was much more friendly than yesterday, but once back in his cubicle growled when L-W walked by to drink some water. All the other wats were out and ate well. There was still steam coming from the vent where the whites live, and I noticed someone had removed the bowl of food I left yesterday. While I was coming back I noticed someone was walking back to a waiting car after leaving a donation at the colony. That was very nice. I will get the cats something special for tomorrow. Some tuna and salmon which they will enjoy. I'll put the rest of the money away for next weekend. Hopefully it will be a bit warmer tomorrow.
Fluffy running to greet me

Lillian-Wentworth right behind

Max and Spot playing

Everyone partaking their Easter meal

Something caught Max's attention

Brownie, Bebe, Brunette, Spot, Blackie, Max and Fluffy

Bebe and Max in their cubicles, and Brownie liking his lips

Lilian-Wentworth returning to the colony just as I was leaving

Bruno: "Oh it's only you"...

Klaus Gerken Easter Monday, 24 March 2008 10:00 AM Another cold morning. Went down around 730 and the cats didn't even come out to greet me. Finally, slowly, as I got to the fence Blackie and Brownie made an appearance. Then Fluffy, Max and Spot. The cats sure went for the Tuna and Salmon I brought them. Lillian-Wentworth tried to eat with the others but Max stared him down, so I fed him on the side of the old well by himself. Everyone got their fill of the speacials, and then I brought some dry to the whites. After I got some warm water I put down the rest of the wet food, and lots of dry. When I left Blackie and L-W were catching some sun on the platform. The others had all retreated to wherever they keep warm. I noticed that someone had been there yesterday and put out some food and the mats. Unfortunately all the food was frozen so I had to throw it away - couldn't even save the plastic containers, which are always handy to have when we try to proportion wet food. When I got home Bruno was so happy to see me he rolled off the chair he was on - I was laughing so hard that I forgot to get the picture.
Blackie and Brownie sleepy-eyed coming to greet me

