The Cats of Parliament Hill Blog

by Klaus J. Gerken Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America, Planet Earth, the Sol Planetary system, the "Milky Way" Galaxy, the Virgo cluster of Galaxies, the Universe, and whatever is beyond or ever was before.
Latest update: Tuesday, 17 June 2008


IMPORTANT NOTICES Please under no circumstances abandon cats or kittens on the Hill or by the Cat Sanctuary. The cats will not readily accept newcomers and for the most part chase them away. Nor is it a given new cats will find the Sanctuary in search of shelter and food. Most abandoned cats are very disorientated and will just randomly wander off finding starvation and death - especially in the winter. If you can no longer care for your cat, please take her to the Humane Society where she can be well taken care of and put up for adoption. This is what we do for any abandoned cat we find. And it causes us great grief when we cannot capture one - which happens way too often. And if you give kittens as a gift for Christmas, ensure the person or the household you give them to can provide for them. If not, then you should reconsider your priorities. No kitten deserves to be abandoned like an unwanted toy. Owning a pet is a serious responsibiliy. If you don't share that feeling, you shouldn't own a pet. It's as simple as that. Abandoning your pet is a criminal offence with up to 2 years in jail. Perhaps you who would be so callous should think about that. Treat your pets well, and they will reward you with unconditional love for the rest of their lives. Should we all care so much as they care for us. Klaus J. Gerken Before you abandon a pet you can no longer care for, please contact these organizations:
Previous logs are available at the Library and Archives Canada: All photographs by Klaus J. Gerken unless otherwise stated.
Comments are always welcome: Please send any comments to (We reserve the right to publish any comments on this blog).
Invitation I would like to invite anyone who has recollections or photographs of the colony before the present condos were built; especially any recollections or photographs of Irene Desormeaux before Rene Chartrand took over caring for the cats, or even prior to that, to send them to . We are trying to establish a definitive history of the cat colony for a book to be published in the next year or so.
A Brief History of the Cats of Parliament Hill There is a story that Colonel By brought hundreds of cats with him when he built the Rideau Canal in 1826, to take care of the rodent population, but unfortunately that cannot be confirmed. What can be confirmed is that cats were employed in the Parliament Building (as in many other building) as pest control until 1955 when they were replaced by chemicals. Until 1970 ground keepers fed the cats in various locations, when Irene Desormeaux began feeding the cats where the existing colony now resides. Rene Chartrand began helping her in the mid-nineteen eighties and began building some wooden structures (some of which can still be seen) for the cats to keep warm in. In 1987 when Irene passed on to take care of stray cats in a greater colony beyond this world, Rene took over and loyally fed the cats to this day. In 1997 Rene and a friend built the existing structures. Brian Caines began helping about that time, and I began helping out in 2003. That year brian and I decided to put together a support team to ensure that Rene would be ok (he's in his mid-eighties now) and that the cats would always be well provided for. We now have a team of eight caregivers who volunteer their time to this amazing cause. * The cast of characters: Irene Desormeaux (Who started it all in the 1970's) Rene Chartrand (Who took over when Irene passed on in 1987 and maintains the colony till this day -- he built the shelters in 1997) The Support Team: Brian Caines (Ensures the colony's health and welfare) Klaus Gerken (Official Photographer, and Keeper of the Blog - I do the weekend shift) Laura Jaremkow Lorraine Milobar Sally Sax Helene Pomerleau Kathryn Bunn Leyla Di Cori Heather Ferguson Sebastien Badour Christ Oliver - Author of "Fish Lecan, Maria Dorfinkley et les Chats de la Colline du Parlement" and the blog below: Ben Asselstine The Alta Vista Animal Hospital (For medical care). Purina for cat food. And a host of many others. And the cats: *Coco (RIP 2005) *LePune (Lost 2003 and perhaps sister to Brunette and Lulu) *Big Mama (RIP 1985? to 2006) The white mother and her brood: *Thumbelina (Adopted by Sebastien Bador 2008) Snowball (AKA Six Toes - lives with the white mother on the east side of the Hill) *Kid Jr (lost 2006) *Blanchette (lost in 2003) Blackie Fluffy Brownie *Lulu (lost 2004 and sister to Brunette) Brunette Ti-gris Bebe (Integrated 2000) Bruno (2003/4 - adopted by myself Feb 2004 - and flourishing) *Smokey and her three kittens living in the West Block ( put up for adoption fall 2004 because they could not integrate, no matter how much Smokey tried) *Monty (lost 2004) *The black and white we never got to name who only stayed a month (summer 2004) Spot (Integrated 2004) *Samantha (Lost Nov 2004) Max (Integrated 2005) *Shadow (Integrated 2005 - but probably there earlier and the father of Smokey's kittens)) - Put up for adoption March 2008 because of special medical needs *Penelope (Abandoned Christmas 2005 - taken to the Humane Society Feb 2006) *Lillian-Wentworth (Integrated 2007 - Believed stolen from the colony Spring 2008)) *Phoebe (The new white - taken to the HS by Brian and Laura 18 June 2007) *Hero (15 years old - abandoned - taken to the HS for adoption) *Mike the cabbie (Abandoned July 2007 - Named by Joanne Stanbridge) - Taken to the Humane Society 24 July 2005. *Great Tiger (abandoned in the heaviest snowfall of the winter - rescued by Laura and taken to the Humane Society for adoption - March 2008) And so many others who just walk in and out or are adopted when we can catch them.
Note for all: As Rene Chartrand is now in his mid-eighties several years ago Brian Caines and I decided to put together a support team so we check on the cats to ensure that Rene has been there to care for them on the previous day and to leave some food and water in case he would be unable to make it for whatever reason. To date Rene has not missed a day and is still, and always will be the primary caregiver. Besides, our help allows him to take the occasional well deserved day off, especially when the weather is bad.

