CRUCIFIXION by Klaus J. Gerken (1982) I God at war with Satan Just like Viet Nahm We will do the fighting While they look on Hard to know who God is And who's Lucifer It's surely not the Bible That reigns here And what is good and evil Moralities havechanged Within the concrete jungle Rules are re-arranged I'm not against a battle Bit whenthey make a pact One to tempt the other I'm not for the attack I'll formulate indifference I'll run far to protest But I'll not vote for any Who put me to the test. 26 Feb - 8 Mar 82 II The blood of Christ is woman-wise Seen through sacriligious eyes - Must we then the truth dispise? "He bled for us" - each woman bleeds He breaks the bread - he plants the seeds He absolves us of our misdeeds - And Christ is not the savious Christ - I fear that this will be dispised - Deeper down the wound healed trice. Crucified and all alone - Like adulterers are stoned "To the death" condemned to roam... The wond of Christ is very deep Water-blood is ours to keep... As women bleed as one would weep... Haveing shed his earthly humor Christ receives a woman's honour Being both now father-mother. 6 March 82 III Does it matter what I write? Those who cannot understand Must surely me indite - As Jesus said - such were his words - Prophets "never understood at home" I must leave my bit of earth And I must wonder on...alone. 16-2-82 IV Always die I will and die I must From the ressurection unto dust I must kneel beside the cross Formed from sword and formed from loss Loss for something once professed Now the sword is thus addressed Jesus was reborn the Christ The wine-blood dances in the sun Once refused - he was the son Chosen to be ressurected Now the message is perfected To crescent moon preforms its weeping His spirit will appear while we are sleeping Jesus was reborn the Christ We understand we must we know How vital for the blodd to flow No seed is planted without that (Once Magdelene near the savious sat) Once Heaven Earth and Hell Come together - just as well Jesus was reborn the Christ Sanctify this game of shadows God almighty in your glow Once we catch - as men of fishers - Cought by those presumed our betters But die we must before the truth Presupposes any proof... Jesus was reborn the Christ Why is this dispised Like a pack of lies The Iroquois burned Bretabeauf's eyes He could not se but saw the skies Father that we realize Father that we sympathise Jesus was reborn the Christ Jesus was reborn the Christ! 8 March 82 V I see you so distant but clear Unable to touch... I fear I cannot believe anymore I'm watching this game I don't even know the score... I'm frightened... I'm lame This wound is so sore My arms and my feet Vinigar they feed me Just to quench my thirst Why hast thou forsaken me You who gave me birth? If only we could touch... could touch If only... let me have a match To light the way to light The path we stumble fall I am the saviour after all I'm frightened and I'm lame I'm thirsty from this blistered pain Why is life so cruel a game I cannot see the sky I who never asked to question why Why hast thou forsaken me Speak before I die. 8 March 82 VI This wine the blood of Christ Of any woman I must love I drink and deep I drink Into the wound I cannot keep Once there my life is not my own Another owns my destiny Christ don't let me be Alone... I am alone - I'm forced to flee No one's standing in my corner Why must I fight if I am lame? Why endure this awful pain? I the savoiur after all The deestiny before me fall Of course I know I know too well Christ his dying and descent to Hell To climb out of the well I must see light..I see..but cannot tell Which is HEaven which is Hell I guess it's just as well Jokkanim I am...I come before But I am risen I am Christ But nought I know I am not wise God donot forsake me twice... 8 March 82 VII Not felt like this I have for years The passion is around my ears I sink I sink where is the raft Is no one there to call my bluff I'm helpless I'm afraid I'm next in line to fall Downward downward into Hell Domain of devils just as well Ask Christ almighty if he will Make a pact that does so ill God is mercy God is love - God is daggers from above! I say I screm I'm here I need no savious nothing new I'm invincible I tear The poison from the wound Each is mortal each is dust I for one am stricken For God hast me forsaken And from Devil I'm immune Good and evil are just one How can this go on God and Satan make the pact Who'll dispute the fact I'd rather Christ were mortal He's not absolve so many Of their sins and where is that Related from? Woman suffers Christ redeems... mankind augers Then we scream It's a battle-cry this love Love an blood co-mingle in the soil And soil te snow white dove I might be mad Madness stalks both od darkness and of light God and Satan both are right There's no fight We're the purpose of their might Stop this fighting stop it now You save yourselves only now It's you who are the saviour Be yourselves unto yourselves What you wish your God to be That might make them realize Blood is not a season Not a carrosell And we are not their pawn Reborn every dawn... If I am God and so are you Then both of us will see it through... And why hast thou forsaken him His son his own spirit then? For our rebirth? No simple Such a thought... even Jesus doubted And judas must be nought A traitor but a saint Creator of the process Clensed us all... But no such thing Jesus gave us wisdom He was not the Lord Praise to Jesus then of Nazerath Speak of dust and unto dust And all we are upon this plot Is what we think therefore we are Greater in the light Of our obscurity... 8 March 82 Copyright (c) 1982/2002 Klaus J. Gerken