The scrum when I opened the first can of tuna

Max staring down Lillian-Wentworth

Little Brunette enjoying her Easter meal

Lillian-Wentworth getting his face steamed by the warm water

All the cats well fed and watered - cleaning up the left-overs

Fluffy satisfied and giving L-W the eye

Lillian-Wentworth and Blackie - all is well and calm

View of the colony and all the snow

Bruno welcoming me home - just before he fell off the chair

From the Toronto Star March 24, 2008 Reproduced by permission of the author Wild cats cradled by care at feral colonies Bill Taylor Feature Writer It's a chilly, blustery day at the "spa." No one's lounging on the deck and, as usual, Lucky and Diamond are getting in Lacy's face when all she wants to do is have her meal in peace. "Lacy's hanging in there," says Joanne Smith. "I think she's going to make it. That's unusual." Unusual because Lacy is a pretty little domestic cat that someone has abandoned in the middle of a feral cat colony. "A lot of people think the colony will just take their pet in," says Doreen Montgomery. "That's like someone dumping a stranger at your dinner table and expecting them to fit right in. Colonies tend to be extended families so it rarely works out. But Lacy's been here about three weeks. They chase her but she's not going anywhere." Montgomery and Smith are halfway through their daily labour of love - co-ordinating a loosely knit group that cares for a dozen feral colonies, with up to 25 cats apiece, at various industrial sites in east Toronto. Volunteers go out every day, even during the worst of the recent blizzards, to feed the cats. "I'm 80, damned near 81, and I don't know how many times I've been called a crazy old cat lady," says Montgomery. "I'm not. I only have one of my own right now. I've never chosen a cat for myself. I get throwaways. Recycled cats." This particular colony of about 10 cats is in a yard piled with rusty girders. Semi-trucks growl by from the factories down the street. It's nicknamed the "spa" because, beside the rough shelters built for the cats, Rudi Karalus - the group's volunteer carpenter - has put up a little deck and hung toys from the tree branches above it. Caring for the cats involves more than simply feeding them. Montgomery and Smith trap as many as possible and take them to the Birch-Dan Animal Hospital. "The doctors and staff there are amazing," says Smith, 54, "semi-retired" from a career in human resources. "They spay and neuter the cats and vaccinate them and then we can return them to the colony. When kittens are born, we try to get them away and find them homes before they turn feral themselves. "The owners of most of the places where the colonies are welcome the cats. They keep down rats and mice. They can be very skittish but they get to know you. We have names for most of them. Some of them even know their names." Karalus, 66, says he always carried cat food in his car in case he came across a stray. He joined the group after "I saw these cats in the road fighting over a meatball sandwich someone had dropped. I got out and realized there was a colony and they had shelters and everything." He took over "building maintenance" from Frank Currell, 66, who supplies most of the food. Much of it is donated by Purina but, Currell says, "we take care of well over 100 cats so there's always a need. Sometime I have to get on the phone and plead with people and sometimes I strike it rich." He's been volunteering since 1985, though the group goes back before then with people coming and going. Not all the volunteers have even met each other. Karalus, visibly downcast, says he recently found "a newborn in one of the colonies. But it passed on. Feral cats are tenacious - they have to be to survive out here - but sometimes ... well, this comes with sadness sometimes." There are feral cat colonies all over the city, Smith says. "You can only hope that someone is trying to take care of them. What we do is just a small part of it." To make a food donation or for more information about the volunteers, email * Addendum: Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen are both cat lovers who have thrown open the doors of 24 Sussex Dr. to felines needing foster care. The Ottawa Humane Society says cats and kittens needing temporary homes are often pregnant, orphaned or recovering from surgery. Having Canada's first couple on side was a shot in the paw for the society. Parliament Hill has its own colony of feral cats. They're fed every day and small wooden shelters, styled after the Parliament buildings, were built for them between the West Block and Centre Block. One of the most famous feral cat communities is in Rome, where some 300,000 cats live in more than 2,000 colonies. In 2001, the ones in the Forum, Coliseum and Torre Argentina were put under a protection order as a part of Rome's "bio-heritage." Many of the strays are fed by gattare, or "cat women," as a labour of love. But there's also a professionally run sanctuary at the Torre Argentina, site of some of Rome's oldest temples.
Helene Pomerleau Tuesday, 25 March 2008 7:48 AM Good morning everybody! I went to the hill this morning before work to feed and watered the cats. All of them were there except the whites who didn't come up even if I called them. I left a bowl of dry food and will return at lunch to give them some wet food. Have a nice day! Helene
Sally Sax Wednesday, 26 March 2008 7:40 AM Hi everybody, I filled in today for kitty feeding. I saw everybody except for the whites. Blackie was growling at LW for some of the time, but they managed to avoid an all-out fight while I was there. Also, just for the record, I'm really sick of this miserably icy winter. Bleh!! Sally * Lorraine Milobar Wednesday, March 25, 8:43 AM Sally: Thanks a million for replacing me today. I will be doing tomorrow and Friday no matter what. Thanks again! Lorraine * Kathryn Bunn Wednesday, 25 March 2008, 8:40 PM Hello all! Warm beautiful day on the Hill with the kitties. Brownie, Fluffy, and LW all greeted me on my arrival. Tigris was very excited when I took the treats out of my bag. Tigris has replaced Brownie and LW as the main resident Temptations eater. The gal can never get enough. Shortly before Christ arrived, Bebe and LW got into sparring match. LW batted a lot at Bebe after jumping up to sun himself on the condo. Bebe scampered away all the way to the cannon. LW reappeared when Christ arrived and wanted to jump on his lap but Fluffy and LW gave each other a small bit of a battering. Fluffy won out having already claimed his rightful space next to Christ. Fluffy is definitely enjoying the sun and is starting a spring/summer molt it seems. I had globs of Fluffy hair all over my sweater after I left. Brownie was very happy when Christ arrived, jumping off the bench and walking (waddling) towards Christ after hearing his voice. It was great to see. Hope you feel better Brian! Regards, Kat
Brian Caines Thursday, 27 March 2008 10:24 AM Hello All: Wonderful news. Last night Julia and Steve went to the Humans Society to pick up Shadow and make him part of their lives. Julia is a regular Hill colony visitor and she became concerned about Shadow when he was hospitalied and had early on expressed interest in adopting him. In an email message to me she wrote : ' He is very shy and did not want to venture too far from my lap. When left alone, he scooted under the couch. Amazing that he can get his rotundness so flat! I allowed him to stay there for a bit and he became so relaxed that he purred. Currently, he's situated in his litter box in our main level bathroom. He must feel secure in there I guess, as the door is open...' It seems our much-loved feline is as happy as a clam as we are for him. Brian * Klaus Gerken Thursday, 27 March 2008 10:26 AM Hi Brian, Great news! I hope they keep us updated on his status. k * Lorraine Milobar Thursday, 27 March 2008 10:41 AM Brian: I have never met Julia and Steve but I am sure they will take good care of Shadow. It seems that most of you know them. If you do speak to them again can you make sure I tell them a big thank you for taking Shadow. News once in a while would be wonderful... I fed our little friends this morning. I find it so funny because I read so many e-mails mentioning all the little fights. This morning no fight at all between LW and the others. Maybe because as I get close to the colony I start telling them in French "on se donne des becs" (we give each other kissses) and they know what I mean. I also wave my finger to LW just to make sure! I know its silly but the truth = no fight. The Whitemother and Snowball came up to eat but did not stay long because I can see they feel uncomfortable eating with the cars passing, etc. I waited and once they went down I filled up the plastic bag and threw it down for them to eat later. I did though leave a bowl of water by the fence. We have at least four bowls down that I would like to get them before the snow is gone. Any suggestions???? Lorraine
Klaus Gerken Saturday, 29 March 2008 Fed the cats between 7 and 8 this morning. First time I ever had a raccoon be the first "cat" to greet me. Then came Brownie and Blackie; then Fluffy and Max...all ignoring the raccoon among them. Bebe and Lillian-Wentworth made an appearence just as I was getting ready to leave. I left the whites a heaping bowl of dry food.
Raccoon at the colony