The Blog

Klaus Gerken Saturday 17 May 2007 Since I haven't been able to get down to the colony on a regular basis, here are some photograph from the first part of May 2008.
Brownie and Blackie


Brownie and Blackie

Fluffy, Spot and Max


Fluffy, Max, Blackie and Brownie

Brunette, Brownie and Ti-Gris

Ah, Max

Spot and Brownie

A visitor with Fluffy

Bebe and Fluffy having a Spring moment

Fluffy, King of the Hill

Some visitors also having a Spring Moment - no place better


Brownie, Spot and Bebe

Rene Chartrand





Klaus Gerken Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Some photographs from this Victoria Day weekend. Sunday:
Wet Sunday: Blackie, Bebe, Fluffy, Brownie and Max


Max, Bebe, Fluffy and Brownie

These visitors brought along the cute poodle to meet the cats

Fluffy and the poodle decided to be friends. They even touched paws at one point. Fluffy was purring all the time in my arms.

Brownie, Max going into one of the cubicles and Charlie the groundhog

Monday, Victoria Day:
Rene playing with Bebe

Brunette and Ti-Gris

Rene Chartrand

Brunette and Ti-Gris enjoying a gourmet meal

Rene and Max


Rene and Max again

Max going for a walk



The path from Queen Victoria's statue to the compound

Rene leaving the Hill

Bebe, Blackie and Brownie snug and warm

A Robin - Spring is definitely here

Brian Caines Thursday, 22 May 2008 12:28 PM Hello All: Lia, Laura and I met on the Hill this morning to catch the big guy to take to Alta Vista for his examination. I took our carrier from home as it is large, as is Brownie, and I figured he could be dropped into it more easily than in the ones at the sanctuary. As soon as Laura and I were over the fence with the carrier he knew something was up. The other cats came around to eat but the old guy kept his distance. His stomach finally got the better of him and he was tempted by a can of Purina salmon cat food (what cat could resist?) but I was able to lift him up and put him into the carrier without any difficulty and before he ate anything; important as he needed to have fasted. But once in the carrier he was fierce. He broke a few nails while clawing against the grill but Laura was able to calm him somewhat by putting her sweater over the cage. We got him from the Hill to the cab fairly easily (although I must admit carrying the cage was not fun) and we made it in time for his 9:40 appointment. Once at Alta Vista he was a real gentleman. He was quite curious when he got out of the carrier and was very cooperative while Lara examined him. He purred and rubbed up against us and Laura was able to cuddle him. Lara was impressed with his general health. Surprisingly, he has lost only about half a pound since his last visit to the hospital, but we have a feeling he had gained weight in the intervening four years. He had blood and urine samples taken and we should get the results by next week. He was certainly happy to return to the colony. We thought that be the last we saw of him for a while, but before we left he was tempted by a few treats and we were able to take off the bandage that was put on after the blood test. I have the feeling that he will be avoiding me like the plague for the next few weeks. But I know he won't give Laura the cold shoulder. Cheers, Brian
Brian Caines Monday, 26 May 2008, 1207 PM Hello All: I went to the Hill for 7:30 on Saturday morning to meet Cheryl, Suzanne and Yuri, Montreal fans of the cats who were in the city to participate in the Ottawa Marathon. Suzanne and Cheryl were power walking the full marathon while Yuri was walking a half marathon. YIKES!!!! And I have difficulties walking from Lebreton Flats to the Hill! They left a generous donation of both wet and dry food for the cats as well as many bags of treats and toys so da puddies can be spoiled royally!! We really appreciate their generosity. Brian PS. Klaus: Please credit Rob M who kindly took the photo for the Blog. Left to right: Yuri, Suzanne, Cheryl and Fluffy.
Yuri, Suzanne, Cheryl with Fluffy, and Brian Caines (Photo by Rob M.)