Brownie and Blackie

Brownie and Max

Max and Brownie waiting for me to dish out the food


Gatineau from the colony

Bebe in the back hamper

Finally Lillian-Wentworth makes an appearance - more interested in the warm water than the food

All except Brownie snuggled away

Max at the back of the compound

Blackie and Fluffy in the back hamper

Spot grooming Max

Fluffy playing

Bebe entertaining the visitors

Lillian-Wentworth and Max - no confrontation occurred - although Max made a heck of a noise

Brownie giving Fluffy a peck

Klaus Gerken Sunday, 30 March 2008 Fed the cats between 7 and 8 this morning.
Max the only one there when I arrived

Spot and Max

Brownie and Fluffy sharing a meal

Max followed me all the wat feed the whites

Blackie and Spot in the back hamper

Elgin Street looking south on my way home

Kathryn Bunn Wednesday, 2 April 2008 Hey everyone. I wanted to introduce you guys to the newest members of my family. Park and Dale. They are 8 month old boys. In fact they are still on page 3 of the Ottawa Humane Society Cat page. They have huge motors and are constantly purring. They are just the sweetest things ever and well behaved. They have explored my place minus the spare bedroom which will be off limits for a bit. They are great little climbers, but have yet to really go off destroying anything. Litter trained so no worries with any messes. They remind me a lot of the kittens from Sweetie's big group. Park who is on my lap as I right this is entranced by the laptop. Both of them follow the cursor around the screen. Regards, Kat
Park and Dale (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Park and Dale (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Park and Dale (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Park and Dale (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Park and Dale (Photo by Kathryn Bunn)

Klaus Gerken Saturday, 5 April 2008 What a glorious spring morning! Sunny, warm and all the cats affectionate. Fluffy and Max were the first to warmly greet me with big meows. Brunette purring loudly and Brownie rubbing against the fence. I gave them all a big feed, and brough the whites some dry food. Then Max followed me while I got the water, and as he and Bebe went exploring I left for home. Unfortunately I did not see Lillian-Wentworth.
The Spring thaw has begun

Fluffy first to greet me

Max not far behind

Brunette and Brownie

Waiting for breakfast



Max waiting for me to return with the water

Everyone having a good feed

The ice on the Ottawa river slowly melting

The colony from a different angle after I left some food for the whites

Max and Bebe exploring

Laura Jarenkow Saturday, 5 April 2008 So, my friend Rheza and i went up to the hill this evening around, la, la, off to visit the kitties, la, la, la...hey look, one of the whites are at the colony. Great, spring is here. Wait a minute, that isn't one of our white. Crap, spring is here. There is a new kitty. He definitely wasn't there this morning, but he sure was finding his way about this evening. i would say he is about 7-8 months old, all white except for the tiniest black spot on his forehead, fairly small in size, but with the most beautiful long tail for him to grow into. He is very curious, and quite friendly. He was wandering all through the colony, and beyond. None of the regulars seemed to care much about the little one; Fluff never left the house, Tigris & Brunette couldn't be bothered, Blackie watched but that was it, Max was hugely curious in the little one, following him everywhere about five steps later...they even shared the most adorable nose kiss. Even Brownie was quite kind. He let the little one know who was boss by simply looking bigger, they sniffed each other and that was that. The little one found his way into a couple of the 'houses' so i have few worries about this evening, but am looking forward to seeing him again in the AM. Rheza and i have at least temporarily named him Sunny (Short for Sunset Boulevard), what with the setting sun when we spotted him, and the brilliant whiteness of his fur. All i can really say about him is boy oh boy, is he ever a bunch of fun. .:laura:.
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 6 April 2008 Went down around 9 this morning. Laura was already on the Hill. She told me that the abandoned white was nowhere to be found. Ben and Brian joined us about half an hour later. The cats were all out and Laura began spreading some of the snow around so it would melt faster. When they left I stayed behind and brought some food to the whites. To my surprise Snowball came running to me with a big meow. When I went back to the colony she was summing herself as some visitors watched her. I went back around 1230. Lots of visitors. Then two girls came by with a gray kitten and said they had found her on the Hill. I took the kitten, and knowing that the HS was closed didn't know what to do at that stage, when a woman said she would take her, I loned her the carrier and she said she would bring it back tomorrow morning. Unfortunately in all the commotion did not get her name. If she reads this I hope she send and email. It was a great act of kindness that should not go unrewarded. After that Helene came by and spent a lot of quality time with the cats. We left around 3, leaving all te cats basking in the bright warm sunshine. What a beautiful Spring weekend! Unfortunately no one has seen Lillian-Wentworth.
Laura at the colony when I arrived

The cats were quite hungry being fed an hour late

Bebe and Max

Laura, Ben and a visitor from China


Max didn't want to get out of the way when I put the pad down, so I pu it over him. He just stayed there as if it was the most natural thing in the world