* Brian Caines Monday, 26 May 2008 3:02 PM Hello All: I spoke to Lara this morning and she was pleased to let me know for his age Brownie is in good shape and that there is no need for concern. HOOORRRAAAYYYY!!!!! As always, we need to monitor all the cats, but we do that as second nature. Brian * Ben Asselstine Monday, 26 May 2008 3:21 PM Whoo hoo! Thanks for the good news Brian! * Sally Sax 26/05/08 3:39 PM YAY!

Laylay Di Cori Wednesday, May 28 6:32 AM Hey guys! I know I don't write often, but I do read all the emails you send on the cats. It's always so nice to hear how the colony is doing! I miss those cats so much!!! I was so relieved to hear that Brownie was A-ok!!! I love that big boy!!! As for moi, I'm still taking care of my strays. The Old Hobo was quite ill but I managed to get him better. It's costing me a fortune at the vet but I can't help it. I love these cats. Ti-Minou had to be put to sleep. I can't tell you how difficult it was for me. I was wheeping for days. He had advanced FIV, kidney failure and a heart murmur. It was scary to see him loose weight so fast and be lethargic all the time. He was such a good cat... Another cat has shown up recently. I remember seeing him 2 winters ago, when he was very young; areal scaredy-cat. I think the owners have abandoned him or something. He comes every night at around 11:00pm-11:30pm or so. He eats sssssso much! Either the people don't feed him, or he has become homeless. What a shame... He's cute little guy... This one will take A LOT of work. He scoots away as soon as he hears the slightest noise. I'm trying to slowly build trust in him and recently instead of scooting and not coming back, he runs away but stays withing 8-9 metres and looks at me put out some wet food. I always leave some dry around too - in case he shows up and I miss him... Anyway you guys, I just wanted to thank you so very much for keeping me in the loop of things. I don't know when I'll be back in the Capital but I can assure you, the cats are my first pitstop!!! Cheers! L.
Sebstien Bador Thursday, 29/05/08 9:19 PM Hi, I went to the Hill after work (around 6PM) and saw a new cat in the bushes between the Pavillion and the vent. It sort of looks like Sweetie, but with more brown than grey. It does not look to be overly skinny and may be eating some of the food left for the Whites. Indeed, I worry that a confrontation with the White Mother, whom I was not able to find today and may no longer have the capacity to defend herself against intruders, may only be a question of time. The cat looked at me for a minute or so, and then disappeared by going down the cliff. I don't think it is feral since it did not run away as soon as it saw me. Nonetheless, catching it may be a challenge given how thick the bush is right now. Please keep an eye out. Sebastien * Maria Scharff Thursday, 29/05/08 10:22 PM Hi, I was at the hill between 4 to 5:30. I stopped by to see the whites and both Snowball and the mother came out to see me. I did not get the chance to see the new cat. I will keep my eyes open for sure though. Lia
Lorraine Milobar Friday, 30/05/08 8:54 AM Hi Gang, Just a short note to let you know that yesterday morning when visiting/feeding our little friends, the Whitemother and Snowball came to eat. They both look healthy and in good spirit. Lorraine * Brian Caines Friday. Hi S: Thanks for the "head's up". I didn't notice the new cat nor the whites when I left food by the vent this morning. I will leave extra until the new one is caught. I am planning to wander by later this PM en route to the By-Towne. I'll keep my eyes open. We shouldn't go down to catch her as the hill is particularly vertical in that area and fairly unstable I would imagine. And the bushes don't help. B * Brian Caines Friday, 30/05/08 11:21 AM Hello All: The semi-annual cat sanctuary clean-up was held the weekend of May 24 and 25. We could not have asked for better weather. It was warm and sunny on both days and on Sunday when we painted the condos it was quite breezy which helped the paint dry. On Saturday, Laura, Helen, Ben and I met to change the straw in the shelters and to scrub down the shelters in anticipation on Sunday's painting. We had debated whether to change the straw as it was quite dry other than at the entrance to each condo. We were quite surprised as we had so much snow this winter. But as the cats do like being spoiled we decided to do it. I called Ritchie's to make sure they had hay, but by the time Helene and I got there it was all sold! And as there was a motorcycle rally for prostate cancer research we were delayed at Bank and Wellington Streets so by the time we got back to the sanctuary, Ben and Laura had emptied the condos of straw. So we ended up putting the "old" straw back, but we threw out the wet and only used the dry. The cats seemed more than happy with the arrangement. Brownie immediately curled up on the straw in the bin and slept the morning away. This year, it was Max's job to inspect each and every condo to ensure that it met his exacting standard and luckily, he gave his approbation. On Sunday morning Ben, Laura and I met to paint and clean-up the compound. Helene had wanted to join us but because the running of the Ottawa Marathon that morning it would have been like driving through an obstacle course for her to make it to the Hill as so many streets were closed to traffic. But because the outside of the shelters had been cleaned on Saturday, it only took the three of us an hour and a half top paint them all. Ben and I picked up the trash that had accumulated behind the shelters over the winter while Laura packed up. We were done by 11 AM and we left a much more presentable compound than we found when we arrived on Saturday morning. Brian PS. K, Laura has some some photos which she will get to you.. * Klaus Gerken Saturday, 31 May 2008 9:47 AM Cats well fed and watered. Klaus just watered. k