Brian and Laura

Ti-Gris and Max



Fluffy and Spot. Spot wanted Fuffy's place and got it

Blackie, Brownie and Max in the back hamper

Pipers on the Hill


Fluffy and Max enjoying the warm sunshine

Helene and Fluffy


Helene with Max, Fluffy, Brownie and Bebe

One look back as we were leaving

Brian Caines Monday, 7 April 2008 11:06 AM Hello All: Finally, I have been well enough to get to the Hill. I fed the cats on Thursday and Friday and I again went to do my duty this morning. And what a lovely morning it was. The finches, robins, cardinals and red-winged blackbirds were all singing and all was right with the world. The usual suspects were at the colony and they were all fed, watered and petted. I went to feed the whites and the White Mother was there, although I startled her when I picked up the bowl so she disappeared. She and Snowball will no doubt return as I left them some wet food as well since there is no worry that it will freeze. I did not see Lillian nor the white cat that Laura saw on Saturday evening. He wasn't on the Hill yesterday morning either when Klaus, Ben, laura and I were there. Keep our fingers crossed. Brian
Brian Caines Wednesday, 9 April 2008 6:53 PM Hello All: Tomorrow, Thursday, is supposed to be a lovely day so I will be going to the Hill a little later tomorrow (around 10) to feed da puddies and then I can return again at noon. I hope that a few of cats' fan club can be there. It would be lovely to see youse!! Brian PS. No sign of LW or the recently abandoned white.
Brian Caines Saturday, 12 April 2006 Hello All: Thursday was a wonderful, warm day on the Hill. I went to the colony at about 10 where I met Laura and we lightly fed da puddies and then went to Bridgehead for our caffeine fix. We returned at around noon and a lot of the gang were there. Julia dropped by and gave us an update on Shadow. He's doing really well and he's enjoying his new companions and new digs . Before long he'll have both Julia and Steve well-trained. Sally, Sebastien and Helene were there and David dropped by to get his cat fix. It was nice seeing everyone. Radio Canada arrived at about 12:30. They are doing a story on the cats which will be broadcast across the country in a few weeks. I will let you know when it is scheduled to be shown. Martine Bolduc interviewed some visitors, Lorraine and me (Max jumped up to be a part of it) and as we were leaving Christ arrived and all the cats joined him on the overhang. I am certain the cameramen got some lovely shots of him feeding the cats. Unfortunately, Rene was not available. It is wonderful that spring has arrived (although it is hard to believe it looking out the window as I type this). The cats are more active and affectionate and since it is warmer it is more pleasant for us humans to be outside. Cheers, Brian
Klaus Gerken Saturday, 12 April 2008 Went down several times, 730; 11; 2; -- dull miserable drizzly day. The cats were wet but happy. In the morning Max, Blackie and Fluffy all followed me to the spot where we feed the whites.
When I went back to the Hill around noon an elderly lady said: "There's a big raccoon eating all the food...I call him Bandit" - So here is Bandit this morning when he got into a bag of dry food someone left. So, just to reiterate, if you wish to leave some food for the cats, please hang it on the fence, otherwise the raccoons will shred the bag to bits.

Ah, breakfast!

Fluffy and Blackie after following me to the spot where we feed the whites. Max was hanging out at the pavilion

Max after following me back to the colony

Spot exploring the hill below the compound

Around 11 - Brownie, Fluffy and Bebe all snuggled up and sheltered from the drizzle

Max followed me as I left...then just sat there. Breaks my heart when he does that

Everyone keeping warm. Brownie, Blackie, Bebe and Max when I got back around 2

Ti-Gris and Brunette - best of friends. By the way, Brunette's syst is just a water bubble and doesn't hurt her. The vet told us that it would be more traumatic to operate than leave it. But we are keeping an eye on it

Little Max...

Something caught Max's attention in the trees

Max, Blackie and Brownie as I was leaving the Hill

Klaus Gerken Sunday, 13 April 2008 Went down several times again: 8; 11-1; 4-5; -- lovely day. Spoke to Lots of vsitors. The cats were in fantastic spirits soaking up the warm sunlight.
I can never get enough when the cats greet me in the morning - Fluffy and Blackie first out of the gate

Wagging tails - Max, Spot and Blackie

Interesting cloud formation when I went to get the water - with Max trailing behind

Max and Fluffy sparring

Blackie -- they're at it again: Spot and Max playing

Sunshine over the Gatineau hills - the oldest mountain range in the world. At their peak they were much higher than the Himalayas

More interesting cloud formations as I came back from feeding the whites

Fluffy and Brownie

Blackie, Bebe, Spot and Max in the back hamper

Brunette enjoying the warm sunshine

A visitor left some treats and I fed them to the cats to the joy of the visitors - up to then the cats were all sleeping in the back

A pro-China demonstration on the Hill

Visititors when I got back around 430pm

Max and pigeons

Fluffy getting a tummy rub before I left for the day

You are visitor number