Fluffy, Blackie, Brownie and Max

Fluffy, Blackie and Brownie waiting to be fed while I was getting soaked in a downpour

Ti-Gris, Blackie, Brunette, Brownie, Fluffy and Max just before I left

Klaus Gerken Sunday, 1 June 2008 No rain this morning, but still cold, damp, autumn weather. The cats are all well. Didn't see the abandoned one, but fed the whites.
Approach to the colony - The Centre Block is on the right

The Colony in all it's Spring spendour - see Brunette

Blackie, Max and Brownie

Spot and Max

Max, Blackie and Brownie


The Ottawa River

Fluffy for a walk on my way back after feeding the whites

Blackie, Spot (in the bushes) and Brunette

Blackie and Brunette as I was leaving

Helene Pomerleau Friday, 06/06/08 8:05 PM Hey, Just a quick note to let you know that today at lunch, the groundskeeper told me that there was a cat near the West Block since the beginning of the week. I took a look and I found a lovely little creature looking for food and some company. I gave her some wet and dry food (she was really hungry) and I left a bowl of water. I went back during my break and she came when I called her. She was so friendly!!! After work, I went to take a carrier and take her to the Humane society but Rene was at the colony so, I thought that I wait until Rene leave or until tomorrow to take her because I knew that she will still be there. She found a spot where she could be away from the rain... I met Sebastien on my way back and asked him to come see her in order to know if it was the same cat he saw with the whites. But no, she was a new one. I sat with her and she slept on my lap for a little while and I was thinking that I could not leave her alone.... fortunately, Sebastien came back to let me know that Rene had left, so I took a carrier and we put her in. I took a cab and bring her to the humane society. She is so sweet!!! According to her behaviour, I pretty sure that she didn't stay long enough with her mother... She's probably six or eight months old. She was very skinny and probably dehydrated. Poor little thing! But now she's safe and secure. Hope she will find a loving home and her owner will end in hell!!! Thanks Sebastien for your help! Sorry for my poor writing, I hope it's understandable (can I say that???). Helene * Sally Sax Friday, 06/06/08 8:33 PM Wow Helene and Sebastien, that's great you guys were able to catch her so quickly. Good job!
Brian Caines Friday, 07/06/08 8:07 AM Bravo Helene and Sebastien and thanks.
Klaus Gerken Sunday, 8 June 2008 Some photos from this weekend's visit. Saturday 7 June 2008:


Brian Caines Monday, 9 June 2008 10:06 AM Hello All: After feeding and visiting with the cats and after having chatted with John and Rene two guys Laura and I met yesterday, during our Sunday morning get together, I left the colony to go to the post office. While walking down the steps by the tourist tent I noticed an orange cat going in the direction of the West Block. I was able to pick her up and carry her to the picnic tables where I called John and Rene who sat with her and spoiled her with treats while I got the carrier. (Thank goodness the boys were there as I really didn't want to take her to the colony.) She was so sweet and cooperative with us and she was no trouble in the taxi or at the Humane Society. (Let's hope Brownie, our orange male, is as cooperative!) Although she is quite petite Murielle thinks she is about five years old. And believe it or not, she has only recently had surgery. Her stomach is completely shaved for what we assume was spaying. The vet will confirm. Can you believe someone abandoning a post-operative animal? The mind boggles. Brian PS. The HS cleaned the carrier in their industrial washer and it is spotless!
Brian Caines Wednesday, 11 June 2008 1:46 PM Dear Vicki and all the students and staff of Hazel McCallion Senior Public School: Thank you for thinking of the Cats of Parliament Hill as a school fundraiser again this year. The money raised from your Cookies for Cats project will go towards the continued well-being of the colony. I am sure that everyone had a great time during this activity. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated by both the felines and the Cat Caregivers. I am sorry that our visit was so short but both Laura and I were happy to be able to meet with you again this year. Best wishes, Brian on behalf of the Caregivers. cc. Cat Caregivers
Klaus Gerken Tuesday, 17 June 2008 A beautiful weekend spend with the cats. Here are some photos: Saturday 14 June 2008: Morning:


* Sunday, 15 June 2008: Morning:


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